Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Can it with the viruses.

XFX3d opened this issue on May 05, 2006 · 115 posts

XFX3d posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 2:23 AM

If commercial products for Poser are specifically off topic... Then virus warnings that have NOTHING TO DO WITH POSER are totally off topic. And they REALLY have nothing to do with the Mac I am typing this on. Just stop with the bleeding virus warnings. Take them somewhere else. Like, ask Renderosity to start a 'frivolous virus rumour' forum or something.

I'm the asshole. You wanna be a shit? You gotta go through ME.

duskrider posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:09 AM

Actually, not to beat a dead horse or anything, but that 'frivilous' virus caused me to need a reformat.  And, I'm not trying to throw blame at all, but the problem started when I installed a Daz POSER figure.  Seems lots of people are having this problem, so it's fair to warn the community about it. 

If it does have something to do with Daz, and their poser figures, then it is directly related to this program and this forum.  And the fact that you use a Mac instead of a PC is commendable, but perhaps you could just ignore the warnings rather than try to downplay the severity of the problem.

Just thought I'd throw out my .02 on it. 

Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.

ashley9803 posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:14 AM

I felt the same yesterday. Until-I started my computer this afternoon to get into some Poser work and after 2 hours of trying to get rid of the mentioned virus I'm now looking at spending most of this weekend reformating and reinstalling 10 gig of Poser content and the rest of my programs and files. Sure-it's really off topic - until it happens to you. Your quote is so right - you are an asshole! (yes I'm totally pissed of at the moment)

Acadia posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:19 AM

Attached Link:

You don't need to reformat!!!!!!!!!!

I use eTrust Antivirus and they can find and restore the infected files.  They have a web based scan.  Try it.  If that doesn't work, then download the trial version of the eTrust Antivirus and use it.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

SAMS3D posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:51 AM


xantor posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 4:51 AM

Well I am still trying to make poser work properly after having the polip.a virus so it was a poser topic for me.

Off topic subjects are allowed here now, if you dont like them, then dont read them.

TrekkieGrrrl posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 5:23 AM

Since this is a very real virus that, among other things, attacks Poser.exe and Daz' exe-installers, I think it belongs here VERY much.

There's a great difference between hoaxes and real virus warnings. The latter ought to be sent to as many people as possible, as fast as possible.

I survived the Polip.a with only PWizard and MorphManager (and some System Restore files) as casualties. The rest was restorable with DrWeb's CureIt.

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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

XFX3d posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 5:32 AM

sigh This is a Poser forum not a Virus forum. And for the record, I am pretty sure that DAZ is not distributing virally infected installers. Your exes may be getting infected AFTERWARDS but I seriously doubt they are coming down the pipeline that way. But it's a Poser forum. Not a virus forum. And how many bloody threads do you need? Now that this one has been co-opted into another bloody virus thread apparently, do we plan on puching all the relevant content to the forum off the front page to fill it with 'Ahh a bloody virus'?!

I'm the asshole. You wanna be a shit? You gotta go through ME.

Lucie posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 6:20 AM

And for the record, I am pretty sure that DAZ is not distributing virally infected installers. Your exes may be getting infected AFTERWARDS but I seriously doubt they are coming down the pipeline that way.

I agree with that...  I had the Iloveyou virus a long time ago, it destroyed my jpg and psd, but it didn't come from some file I had downloaded for photoshop, it came from an email attachment.  The files a virus will attack have nothing to do with where the virus came from.

Lucie (store)

duskrider posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 6:43 AM

Listen, I'm not trying to lay blame on Daz or anyone else.  Here's the thing, I'm a member of several online forums, and this is the only forum I check that has any virus warnings for this polip.a virus.  I work in IT (not trying to pat myself on the back, just saying), and nobody I work with has ever heard of this thing.  It's not widely distributed, which is shocking considering how easily it spreads.  I'm usually very vigilant about my virus protection, and was very surprized when I got this one.  I stay away from file share and p2p networks as a rule, so I know everything I download is clean.  I don't open unknown attachments... etc etc etc blah blah blah.  You know the drill.

Now the very thing you're complaining about, the fact that this forum is so rife with polip.a warnings... isn't it strange that such a niche population has been stricken with this when it's not considered by the anti-virus developers to be widely distributed?  Look at the other forums HERE.  Are there any that have as many warnings as the POSER forum?  Very odd, at least to me, that there is such a dense amount of users here striken with polip.  There's more info IN THIS FORUM about polip.a then there is if you do a search for it on Google.  Strange.

I'm not trying to point fingers... but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... you know the rest.  It has nothing to do with the fact that it targets poser.  It doesn't.  It targets EVERY .exe file it can find.  Shouldn't there be users all over the internet, for every program, talking about it?  There isn't.  Only here have I seen such an uproar.  Only here.

Think about it.

Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.

xantor posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 7:01 AM

It is not so strange that poser people have been affected badly by the virus, people using poser tend to download more stuff and I know that I, at least download quite a few non poser items as well so it is more likely that we will get a virus than some other users.

Jimdoria posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:39 AM

Oh no! Poser users start off downloading lots of Poser content, which leads to them downloading lots of other kinds of things...


Oh, wait. We alerady knew that. Never mind.

RHaseltine posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:40 AM

DAZ has scanned its server files and found them clean. And several of us download numerous DAZ items and have (touch wood) clean machines.

Jackson posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:59 AM

One can always skip threads with “OT” in the titles. However, the recent thread on the polip virus and the information about Dr. Web’s CureIt solved a problem I’d been battling for weeks. Were it not for that thread, I’d still have the troubles, as the only sites I frequent are either art or photography related.

modus0 posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 9:05 AM

Quote - DAZ has scanned its server files and found them clean. And several of us download numerous DAZ items and have (touch wood) clean machines.

Indeed, I just downloaded the free tower yesterday, and scanned both my system and the file with Cureit and both came up clean (and it took longer to scan my Poser runtimes than the rest of the computer😊).


If you're joking that's just cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.

hmatienzo posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 9:17 AM

I don't CARE what DAZ claims on this!  I got the damn virus when I installed the Wood Elves from them.  And every DAZ file after that has turned up infected.  Coincidence?  I think not!

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.

Robo2010 posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 9:18 AM

It is good to know from the community. Without the threads of a Virus, even when it effects Poser and other. I wouldn't have done a Virus Scan.

Lucie posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 9:37 AM

I've installed the WoodElves and several other things from Daz in the last week or so and I didn't get that virus...

Lucie (store)

SamTherapy posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 10:21 AM

Eyup Dodger, we all know the reasons commercial posts aren't allowed in here so your comparison is not a fair one.

Of all the threads I can see on this first page there are four which are virus related and the rest are more or less Poser specific.

No need to get menstrual about it, is there?

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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BastBlack posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 10:54 AM

I disagree. Anything that effects the Poser community is On Topic.  I have to keep the work Windoze machines working, and those people pick up all kinds of wildlife! I am very thankful for the tips on cleanup the latest threats.  All our inhouse system protection stuff was telling us things were clean, but after running Cureit, guess what?  Not so clean.  So far I haven't found polip.a but there are other virius and trojans being found.


