Forum: Photography

Subject: September Photographers Choice Challenge Ideas...(formerly the monthly challenge

bclaytonphoto opened this issue on Sep 01, 2006 · 34 posts

bclaytonphoto posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 5:57 AM

Ok..let's come up with a theme...

I have a few ideas..

Inspired by Song:  a photo that represents a song title or lyric.

Emotions : Not an easy thing to capture !!!

Everyday Life: Take the simple everyday things, and make them into art.

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

TomDart posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 8:00 AM

I like everyday life...that would be a challenge bringing ordinary to a higher level of meaning.

If I think of other ideas, I will post.

bentchick posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 8:03 AM

I like the everyday life too!!!! The song one has been done alot!

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



inshaala posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 8:06 AM

just randomly thought of one:

Walls.  Simple - yet i think you can appreciate the variation you could get, as well as the conceptual notion of it.

"In every colour, there's the light.
In every stone sleeps a crystal.
Remember the Shaman, when he used to say:
Man is the dream of the Dolphin"

Rich Meadows Photography

inshaala posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 8:07 AM

"randomly" meaning i was sat there thinking of a theme, staring at a wall... 😉

"In every colour, there's the light.
In every stone sleeps a crystal.
Remember the Shaman, when he used to say:
Man is the dream of the Dolphin"

Rich Meadows Photography

Valerie-Ducom posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 11:20 AM

i like very much : Emotions, no is easy but very interesting...


ReBorne posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 12:17 PM

I'd like to propose 'Wood'.  In any shape or form, just wood.

Can I complicate matters and suggest that every 3 months we have a theme that the subjects adhere to?  Eg, 3 months could be nature and the 3 monthly items have to subscribe to that.... next could be, I dunno, mechanics.......or materials..... get the idea?  I know it sounds more complex, but over the long term it would give our competetions a nice 'flow' when looking at all the pictures together......


When you starve with a tiger, the tiger starves last.

Margana posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 12:31 PM

I know it's been done,but I love accompanying a photo with a lyric....So I'll take songs for a hundred,Alex....

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

lakefaerie posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 12:53 PM

Oooh, inspired by a song, please! That happens to me all the time :D

Radlafx posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 1:52 PM

Emotions or everyday life. Was fire done yet? If not, then lets see da flames..

Question the question. Answer the question. Question the answer...

I wish I knew what I was gonna say :oP

Valerie-Ducom posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 4:01 PM

Bruce?? And you, what do you like ?

bclaytonphoto posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 9:51 PM

After reading everyones posts..(THANKS)...I think we can go with


I like themes like this..because they are a little "opened ended"
It leaves the artist room to put their own spin on the subject..

So now..I leave it up to YOU...the artists to show us your version..of the subject at hand..

I'll create a challenge page..

Since we never really got a clear majority decision..I'm going to exercise my Moderator Super Powers and make an "executive" decision..

Let's try this as an annonymous challenge....with Voting..

We can start a new thread to discuss challenge themes and ideas..
From that, I'll compile a new list..
The winner can choose the next theme..(either from the list or one of their own)
No offence to anyone..but it's pretty clear that it's impossible to come to a clear decision by everyone discussing it..
I think it's just because we are such a diverse group..

After this one is over..we can discuss if we like running it this way..

I really wish I had a way to set up polls..

I'll crank out a challenge page as soon as I can..

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

Margana posted Fri, 01 September 2006 at 11:24 PM

Okay.So you need to make sure people understand that they need to upload to a 'challenge page' and do so anonymously...

This should be interesting,lol. ;^)

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

bclaytonphoto posted Sat, 02 September 2006 at 12:10 AM

The anonymous part will be "auto-magic"...

I know it's a bit of will all work out..

I understand there will be a learning curve period.. the long run...I really think the challenge page format will work out just fine.

and to be pefectly honest..I think it will be easier for the staff to manage..

Dan and I have a lot of work ahead of us...small changes like this will make our day to day management of this area easier.

I would rather spend my time interacting with our members and making this a better place, than uploading images to a challenge...(that we can automate)..

Laugh all you want..but this is really being done to help all of you...Images still need to be reviewed in the gallery everyday...comments on images still need to be reviewed everyday..

i would like to kep our area curent and flowing...

Small step like this will help me to achieve that..

I've got some cool ideas in my head...I'd like to see them implemented..

Just stay tuned..there is more fun to follow

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

Valerie-Ducom posted Sat, 02 September 2006 at 5:06 AM

good idea ...

TwoPynts posted Sat, 02 September 2006 at 1:23 PM

Yep, Bruce is full of great ideas. So, when are you running for office bud? :o] "He will make our country great!" I was going to say everyday life of my favorite topics. I like the walls idea too, for future referrence.

