Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poesr posts getting old here...

chachi opened this issue on Mar 12, 2006 ยท 26 posts

chachi posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 6:51 PM

Let me start this post saying that I do not want to make anyone angry, I am just stating something, that's all. Can all the Poser users out there start to make some original pieces!? Getting a little sick of the same old naked woman thing. Granted there are some awesome renders there but the majority are the same old thing. I thought the whole point of this was to create original artwork, not reproduce the same girl but with just a different skimpy outfit. It's a great program, use it. Just wanted to speak my peace, i'm done for now.

zollster posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 6:55 PM

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dude check it out. a different naked woman

chachi posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 6:59 PM

HA! that's good actually. I like the female form nude myself but just think that nudity should be used sparingly as not to jade the feel of it. Like the render though. ;)

BARTWORX posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 7:05 PM

Mmmm what is original.... One thing i agree with is the huge amount of pointed ear girls with or without wings and long pointed metal things called swords. Lots and lots of them, but then there loved here looking at the poser top 20 "thats always filled with those images. But all of the are original not copy's they have to be created piece by piece. And for me and i can only speak for me myself and i, i do try while figuring out poser to be creative and original. But some kind of images are more popular than other. Some times i see an image that i think is not that good "state that im not worlds best 3D artist" but it recieves tons of credits and comments etc etc just because it is a popular theme. So for the record i just checked out your gallerie... and i did not see any poser ?!? So my question is to you : why this mail here about poser art ? and what is original work in your mind ? Greeting Chris

Not used anymore

chachi posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 7:24 PM

"why this mail about poser art?"....well, I have poser 6 myself and use it ever so seldomly. The reason I don't post any poser art is that it is not my primary program I use, Cinema 4D is and I try to stay original as possible and if I get too unispired I ask people to tell me so I back myself up. Every time I log onto this site I see a ton of Poser images that almost all look the same right off the bat. Yes, there are some awesome Poser pieces out there that I am not pointing the finger at. If anything it is just a mild annoyance. I just think if anyone has the time and talent to learn a program like poser they can do something a little more inspired rather than the same old naked woman. I am married, I know what the nude female form looks like. Some of the art I see certain people make tells me they have a real talent but they don't use it to their full potential. Like I said before though, I really do not mean to put anyone down, if anything I just want to push people to think creatively. It seems that nudity is an easy way out to call something "art". The human form is beautiful and shouldn't be just undressed for the hell of it. I'll end it with this: I do not mean to offend anyone at all, I just want artists to try something a little more different than pointy ears on a girl or different outfit. If that's all we are to see then they should just buy a Barbie doll with tone of extra outfits.

Guida posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 7:25 PM

Honestly? What's getting old is this subject coming back over and over again. Sorry, that's my opinion and i'm not angry, btw :-) Let people do what they want as long as they don't violate the TOS i don't see a motive to drain this subject to its last drop. I also see a lot of fairies, elves, and such, and i don't care if they're exactly the same character, what i care is the work someone had to achieve the final image, being a well known pro or not. I do many nude women, cause I like it, i enjoy the subject and that's my preference (and i'm female, mind you).

chachi posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 7:37 PM

Well said Guida. I agree, I'll shut up I think I did come off a bit snobby there. I apologize. Maybe I tried to get my point across the wrong way. In any case, I think 95% of all artists on this site have amazing talent and are not purposly looking for an easy way out to create art. Maybe I just have a real passion for seeing the truly original and unusual and unique. This will be my last post on this subject in saying that-------I did not mean to offend a soul! LOL....I was really just trying to point out my findings as I found them, I am not saying I am right. I could be 100% wrong for all anyone knows. I support all forms of art and the further learning, education and support for ALL artists(even you Poser ones..)lol. j/k...take care everyone! :D (ps- I am NOT saying I am better than anyone else, I have a ton to learn myself here.)

Letterworks posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 7:52 PM

I'm not out to make anyone angry either but why this same old post again? If you want some different Poser art... make some! Don't just start the Umteenth "why naked women in Poser" thread on this site. Just my opinion mike

kathym posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 8:48 PM

You've got to admit it - the nude female form has been done to death here and its not just the poser images either. Sometimes its art ... but 99% of the time .. its just bland eye candy. Frankly, I believe that its lack of creativity and maybe even lack of something else thats driving the tidal wave of nude and semi-nude figures. (Maybe a bunch of hormone driven teenagers have discovered poser - who knows) Whats more disturbing, though, is that there are some images that are just down right tasteless that ... for some reason doesn't violate the TOS. Where is the artistic quality in a crotch shot of a nude female? That stuff belongs elsewhere - in my opinion.

Just enjoying the Vue. :0)

JVRenderer posted Sun, 12 March 2006 at 10:28 PM

gives chachi a stick.... see that dead horse there. give it a good whack! :o) Live and let live..