Marque posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 11:03 AM

XFX3d if you didn't want another thread about virus warnings why did you start one?

lululee posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 11:29 AM


ockham posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 11:39 AM

Viruses are not rumors.  The CN.Honker virus cost me $600 in new

hard disks and new operating system source. 

That's not a rumor.  That's a month of living expenses.


Because there's no Emergency Virus Warning Service .... and if the

government ran such a thing, it wouldn't work anyway .... we have

to rely on forums like this for information about what's the latest

epidemic and what actually helps to cure it.   Forums like this are

EXACTLY the right place for virus discussions.

My python page
My ShareCG freebies

logansfury posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 12:17 PM

I dont believe it makes much sence to suggest "lets have a virus only forum" when there arent seperate win poser and mac poser forums.

Evidently we are all in this together and if you are on a mac it seems logical to just pass up windows virus alert threads and allow members of the community to help each other thru a crisis.

Im surprised no one is posting that has looked at this from a sysadmin/security point of view.

fact: p2p users number in the MILLIONS

fact: p2p is full of people whose hobby is sharing files, who run cable-speed servers 24/7 to facilitate this hobby.

fact: If the wrong people use this exploited code and we end up with zombie masters with thousands, not hundreds of bots in fleet (or more) we are going to see an era of DDOS terrorism the likes of which the net has never experienced.

This is very serious and very real. We are talking the power to  possibly knock entire ISPs off the net, not just individual sites.

Slightly more serious than being pissed off at warez-kiddies sharing files, no?

Dodger yer a modeller, I cant do that. Youve released figures and contributed more to the poser community than ill ever be personally capable of, but I have to respectfully disagree with your post here. Extra OT's to swim thru are MORE than worth it in this situation.

Surf Safely everyone


drifterlee posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 1:16 PM

Well I'm sorry if my cries for HELP from the community upset a few people. Poser and art are what I care about, after my family of course, and I have four PCs, and my main PC has three internal 250 gig hard drives with a 250 gig external. All are riddled with the virus. The Polipo virus has also started destroying my Windows system files. I have my laptop - which had nothing much on it working good enough to access the internet - but it too has the virus. My Poser exe is  is what went down first from the virus. I have run Dr. Web's cure it which says the virus is cured, then run Grisofts AVG that says the virus is still there. I need help in getting rid of this virus. As far as renaming .exe files to zip and trying to clean them, I just have too many to rename. AVG says I have the virus, but it does not heal or delete the virus. just leaves it there. I need a virus remover that works. This is going to take forever to get rid of plus the pain of reinstalling everything. Plus I am a web designer and this is causing me to lose work. Without getting into a Mac vs PC flame, I worked on Macs for years when I was in the newspaper business and they crashed as much as my PCs. They just aren't as prone to viruses.  Personally, I think a virus and general computer problem forum would be great. We are almost all digital artists and depend on our computers. If we have problems, someone in the community can probably help. Thanks for all of the tips I have received so far from you NICE people.

Miss Nancy posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 1:24 PM

I tend to agree with dodger - perhaps the hardware/technical forum would be a better place to discuss viruses. as there are over 600,000 known windows viruses, trojans, worms, r.a.t.s, spyware etc., this topic could easily consume this forum if we're not careful. being on mac OS, I'm also concerned with security issues. so far there are 3 known OS X worms, 3 concept trojans, 2 malicious trojans and 1 rootkit. these have all been covered by recent OS X updates, but the place we always discuss them is the mac forum, so as to avoid cluttering this forum with irrelevant info.

Lucifer_The_Dark posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 1:34 PM

Is this another April fool joke gone bad?

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

LostinSpaceman posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 1:52 PM

Look, Dodger's not saying Post No Virus Warnings Whatsoever, he merely asked that we not make a bazillion threads about it causing all Poser related threads to scroll off the screen. Can't we just honor that request and stick them all in one thread?

Stormrage posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 2:14 PM

this virus INFECTS exe's even ones you are DOWNLOADING until you get it off your system it is gonna affect  exes you download whether it's from Daz or from Microsoft. Until you have it off your system Don't download.

Daz scanned their files and they do not have it.

BastBlack posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 2:33 PM

Well I got the scans of the office machines done, we are clean of Polip.a. :)
Good to hear DAZ is too.

I did find 6 trojans on the network and some people were very infected with adware. All clean now.

I'm not worried about my home computers, -- they are all Mac. :)


SamTherapy posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 2:47 PM

Quote - Look, Dodger's not saying Post No Virus Warnings Whatsoever, he merely asked that we not make a bazillion threads about it causing all Poser related threads to scroll off the screen. Can't we just honor that request and stick them all in one thread?

  1. There aren't a bazillion threads about viruses.

  2. I don't dig Dodger's attitude here.  I like the guy a lot but hs should sometimes be a little more diplomatic.

  3. I don't have a virus on my computer.

  4. I can skip over the posts I don't want to read.

  5. Dodger is not the Renderosity Poser Forum Police.

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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pleonastic posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:28 PM

just because some poser users got hit badly doesn't mean this forum should turn into a virus discussion forum. if you need help with severe cardiovascular problems, do you ask in a poser forum? i hope not. the best place to discuss this sort of thing is in a dedicated forum with specialists on virus protection, not in a poser forum where the vast majority of people (friendly or not) will not be well-informed about viruses, and false information will get spread around (like this idea that DAZ is responsible, or that people who got it are warez users). anyone who reformatted should learn how to look up virus information, and pick one of the sites that explains step-by-step procedures appropriate to their own level of familiarity with their OS. drastic measures such as reformatting or reinstalling the OS are very rarely needed. i got win32.polip.a too on my windows machine, even though i am extremely vigilant about virus protection, and i scan everything, even executables from microsoft -- neither of my AVs detected it at the time. i suspected i had an unknown virus when i saw a normal process using unreasonable amounts of processing power; that's a dead giveaway. a google search gave me all the information i needed to fix the problem. and yes, i too wondered whether it might've come from DAZ because i had very recently downloaded a whole batch of items, and scanning with cureit found the infection widespread in my poser directories. so i checked by downloading the same files with my mac and scanning them there. they were not infected. the infection was probably so prevalent in my poser directories because i had executed more DAZ executables than other files when organizing my new acquisitions (and the whole batch was infected by the already running virus process when downloading). this virus started around march 20, it spreads very easily, under the radar because it's not directly destructive, and almost all of the big AVs totally missed it for nearly a month; it could have come from anywhere by the time i (and you) got it. demanding pure on-topicness is silly; that's not how communities work. not caring how PC users might be affected because one has a mac is selfish. however, at most one thread for this virus should be enough. i don't think it's asking too much that people at least scan a few days worth of subject headlines before making a new post.

arcady posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:31 PM

Quote - I felt the same yesterday. Until-I started my computer this afternoon to get into some Poser work and after 2 hours of trying to get rid of the mentioned virus I'm now looking at spending most of this weekend reformating and reinstalling 10 gig of Poser content and the rest of my programs and files.

