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Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom

Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 09 2:22 am)

Subject: my gallery here will be closed

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 5:50 PM

BTW - we all draw lines.  It's just that the lines of one of us aren't the same as the lines of others -- and thus: one of the underpinnings of war & murder.  Unless if we all agree to be bound by...... gasp.........certain rules in order to relate to our fellow man.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

bobbystahr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 5:52 PM

@ ernyoka1

Please see the reply to yopur CC post for a resolution to the disapperaing gallery syndrome


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






bobbystahr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 5:57 PM

A **lmckenzie

"What is this talk of ‘release’? Klingons do not make software ‘releases’. Our software escapes, leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake!" - The Klingon Programmer's Guide

Totally hilarious man


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






Hawkfyr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 6:03 PM

No....I've seen "dead Horse""IMAGES" but not "ANIMATIONS"

Show me Dead hoarse animations is what I asked.


Yes..perhaps I encompassed all Poser users in to one lump box,and should not have, and for that, I'm sorry. But most Posers are quite capable of not being Poser snots, like Geep (Not a Poser Snot), and there are others,, but most just can not help themselves f form jumping on the snot bandwagon and then wonder why they get no respect from other 3d Communities.


The Admins can ban me, or whatever,I don't care , but it doesn't change the fact that Poser is disrespected in the communality because of this very thing.

Delete my post if needed, but it wont change the truth, that "Most" Poser users bitch about anything they can , and this is  the very reason why they are the most disrespected bunch in the entire 3D industry.


Buncha fricken whiners.

"I'm gunner delete my gallery."

"I'm leaving for good"Again"


Go the F**k ahead. you damn whiner.


Who cares if you leave?





“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

geoegress ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 6:29 PM

The other side of your philosophy is, and apparently you adhere to (re: the previous mention of Bill O'rielly).

"That until the electorate is educated properly it is up to those who are to guide and maintain control...." (Leo Strause, 1890's, The founder of conservative philosophy).

The other flaw in your viewpoint is "you agree to follow a given website's rules when you join that website."

These are NOT the rules as when we signed up. So this limited outlook is negated.

It embraces the circular logic of : Rule 1, I am allways right,  Rule 2, In case I am wrong refer to Rule 1

Power given to those who are always convinced that they are beyond error is the hallmark of every dictator and fascist. Conviction of intent can be noble, Doubt of implementation is allways HONORABLE.


bobbystahr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 6:41 PM · edited Wed, 13 September 2006 at 6:44 PM

@ geoegress

Most changes that happen here, as I understand it, are member driven or required by a law of some kind, notably the nekkid kids stuff...we do want R'osity to stay here and as such we have to abide by the laws of the USA when posting here..make sense?..also as Aiko is fairly new it likely wasn't around when the nudity guidlines were drawn up, and as a figure that can have such a radical age difference with but a few tweaks and an added morph, well it does get tricky...we are trying to be fair hence the reviews and not out right deletions....non of us are perfect ...but as stated we do try to be fair over all...just the way I see it


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 6:43 PM

rotflmao @hawkfyr


this is so funny......whose whining now hehe. ...and whose bitchin. i get no respect from anyone let alone the 3d commune.

life has been so tough on me. all i have are the poser snot bandwagons to get me through each day. sadly i don't have a gallery to delete or i damn well would. i did leave last night but as all can see i'm back...ta da....i care if he leaves hawk...i care...i think it's one of the reason i have no friends. i'm just too compassionate a soul.  you only have to look at this post to see how badly you derailed this should be thourul....thorall...thurill.....prety well ashamed of yourself. if any kiddies are reading this thread...please don't flog dead horses at home unless supervised by a responsible adult. to all the animal rights lovers out there. i'm sure no horses were hurt in the making of hawkfyrs skit....not live ones anyway. .....

i don't suppose the skit would have worked if you used a cat instead of a horse would it...just a thought lmao. for that you would have been strung up by the testiculars and had your lungs ripped out through your arsehole lol. i am ever amused by the vagueries of animal lovers. cat lovers not included as they're a breed unto themselves.  i remember as akids we used to stick a hollow tube of straw up a toads ass and throw them of the water . had the odd one explode..not a pretty sight. funny how few kids are animal lovers....we must aquire the need as we grow older. why is it that cats and dogs never get dissected in the classrooms i wonder i suppose the claws on cats would be a problem when it comes to pinning it to the cork mat.

