Forum: Fractals

Subject: And Now.... The New Gallery is coming!

tresamie opened this issue on Jun 06, 2006 · 15 posts

tresamie posted Tue, 06 June 2006 at 12:39 AM

Attached Link:

Go here to read all about it! :biggrin:

Fractals will always amaze me!

Harmen posted Tue, 06 June 2006 at 3:30 PM

lol thanks for telling, thought something was wrong with my browser(s) Good day Harmen

Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

Kid_Fisto posted Tue, 06 June 2006 at 5:45 PM

aw heck yeah! can they make an apo and a UF gallery while they're at it?

Harmen posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 12:29 AM

rolls eyes

sure they can, and a seperate Fractal Explorer gallery, and a Xenodream gallery, oh and a Fractal Domains gallery ... etc etc etc

gladly they have put the capital of the community to 'Fractals': a collection of various generating programs which makes fractals

but if you want to be special, you could make your own gallery, of course, which you can present to other peeps in the world

oh well, guess i should move to the Artmatic Gallery with my designs, instead of being part of this magnificent community

good day smile


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

Harmen posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 1:07 AM

i have some major problems with this gallery

is it me or is it the chances of this gallery which gives me displays like i posted below

i am using Safari

Internet Explorer isn't available for mac anymore

Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

tresamie posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 2:01 AM

Harmen, are you still seeing this?  I know there is some conversion process taking place, maybe you just hit the gallery at the wrong time.  Let me know if it persists.


Fractals will always amaze me!

Harmen posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 5:58 AM

Yes hon, i still have that


till it is resolved, i can't comment, because i have absolutely no idea what they look like

i do get some good, but most are like these

sorry i couldn't answer earlier, i just spend 3 hours working out in the gym :P

have a nice day


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

Harmen posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 6:14 AM

oh and another thing, as soon as i have mad a comment, i get the following message right on top of my screen:

SQL Query Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '??? WHERE galleryid = '1234448'' at line 4
Query was: UPDATE gallery SET numcomments = ??? WHERE galleryid = '1234448'


If that makes sense to your programmers

Another error is that when i get to this forum, i can't go back to where i was, meaning: as soon as i hit the 'back' button of the browser, it doesn't go to forums. Instead i have to hit the button 'top of forum' to get back.

Also the button 'click window' [or click picture] doesn't work for me after i placed a comment. Its insignificant, not many macusers around here anyways, but still thought to mention it. We do have alternatives to close a window...

Hope it helps ...

Have a nice day


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

Kid_Fisto posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 6:35 PM

i get that too. I would suggest FireFox, it's one of the best browsers out there. i've used rendo on it on a mac and i had no problems whatsoever. safari has gone downhill over the past years, and it does stink that Microsoft is no longer making IE for mac. but IE has its faults anyway...i've had tons of problems with rendo on IE.

oh, yeah: the firefox download page is here

hpe that helps


Harmen posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 11:04 PM

yea thanks, i already had it, just dont use it much

guess i am too much mac-minded smile

good day


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

Harmen posted Fri, 09 June 2006 at 8:13 AM

slitl dseon't look so good, deos it

i wnoedr waht's bineg dnoe auobt it, bucasee wehn i see pcturies lkei tehse, i hvae aoultbsley no iade waht erevy dsgien lokos lkie


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

tresamie posted Fri, 09 June 2006 at 9:47 PM

I'm sorry you are having such awful problems, Harmen, but I think it is all due to the conversion that is happening in the background.  It should be done by next week sometime.  Maybe you can dust off your Firefox just for this week, so you don't have much catching up to do.  It seems that the programmer are a bit puzzled about this.  I will keep asking, and hope it gets better.

Fractals will always amaze me!

Harmen posted Sat, 10 June 2006 at 12:26 AM

Oh i konw, i jsut hvee to be pneitat

BTW i uesd Foferix wehn i got avobe prutcie

I am not rllaey berehtod, trehe are oehtr tgnihs i hvae to do aslo

I aslo use Npacstee

good day


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture

tresamie posted Sat, 10 June 2006 at 6:22 AM

One of our programmers, Nicholas, is a Mac user.  He read this thread and came into the Gallery using the same browser as you, but he saw no corruption.  He thinks it may be on your part.  Does Safari have a cache you need to clean out periodically like IE?  I think that is what finally fixed a similar problem for me.  I hope that might be helpful, or at least I hope when the conversion is done it will be fixed for you.  I like the way you 'corrupted' your text, LOL.  Fortunately, I am quite adept at reading 'mistype' so I had no problem with it.:biggrin:

Fractals will always amaze me!

Harmen posted Sun, 11 June 2006 at 12:17 AM

Semes as tsets hvae swhon, taht it deson't metatr how a wrod is slleepd, if the frist and the lsat lteetr of a wrod is cerorct, the oethr lrettes of taht wrod can be in dreffient snceuqee and it slitl can be raed as the wrod wcihh was mneat to be.

Plpeoe dno't seem to raed erevy ltteer of a wrod.

I wnoedr if taht is aslo the csae wtih the dcuth lgaugnae.

Cninrecnog the coitpurron of the dingses, i tnihk it revlosed it.

I hvae eitempd the chace

Gesus my ctiocennon is so fsat taht the ceputomr cna't eevn tkae the tmie to bilut up the dingses

Hvae a ncie snaduy


Opportunity Establishes Creativity

Art & Texture