See... this is exactly why it is on topic. So we can warn people that they do not need to reformat. My PC was more infected than a Civil War camp follower... ( ;) ), but she's clean as a whistle now. Also, it is somewhat needed just so Daz's name can be kept out of the mud on this. Like a lot of other people, i -found- I had the virus by trying to use Daz installers. But with research I also found that they were not the source. Rather, ,b>they were a symptom. My daz installers were getting infected as I downloaded them, by the virus alread on my machine. How did I get it? I don't know for sure and I doubt I ever will. I will say this: 1. My norton was up to date until I removed it two days ago. 2. My spybot was up to date. 3. My zone alarm was up to date. 4. My router has a firewall, but I had 'unchecked' 'block NAT redirections'. I don't know why I did that, but it's checked now. I don't think that was the infection source as I think that only applies to the network between my home computers... 5. Mid march I installed the latest version of RealPlayer. Stupid, stupid move on my part. But I had a video given to me and I couldn't get it to run in anything else... and I didn't want to hassle the creator for a new version in a different format. I figured 'ok, so Realplayer is a known trojan - but that was in the mid 90s, surely they've cleaned up their act by now. Stupid of me, yeah, but I gave them the foolish benefit of the doubt. Guess what? When I cleaned my computer of the 7 trojans and spyware bots it found, the first one it found was in realplayer... 6. Up until two days ago I could not figure out how to disable msnmsgs.ese - that MSN messenger thingy that kept showing up in my taskbar. I would disable it, turn it off, block it with zone alarm, and on reboot it would be right back there using my .NET to wander around... Guess what? Over 10 copies of the virus were found inside of it... In fact, it took so long to 'cure' it that at first I thought my computer was locked in a loop... Once it was cured, my steps for disabling it that had failed before suddenly worked... Go figure. 7. Consider how many freestuff items work through exes. Not many, but some. Any one of those is also a potential source. Likewise -ANY- exe you get online could come from an infected PC. Once you run that exe, you will be infected as well. Further, in IE a hacker could use ActiveX to download a small exe onto your machine and run it, infecting you... They could even do it as part of something you thought was a legitimate download... That is why it is so easy to spread... Sure people should be more cautious, but it only takes one person in your personal network to lower their guard. I have heard this virus turns your PC into a gnutella p2p server - a rumor I heard. Given that my router kept failing or recycling, my net had been unusually slow this past month, and every now and then my PC would just up and turn off for no apparent reason, I suspect there is some truth to that. It is possible that I infected everyone in my 'MSN chat' contact list... I haven't asked them - I don't even know some of them anymore because it has been that long since I used MSN chat, but my account there still exists... So... I had many possible routes through which I could have been infected. None of them the result of 'knowingly' using p2p. But, I am fairly sure I did -NOT- get infect -by- Daz. Rather, the virus infecting my Daz content let me make the leap and 'put two and two together' and realize my PC troubles were a virus. And I -ONLY- realized that by reading about it on these forums. If not for it being posted here, I would still have the virus on my PC today... Given that for over a month none of the major anti-virus companies added this virus to their detection files, even though they knew how to detect it, I consider them to have seriously dropped the ball. Possibly even to the level of a breach of contract class action. As a result of that, the virus had a month and a half to spread out to all sort of innocent people all over the net. And it knows how to disable your anti-virus detection files, so even if you update know, you might still not find the virus. You have to run your detection apps from a CD burned on a clean machine (and you have to have a reason to be sure that machine is as clean as you think it is). And all of this I only learned thanks to the warning here. This virus has spread out much farther into our community than any other previous warning. 98% of all viruses are quickly found and added into the detection software of most major anti-virus apps. As a result, most of these warning are only for the fools who do not stay current with their security and their anti-virus apps. This one was different. It was different because those major apps purposefully ignored it. So a lot of us who were acting properly in staying up to date were still infected. So it has hit many more people in the community than a normal situation would result in - even in a normal situation with a virus like this. I am now using 'avast' as my anti virus application, backed by regular downloads of drweb and bitdefeder's free detection scans.

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

mrsparky posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:39 PM

I'm glad to hear about virus warnings. Tonight while a friend was visiting, his kid phoned. Her (heavily protected) machine caught  Polip from MSN through no fault of her own.  

Using the posts from here, that information saved a little kids PC - so please keep posting those repairs and links. Thanks. It really helps.  

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

xantor posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:44 PM

Arcady how did you disable msnmsgs.ese ?

I did reformat my harddisk (unfortunately) because of the virus.

mrsparky posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 3:51 PM

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

quixote posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 4:20 PM

I'm going to have an apple.
All of this cognitive dissonance is making me hungry.

Hey, I got the warning for this virus from here before I got it from CNET.
Good job and thank you for posting.

Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hazard
S Mallarmé

xantor posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 4:36 PM

Mr sparky I am sure that there is an easier way than that to get rid of messenger.

mrsparky posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 4:59 PM

xantor -  your right, there probably is. I just googled the expression "disable msn messenger" and found that.

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

judith posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 5:06 PM

Quote - And how many bloody threads do you need? Now that this one has been co-opted into another bloody virus thread apparently, do we plan on puching all the relevant content to the forum off the front page to fill it with 'Ahh a bloody virus'?!

Quote - he merely asked that we not make a bazillion threads about it causing all Poser related threads to scroll off the screen.

I counted 3 threads on the first page, with this one 4.  That's a pretty far cry from filling the first page.  :rolleyes:

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

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dlk30341 posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 6:49 PM

I for one am glad this topic has been discussed, otherwise I wouldn't have known about  the cureit fix.

So I'm all for virus warnings & reading the various things people have done to combat it.

Thanks all :) Kept me from a total reformat! BRAVO!


beos53 posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:22 PM

I use a file called file_renamer (freeware) to change my exe to zip and then back again.
I use the search in Windows to search for exe in folders and then select the ones that have the dos icon and then send them to the file_renamer change the exe to zip then (I have Dr. Web running) go to dr. Web and select the folders and run it. After it cures things I go back to file_renamer and change everything back to a exe.
I do keep Dr. Web and file_renamer running at the same time (until I am finished)
You have to set file_renamer up (through options) to work with Windows explorer
Good Luck

PoserPro 2014, Windows 7, AMD FX-6300 6 core, 8 GB ram, Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti

drifterlee posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:25 PM

OMG!!! Know I know wht my pc kept turning itself on and off - only when I had the network cable plugged in!!!! It was this virus!!!! I thought it was a hardware problem!!!

drifterlee posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:26 PM

PS I tried renaming daz exes to zips, then ran Dr. Web, it caught the virus, and then I changed it back to an exe. The exe would not work.

Khai posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 8:48 PM

Quote - Mr sparky I am sure that there is an easier way than that to get rid of messenger.

yup install SR2 and MSN Messenger gains the option "do not start at startup" or install a later MSN version which carries that option as standard. (XP comes with MSN 4.5 as a standard part of the install). or get XPLite and remove MSN Messenger totally... 