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

L8RDAZE posted Sun, 03 September 2006 at 9:29 AM


The Gallery/Forum header links Challenge & Challenge Tut are now made obsolete due to this new Photo Choice Challenge. To avoid confusion (especially for newbies) its probably a good idea to revise or remove these links from both headers.  (when ya get a chance)

Also, even though I'm not an active participant anymore, the challenges were always (in my mind at least) a way to push ourselves and  think...out of the box to come up with a photo based on the monthly theme. 

In reality, I could go outside right now and get plenty of photos that would be in line with the EVERYDAY LIFE  theme, pick 2 or 3 as my submissions and they would be questions asked.  RIGHT?!?... But where is the challenge in THAT? 

Wouldn't you like to know WHY a photo was taken?  What was going through the person's mind when they took the shot? What was it that caught their eye?  What settings, lenses other equipment were used to capture the image? Y'know...that sort of thing!   For some time now, it seems that just about anything goes and REAL discussion/feedback seems to have been lost.

I know the old way of posting a challenge submission in a thread was clunky, having to provide a thumbnail and all...but it did allow people to provide a way to comment on them, where as the new Challenge/voting page does not! 

Isn't THAT what this forum is all about...discussion around Photography?

Hey...just my wooden nickel.


bclaytonphoto posted Sun, 03 September 2006 at 10:52 AM

Joe..the comment thing was was major sticking point in this to me..I agree...It made a way for the members to interact..

Which is why I'm not so sure making this one annonymous is the right choice..
If it was NOT annonymous...We could create a thread and let the members post a notice that they uploaded an image to the challenge.

As for comments by the poster of an image...that can still be done..I would encourage members to do just that.

"everyday life"  sure anyone can go outside and snap a few shots...But making it interesting is the challenge..

Someone suggested Wood as a theme..the same could be said for that...I could go take a shot of a stack of two by fours...not very exciting..

Now to go into the woods and tale a macro of some funky tree bark..that would be interesting..

This is just my opinion... anyone can take shots of an exciting subject and get the OHHH's and Ahhhs...But to take something mundane and turn it into art...that's an accomplishment..

One thing to remember is nothing is written in stone...if things don't work out this way..we can change it..It's really everyones forum...yes, there are and will be times when Danny and myself will have to make decisions that not everyone will like..But that's our job...and that's why we make the big bucks..(ha ha ha)

Let's see how everyone feels after this one, and we can take it from there..

Oh,,,yes..the header needs to be worked on..

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

Dianthus posted Mon, 04 September 2006 at 6:13 AM

Well i think it should be a frog photo challenge. Then i might be able to enter:)

Cool idea .


bclaytonphoto posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 7:24 PM

Attached Link: seems in my hasty departure for Las vegas I forgot to post a link to the challenge page...

Here it is !!

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

Valerie-Ducom posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 8:15 PM


TomDart posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 9:46 PM

I can go with that...things fairly ordinary around here! LOL.   Do you ever say LOL outloud? Maybe photogs are too sophisticated for that...LOL.        TomDart.

tonyhag posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 1:06 PM

I tried submitting an image, but the top box requires a file upload or else you cannot post an entry, what is one supposed to post in this file section.

bclaytonphoto posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 9:59 PM

Ignore the "file upload" section...
That's a mistake on my part..
Just submit your image in the other boxes..

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

tonyhag posted Wed, 20 September 2006 at 11:09 AM

Well I tried that and I got an error message box I did not upload a file.

Valerie-Ducom posted Wed, 20 September 2006 at 11:23 AM

you need to see if you have the pop-ups opening in your internet explorer or firefox other navigation of internet, and  :


bclaytonphoto posted Wed, 20 September 2006 at 5:44 PM

I believe I fixed it last night...I'll double check...

BUT...there are other entrys that didn't up load anything other than their images..

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

TomDart posted Thu, 21 September 2006 at 7:19 AM

Now, just arisen, I look for the way to upload or even get onto a "challenge" page and cannot find it. Help!  What simple click am I missing?  Where do I go to upload?  thanks,      TomDart.

Valerie-Ducom posted Thu, 21 September 2006 at 7:33 AM

no, in the challenge you have the challenge of the last month

Valerie-Ducom posted Thu, 21 September 2006 at 7:35 AM

Bruce make that

and the links are correctly

TomDart posted Thu, 21 September 2006 at 7:46 AM

Thanks very much, sweet Valou.  Now,,to a day at work.       Tom.

Margana posted Thu, 21 September 2006 at 8:44 AM

Forgive me for being a bit slow...but where can we see the submitted entries?I'm lost... : (

Also :"We can start a new thread to discuss challenge themes and ideas..
From that, I'll compile a new list.."

Has this happened yet?I have another idea to propose...


Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

bclaytonphoto posted Sun, 24 September 2006 at 6:52 PM

What is your idea?

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

Margana posted Sun, 24 September 2006 at 11:59 PM

Okay.I thought since we've done CD covers as a challenge, and they were quite popular,I thought I'd suggest a different twist.I was thinking of possible movie posters or book an alternate.

Just  a suggestion I thought might be fun.

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno