Forum: Community Center

Subject: Renderosity Chat broke

vikinglady opened this issue on Aug 05, 2006 · 6 posts

vikinglady posted Sat, 05 August 2006 at 1:38 PM

  The chat room seems to be broke. 

Any ideas as to cause? 

An ETA for it being back online? 


StaceyG posted Sat, 05 August 2006 at 1:56 PM

Thanks VL, I'll report this and let you know when I receive some information to pass on to you.

vikinglady posted Sat, 05 August 2006 at 2:00 PM



Miss Nancy posted Sat, 05 August 2006 at 5:18 PM

yep, yer right, vike. at 1518 SVT, it sez: Unable to contact host. Retrying... :crying:

vikinglady posted Sun, 06 August 2006 at 12:59 AM

  It is still broke. 

Welcome vikinglady! Sun, Aug 06, 2006 00:48 CST (GMT-6)    Been at least 12 hour that I know of.

And there is no notice on Front Page.


Jumpstartme2 posted Sun, 06 August 2006 at 1:26 AM

Alot of staff arent here on Sundays' so that could be why its not fixed yet..Im sure tho they will get to it as soon as they can 😄


Renderosity Community Admin