Faery_Light posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 9:06 PM

Well I am glad for warnings. I've lost a lot due to virus's and trojans in the past.
I have a firewall, antivirus and spam killers both on my machine and on my inet server.
After reading odf this latest one I downloaded cureit and did a scan. Only virus was in The pre-installed folder of AOL, which I DO NOT use. Cureit cleaned it out.
So everything is fine??? No!
This morning I checked my email, checked a file on my mobile HD and all was working like it should. I came back this afternoon and my mobile is a total blank! I am heartsick. All my PSD and Poser stuff was there. I hadn't yet backed up and now all is gone. not only that but my main disk is slow as a snail and hangs on exe files before opening.
Guess it a retore to factory state after all. sigh
I am so upset and sick over losing all my work that I'm considering just not doing any more artwork or selling anything else.  It's too painful,
I hope the idiots spreading these nasty thigs get some huge boils where it is the most tender that will last for the rest of their life! (this statement earns the "Violence" tag.)

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

xantor posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 9:18 PM

I just manually uninstalled messenger, I don`t use it anyway.

Whimsical posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 10:46 PM

as stormrage has stated.. polip attacks exe (and scr files).. some of the av companies have also been a little 'slow' in including it in their virus defs.. chances are you've been infected with it before the definitions were available... it was discovered on april 21 which means it would have been in circulation prior to that...

its also polymorphic.. meaning.. it changes its virus signature  (i.e., its binary pattern) every time it replicates and infects a new file in order to keep from being detected by an antivirus program.

From the Symantec site:

When W32.Polip is installed, it performs the following actions:

  1. Infects .scr and .exe files when they are opened or executed on the compromised computer.
  2. Hides its presence on the compromised computer by injecting its code into running processes.
  3. Attempts to spread by sharing infected files on the Gnutella file sharing network, even if the Gnutella software isn't installed on the compromised computer.
  4. Tries to lower security settings by deleting certain files relating to antivirus software.

I got hit with this one too.. and i update my defs every day!  My computer had been acting screwy for a few weeks and i had no idea what was wrong with it.  I did a full reinstall of my av with up to date definitions coz it was one of the programs playng up and i was able to see it had attached itself to over 200 exe files on my system.. windows utilities. daz installers.. and other programs.. nothing was left untouched by it.

Also maks sure to turn off system restore...  AV cant scan or remove threats from inside system restore.. and it does get into that too.  And scan in safe mode.. as that way you dont have any extra processes running.. less for it to impersonate.. or hijack.

Faery_Light posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 10:56 PM

Ah yes, system restore won't restore back on my now empty drive.

I had hoped it wasn't really deleted but I guess it is. Can't recover all my info.

Saving what I can from my main disk and will do a complete factory restore on it.

then I'll do a reformat on the empty disk just to be sure it is empty of all nasty things.

Only my most recent images and psd or Poser stuff is fully lost. Everything else was backed up and today I would have backed up again. Too late now. sob

I'm also thinking of asking my server to change my main logon name and IP address to be safe.

Hate this crap!


Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

quixote posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 11:06 PM

That's awful.
Courage. good luck.

Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hazard
S Mallarmé

Lzy724 posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 11:12 PM

Quote - I just manually uninstalled messenger, I don`t use it anyway.


I tried that, and it took my IE with it.....the reason it continues to load even though you have turned it off, told it not to run, is because it is in your prefetch, if you move it from there to another folder other than the prefetch, it will no longer all and you are all good to go.

xantor posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 11:37 PM

I just deleted the messenger folder and explorer works fine still.

arcady posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 12:53 AM

prefetch? What / where? I read that the virus was found in early march, but the majors just shrugged and said 'no problem man...' Note this from "The propagation of Win32.Polipos began in March. It was added to Dr.Web virus base on March 20, 2006 and then it is no longer a danger for users of Dr.Web Anti-virus." I'm close to certain I was infected -AFTER- that date. And given that I was current with norton, I should not have been. I do think we could have worked to keep this whole issue into a smaller number of different topics, but also that it needed to be brought out as it hits upon a weakness common to this community - downloading things on the internet and trusting the places you get them from, be they corps or individual producers. And there is nothing wrong with having that trust, and if the major anti-virus cos had not dropped the ball, I suspect that trust would not have led us into this situation.

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

Whimsical posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 12:59 AM

@ arcady.. nortons/symantec didnt add it to their definitions until APRIL 23 :o(

Lucifer_The_Dark posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 2:05 AM

Quote - Well I got the scans of the office machines done, we are clean of Polip.a. :)
Good to hear DAZ is too.

I did find 6 trojans on the network and some people were very infected with adware. All clean now.

I'm not worried about my home computers, -- they are all Mac. :)


I wouldn't get too complacent about the fact you have Macs at home, Virus writers are now starting to target Macsters as well.

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

Miss Nancy posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 2:03 PM

no viruses yet written for OS X. there were quite a few written for OS 7 and 8, but nobody has seen any of those for years now. rest assured, we aren't complacent - whenever we find out about a new security exploit before apple does, we make sure they fix it up ASAP. hence the existing OS X exploits (3 worms, 3 concept trojans, 2 malicious trojans and one rootkit) only affect older OS X versions, upon which vista may be based. but we wil have to wait until mar 2007 to find out if that's true.

BastBlack posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 2:26 PM

Yes, there was one virus. ONE virus. That effected the Mac OSX. First one in 7 years. And Apple was on top it. Hackers are more interested in ITunes and iPod than OSX at this stage. bB

drifterlee posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 3:04 PM

Does anyone know of a virus scanner that will remove the virus without disabling the.exe, or will I have to reformat? All my backup drives are infected, too, SOB

TrekkieGrrrl posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 3:35 PM

Drifterlee.. DrWeb's CureIt removed the sucker from all my exe's. And I didn't rename them or  anything. But they are apparently clean now. And working too :o)

FREEBIES! | My Gallery | My Store | My FB | Tumblr |
You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

momodot posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 3:36 PM

My back ups are screwed too. I don't know what to do. I keep trying to clear my machine with CureIt but Win32.Polipos is hiding in the WinLogon I think. This machine has no Internet connection. Hmmm.

Anyway, some people like me don't go much of anywhere on the Internet but here, Poser stores and e-mail. I only found out about the problem through a Poser colleague. The virus seems to be living in my DAZ .exe files but not any other .exe files. Odd.

xantor posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 5:33 PM

Momodot you will probably find the virus in other exe files if you keep looking for it.

The daz files being infected is just a coincidence.

It could be that daz use a standard exe file that is easier to infect than some other types.

Jackson posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 5:53 PM

"I keep trying to clear my machine with CureIt but Win32.Polipos is hiding in the WinLogon I think"

Momdot, what makes you suspect that?  The reason I ask is CureIt found the virus in my winlogon.exe file and said it cured it.  But a few days later, something wierd started happening: whenever I try to shut down my computer, it reboots instead. And upon each reboot, I get the message “Winlogon.exe has encountered an error and needs to close.”

