mathman opened this issue on Feb 14, 2006 ยท 8 posts
mathman posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 12:30 AM
ynsaen posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 12:35 AM
the teeth poking through (or gums..).
thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)
mathman posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 12:44 AM
You mean to say he has black teeth ? ..... How can i fix this ? Come to think of it, I've seen similar problems with Maya Doll.
ynsaen posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 12:50 AM
Usually it involves scaling the teeth down or adjusting the morph below the lower lip. It's not black teeth, actually -- it's the backside of the polygons poking through the bottom of the lip. Most morphs don't include the teeth/inner mouth area, so those will stay the same. You can test it (to see if I'm right or blowin smoke) by making the material transparent for the gums/teeth...
thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)
mathman posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 1:01 AM
thanks, ynsaen. It's interesting that you say its the back side of the polygons poking through the bottom of the lip. I ticked the "remove backfacing polygons" in the render settings prior to doing the render. Also, making the teeth transparent didn't make any difference, and there was no "gums" material group. Although there was an "inner mouth" group, and the black spot went away when I made this transparent. So, what happens when I want to pose Dork with his mouth open ?
ynsaen posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 1:03 AM
well, then it's the inner mouth :( Best bet is going to be adjusting the morph itself (perhaps a small magnet to pull the area under the lip out just a bit). Otherwise, it's postwork city unless you feel like creating a custom morph for his inner mouth... Sorry :(
thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)
mathman posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 1:21 AM
thanks, good things to think about. Still puzzled about the backfacing polygons issue though, seeing as I switched that off in the render settings.
ynsaen posted Tue, 14 February 2006 at 1:25 AM
It's not the plys themselves -- it's that they are poking through. There's two polys facing each other there, and a sort of "box" made by them into which no light can get, so it comes out as a fully shadowed area.
thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)