i think i saw someone say....irritaing animation aside........i thought it was rather funny...not irritating at all. two coins instead of elastoplast would have been more in keeping for a depiction of death though lol. i find it a bit cynical you used bush as the beater....blair would have been much better. or both

now back to the snot waggon at hand.......though we join a site and adhere to the rules. it doesn't stop people wanting to change some of them.  one of the rules people seem to want to change is what constitutes a pic of a child....what i find highly amuzing is that daz and poser can sell nude models of children yet cry foul if a pic that borders the age limit defined in the tos is shown as a render....maybe they should only sell models of kids that are pre dressed. that rendo acts as an agent for companies that sell naked kid models whilst denying they're out of the box use seems a bit hipocritical....maybe not enough kiddy clothes are being sold at these places so the admin have been instructed to ban as many small nudes as they can...this would make the rule market driven and very unfair.



billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 6:48 PM

Quote - @ geoegress

Most changes that happen here, as I understand it, are member driven or required by a law of some kind, notably the nekkid kids stuff...we do want R'osity to stay here and as such we have to abide by the laws of the USA when posting here..make sense?..also as Aiko is fairly new it likely wasn't around when the nudity guidlines were drawn up, and as a figure that can have such a radical age difference with but a few tweaks and an added morph, well it does get tricky...we are trying to be fair hence the reviews and not out right deletions....non of us are perfect ...but as stated we do try to be fair over all...just the way I see it


it seems the members aren't being listened to on this one does it lmao

and i can't see what rule of law applies to a fairy....well not the kind with wings and titts anyway

as for being fair ...i think the peops here want you to be more fairer or should that be fairier..or just fair


bobbystahr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 7:07 PM

If you go back to my post half way down page 7 you will see

I do believe this is an important statement from the TOS that anyone can read, and should read:

No depictions of young humanoid characters/children giving the appearance of being under the age of 18 displayed in erotic, seductive, provocative poses or context.

humanoid being the operative word here...I have no comment on the rest of your post, just want to be clear on this important point. The laws apply, no matter if you recognize em or not least in North America, re:child porn.....
Over and Out


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






Hawkfyr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 7:31 PM


“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

balefuldoll ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 8:32 PM

So did he just make that up? I was gonna type something along the lines of..."Oh I should contact this guy cause that sounds like a pretty interesting legal tidbit"

Goes to show you that nothing on the internet is true. LOL

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 8:47 PM

Quote - billy423uk
If you go back to my post half way down page 7 you will see

I do believe this is an important statement from the TOS that anyone can read, and should read:

No depictions of young humanoid characters/children giving the appearance of being under the age of 18 displayed in erotic, seductive, provocative poses or context.

humanoid being the operative word here...I have no comment on the rest of your post, just want to be clear on this important point. The laws apply, no matter if you recognize em or not least in North America, re:child porn.....
Over and Out

i have read has everyone else who thinks a naked fairy  with tits is a bit different than a naked kid. thats the reason of this thread...some would like to see it changed so that fairies with tits are allowed. or is every rule written in stone? going by what you infer, it's only okay to try and amend rules as long as the admin say it's okay. ......i wonder if tos rules were quoted in those instances you say the membership actually brought about changes? what rulkes re child porn......a picture of a fairy with tits is not child porn...please stop making it seem as it is under any law...unless your stating fairy law 108 sub section c paragraph 14 which fairy land any fairy that looks under the age of what ever a human deems apt shall be constituted as a fairy child porn and as such shall be reomoved as if it were a real child....even if it has a pair of tits and lives in another realm. if you're gonna quote a specific law by all means quote it but stop using the blanket statement of child porn. it isn't about porn nor does any law i know of apart from redos tos apply. the image in question wasn't licking her lips and giving an adult the come on for gods sake.



