Forum: Community Center

Subject: my MySGL error page

vikinglady opened this issue on Jul 21, 2006 · 4 posts

vikinglady posted Fri, 21 July 2006 at 4:49 PM

Went from to  [search]  via the link  and got this:

MySQL error: Can't open file: 'gallery_search_cache.MYI' (errno: 145), occured in query: "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM gallery_search_cache WHERE last_used < '2006-07-21 16:07:52';".

MySQL error: Can't open file: 'gallery_search_cache.MYI' (errno: 145), occured in query: "DELETE FROM gallery_search_cache WHERE last_used < '2006-07-21 16:07:52';".

MySQL error: Can't open file: 'gallery_search_cache.MYI' (errno: 145), occured in query: "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM gallery_search_cache WHERE user_id='336119';". var shown = false; function toggle_recent() { if(shown == false) { document.getElementById('recent_searches').style.display='block'; shown = true; } else { document.getElementById('recent_searches').style.display='none'; shown = false; } }

Search the Galleries

Tried the link 4x during the typing of this post, just in case was a 'one off'. Still the same still one going.  5th attempt. Same.



StaceyG posted Fri, 21 July 2006 at 5:10 PM

I just tried it and didn't get this? Still happening?




bobbystahr posted Fri, 21 July 2006 at 6:00 PM

Same as you here Stacey...must be the user settings...did they update? Were they supposed to?


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






vikinglady posted Fri, 21 July 2006 at 10:21 PM

I just tried it and didn't get this? Still happening?

Same as you here Stacey...must be the user settings...did they update? Were they supposed to?

10:13pm rosity time:  I just got back to computer.  Used the links in the first post.  All is fine now. Hmmmm   Thank you for the promptness.

If this happens again, will include the time of page discovery and backstep 2-3 pages .