I click OK and the machine finishes booting. Everything seems to work okay and winlogon.exe appears in the process list as running.

It’s still doing it—the only way I can turn off my machine is by the switch on the tower.  Don’t know what to make of it.  Both CureIt and Norton AV full system scans say the computer is clean.

dlk30341 posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 6:04 PM

Make sure there is a copy in your system 32 folder. My AV moved it into quarentine & I had to copy back from a backup.

In addition, not sure if this will help anyone.  I might have located my offending file.  It was in MY Documents/Local

It was labeled as ~vis000 & inside was a 0kb file called house of mog ruth(this is a daz file that I purchased)  I could NOT delete it thru regular means.  I had to use a file utility called UNLOCKER to delete it.  What's even stranger. is the file came back as NOT having any locking mechanism on it.

Now then, I re-dowloaded the House of Mog Ruth from Daz - reinstalled it & the above mentioned file did NOT reappear. Go figure.

The only adverse affect I have now is that when 1st load up a program it takes FOREVER & occasionly my IE goes wonky & clicking on links or even in the gallery stops working. I'm sure I have some items in services that should be running that I don't have on cause I simply don't know & I'm sure there are a handful items I need to re-copy back to sys32...not sure there either.



Whimsical posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 6:17 PM

Jackon.. it may still possibly be there or the winlogon.exe might possibly be damaged.

If you look at what the virus actually does.. it attacks exe files. and it mutates to avoid detection each time it infects injects its code into running processes to avoid detection.. and it also lowers system security by attacking certain AV files to avoid detection by the AV.

If you're using Xp and leave system restore turned on for any drives.. you will reinfect your PC.. as AV cannot scan inside system restore.

You might want to grab your windows install disk and try to repair windows.  Might solve your problem if something has gone skew with the AV cleaning the file.

fauve posted Sat, 06 May 2006 at 10:55 PM

I got nailed with this one, too (it was accidentally passed to me via email from a friend's infected system.) I tried a couple of the tools mentioned here, but I got the best results using the Stinger that McAfee just put out specifically to clean Win32a.polip. It's free and can be downloaded at (be sure to follow the instructions.) It seems like nothing is working 100% for everyone, so the lesson here is to go slowly and carefully, try all of the different tools, and don't panic. This is a stubborn bugger and hard to eradicate, but it won't take formatting your hard drive to get rid of it.

Acadia posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 1:34 AM

Quote - This is a stubborn bugger and hard to eradicate, but it won't take formatting your hard drive to get rid of it.

I didn't find it hard to get rid of.

My virus scanner flagged some files and quarantined them.  I tried to clean them but couldn't at that time so I just left them there.  I ran "Cureit" after that and it found some adware but no virus or trojan files.  My antivirus came up with a fix for it and I was able to repair the infected files.  Further scans have come up 100% clean.  

Apparently this virus affects files in the system restore. I  don't keep a system restore because it takes up way too much hard drive space.  However, from what I read if you purge your system restore and turn it off, scan and repair files, your system will be clean.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

fauve posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 2:22 AM

Quote - I didn't find it hard to get rid of.

How hard W32.Polip is to get rid of depends greatly on how many and which files are infected, as well as how many computers one has on a network. When major system files are infected, it's harder. Polip also attempts to crash most antivirus software, which caused a couple of my machines to reboot midway through the cleaning process and thus reinfect most of the recently cleaned files. Nothing to do when that happened but start all over again. My congratulations to you on getting rid of Polip so easily, but it's pretty evident from posts in this and the other threads that it hasn't been so effortless a fix for everyone.

Acadia posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 2:36 AM

Guess I got lucky then. As I was downloading a file from Daz my antivirus started quarantining files in the folder I was downloading to.  I immediately stopped the download. Only 6 Daz .exe files were infected.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

BastBlack posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 3:04 AM

So DAZ was the source of the infection??? 80 What file was it? Did you notify DAZ about it? bB

Acadia posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 3:40 AM

Quote - So DAZ was the source of the infection??? 80 What file was it? Did you notify DAZ about it? bB

They did a system scan and said it was clean.

However, I'm still skeptical because it wasn't until I started a Daz download that my virus scanner started popping up windows about infected files in that particular folder. A folder that I had been in a couple hours prior.  I find it just a bit too co-incidental that  my troubles seemed to start as soon as I started to download a Daz file, into a folder where I  store my Daz files until they are burned, and that only 6 files were infected....all Daz ones, and all in that folder where I had directed the download.  I had stopped the download as soon as I started to get popups about a virus.   Personally I think that was my saving grace.  Basically I think it was caught and quarantined on my computer before it could do more damage. 

I've since downloaded the Hexagon 2 file from Daz and did so without incident this time, but that was after they had done their scan.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

Stormrage posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 9:25 AM

Attached Link: Viri removal tool from bit defender

The link  above is to the memory unloader for this virus. If you run it then run your antiviri program it should get rid of the thing.

 again this virus affects exe even as you download them as long as it's in your computers memory it will keep infecting files.

You can use 1 antivirus program and still not get every instance of the infection. I've run 3 - 5 and then a webased scan to get rid of it on my grandmothers machine. (trust me she doesn't download from Peer to peer or Daz.)

Khai posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 9:28 AM

thanks for that link Storm.
it confirmed I'm clear :) just by using Cureit :)

sparrownightmare posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 10:23 AM

Okay.  Having just recovered from the darn Polip virus myself (after having to completely reinstall windows thanks to Norton messing up most of my windows system files.)  I can say that ANY help. advice or advisories regarding a bug are most welcome to me no matter where you get them, and for the poster who has the mac, Don't think you are 100% safe.  Contrary to rumors, there are Mac viri.  And now that Mac's are just overpriced PCs, and more people installing windows on them over the next year or so, you are going to see many more Mac viruses.  As for the Polip, I believe it came from something I got free on the Daz site,but the bug spread so fast I have no way of telling exactly which file it came from.  So this is sort of a poser related thread after all.  I just wish Norton had been able to clean the little bugger up rather than just quarantine the files.  The Norton site wasn't much help either, it listed the bug as low infection (0-49) systems.  Yeh right...  And their instructions for getting rid of it were totally useless.  So be careful of any poser content you DL from any site.

sparrownightmare posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 10:27 AM

My Norton picked it up immediately after downloading and installing a bunch of files from the DAZ free file of the week archive.  Nothing else had been installed in three days prior to that.  The problem is the thing spreads like crazy.  In less than 5 minutes I had norton pop ups hitting every second.  I force rebooted it, made an up to date norton rescue CD on my other system and rebooted.  According to Norton, in less than 5 minuites, the bug had infected over 850 files, including most of my windows DLL and exe files.



Quote - Momodot you will probably find the virus in other exe files if you keep looking for it.

The daz files being infected is just a coincidence.