JenX ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 8:55 PM

Before we make statements on the forums, especially regarding anything potentially legal, let's make sure that we have the correct information.  Anything otherwise is potentially libellous, and can get you, and us, in a LOT of trouble.


Sitemail | Freestuff | Craftythings | Youtube|

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

JenX ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:04 PM

As for the faerie bit (no pun intended).....

We all know, faeries are supposed to be ancient, etc, etc, etc.  I've always been a HUGE fan of fae art. 
HOWEVER.  Here's the point.  If the HUMANOID (that includes fae folk, aliens in a simliar to human shape, and any other mythical creature in a hominin form) appears to be under 18, and nude, the image will be removed.  Regardless of whether it's a fae, anthropomorphic (man, I hope I spelled that right!), or an actual "child" image. 

So, the excuse that the image is of a faerie doesn't wash.  We have had some very.....way over the line images that we have HAD to pull, because they were just TOO over the line, where the artist pitched a fit to us in email or IM because "they were faeries!!"  Too many people cross a line, and it makes us NEED to get stricter.

However, we are discussing possible changes.  I'm not going to promise anything, but we are discussing things. 


Sitemail | Freestuff | Craftythings | Youtube|

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:12 PM

maybe he was on about a different thorne?


anyway to back up the gist of what georgess was saying.....according to the supreme court on few counts states that .

1..aiko being calssified as an adult out of the box character cannot be difined as porn.

2,  or by using computer imaging

3, does not involve real children.

i don't agree with the below but it's fact not fiction.....there is no that says fairies with tits is please leave the porn crap and the breaking law crap out of the equation. it's purely and simply a amtter of what rendo or the mods allow or dissallow. i'm also pretty sure that if a credit card company witheld their services over a pic of a fairy with tits rendo daz or poser would have a great case for restriction of trade etc.......the rule they have here regarding 3d images is purely of choice. i saw another dozen or so or reports like this. non slanderous and non libelous.

unless you don't trust one of your own institutions

and whats with the ......can get you and us in a lot of trouble .....its a forum for gods sake stop trying to make it a court of law. you pulled the post what trouble can you get into. ....some of whats said in here should be in an effin shakespearian play. oh the tradgedy of it all.


The Sanctity of Smut
**Wall Street Journal ^ **| 4/23/2002 | Robert Bork

Posted on 04/23/2002 4:23:25 AM PDT by moneyrunner
Edited on 04/22/2004 11:46:27 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.

The Supreme Court is not testing the limits of free "speech" so much as it is obliterating them. The latest example is Ashcroft v. The Free Speech Coalition, a decision holding that Congress may not prohibit child pornography created by using adults who look like minors or by using computer imaging. Justice Kennedy's majority opinion described the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 as "proscrib[ing] a significant universe of speech" that fell "within the First Amendment's vast and privileged sphere." Since such speech was not "obscene" under the court's prior definition and did not involve real children in its production, the court found that the government had no constitutionally adequate grounds to suppress it.


JenX ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:21 PM

what I was saying, billy, if you had read the post, rather than what you wanted to out of it, was that, had the subject of the post wanted to, the subject could sue geogress AND renderosity for libel.  geogress for posting, us for keeping it up on the site for any period of time.  I doubt he'd sue us, but the fact is that he'd be able to.  And that is something we need to be cautious of.  THAT was the libel I was speaking of, not what you were posting.

Anyway, here's a few simple facts.

Our rules regarding child nudity does not automatically make images of child nudity images of pornography.  They simply state that we do not allow images with any type of underaged humanoid character (be they real or digitally created) posted in our galleries. 
We had more lax rules in the past.  The lines were constantly crossed.  Not by the majority, but by a few.  And, unfortunately, the actions of few cause stricter rules for all.  It happens in government, it happens in society, it happens on internet communities.  Such is life.

As I stated before, we are discussing the ruling and maybe even a statement on the Aiko figure.  However, as our staff members reside worldwide, many of them are asleep.  Please have some patience.


