Forum: Carrara

Subject: Create vertex model using background images?

elfstone opened this issue on Apr 07, 2001 ยท 5 posts

elfstone posted Sat, 07 April 2001 at 1:13 PM

I'm new to 3D modeling and having difficulty. The manuals and gargoyle tutorial allude to importing images to use as templates for creating vertex models. How exactly is that done? I've put hours of effort into trying this with some success in parts of the operation but am not able to pull it all together at once to produce anything useful. I'm afraid from reading some of the other messages that it may be hopeless--PLEASE, say that isn't so!!!

litst posted Sat, 07 April 2001 at 5:17 PM

Sorry Elfstone, as far as i know, there's no way to add a background image in the vertex modeller in Carrara . One thing that's really missing ! :( litst

servo posted Sat, 07 April 2001 at 5:20 PM

Yet another HUGE flaw... are you listening, Eovia? --

Letterworks posted Mon, 09 April 2001 at 11:52 AM

I'm not very familiar with Carrara, but I'm thinking about upgrading. I currently use RDS 5.5 which also couldn't import bitmaps to the background to use as guides in modeling. I know of 2 work arounds for this. Personally I import the bitmap into CorelDraw and build vector shapes that I import into Raydream amd place, connect and form my model from. The other way was by a gentleman whose name escapes me. What he did was us one or more plane objects with the bit maps as the shader(s). Then position the planes to give you the "illusion" of a bitmapped background. I don't know if either of this would really work in Carrara. If anyone experiments with this, let me know how it works so I cna use it if I ever do find a copy to upgrade to. Mike

drew1 posted Wed, 11 April 2001 at 2:46 PM

Hi All, Always lurked but never posted. I'm currently using Carrara and I have devised a method to help with creating vertex models from drawings or picture files. This not really different from what has been explained already here. This is what works for me .... 1) Get Line drawings of the object you are wishing to replicate in the vertex modeler (VM) 2) If you don't have line drawings...try to make some up. They are really invaluable for accuracy 3) Add and align cameras such that they sync up with the views from your picture drawings. These are cameras arranged in the assembly room. 4) Get a quick outline of the object by producing an .ai file (vector file format)...I'm new to this stuff so I may get these terms wrong. 5) Use #4 to help with #3 6) Setup the material of the VM such that it is semi- transparent. 7) Add the specific views from your picture file as a scene background...(you'l change this to the view that you are working with at the time...) 8) Use the little Camera (render tool) to render your VM in the assembly room such that you can render your VM and your backdrop. Make changes to make the two agree. This may be cumbersome...but works okay. There is a little back and forth between the VM room and the assembly room to align things but you can easily get the swing of this. Sorry for the long post...have to make up for those times I didn't post I guess...