RIC opened this issue on Mar 30, 2001 ยท 15 posts
RIC posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 1:51 PM
Qui pourra m'aider ? Quand j'importe un fichier *.PZ3 dans Max 3.1 et que j'appuis sur le bouton "Crte" je ne peu que visualiser un cube vide. Si je veux intervenir sur celui-ci Max se plante..... Si toutefois de demande un "rendu" sans rien toucher, Max me signale un message "Le maillage de l'objet comporte des indices de sommet de texture incorects - rendu impossible" , puis se plante si je veux faire autre chose. La me sce PZ3 fonctionne dans Lightwav. Que faire....Au secours !!!....
Nosfiratu posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 2:05 PM
Read the manual. It talks about creating instances of Poser scenes in Max.
Mehndi posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 2:50 PM
Erm.. maybe he cannot if the manuel is not in French. Could anyone who speaks french here help him out?
Fox-Mulder posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 3:15 PM
Who will be able to help me? When I import a PZ3 in Max 3.1 and I use " Crte " I see only to visualize one cubic empty. If I want to intervene on this one Max plants..... If however I request one " returned " without touching anything, Max announces " the grid of the object comprises indices of node of texture incorrect - making it impossible ", then is planted if I want to make other thing. Same scene PZ3 functions in Lightwave. help!!!.... ********************************************** I would assume Ric has Pro-Pack, Max and Lightwave...
Nosfiratu posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 3:35 PM
It sounds like an instancing problem causing Max to crash. I know no easy way to say this, but it sounds like a problem than crops up when using cracked copies of Max. I don't know exactly what's up here so am not accusing anyone, but...
Crescent posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 3:40 PM
When they import a .pz3 file into Max, all they see if a blank cube. When they try to render it, they get an error message: "Wrong number of vertices." The same scene works fine in Lightwave. Nice to know my 1 year of high school French has its uses!
Abraham posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 3:47 PM
Salut, je pense que tu as le me proble que j'avais au dut. Il faut que tu ailles dans les prences rionales de Windows, que tu choisisses l'onglet nombre et que tu remplaces la virgule de saration dimale par un point. Apr, tout devrait rentrer dans l'ordre (Max interpre les fichiers PZ3 en se basant sur les choix effectu dans les prences. Comme le sarateur dans les fichiers PZ3 est le point, si tu as autre chose dans les prences il ne sait pas comment l'interpr Bonne chance J-L
PJF posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 5:37 PM
Thinks: Nosfiratu may well be correct in his suspicions. Worries: Anthony is seeing signs of Warez everywhere - this could develop into paranoia. He needs to listen to the waves crashing into the sand and feel the fresh sea breeze in his hair, as old Sol sinks behind the Pacific for another glorious West coast sunset. He needs to look at the girls enjoying that sunset... He needs a weekend off. ;-)
Fox-Mulder posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 5:58 PM
Maybe too he's just doing his job. Sounds like you just like to "look the other way" when you see someone being robbed or a woman being raped? Nice to always be so Zen Cool when you don't have to be responsible for anything- except when it happens to you. Somebody robs your house, steals your car, and you're on the phone whinning and screaming for the Police to help. So where's your Mr. Zen Cool then, bud?...
PJF posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 6:38 PM
Sounds like you need a weekend off too, Fox-Mulder, and a trip to the sense of humour shop. Try and make sure you get a genuine version. Hey, is that someone else's artistic creation you're using as a name? Such scullyduggery. ;-)
Fox-Mulder posted Fri, 30 March 2001 at 9:12 PM
Yes, and you are SO COOL, PJF... Be sure to grow-up some day and maybe if you are a good-boy, the Wizard of Oz will give you a brain...
Wac posted Sat, 31 March 2001 at 12:54 AM
Hello, I think this time you might be wrong (at least this problem wouldn't occur only with warezed Max or PPP). My girlfriend had the same problem with Max. She has perfectly legal Max, Poser and PPP (all American version, she's American). We leave in France (I'm French, nobody is perfect ;) ) and we use the French configuration for our keyboard and that was the problem. In France the decimal delimiter is a comma (thanks a lot Abraham I pulled my hair out on that for a while) and if the delimiter in the regional preference isn't a point, Max transform EVERYTHING after the decimal delimiter in zero (If you have access to a copy of Max just try this : write 0,12345 and press ENTER, with your American setting the comma will not be accepted and you'll only get 0) and as the decimal delimiter in the PZ3 is a point all value beginning by 0. are zeroed out :( ) If you replace the comma with a point in the regional setting then everything work again. Well, as you work in Curious Lab If you can try to discut this with the engineer : before to ship non English copy of PPP, they will maybe have to write a routine to check what delimiter is in use on the computer and parse the PZ3 to replace all point with the symbol in use in the country (I think the comma is quiet widely used : France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Spain...) otherwise you'll get a lot of mail talking about a bug (it's not really one but...) Hope this piece of info will help you people at Curious Lab. Thanks a lot for our favorite soft :)
Nosfiratu posted Sat, 31 March 2001 at 1:22 AM
Wac: GREAT point. I am forwarding this to Seath, our resident plug-in guru. PJF: You are dead on. I am going to Kauai for 10 days in May, and if anyone calls my cellphone sans emergency, it's going in the drink with my laptop following right behind it! Fox: Lighten up :-) You have no idea how badly I need a vacation. 10 days on a beach and all the mai-tai's I can stomach- 5 MORE WEEKS! I HAVE TO WAIT 5 MORE WEEKS! AGH! IT'S SO UNFAIR!
Fox-Mulder posted Sat, 31 March 2001 at 2:48 AM
Actually I LIVE where you're going. So I am able to lighten up everyday with surf in my front yard and beautiful bronze babes cluttering up my view. It's the reason I have such a good time at Renderosity, because my world is boringly calm and tropical, and tough decisions like- Mai Tai, European Import or some good Napa Valley. (And I got it fair and square, not by being a Weasel Thief. Perhaps there IS a thing call Karma?...)
RIC posted Sun, 01 April 2001 at 2:33 PM
Je vois que la tempature monte vite sur ce forum. C'ait la premie fois que je posais une question, et je pense la dernie. Une simple question, je ne souhaitais pas me faire insulter! :(( Dommage, car 2 personnes m'ont donnla ronse, sans porter de commentaires dagrble... Merci a eux... Un point au lieu d'une virgule, aussi simple que cela! La ronse servira a de nombreux Franis. Traduction (peut re avec un autre logiciel piratfonctionnant sur un Os copi et connecten escroquant un fournisseur d'acc sur un ordi vol...) Translation (can be with another pirated software working on a copied Bone, and connected by conning an access provider on a stolen ordi...) I see that temperature rises fast on this forum. It was the first time that I asked a question, and I think the last one. A simple question, I did not wish be offended!: (( Damage, because 2 persons gave me answer, without carrying(wearing) of comments unpleasant... Thank you has they... A . instead of a ,, as simple as it! Answer will serve has numerous Frenchmen.