Sitemail | Freestuff | Craftythings | Youtube|

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:23 PM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity

Quote -  

So, the excuse that the image is of a faerie doesn't wash.  We have had some very.....way over the line images that we have HAD to pull, because they were just TOO over the line, where the artist pitched a fit to us in email or IM because "they were faeries!!"  Too many people cross a line, and it makes us NEED to get stricter.


so basically what your saying is the rule was changed to make your job basically had nothing to do with what was decent and what was not...fuck it lets just pull everything....sorry to inform you and nanyone else but too many people crossing the line doesn't make it a need to get stricter. that was a choice and never a need......i can't believe you're actually saying the needs of the mods outweigh the needs of the membership.....shit i just had a de ja vue of a star trek script.

if they cross the line pull the pic...don't take it out on those that haven't by your own admisson crossed the line........3d i think your pic simply devine...or words to that effect. i suppose all the other mods said....yes i too think it simply devine....pull the fucker anyway.

doesn't what's been said in this thread tell you something.

that you could possibly be wrong to get stricter just because you have a heavier workload....get more mods for god sake. now that would be constructive and show your understanding of a given situation.........sorry shadow but i think you put your foot in the proverbail mouth with this one. jmo


love the teaser at the end lol.

vince3 ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:27 PM

thanks for listening(reading anyway) and at least discussing things Morriganshadow.

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:36 PM

Quote - what I was saying, billy, if you had read the post, rather than what you wanted to out of it, was that, had the subject of the post wanted to, the subject could sue geogress AND renderosity for libel.  geogress for posting, us for keeping it up on the site for any period of time.  I doubt he'd sue us, but the fact is that he'd be able to.  And that is something we need to be cautious of.  THAT was the libel I was speaking of, not what you were posting.              you pulled the post you acted admirably in doing so and as such you could not possibly be sued....i know of what you were speaking but it seems what i'm saying is a bit to high to understand.

Anyway, here's a few simple facts.

Our rules regarding child nudity does not automatically make images of child nudity images of pornography.  They simply state that we do not allow images with any type of underaged humanoid character (be they real or digitally created) posted in our galleries. 
We had more lax rules in the past.  The lines were constantly crossed.  Not by the majority, but by a few.  And, unfortunately, the actions of few cause stricter rules for all.  It happens in government, it happens in society, it happens on internet communities.  Such is life.

                              i've read the tos and i know what they state. thats the contention of this thread...that said rule is wrong and too sweeping in it's's unclarified inconsistant and done more for the mods sake than the members sake. again you state because a few people crossed a line you changed the line.does that happen with every image that gets removed. you simply redo the rule so you can save time andd effort. by you i mean the  mods or admin collectively and in no way mean you personally. and this is a pay for goods site that hosts a forum it isn't a government and to use the gov as an analogy is so far from bad it sneaks out the other side of absurdity. and to use the internet in such an analogous way follows closely behind it with sociaty hopt on it's heals......if you use sociaty as an analogy any arguement for what you do falls flat on it's face because a pic of a naked fairy with tits is deemd as okay dokey.  if your using the internet then i suggest you also use the universe cos every rule from yes to no to maybe has been and does get used. this is about rendo.........such is rendo life as determined by how much work someone has to do.

As I stated before, we are discussing the ruling and maybe even a statement on the Aiko figure.  However, as our staff members reside worldwide, many of them are asleep.  Please have some patience.

                 how on earth can you be discussing the rule if half of you are asleep. why not actually discuss then let everyone know if you can manage the extra workload.


JenX ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:44 PM

Quote -                  how on earth can you be discussing the rule if half of you are asleep.

billy, people need sleep.  even us imaginary people from the internets.

On that note, I have to go to sleep, as I have a full-time job outside renderosity to go to in the morning.  As do most of the non-admin staff.


