I'm ready to ram my head straight into the computer. I've been working on this ogre for at least a week straight. I'm really trying to make a new legitimate character. Separated into groups in Cinema 4D. Riptide tells me I'm missing and mtl file which crashed Cinema 4d all the time so I'm ready to nix that. Jointing this bastard is the most annoying thing on the face of the planet, just when I take hours just getting down one arm, I realize that part of his tongue and lower teeth (now part of the head) have their normals reversed. Everytime I try to open the saved jointed character which I think is good from the cr2, parts start flying off. I wish Poser was tangible so I could choke the hell out of it. GoD!! There has got to be an easier way!!! How the hell do people do this?! Am I alone? Thanks for listening this far to my rant. This is 70% venting and 30% wishing for some magical answer to this insane task.