Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: makehuman in poser

xen opened this issue on Jan 07, 2007 · 19 posts

xen posted Sun, 07 January 2007 at 5:55 AM

Attached Link: makehuman

Makehuman started as a Python plugin for Blender, now it is a standalone C++ program. You can still see the blender roots in the weird interface.

It had an androgenous mesh with a zillion morphs that can be morphed into make, female and fantasy characters.  You build the character in the makehuman program and then export it as an obj file. You can even pose the character and then stick it into a blender scene. The mesh is like a free version of the DAZ unimesh. (Different mesh, but same idea of having a single mesh for male and female figures and lots of morphs.)

The program is released under GNU license and the mesh under MIT license.

The mesh is low poly but very high quality.

Has anyone rigged this figure for Poser yet?

mylemonblue posted Sun, 07 January 2007 at 3:18 PM

Attached Link:

**NUDITY WARNING!  Preview skin renders. **(A link to a forum demo of a character render using the aqsis render engine that surprised me.)

It's an amazing technology.  It runs on, Mac, windows, and linux.

My brain is just a toy box filled with weird things

mylemonblue posted Sun, 07 January 2007 at 6:06 PM

Attached Link:

*I found the MakeHuman base mesh design info. (linky linky)

My brain is just a toy box filled with weird things

pakled posted Sun, 07 January 2007 at 10:01 PM

good gravy, has anyone noticed it's 42 megabytes?..;)

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

xen posted Mon, 08 January 2007 at 3:14 AM

Mylemonblue: It was that page that made me conclude that it is a quality mesh. They sure spent lots of time thinking about the design.

Pakled: The makehuman program is 42M because of all the morphs. The mesh itself is very small. For Poser you could even subdivided it once before rigging it.

takezo3001 posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 10:29 AM

Yeah, I dl'd it a while ago, and this is far superior to the mil 2 gen figures, the joint system/skin system in V4 reminds me somewhat of this brilliant figure gen prog!


operaguy posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 5:44 PM

I just downloaded the MakeHuman for Windows.
I'm going to throw some time into generating a mesh.
Please advise the following:

I can get MakeHuman to export the mesh to .obj
I'll be able to open the .obj mesh in Poser.
I would then have to rig this mesh.

But what about the morphs???

I think MakeHuman has morphs inside itself for the user to get to the base mesh they want, but would the morphs be exportable in a way Poser could import them?

I would be wonderful to have an engine that can generate custom mesh, and even given acceptance of then having to rig, if one then has to build all morphs, including facial expression, wow, that is a lot of reinventing.

Just wondering if anyone can clue me in to the morph issues.

And then

::::: Opera :::::

operaguy posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 6:45 PM

This is just the default. I exported it in .obj and imported it into Poser. Wings says 10,900 polys. Click on image above for larger image.

operaguy posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 6:47 PM

Click on image above for larger image.

Touchwood posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 10:46 PM

I too have been playing around for the last week or so. As far as I know, once the mesh is exported, thats all you get. No rigging or morphs, just the mesh.

If you subsurf at least once before exporting, you get a much smoother mesh. Blender reports around 171,000 faces after subsurfing once. Using the model to learn rigging at the moment.

operaguy posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 11:39 PM

ah, that must mean that you can subdivide right in MakeHuman. I didn't find/see that command, I'm sure I'd find it with a little searching. No documentation, and no online help and no 'hover tool names.' I am not complaining. This is a free program and I respect the makers' vast efforts.

What I don't know is: how challenging would it be for MakeHuman to export morph targets? After all, morphs were used inside MakeHuman and the mesh in the destination program is the same as that exported. A morph is just something that calls out the x/y/z of the vertices of groups of polys, right? Is there some sort of universal file format for morphs, or would MakeHuman have to build custom export for any/all destination programs. 

Again, not complaining, just wondering.

Isn't the code open source? wonder if someone could add on a script that would export the morphs in poser-friendly format?

:: og ::

infinity10 posted Mon, 15 January 2007 at 5:36 AM

I've always wanted to try this out, and got a little confused about needing to use AQSIS to do renders from inside MakeHuman.

(Also, I note that the installation EXE is 16-bit Windows.)

Eternal Hobbyist


Touchwood posted Mon, 15 January 2007 at 8:07 PM

Just to clarify, the subsurfing is not done within MakeHuman. Just get the figure to look the way you like and export the obj file. You then need to import that file into your modelling program and do the subsurfing there before re-exporting.

Sorry for the confusion.....

xen posted Tue, 16 January 2007 at 2:26 AM

I did a subsurf in Silo and the model looked really good, but even the low poly version is not too bad with smoothing on in poser.

There are many morphs available in the program. The question is how to get them into poser. I don't know how to best chop the model into bodyparts. You could save a second obj with a morph and use that as a morph target in poser.

operaguy posted Tue, 16 January 2007 at 3:10 AM

xen can you explain that a litte more
how do you "save and object with a morph" and what does that get you?

bopperthijs posted Tue, 16 January 2007 at 6:27 AM

This is an awesome program! I've tried some figures last night and it is really easy. I imported the obj-files in UVmapper-pro fixed the normals  and subdivided it once, The models have a decent UV-map so you can make your own textures for it. I have to find out the right procedure for importing it in poser ( right now, the model is facing backwards)  Well, because there are bones for it, I have to learn how to rig in the setup-room, Just  when I wanted to get some sleep this week. LOL

-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?

bopperthijs posted Tue, 16 January 2007 at 7:38 AM

Another sample, this is so great. Meet dwoarq, ugliest creature in the universe.

-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?

operaguy posted Tue, 16 January 2007 at 8:59 AM

cool **bopperthijs,

**Yes, this program might be the catalyst for a lot of poser fans, myself included, to learn UVMapping, texture making, rigging and morph making!

With the rigging....
MakeHuman definitely enables you to create a mesh devoid of the ugly arm/shoulder/innerElbow issues. You can get beautiful, normal arms. While I have not progressed to rigging yet, I'm sure when I do I'll come up against whatever issues all the pros and e-F and Daz encounter in the arm area that lead to 'the ugly."

But the morphs....what sort of a challenge is that, to create an entire set of morphs for a mesh?


::::: Opera :::::

aleppax posted Thu, 08 February 2007 at 1:07 PM

Hi, here is a topic about Poser and MH, in the official MH forum: