Forum: Bryce

Subject: Praying mantis modeled in W3D and rendered in Bryce

Quest opened this issue on Feb 28, 2006 ยท 27 posts

Quest posted Tue, 28 February 2006 at 2:27 AM

Got a little carried away toying about with W3D. Model started as a sphere. Model sectioned in W3D exported as Obj file. The mouthparts consisting of mandibles and leg feelers connected to the head were modeled in 3DSMax for ease of modeling. Mouthparts rescaled and repositioned in Wings3D and exported again as an obj file.

Obj model was brought into UVMapper Pro for mapping. After mapping the individual maps for the head, eyes, mouth parts, forelegs spiked claws and outer set of wings were brought into Photoshop for texturing design and supplying diffuse, specular and bump maps.

The model was then imported into Bryce for texture application and rendering. The model was rendered out in passes consisting of diffuse pass, specular pass, and reflection pass together with object masks of the praying mantis.