Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: Would you Buy My Weapons for $7.50?

templargfx opened this issue on Jan 11, 2007 ยท 32 posts

templargfx posted Thu, 11 January 2007 at 5:31 PM

Hi good poser people!

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who would be interesting and willing to pay $7.50 to but a pack of weapons.

I have modelled 14 weapons in the past, and thought I might convert them all over to poser smart props and package them up, but I want to know if there are people interested in buying them before I take the time to do it!

Valermos Shaded

Valermos UV Mapping

Black Axe Shading

Apocalypse Sword UV Mapping

Witch King Sword Shading

Combo of Items and polycounts

Some of these are modelled directly off real world fantasy weapons, some are made up.
I've only got these images online if anyones actually interested, I will convert them over this weekend and get some more images for you to see!

Some of you may know these weapons

3D Hobbyist since 1996
I use poser native units

167 Car Materials for Poser