Sitemail | Freestuff | Craftythings | Youtube|

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 9:53 PM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity


so you're not going to stay awake and discuss it dam it...that was a joke btw lol sweet dreams morrigan..unless you're a guy then...(in deep voice) okay you pussy hehe.

i hope you can come up with something though....just to prove to everyone who quoted the tos that memberships and what thoughts they think are important and can sometimes change a rule....specially the person who said won't change their minds. ...and like vince....thanks for the good intentions


billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:07 PM

i had a post from this thread pulled by morrigan because she/he deemed it a personal attack or maybe hawk to whom the post was aimed at said he thought it a personal attack....i actually said in the post...this is a personal attack though it wasn't a personal attack. i'm more than capable of personal attacks without them seeming like personel attacks. i'm pretty good at subtle inuendo and know how to wind people up if thats what i'm inclined to do.

i just hope you didn't take it as a personal attack hawk. i love your sense of humour and your wit. well i don't love it per say but it's damnablly sp funny......if it came across to you as a personal attack i think it only right i apologise to you in the place where you thought it happened. sorry hawk.


ps i never got a warning and no cannibis plants were hurt during the making of this post.

Hawkfyr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:29 PM

I'm a big boy Billy,and have grown thick skin over the years..

No need to apologize.

Usually I'm a bit more subtle with my opinions, but I came out guns-a-blazin on this one,and I'm ready for all repercussions.

You have every right to express your opinions amigo.

Were all good man.

8 )


“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:36 PM

thing is tom i was trying to make funny. i found what you said and how you said it amuzing lmao. and for me voicing an opinion has never been a crime. in actual fact it was the post i sent in reference to the southpark icon that got pulled. in it i said ...i know this is a personal attack lmao...but your avatar makes you look like a rebel without a had numerous lol's and lmao in it.....thanks for being the person i thought you was when i posted. ps...the whiney stuff i wrote was also said tongue in cheek....if anything i think you livened up the thread lmao.

i wish EVERYONE had a sense of humour...

your ready for the sound like you're on death row hehe


Hawkfyr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:41 PM · edited Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:54 PM

Oh....and CrazyDawg..believe be .. NO ONE takes Poser users seriously..


Not just me.

Evidently you have not been around long enough to know about this.

So go beat whatever it is that pleases you.

Or....come on by or call...lets talk about it

Thomas Gray

384 Stutts Rd Mooresville NC,28117


“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

Hawkfyr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:52 PM · edited Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:53 PM

Well .Shit...I would have laughed my ass off Billy.

I really do wish they would have left it I said...I'm a big boy and would have probably laughed my F**kin ass off.


You know me...I'm more than willing to laugh at myself.


Crap..I missed it.


to bad..I would have probably rolled in laughter.


It's all good.



“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

billy423uk ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:55 PM

Quote - Oh....and CrazyDawg..believe be .. NO ONE takes Poser users eriously..


Not just me.

Evidently you have not been around long enough to know about this.

So go beat whatever it is that pleases you.

Or....come on by or call...lets talk about it

whats that you say....not even the fairies .......did i say i took up mdelling.....i'm doing okay at it though i keep falling off the runway lmao.  i think your sig is very apt tom ...sorry but  i have to say you brightened my day up no end .if you have time..edit your phone number out of your post...karens ex may ring you ...rotflmao sorry karen i couldn't resist it.


Hawkfyr ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 10:58 PM

Karens ex will have one hell of of a long distance bill....I'll keep him on the the phone for hours.

heh heh


“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

lmckenzie ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 11:33 PM

"Unless if we all agree to be bound by......" Unlikely, since we disagree on the meaning of a simple English sentence. Taking that to its logical conclusion, we shall have to agree to disagree as is usually the case. BTW can you point me to the citation on the ACLU's website - or was it from one of Katherine Harris' campaign speeches? Here ya go Bobby: Specifications are for the weak and timid! This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do battle with this code. Indentation?! I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull! Klingon function calls do not have “parameters” - they have “arguments"- and they ALWAYS WIN THEM. Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak. I have challenged the entire Quality Assurance team to a Bat-Leh contest! They will not concern us again. A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code. By filing this bug report you have challenged the honor of my family. Prepare to die! You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand! My Favorite: Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken

LostinSpaceman ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 11:59 PM · edited Thu, 14 September 2006 at 12:02 AM

Hey Tom! Can I get a date if I call you? :wub: 😉

CrazyDawg ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 11:59 PM · edited Thu, 14 September 2006 at 12:03 AM

Something is confusing me with this child guideline. Now it states "No dipictions of humaniod characters". now someone correct me here if they could, isn't the morph Aikobot Maria a humaniod character for Aiko. Now if any of you have it loaded in poser take a look at it, you'll notice you can use parts of it on Aiko, it is also young looking, not clothed yet images are allowed to be posted of that.