It could be that daz use a standard exe file that is easier to infect than some other types.

drifterlee posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 12:18 PM

Well, a polipo remover that was mentioned - Stinger - I think from Norton, removed every folder on my slave drive that had an infected Daz file in it, including all my non-infected zip files. After I ran this "virus remover" it (?) put a mirror image of my old infected Windows XP C drive onto D drive, which had only been Poser and Bryce Storage. All infected Windows files were there, but my zip files and folders (backup) were all gone. I had to reformat my slave drive (I had just reformated my C drive with a new copy of windows). How my old OS got onto the slave drive is bizarre. Now I have lost all my freebies and purchases from RR, Daz, PoserPros, RDNA etc. This is a nightmare. This virus writer deserves to be boiled in oil - slowly.

drifterlee posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 12:21 PM

PS. Daz would NEVER admit to having viruses - they could be sued - so I am sure I got it from Daz because that was the only .exe files I have installed in the past few months.

fauve posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 12:28 PM

Quote - Well, a polipo remover that was mentioned - Stinger - I think from Norton, removed every folder on my slave drive that had an infected Daz file in it, including all my non-infected zip files.

The Stinger executable from McAfee does not move or remove any files. It checks for the virus, then attempts to clean any infected files found while leaving them in situ, then reports on its success or failure. It doesn't copy, move, or delete anything. So whatever did that to you, it was not the Stinger utility.

drifterlee posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 12:44 PM

Well, what could do such a weird thing then???

Faery_Light posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 6:07 PM

My external HD was totally erased and I had no virus warnings. .
both hard disks are still there but slow eratic. Trying to save what I can and the reformat. I hate it!

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

arcady posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 7:19 PM

Quote - Jackon.. it may still possibly be there or the winlogon.exe might possibly be damaged.

Exactly. A cure application -tries- to cure the infected file without damaging it. But that is never a guarantee. Something needed in the file might resemble something the cure app is removing, or might have been overwritten byt the virus to begin with. So, you can always repair your copy of windows from a CD-boot off of your WinXP CD, now that you have run the cure... Failing that, you can copy the needed file off of a good machine of someone else.

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

arcady posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 7:22 PM

Quote - My external HD was totally erased and I had no virus warnings. . ... Trying to save what I can and the reformat. I hate it!

Before reformating try out the drive on a Mac. A lot of my CD-Rs decayed over time and I found some of them readable on the Mac and not the PC, and vice versa - with each claiming those it couldn't read where blank... When that happened I would use the machine it worked on to back it up and burn a new CD. If you don't know anyone with a Mac, Kinkos used to always have Macs, and might still. If it works there, get all the files you can off, and then reformat and put them back on. OS X can format a drive to be PC readable. I've had to do this many times with my little USB flash drive... Need to buy a new one of those as it keeps failing...

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

arcady posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 7:30 PM

Quote - PS. Daz would NEVER admit to having viruses - they could be sued - so I am sure I got it from Daz because that was the only .exe files I have installed in the past few months.

A timely admission would actually more than likely protect them from liability than open them up to it. So when they say they are not infected I believe them. Look at an admiision like this: X finds it has been sending out a virus in product Y. X finds it has infected many of its customers as a result. X can: 1. Deny this. When it is later proven X can now be sued for 'intentional spread of a computer virus.' In the USA this is also a federal felony. As such the managers and board of X would all be facing possible prison sentences if they took route 1 (See U.S. v. Park, 421 U.S. 658, 1975 for an analogy in the food industry to see how this can go all the way up to the head of a company).

  1. Admit it. X takes a customer relations hit, but it is less severe than that which happens under scenerario 1. X now sends out a notice to all customers of Y telling them they have likely been infected and they can cure the virus by following the steps listed in the remainder of the notice. X is shielding from liability by being able to show they took prompt action the moment they were put on alert to their status.

It is not a crime to get a virus, nor to unknowingly pass it on. In this case you are a victim. It is however, a crime to pass it on knowingly.

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

arcady posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 7:38 PM

Quote - @ arcady.. nortons/symantec didnt add it to their definitions until APRIL 23 :o(

My point exactly. They knew it about for over a month before lifting a finger over it... I call that dropping the ball. It's why I removed norton from all but one of the PCs I have control over. I wanted one PC to still be on something different from the others though...

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

arcady posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 7:42 PM

Quote - Hackers are more interested in ITunes and iPod than OSX at this stage.

I would be too if I listened to Britney Spears... I wouldn't want anyone able to trace that kind of shame back to me... :D

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
Renderosity Gallery

Stormrage posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 9:50 PM

Quote - PS. Daz would NEVER admit to having viruses - they could be sued - so I am sure I got it from Daz because that was the only .exe files I have installed in the past few months.

Do you run any chat programs? ICQ, AOL, Skype, msn, and/or the like? You can get the viri through there. If you run any chat program it can transmit the virus expecially if you directly connect to another computer.

Have you updated windows and iexplore lately?  While I understand not updating them due to problems they can leave your computer at considerable risk

have you recieved emails that might have been infected even from family or even friends? They may not know they had it and sent it along (again since most of the antivirus definitions that find this virus did not go into place until this week) a lot of people who got it got it secondary.

Are you running your antivirus program every night or at least 3 times a week? (btw most of the antivirus companies saw this as a low threat and didn't get the detection codes out until this week)

Do you have a firewall? if not your computer is at risk for intrusions.

Don't just assume because you ran an exe from DAZ that it is what infected you. The viri loads into your memory and running processes and will infect the exe's that way. If you are like me you are doing a hundred or more things on your computer each day. Just because you remember running one DAZ exe file DOESN'T mean you didn't do something else that triggered it.  and since DAZ does exe files they would of course get infected quickly.

make sure when you are doing the antiviri checks that you run the removal tool from bitdefender. It unloads the virus from memory making it a bit easier to clean. (follow the directions carefully and turn off system restore while doing it.)

drifterlee posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 10:27 PM

Whoever wrote this virus needs to be boiled in oil. I finally had to reformat my main drive and then the messed up slave drive. I lost everything except my poser runtime that I had backed up earlier. Now I have to beg all the stores to reset my downloads or pay them, whatever. It is a huge, disgusting mess!!! I even lost all my (800+) pictures from Europe last summer. Horrible.

Faery_Light posted Sun, 07 May 2006 at 11:08 PM

drifterlee, yes it's horrible!

I lost my external drive completely. I had all my poser stuff, my texture files, my psd and oodles of other things there.

Three new charaters and textures I had ready to zip and send to my testers is gone.
Lost my new Clark textures I started plus a texture for another product.
and the worst of it is that I had intended to do a backup on theose files later in the day. But when I checked my drive, everything was gone. No warnings, just gone.
Tthree new products gone Means lost sales for me.

I have to rebuild most of my textures.

I just did another scan and found 3 more nasties virus's plus 7 trojans, one of which is on my volume of a slave drive and can't be deleted.
Now I have to go ahead and reformat all drives.

But tonight I'm going to just read some comic books and then go to bed. Tommorrow I'll wipe the disks. Then I have to start redownloadinfg all my Renderosity purchases and get Daz to reset for me too.
I feel you pain and loss from this.

