Forum: Community Center

Subject: Forum Feature Request

ratscloset opened this issue on May 02, 2006 · 4 posts

ratscloset posted Tue, 02 May 2006 at 5:22 PM

Is there a way you can add a link to the first of the unread posts since a member marked it read at the Thread topic. Once a thread gets over 9 pages it is hard to just jump to the page.  It is sometimes harder to remember what page!

aka John

bjergtrold posted Wed, 03 May 2006 at 3:48 AM

Yep, this would be a nice feature.

You know what is right for you. I know what is right for me.

lemur01 posted Wed, 03 May 2006 at 11:55 AM

The usual way, probably due to common sense, is to list the first 3 and last 3 pages.

I've said it before and i'll say it again... go to PoserPros, learn, come back, implement. And if you think i'm being patronising then ask yourself what sort of dimwit thinks sending out an ebot for EVERY forum reply is a good idea?

TrekkieGrrrl posted Thu, 04 May 2006 at 12:45 PM

Oooh but this is a brand new-never-seen-before  forum. Not just like any old phpBB forum....

(and it beats me WHYYYYYY???)

(ok ok I know: Bondware wants to sell this abortion of a forum... They shoud honestly stick to things they know about. And creating php forums obviously isn't IT...)

I've been patient. I've been kind. I've even been honestly enthusiastic about the new forums. And I love a lot of the new features, avatars, siglines, number of post s(to weed out sock puppet trolls)...


the ebots are killing my inbox...

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