This is what we artist would normally call a double standard...reason why that is and i'll quote from the guidelines "No depictions of young humanoid characters/children giving the appearance of being under the age of 18."

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them.


CrazyDawg ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 12:06 AM

Quote - Oh....and CrazyDawg..believe be .. NO ONE takes Poser users seriously..


Not just me.

Evidently you have not been around long enough to know about this.

So go beat whatever it is that pleases you.

Or....come on by or call...lets talk about it

Thomas Gray

384 Stutts Rd Mooresville NC,28117


Been around long enough, member on many sites where poser artist are. Tom if i didn't live in Australia i would call around and chat with you over this issue and many others i'm sure 😄

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them.


XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 12:21 AM

The other side of your philosophy is, and apparently you adhere to (re: the previous mention of Bill O'rielly).

"That until the electorate is educated properly it is up to those who are to guide and maintain control...." (Leo Strause, 1890's, The founder of conservative philosophy).

geoegress --

Interesting quote -- but I fear that I don't quite follow what you are talking about.  Show me where I've expressed -- or even implied -- such a sentiment and then I might understand your meaning better.  It's nice to throw out a quote or two -- but arbitrarily attributing it to me is a bit off-kilter.

And since when was Leo Strause "the founder of the conservative philosophy"?  If anyone today derserves that title -- for today's conservatives -- then I'd say that it would be Bill Buckley.  Besides which -- that quotation sounds much more like a modern-day liberal position to me.  Parental in the extreme.


Quote - The other flaw in your viewpoint is *"you agree to follow a given website's rules when you join that website."*These are NOT the rules as when we signed up. So this limited outlook is negated.

It embraces the circular logic of : Rule 1, I am allways right,  Rule 2, In case I am wrong refer to Rule 1


Nope -- nothing negated here.  But I have to agree with you that there is a flaw.  The flaw stemming from the apparent underlying idea/thought/assumption that website rules are supposed to be somehow chiseled in stone.

If a website's rules should change due to a myriad of potential evolving situations -- then you continue as a member under the new rules.  Like it or not, a private website isn't a democratic institution.  We don't get a vote in how the place is run.  If the management decides to change the rules: then you can't just continue under the old rules as if nothing had happened.  Not and remain a member in good standing.

Now around here -- you can make suggestions.  And despite what some loudly claim, constructive suggestions actually are listened to.  Sometimes they can even make a difference.  But keep in mind that suggestions are just that: suggestions.  We don't own the site; and the site admins are under no obligation to ask us "How high?" everytime that one of us yells "JUMP!"

Every website needs the flexibility of being able to run itself.  They never promised anyone that the rules around here will still be exactly the same as they are at the moment five years from now.

So yes -- there was a flaw there.  But it wasn't mine.


Quote - Power given to those who are always convinced that they are beyond error is the hallmark of every dictator and fascist. Conviction of intent can be noble, Doubt of implementation is allways HONORABLE.

As the kids say these days: "Whatever."

We aren't talking matters quite that deep with the Aiko-in-the-gallery issue.  But I would point out that navel-gazing self-doubters rarely accomplish anything.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 12:40 AM

Oh, yeah -- and I should add:

Even if Bill Buckley is to be credited with being the "Founder of Modern Conservatism" -- that doen't translate into the assumption that therefore I must agree with everything that Bill Buckley ever did or said. 😉  So you can't just throw out some quotation from Bill Buckley: and then point it at me as if I had been the one who said it.  :biggrin:

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

billy423uk ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 1:18 AM · edited Thu, 14 September 2006 at 1:23 AM

actually in a way we do get to vote on how a site is run...we vote with our cash. and we indirectly vote through discussion and backlash. and if anything comes of this thread it will indeed prove the membership does have some kind of vote. all be it a suggestive one. only very silly people ignore the sway of public opinion.