May the virus creator catch a nasty boil making virus that lasts a lifetime!

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

drifterlee posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 12:23 AM

Sorry to hear about your mess!!!!! Losing characters for sale is awful!!!! I don't know what is wrong with people who write viruses. If they are smart enough to write viruses, you would think they would use their brains to do good and make some money!

quixote posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 12:45 AM

And this is only the a version of the virus. I hope they get this guy soon, I'd hate to see the e version.

Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hazard
S Mallarmé

kawecki posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 1:39 AM

Attached Link:

I've posted an article here and it's gone because it was a "speculation". You have it now at PoserPros.

Stupidity also evolves!

ashley9803 posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 2:34 AM

Your problem is also mine drifterlee. I have just done a full scan with Cureit from Dr Web with System Restor turned off, Curit says my system is clean, but AVG keeps poping up warnings of infected files (Win32polipos). They can't both be right (or wrong). Either Curit is not doing its job or AVG is giving false virus reports. Anyone else having a similar problem?**

ashley9803 posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 3:49 AM

I have now done a complete scan with

McAfee AVERT(r) Labs Stinger for W32/Polip

and it also came up with nothing. I suspect that AVG is giving false reports, but should I just assume all is OK? I really have better things to do than spend hours looking for a visus/trojan I may well not have. What I have done is -

  1. ban my kids from using MSN chat
  2. uninstalled all my P2P stuff
  3. be very careful about downloading ANY .exe files from ANYONE
  4. put this shit behind me and get back into 3D creation

I hope this thread will become just a bad memory for all of my friends here.

RHaseltine posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 8:05 AM

It could be that there's some kind of archived or backup or system restore file that AVG is looking at but the other too are ignoring. In that case it's pobably safe unless you do a system restore or restore the backup. There were instructions earlier on clearing off system restore

Acadia posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 8:52 AM

Attached Link:

> Quote - I've posted an article here and it's gone because it was a "speculation". > You have it now at PoserPros.

I think I found your "missing" post here.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

kawecki posted Mon, 08 May 2006 at 10:13 PM

Attached Link:

No, is not  this, the article was deleted and now the thread asking what happened with my article is deleted too!!!!! You can read the censored article following the link to PoserPros.

The thread where you found :
    Quote - "I've posted an article here and it's gone because it was a "speculation".
    You have it now at PoserPros."
doesn't exist anymore.
Long and prosper life for Torquemada

Stupidity also evolves!

TrekkieGrrrl posted Tue, 09 May 2006 at 3:23 AM

Kawecki.. Are you an ArtZone member? You could do like some other people have done and post it in a blog there...

FREEBIES! | My Gallery | My Store | My FB | Tumblr |
You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

kawecki posted Tue, 09 May 2006 at 6:10 AM

No I don't, if you want you can copy and paste it.

Stupidity also evolves!

elizabyte posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 12:15 AM

Quote - You don't need to reformat!!!!!!!!!!

I use eTrust Antivirus and they can find and restore the infected files.  They have a web based scan.  Try it.  If that doesn't work, then download the trial version of the eTrust Antivirus and use it.

Doesn't work with FIrefox, and some investigations have suggested that using IE to download is part of the problem. (Dunno if that's true, though.)

I don't trust any anti-virus company that can't make a website that works in something other than IE.


"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch." - Bette Davis

elizabyte posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 1:05 AM

Attached Link:

And to the person who said that viruses are not rumours, yes, actually, sometimes they are. Maybe THIS one is not, but it is absolutely TRUE that SOME viruses are hoaxes and rumours. (See link)


"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch." - Bette Davis

drifterlee posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 5:01 PM

Well, this virus ws no rumor. It trashed 4 0f my PCs!

Rance01 posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 6:11 PM

Well, the first virus I ever had in life came from DAZ.  Early on, many years ago, I found I had a worm and, because I had recently written to a number of folks - amoung them DAZ - I wrote to warn them that I may have infected them.  The tech returned my e-mail saying that, indeed, HE HAD INFECTED ME.  He sent along instructions and a link to a Symantec app that would clean my machine.  He also sent along an apology.  The worm was tricky but not so tricky that I didn't figure out how it worked myself so that when I ran the app it didn't find anything at all: I had successfully taken care of the thing myself.  Kakworm or something like that.  Point is I did get the thing from a DAZ machine.  I know I still have the e-mail exchange in my archives somewhere.

I don't file share, don't run MS Messenger - I think Adaware makes an applicaiton that will disable Messenger - and don't usually even have regular access to high speed.  Still in all I've had three viruses in my day.

I must have missed earlier posts on this topic and I'm glad I read through this thread.  I'm checking my system now with McAfee and will look into some of the other suggestions as my machine has recently shut down for no apparent reason.

Best wishes to everyone and thanks for the thread -- which is funny since XFX3d meant to discourage such posts ;O


elizabyte posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 8:59 PM

Quote - Well, this virus ws no rumor. It trashed 4 0f my PCs!

Yes, you already said.

As I noted some are hoaxes and rumours. No need to take it personally. All I'm doing is countering a statement that "viruses are not rumours", when, in fact, some are.


"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch." - Bette Davis

jan_scrapper posted Fri, 12 May 2006 at 2:35 PM

Everyone, I will definitely go through all of the posts here and read each one, however, I wanted to tell you I have been fighting the W32 Polip virus for 4 weeks now. 

This is so weird.  I have an original piece of software that is about 5 years old.  I was going to install it to make custom graduation invitations for my son.

That executable file started a ball rolling that isn't stopping on 4 external hard drives.  I am going to have to re-download EVERYTHING I have ever purchased from DAZ3d because everything comes in exe form. 

It has been a rough going time. Whom ever made this virus should be horse whipped. 

Completely reformatting my hard drive, staying in "Safe Mode" after to get rid of these little varmits.

I cannot even get Poser loaded again.  But, not to fret.  I WILL get rid of this thing, one exe at a time.

Good luck to all who were subject to such a horrible person's meanness!!!









jan_scrapper posted Fri, 12 May 2006 at 2:37 PM

Everyone, I will definitely go through all of the posts here and read each one, however, I wanted to tell you I have been fighting the W32 Polip virus for 4 weeks now. 

This is so weird.  I have an original piece of software that is about 5 years old.  I was going to install it to make custom graduation invitations for my son.

That executable file started a ball rolling that isn't stopping on 4 external hard drives.  I am going to have to re-download EVERYTHING I have ever purchased from DAZ3d because everything comes in exe form. 

It has been a rough going time. Whom ever made this virus should be horse whipped. 

Completely reformatting my hard drive, staying in "Safe Mode" after to get rid of these little varmits.

I cannot even get Poser loaded again.  But, not to fret.  I WILL get rid of this thing, one exe at a time.

Good luck to all who were subject to such a horrible person's meanness!!!









jan_scrapper posted Fri, 12 May 2006 at 2:37 PM

Everyone, I will definitely go through all of the posts here and read each one, however, I wanted to tell you I have been fighting the W32 Polip virus for 4 weeks now. 