Software: Daz Studio 4.15,  Photoshop CC, Zbrush 2022, Blender 3.3, Silo 2.3, Filter Forge 4. Marvelous Designer 7

Hardware: self built Intel Core i7 8086K, 64GB RAM,  RTX 3090 .

"If you spend too much time arguing about software, you're spending too little time creating art!" ~ SomeSmartAss

"A critic is a legless man who teaches running." ~ Channing Pollock

My Gallery  My Other Gallery 

RGUS posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 1:20 AM Online Now!

Oh piss off... we just like doing nudes...OKOKOK...LOL... but I do hear what you are saying... Cheers

YngPhoenix posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 1:50 AM

I've become a little tired of only being able to render only nudes myself, so I'm trying to have some fun turning Aiko into the whole Incredibles family minus the baby of course. I'm stuck though in trying to find a way to place male morphs into the Ultra Catsuit for Aiko3. Just have the two females(without nudity).

mystmaiden posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 2:40 AM

Welp.. I Like pointy ears, so as I get more experience, there's going to be more.
For me the attraction of most art is the ability to depart from reality. I get a good dose of realism in the morning when I wake every day and rarely feel like recreating it. But will I dress 'em and put them in non-sexually oriented scenes? Yep. In the end, I'm like the child playing dolls.

I've seen some stunning nudes, but by and large..not my cup of tea. I'd also rather see romance depicted than outright sexuality. I find, in that sense, imagination to be the better artist.

All that said, I do not think its up to any of the rest of us to dictate someone's art but a good natured challenge to do more and better..never a bad thing.

Mystmaiden and her two cents
Ps edited to add.. I just Happened to post my first ever image to the renderosity site today. Now Mind you..she was posted to the forum in hopes of finding a solution for her oddly glowing eyes. But, you guessed it.. Big o' Pointy Ears! Timing is a funny thing.

Message edited on: 03/13/2006 02:45

SAMS3D posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 3:58 AM

chachi you definately have the right to post your opionion and with that no one should be upset about that, it is your feeling. There are many that feel the same way you do and many that don't. I myself feel there are many different art displayed here, I don't go to the top 20's to find them though, I just check out the gallery, and find lots. Many different ideas...just got to look for them.

obm890 posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 4:51 AM

Chachi There's a common theme in your comments: "Maybe I just have a real passion for seeing the truly original and unusual and unique." "I thought the whole point of this was to create original artwork" "and I try to stay original as possible " "I just want to push people to think creatively" "I just want artists to try something a little more different than ..." -------------- Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you've got it all wrong, on a fundamental level you've missed the point entirely. You apparently believe that originality in its own right makes something art, that unique and different for its own sake is better? Replace the word 'nudity' with 'originality' in your statement and we see the problem. "It seems that [originality] is an easy way out to call something "art"" Originality does not make it art. It's a very common misconception, but it's not correct. All too often it makes it pretentious and self-concious and forced. Above all, it makes it empty. When your intention is to produce something 'different' it is unlikely that the result will be good work, unless it's by some stroke of luck. So what makes it art? Expression. Putting some of yourself into it. Making it personal. Heart. Finding out what moves you and somehow bringing it into your work. We all browse through through galleries hoping to see something we really, really like, an image that doesn't just impress with it's technical mastery, but something that really strikes a chord inside us on some emotional level. Such works are rare, but when you see one, you know it, no question. And when you see one, grab it. Start a collection of images that really move you, study them and try to see what it is about them that makes them special to you, what makes them different from all the others you skipped over in the gallery. Try to get some of its special quality into your own work. Yes, copy if it helps you. Acknowledge the original artist if you're worried about plagiarism, this is a stepping stone, you'll soon move beyond it. This is when you start to learn about yourself as an artist, learn what moves you, what excites you, learn how to identify it in other artists work, learn how to express it in your work. The irony is that when you are working from your heart, producing really personal work that only you could have made, it WILL BE unique. But it'll be unique in a good way, because it's work that comes from who you are as an artist and you are unique as a person. The uniqueness will be a spin-off, a side-effect, not the driving motivation behind the work. So forget the empty "amaze your friends with something different" crap. It doesn't make art, any more than nekkid titties make art. And remember that there are lots of poser artists who are content to just make pretty pictures of nude vicky. That's okay. Just as there are lots of amateur watercolorists who are content to paint the same dreary winebottle/apple/bunch of daffodils/rowing-boat whatever. If they're happy doing what they do, let 'em be. ;o)

chachi posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 6:39 AM

ok.....maybe that wasnt my last message. I think I opened a can of worms here. Everyone has their own idea of what art is. I was never trying to change that. Just wanted to see if se could get a "Mature" section for that kind of art where you would have to sign in aside from the normal gallery. I mean, there are enough people doing this to start the whole new section. It was just an idea, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'll drop the whole damned thing now..lmao.

obm890 posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 6:54 AM


Lucie posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 7:07 AM

I think a lot of people who post images in the galleries don't even pretend to be artist, many of them just make images for fun and don't necessarily call the images they post here "art".

Lucie (store)

tainted_heart posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 7:12 AM

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I don't see the need for a "Mature" section. Turn off nudity in your profile and you won't see the nude images.

I do understand in part though, what chachi was saying in general about the images, althought I don't strongly agree with some of it. Consider however, a lot of the art here reflects the things that have consciously or unconsciously influenced many of us. Pinups, anime and hentai, covers of magazines like Heavy Metal, book covers from scifi and fantasy, movie posters and movies, certainly give a clue to why naked women and naked women with swords are so prevalant.

I have a couple of naked vicki's in my gallery, and one of them even has a sword, although she's not in a temple. In my Latex Lust series, I've tried to do tasteful erotica without thrusting "tits" in your face, but when I feel it's important to the image, I'm not going to let a concern about nudity hamper the creative process.

I suppose there is a certain amount of nudity that happens because it can take a lot of work for some people to properly dress a figure and have it look good. I also imagine a portion of the images are naked women because some people find it titilating to post them. On the other hand, I believe most people are making an honest effort to be creative with the tools. Since Poser allows people that have few ways to be creative become artists for the first time, and since most accessories and figures purchased are based on what's popular, it's only natural that there will be a certain "sameness" in the galleries.

Instead of complaining about it, one thing we can do to help is to make comments that say more than "oooo nice". If you notice "zombie" eyes, leave a comment about it and include a tip on how to change it. If you see a pose that's stiff and unrealistic, and you know how to make it look fluid and natural, leave a comment to say so.

One of the things I like about deviantArt is that they allow you to tell viewers whether you just want a comment or a critique. You can set Critique preferences for individual images ranging from not allowing critiques at all, to comments without critiques, to asking for intense advanced critiques about your work. Perhaps that might be a good system for this site to consider that might alleviate the "comment fear" that happens because you can never tell how "sensitive" someone will be about a comment you leave.

It's all fun and games...
Until the flying monkeys attack!!! 

chachi posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 7:32 AM

i guess i needed a bigger stick to beat that horse with..lmao. i guess this is one of those neverending discussions. oh well. such is life. Tainted_heart here brought up a good point and i think it compliments what i was trying to convey. nudity is fine but try to be tasteful about it. The "thrusting tits" in your face isnt really all too tasteful nor is a giant magnified crotch shot. maybe the artists themselves should be a bit more mature and then we can leave the whole nudity thing alone. it just seemed that a bunch of 16 year old boys got their hands on poser, someone else said that here and it makes sense. i guess just try to stay tasteful? maybe thats what i meant. lol. who knows. im hungover so i am going back to bed for a bit i think. later :)

pakled posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 8:11 AM

heck, no problem for me..I use volumnous clothing to cover the various dislocated shoulders, bent elbows, fractured bones, etc., that I get trying to pose various models..;) besides, I look at pics during my lunch hour, and 1 un clothed person could be a ticket to the unemployment line..

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

Hanz posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 9:51 AM

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=>Yngphoenix: I kinda got the same idea...using Aiko (and on occasion V3)to make superhero-cartoony characters inspired by The Incredibles. Check 'em out at my least they're different from most gallery entries here at this site...

nomuse posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 12:08 PM

How the heck did this turn into the "artistic nude" debate again? I thought the OP was about seeing too many of the same image -- doesn't matter if it's nude females or purple tribbles. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run, but it seems so many people who could run never try. Not saying what they do is "bad" or some other art is "good," just trying to say that maybe some people get trapped into pandering to what the crowd lauds, and not exploring their inner vision as deeply as they might. I have been pleasantly surprised (and not a little envious) on all my recent forays into the galleries. I still, however, see a cotton-candy approach to praise (lots of sugary words with no substance) and many of what I would have to call "first semester" mistakes; not debatable artistic choices, but trees sticking out of heads, feet floating above the floor, arms sticking through bodies etc. It appears as though we may have created an environment where it is easy to plateau; too early praised too much, which for some becomes a difficult trap to escape.

Phantast posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 12:37 PM

Oh, it's so bad, and not just here ... Go into your city art gallery and take a look - same old female form, over and over again! Painters have been at it for CENTURIES! So worn out ... you'd think they might have added a few extra limbs by now for the sake of variety. [End sarcasm]

SamTherapy posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 1:23 PM

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Last time this subject came up, I posted this in my gallery. I believe it's still appropriate.

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

My Store

My Gallery

Qualien posted Mon, 13 March 2006 at 1:29 PM

I used to seem more of a diversity of images Poser images in the Gallery. Now, 'pin-ups' dominate, to say the least. And in the Marketplace, where people vote with their money, it is obvious that pin-ups are what most people are using Poser for.

Is this good or bad?

Poser has the potential to be used for lots of different kinds of images. If people want it to be used for something other than pin-ups, it is up to those people to render those other kinds of image, and make and buy products for those other kinds of images.

So whether I or anyone else thinks the outcome is good or bad does not matter. Poser is a self-organizing system, at least until the government steps in to regulate it someday.