If a website's rules should change due to a myriad of potential evolving situations

if a rule has been changed through a potential evolving situation and it was changed because of public outcry then it was indirectly changed by people voting to change it. to vote for something doesn't as you say always make a difference but people do and can vote how and when they please. if a website changes it's rules you can indeed put a vote forward to say you don't agree with it. if enough people put a vote forward or create a big enough stir rules do inavriably get changed or ammended. to say otherwise is ludicous. basically all voting is is chosing a side. you also say the rules aren't chisled in stone. to say the mebership doesn't own the site is also arbitrary. without the membership the site probably wouldn't exist. indirectly they own the site.  lets just say everyone gets together and says. unless you do this (as long as it doesn't break the law of course) we will boycott you and actually carry out the long do you think it would be before the site had a change of heart......the site is run purely to make cash. if anything were to come about as to cause sales to dwindle you can bet your ass they'd change the rules if it meant getting said cash flow started again. the membership can vote with it's dollar they often do and products fail or thrive because of it. what happens to a product can also happen to a site.......thats why business people often change their minds...not out of the goodness of their hearts but because of what they as a site or company stand to lose.

it seems here that aiko is part of the prob...lets say that unless something is done people stop buying aiko. ...can you see what i'm getting at. and i have to say whats the point of getting aiko if you see people having images that the mods themselves think look ok getting pulled.


CobraEye ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 1:24 AM

Basically, the Mods interpret the TOS rules incorrectly by thinking naked faery pictures are children involved in porn?

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 1:30 AM

Oh....I don't think that Aiko is in any danger -- sales-wise or otherwise.

And I'd also point out that a dozen or so individuals posting into a thread like this one does not a majority vote make.

In any case, whatever the admins do they will do for their own reasons.  No one "voted" -- except perhaps in a most indirect sense.  A suggestion is not a vote.  Only board members get to vote on business decisions -- and that's not us.

That's not to say that reasonable ideas won't be listened to.  Far from it.  But it is to say that the final decision isn't ours.

As far as "voting with our money" -- that's always an option.  That's the one thing that most certainly IS in your sole control.  But just keep in mind that there are a lot of other voters with money, too.  I'm one of them.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

bobbystahr ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 1:43 AM

Thanx lmckenzie,
           A handy resource, and more than a couple of chuckles...


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






KarenJ ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:00 AM

Hi all,

Further to suggestions, I'm happy to tell you the team have decided that we will no longer automatically issue warnings for removals but will discuss on a case by case basis depending on whether there is reasonable doubt over the model's apparent age.

We will not be announcing any blanket decision on Aiko at this time. As previously stated, Aiko can be morphed to appear older or younger. We will continue to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Please remember we are always happy to pre-approve images before you post - just send an IM or email.


"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

billy423uk ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:02 AM

iim not saying your not and for evey one who posts  how many don't yet read whats said.  i remember another thread about merchant harrassment. only a few posted but i surmise the merchant lost a lot of sales because of it. i already have aiko from an earlier loss of cogniscience but now i decided to try and make anythink i want to render so i guess i'm not even part of the equation.

is it about majority votes?  i doubt it. more about making a ripple. ripple go a long way. acyaully shareholder can vote boardmembers out if they have enough shares. sometimes even having a share isn't needed as long as you influence the people who do. that a membership can have a bearing of any final decision should be justifiably reward enough in itself don't ya think.

ps. sorry bobby stahr but your post confused me.  glad to see you making a worthwhile contribution to an already overbludgeoning debate  though lol.


bobbystahr ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:09 AM

NP billy423uk, I've been accused of being confusing before, heh heh heh


Once in a while I look around,
I see a sound
and try to write it down
Sometimes they come out very soft
Tinkling light sound
The Sun comes up again






billy423uk ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:12 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity

so no change there then apart from the warning thingy lol

this thread is so funny lol

i havent had this much fun since i shot myself in foot while waiting for father christmas with a blunderbus

i take it this is how it will go in future.......dear member we have taken down your image cos it breaks our tos but don't worry you have not been issued a warning as of yet....fuck that....i'm removing my gallery again hehe rrotflmao. ...that fuckin fairies 18 if shes a fuckin day i tell ya .....yep i can see how this will make all the difference. is it okay for me to suggest everyone who does a fairy pic or an aiko pic to send em to a mod first or will the overwork mean the drawing of a new line?