This is so weird.  I have an original piece of software that is about 5 years old.  I was going to install it to make custom graduation invitations for my son.

That executable file started a ball rolling that isn't stopping on 4 external hard drives.  I am going to have to re-download EVERYTHING I have ever purchased from DAZ3d because everything comes in exe form. 

It has been a rough going time. Whom ever made this virus should be horse whipped. 

Completely reformatting my hard drive, staying in "Safe Mode" after to get rid of these little varmits.

I cannot even get Poser loaded again.  But, not to fret.  I WILL get rid of this thing, one exe at a time.

Good luck to all who were subject to such a horrible person's meanness!!!









Lucifer_The_Dark posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 5:16 AM

Quote - Everyone, I will definitely go through all of the posts here and read each one, however, I wanted to tell you I have been fighting the W32 Polip virus for 4 weeks now. 

This is so weird.  I have an original piece of software that is about 5 years old.  I was going to install it to make custom graduation invitations for my son.

That executable file started a ball rolling that isn't stopping on 4 external hard drives.  I am going to have to re-download EVERYTHING I have ever purchased from DAZ3d because everything comes in exe form. 

It has been a rough going time. Whom ever made this virus should be horse whipped. 

Completely reformatting my hard drive, staying in "Safe Mode" after to get rid of these little varmits.

I cannot even get Poser loaded again.  But, not to fret.  I WILL get rid of this thing, one exe at a time.

Good luck to all who were subject to such a horrible person's meanness!!!



You should be able to repair all the infected files without losing anything if you use cureit mentioned in an earlier post, or is it already too late for your daz files?

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

jan_scrapper posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 12:46 PM

Lucifer The Dark, wow...triple post...sorry about that, anyway, I am running AVG Free now and it is finding polip in my external drive restore files, which Norton didn't do.  Yes, I am going to have to ask DAZ3d to let me download EVERYTHING again.  Norton locked up so many of my other files, I am going to have to get everything I have purchased since 9/05 and re-download......just a mess.....I am going to download cureit when I get home from work and let that do it's thing, as well.

I think forums like this are necessary because, I come here, I see you guys here, you don't know me, but I am not afraid to ask you questions.  We use the same type of programs.  Shoot, if you google this, you have to join a website with people you don't know, people that don't know anything about what sort of executables you might have, etc.

I consider Renderosity people my friends, people who know what I am talking about....even if you don't want to be, we have a love of digital art and that is a bond.

I consider all of the other places I go for my Poser passion/obession home, as well.

If I irritate someone asking about a virus on one of my Poser home websites, there are a hundred people who are not irritated and will help me.

You guys rock...and even the people mad about the forum rock, too...

I am going to work...will NOT hit post 3 times...

I hope I can actually install Poser tomorrow and use it after 4 weeks of not being able to.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!!!





faeriesprite posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 2:47 PM

I recommend to those dealing with the virus to run VARIOUS anti-vi programs on their computer. Even if you have to install and un-install each one. Cureit is NOT going to work for everyone. In fact, the program made my computer go nuts. NO, this was not the virus, as I had not bluescreened before the install of Cureit, and I didn't bluescreen after I uninstalled it. I got a run thru with it once, and it told me where the problems were, but when I tried to the blue screen of death. Instead, I am running bitDefender 9 now and have had no problems. Luckily I only had 13 exes infected [6 Daz] and NO windows systems.

And I am pretty sure that Cureit [for those it does work for] gave me the option to cure infected files found in sys restore....?

drifterlee posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 3:08 PM

Hi: Daz will NOT just reset all your purchases. I asked. But they only charge $35.00 US to burn all your purchases to CD. Cheaper than anyone else. RR quoted me $400., but I have over 1000 purchases here, LOL! Dr. Web's cureit disables the .exe files from working, but does NOT remove the Pollip virus. AVG detects the virus but can't cure it. It really depends how far the virus has spread in your PC. I had four PCs with multiple internal and external drives hit. One desktop and my laptop were cured with Stinger from McAffee (free), but only after Cure it wrecked all my Daz files. My main PC is entired destroyed, including my Windows XP. I will have to reformat all drives. My other desktop had to be reformated and everything resinstalled. Nothing would fix it. My external drive also has to be wiped clean. Meanwhile, I have one desktop fixed and have asked for resets from everyone. The only store that did not answer my emaiil was Bbay. It's just a pain to have to redownload everything. I'm glad Daz only charged me $35 to burn my purchases. Now I will not have to worry about viruses on the CD, hopefully.

kawecki posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 4:24 PM

Save always your purchases and downloads in CDs or DVDs.

Stupidity also evolves!

Faery_Light posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 5:02 PM

It wasn't the Win32polipos that got mine.

cureit found nothing, MacAfee found two virus and 6 trojans.
The virus were deleted and 5 trojans deleted but one wouldn't clean or delete with anything. That trojan was the backdoor thingy.
 I used cureit, MacAfee, Norton online and my server's antivirus thing. but that trojan sat on the volume of my slave drive. Had to do a factory restore.

I lost my external drive and all it's contents. All that shows when it's connected is an unformatted drive.

I had RR and Daz rest all my downloads and I've got them on CDs now.

The loss still hurts as I had built up an extensive texture library for my work includung photos from 3dsk. Now I have to downlaod all those again as well and rebyuild my working library.
From now on everything goes to CD and DVD for backup nightly.
And maybe now within the next few days I can start re-doing my three character sets for the MP.
And life goes on. :)

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

drifterlee posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 8:08 PM

After redownloading, I am going to burn it all to CDs. I lost all my photos of last summer's trip to Europe - about 800 pics. That really hurts!

mrsparky posted Sat, 13 May 2006 at 9:47 PM

Two stores - 2 different brands of CD. Test both copies of the backups on a 2nd machine.

One set in the house ,  the other elsewhere. Date the discs and remaster every 2 years and use the old ones as working copys.

Also copy really important stuff like insurance policy numbers,  scans of ID etc, system discs onto disc and keep  in a CD carry case near the front door. (Obviously be carefull and keep the location to yourself) somwhere you can grab and literally run with.  

Then all you need after a disaster is a phone computer and a cup of tea and you're sorted :)

Paranoid ? Yep - but bloody effective if theres ever a fire or other data damaging event.

BTW = is it actually confirmed that Daz exectaubles (legal ones of course) HAVE this nasty ? 



Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

grylin posted Sun, 14 May 2006 at 7:53 AM

ahh. viruses. yeah . annoying things:(  but i got myself  a whole bunch of ati viral programes and malware ones:)  like avira, its a good one. and  rising antivirus. its fast! .plus more. and this nifty anti spyware proggie. wow. it cleans out a whole bunch of things! .


grylin posted Sun, 14 May 2006 at 7:55 AM

besides. to loose 200gb of poser,bryce and vue thins, not good at all. not to mention pics of my adorable kids... from when they were  babies:(  so im  gonna back up all!