Well I got a silly piece of junk mail the other day with a resin castle clock advetised on it. Well I am always inspired by anything relating to fantasy or medievil. I've tried to make bits and peices of castles before, but this ad had some great details that inspired me more than usual. This little spire (lack of a better word to describe it) unfortunatly is already 4.5 megs. I'm working on how to decrease the poly count without losing the quality. There's a program out there that is very expensive to let me do this. I just can not afford at this time, so I have to figure this one out without it's benefit. Anyway I had great fun and am quite pleased on how it's progressing. I plan to add a lot more little detials like better windows and doors. And figure out if I can get away with using transparency maps for window cutouts. Though that is at best sketchy but will greatly reduce the poly count. Enjoy my little picture. James