Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: Product Surcharges?

LilWolff opened this issue on May 11, 2006 · 5 posts

LilWolff posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 1:47 AM

What are they on some items that are shipped? Mine is higher than the shipping charge . What is the reason for them and what are they covering?

Lately I see so many fuel surcharges on bills that I actually am starting to even hate the word surcharge. LOL


LilWolff posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 7:27 PM

It sure seems to be taking a long time to get a simple answer to a question on surcharges! If I missed something somewhere please have the courtsey of pointing it out to me. If I have asked in the wrong forum please have the courtsey to  move this thread. If you need further information have the courtsey to ask, I would be happy to send that information to you.

Are you getting the idea? A question related to your store, the marketplace, should have a swift and polite answer.  A surcharge is usually something above what you are normally paying, and there is a reason for it. I want to know what it is. Simple as that! 

Anyone ever heard of good customer relations?  Or has the whole world gone to the squeaky wheel theory for everything! Yes, I am mad, and I normally don't get mad, but I think I have been very patient and this  is not one of those  toughie question.

StaceyG posted Thu, 11 May 2006 at 7:56 PM



Sorry you haven't received a response. Your first post was a little confusing it almost sounded like you were speaking in "general" terms about various surcharges, ie; fuel, etc

But with this second post it is a little more clear that you are asking about a shipping and upcharge on a order you had with us.

The product you ordered has a upcharge (surcharge) of $3.85 as with all shippables in the US, the shipping cost is $5.75 which totals $9.60.  The shipping charge is based on the weight of the particuliar product.


Hope this helps. I apologize that you didn't receive a response as it should have been asked of you for more clarification on this earlier in the day so that a response could have been given in a more timely manner. 




LilWolff posted Fri, 12 May 2006 at 12:16 AM

I appreciate your response and clairification on the surcharge Stacey. 

I also thought that between the, forum I am in, the thread title and my question, what I wanted was very clear.  But I would have been more than happy to explain to anyone that could not fully comprehend it. 

I also appreciate your last comment, without it I would have never bought from here again even though I love some of the merchants. Too many companies try to blame customers for their service inadequacies, a very bad practice, in very poor taste.  When a simple we dropped the ball, we are sorry, we will fix it, would truly bond a healthy customer/business relationship.


StaceyG posted Fri, 12 May 2006 at 10:01 AM

No problem:) And again I apologize for the delay in response.



Have a great day!!