So, following the thread about the colourcoding of the css, fiddling around and changing bits and pieces, I FINALLY got the forum to look just like I wanted it to: Something that strongly resembles how I was used to it. Mostly black, with white text, it is IMO much nicer to the eyes than the blinding white. I usually avoid forums with white/bright colourschemes because it hurts my eyes. Now at least THAT won't have to keep me away from my (despite everything) belowed Rosity :biggrin: So here's the CSS code. I can't take the full credit for it, as it's patched together from various sources, but anyway, if you like how it looks, feel free to copy it
/* Adapted from pauljs75, Cherokee69 and TrekkieGrrrl's css */ /* generic hyperlink appearances */ BODY {background-color:000000; color: #CCCCCC;} .content_cell { background-color:#000000; } table.outside_table { width: auto; !important;} a {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF;} a:hover {color: #336633;} a:visited {color: #909090;} select {z-index: -1;} /* my temporary fix for forum_message_cell bug */ tr[bgcolor] {background-color: #000000; color: #CCCCCC;} td.content_cell {background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF;} .forum_headline {font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; padding-top:20px;} #forum_announcement {border:2px solid #404040; } #forum_announcement td {text-align:center; padding:4px;} #forum_outer_table {border:2px solid #404040;} #forum_outer_table td {padding:1px;} #forum_inner_table {background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF;} #forum_inner_table th {background-color:#336633; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:11px; height:20px;} #forum_inner_table td {height:35px;} .forum_marker_cell { background-color:#000000; } td.forum_name_cell { background-color:#333333; padding-bottom:10px; } a.forum_forumname_link, a.forum_forumname_link:hover, a.forum_forumname_link:visited, a.forum_forumname_link:active { font-size:13px; } a.forum_threadname_link, a.forum_threadname_link:hover, a.forum_threadname_link:visited, a.forum_threadname_link:active { font-size:12px; } .forum_summary_div { font-size:11px; } .forum_author_cell { background-color:#333333; } a.forum_author_link { color: #009900 } a.forum_author_link:hover, a.forum_author_link:active, a.forum_author_link:visited { font-size:11px; } .forum_threads_cell { background-color:#000000; #color: #FFFFFF; font-size:11px; } .forum_posts_cell { background-color:#000000; color: #CCCCCC; font-size:11px; } /* sets appearance for number of views column */ .forum_views_cell { background-color:#333333; font-size:11px; } /* sets appearance of last posted column */ .forum_last_post_cell { background-color:#333333; font-size:10px; } /* sets appearance of group listing */ .forum_group_row_cell { background-color:#000000; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; } /* The following classes set avatar area appearance */ .forum_avatar_cell { background-color:#495F73; font-size:10px; padding:2px; padding-top:5px; color:#000000; } a.forum_avatar_link, a.forum_avatar_link:hover, a.forum_avatar_link:active, a.forum_avatar_link:visited { font-size:10px; }; /* sets appearance of forum entrys */ .forum_message_cell { background-color:#495F73; color:#FFFFFF; } /* sets descriptive caption for forum entrys */ .forum_message_detail_table { border-bottom:1px solid #808080; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; } .forum_message_detail_cell { background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; font-size:10px; font-weight: bold; } .forum_divider_cell { background-color:#336633; } /* sets the appearance of quoting in forums */ .forum_quote_div { font-style:italic; padding:12px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #495F73; width: 600px; -moz-border-radius: 13px; } */
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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
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