billy423uk ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:15 AM

good comeback bobby  lmao

and i mean that with good intent. your calmness in the face of adversity would put ben hur to shame. thanks


XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:24 AM · edited Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:25 AM

Quote - iim not saying your not and for evey one who posts  how many don't yet read whats said.  i remember another thread about merchant harrassment. only a few posted but i surmise the merchant lost a lot of sales because of it. i already have aiko from an earlier loss of cogniscience but now i decided to try and make anythink i want to render so i guess i'm not even part of the equation.

I'm not a part of the equation, either -- due to the fact that I rarely use Aiko.  Although she is in my runtime.  As for the other thread: I don't know the particulars.  So I can't speak to it.

"Loss of cogniscience"?  Can I quote that? 😉

Quote - is it about majority votes?  i doubt it. more about making a ripple. ripple go a long way. acyaully shareholder can vote boardmembers out if they have enough shares. sometimes even having a share isn't needed as long as you influence the people who do. that a membership can have a bearing of any final decision should be justifiably reward enough in itself don't ya think.


This isn't a share-holding business. 😉  I can assure you that the company president's job is safe.  So's Aiko's.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

TrekkieGrrrl ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 2:32 AM

Wow this is good news. Seriously.

And no, you probably can't make a blanket statement about Aiko and Hiro, they are easy to morph younger or older. Even V3 can be morphed to look underage with some skill. But I'm honestly happy that the mods will also judge the intent now. I have no problems about the act of removing pictures that are deemed against the TOS, but I didn't like the fact that a removal also caused an automatic warning.

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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

CrazyDawg ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 3:08 AM


> Quote -  Even V3 can be morphed to look underage with some skill.

How true that is, just look at the image i posted. V3 with a morph that makes her look like the sabrina morph for aiko.

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them.


XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 3:10 AM

That doesn't look underaged to me.  I'd judge her early-to-mid 20's.  At least based on that picture.  Nice image.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

aeilkema ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 3:59 AM

Well the solution to all of this debate is very simple.... just change the TOS and enforce the no nudity at all allowed rule.

No more debate about ages in the images and so on.


Bottom line is:

It was a dumb rule to begin with.  Art is about freedom of expression and this rule is against art. 

The rule isn't against art at all. Even art has it's limits. We all know what can happen when it comes to provocative images of kids. I'm glad R'dosity enforces this new rule and I don't mind if they even press it a bit further.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

billy423uk ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 4:01 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity

crazy dawg...first off why try and post an image you personlly think is underage? then why state that with skill you can use a morph that makes an image look underage which obviously isn't....if she's underage then i need locking up. the figure has all the proportions of a woman. plus though she has big tits they're not hanging out which i suppose negates the first off i did (but only just) the ruth is that with little or no skill we can turn jabba the fucking hut in something resembling a naked child. we're not actually discussing the skillfull ways someone can turn an image into a naked kid. in fact i doubt anyone actually wants to do images that break the tos. whats being discussed is a blanket rule the mods or rendo have adopted. re is it right or fair to lump everything together as though it were an underage child when some pics even to the mods are good and godly images. not their words btw.

and as for you'll be smiling on the other side of your face with your witty ...I can assure you that the company president's job is safe....come to think of it so will i lmao. and yeah i know the members aren't shareholders but as i say if people voice a loud enough opinion.....which obviosly they don't cos i'm the only burke posting  ...then sometimes rules change.

sorry ernyoka where did it say the mods would judge intent? how can they do that. basically everything is as is except you wont get a warning per say and all the fairy godfathers will have shiny records to polish.


Phantast ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 5:07 AM

Well, now, this thread has actually made some progress. We now have an improvement in the manner of running the site (thanks, Karen!), which, while it may fall short of what some people would like, is nonetheless an improvement.

Which shows that it is worth discussing these things from time to time, despite what may be said be those who try to sabotage any thread they don't like, like a child trying to disrupt a conversation between adults.

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