Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What's with the "excellent work!" in the galleries?

jjroland opened this issue on May 12, 2007 · 100 posts

jjroland posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 12:42 PM

Any idea why those people do that?   

I posted an image that is absolute crap - seriously and someone comes along and says "very cool image"  - um, not really...

I mean if he would have posted lol, that would make sense, but ....

Maybe I am just being a crab apple about it, I don't know - but it has annoyed me since the first image I posted and I got those kinds of responses.    I mean I can make a bet right here and now, that I can upload another image of a dirty diaper and this same person will come along and say "very cool image"  another one will come and say "EXCELLENT WORK"  yet another will add "very nice _____ work"

Why do they do it anyway?  Someone enlighten me so that I can understand this strange purpose and not get so annoyed by it.  Are they just renderosity bots implemented to make me think I don't suck?

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

RAMWorks posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 12:51 PM

Some folks don't know how to critique work without coming across rudely I suppose. So the next best thing is to say nice things even when they don't mean it.  I tell folks "go take an art course, you'll learn the art of critique"  It's never fun to hear the down sides to your work but when someone follows it up with advice or ideas that may help you improve it then it's worth hearing (reading) it! 😉

---Wolff On The Prowl---

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CeeBeeVFXG posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 1:51 PM

If you upload an image of a dirty diaper - I for one will definitely tell you that it is a "crappy" image ! LOL

I would rather hear constructive criticism rather than compliments (though they are very much appreciated) on my images as well. I also appreciate the fact that someone took the time to actually stop and post something at all :biggrin:

~ Meow ~

archdruid posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 2:14 PM

Hmmm... I suppose, in a sense, I do something that might look similar.....  some of what I see I would, from personal preferences and tastes, be a "pass", for me. However, this does not mean that I don't recognise the work that went into, say, the lighting, or the postwork..... I think that I should point out that I don't do that... say it's excellent ... unless I think so. Some things are "hereditary" with Poser... the elbow fold, and armpits for example. You can't tick someone off for that unless you know they can actually fix it.
  Maybe a detailed critique would be more to the point. BTW.... I still laugh over the mental image of "a flashlight up the nostrils".  Some haven't quite conquered that yet. Lou.

"..... and that was when things got interestiing."

mickmca posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 2:59 PM

Com'on folks, tell her the truth.

We get points for each complimentary post, debits for each criticism, and double debits for looking without commenting. When your CP points reach ten million, you get nothing. When your double debits reach above your knee, you get ten more. If the artist complains about your critical posts (also known as CP points), they are multiplied by seventeen and subtracted from your other CP score until the total resulting value is divisible by 641, at which point all the images in your gallery are reduced to thumbnails, all your thumbnails are stripped of their clothing, and you are... ready? BANNED!!!

It's pretty intuitive common sense anybody would agree to, if you just think about it. Don't be expecting to see what your current CP score (CCPS) is, though. That would be telling.


Acadia posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 3:00 PM

That's the reason the "Critique Group" was formed because of people geting tired of the gushy praise for the sake of comments and hopefully garning a recipricol view of their gallery type comments.

Some people go through the gallery and comment on everything and everything...good or bad, with gushing praise comments, in the hopes that the person will have a look at their gallery and leave comments. It's their way of establishing a "network" to generate views anc comments.

I know when I was a co-ordinator and did my gallery day, that I frequently saw the same members leaving what had to be copy/paste comments on practically every image uploaded. 

I'd rather have 5 views and  5 really meaningful, honest comments than 1000 views and 200 fake ones. However, not everyone is like that. Many seem to measure their worth based on their popularity in the gallery. Not all... but many do.

When I view an image in the gallery of someone who is not a member of the "Critique Group", I spend time looking at the image, but will only comment if I really feel that the image has moved me in some way.

If the image has done nothing for me except give me the "pretty image" feeling without anything emotional attached to it, then I won't comment. Same goes for images that I find trashy or just plain awful. 

I will however always comment on someone's very first gallery upload in order to give them encouragement and let them know that they are doing well for a first upload. I will let them know what I like about the image and offer them suggestions on ways that they can improve it. Simply said... I treat them as members of the "critique group" and give them honest feed back, but in a more subtle way.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

4blueyes posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 3:03 PM

Some people just do the "carpet bombing" with clone comments I guess, without actually looking a the image but in hopes that the artist commented will comment back or even give a rate :) Simple, isn't it? Browsing the galleries daily I already know most of these copy/paste texts by heart LOL

Acadia posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 3:06 PM

Quote - Some people just do the "carpet bombing" with clone comments I guess, without actually looking a the image but in hopes that the artist commented will comment back or even give a rate :) Simple, isn't it? Browsing the galleries daily I already know most of these copy/paste texts by heart LOL

haha, me too. Especially the ones with cute little symbols and all kinds of huggy wuggys going on,  lol

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

Miss Nancy posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 3:22 PM

there are some excellent images in the galleries here. my estimate would be approx. 1% of them are excellent. what bugs me is when one of the tubers posts a photoshopped version of a photo from a porno site, and the peanut gallery chimes in with their usual kudos. o.k., so they allow tubers to post stuff here, but how could anybody be fooled into praising it? I reckon they never lose any sleep about underestimating the intelligence of the audience. :lol:

bopperthijs posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 3:25 PM

I took a look at the image and compaired to dozens of other poser-pictures It doens't look that crappy to me, I agree that it isn't finished and needs some approvemen but it has something. Perhaps it wasn't what you had in mind, but sometimes even unfinished pictures can have quality: just take a look a all the sketches of Rembrandt or Leonardo da Vinci. For the artist they were just studies but today they are worth thousands of dollars.

Best regards,


-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?

scabrat posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 3:45 PM

Quote - That's the reason the "Critique Group" was formed because of people geting tired of the gushy praise for the sake of comments and hopefully garning a recipricol view of their gallery type comments.

Some people go through the gallery and comment on everything and everything...good or bad, with gushing praise comments, in the hopes that the person will have a look at their gallery and leave comments. It's their way of establishing a "network" to generate views anc comments.

I'd rather have 5 views and  5 really meaningful, honest comments than 1000 views and 200 fake ones. However, not everyone is like that. Many seem to measure their worth based on their popularity in the gallery. Not all... but many do.

When I view an image in the gallery of someone who is not a member of the "Critique Group", I spend time looking at the image, but will only comment if I really feel that the image has moved me in some way.

I will however always comment on someone's very first gallery upload in order to give them encouragement and let them know that they are doing well for a first upload. I will let them know what I like about the image and offer them suggestions on ways that they can improve it. Simply said... I treat them as members of the "critique group" and give them honest feed back, but in a more subtle way.



I'm just getting back into Poser and CGI, so feel a bit of a newbie. But I was here at Renderosity back in 2000, so not that new maybe :)

I remember (a few years back) when I posted my first post to a 'community' I really did want feedback, if only to feel part of that community.  I believe it is very important to communicate (feedback) but not all of us are artists, experts, or even if we are, we are not necessarily good at imparting critique.  I did find, however,  that the most annoying thing was being 'marked down' without explanation. 

This is a great community with an unbelievable amount of talent. Talent, which over the years I have seen ploughed right back into the community.

Just remember that tomorrow's experts, are todays newbies, who without our support, may never evolve to move us all forward.

Yeah, critique group, yeah, definately awsome. Excellent idea!


kttyanm posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 4:34 PM

I have to agree with everything said. I would like to add that as a newbie, I have only been doing poser for 1 year, that as nice as it is to hear good job,,,,, I would rather hear how to improve. I once had a lady that sent me a site mail to give me some tips on how to improve an image. I had no idea how to do what she suggested although i wanted to try. She was kind enough to link me to a great tutorial. I learned a lot out of that simple gesture and my work has improved thanks to her. I asked why she did it that way and she said she didnt want to embarrass me or have something that hurt my feelings in public.

scabrat posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 5:22 PM

Quote - Any idea why those people do that?   

Why do they do it anyway?  Someone enlighten me so that I can understand this strange purpose and not get so annoyed by it.  Are they just renderosity bots implemented to make me think I don't suck?


Perhaps it is just a form of Applause!

Not critique + or -


gillbrooks posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 5:39 PM

Then there are the few who do make honest criticisms of work.  

The artist will then request that the forum moderator removes the offending comment.

All the friends of the artist who see the comment before it is removed rush over to the infidels gallery and post rude and nasty comments on any images they may have uploaded, regardless of the quality, as payback for him/her hurting their poor artist friends feelings.

The exception, of course, being those artists in the Critique Group who truly want help to improve their talent 😄



Damsel posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 5:48 PM

It could also be that they are trying to encourage an artist that they feel is just beginning. Fragile egos of newbies need sometimes to be encouraged and not slamed down, so that may be it?? If so, that's nice and not a bad thing at all.

Kathie Berry

Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot. 
Others transform a yellow spot into the sun.
 --Pablo Picasso-

jjroland posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 5:53 PM

I compliment - even if it is for any of these reasons is always appreciated.  This is different and I must be expressing myself poorly.  

To describe - it is as if a man walks up to a red headed woman and says GEE I LOVE your blonde hair.  Then proceeds to walk up to every other man woman and say GEE I LOVE your blonde hair.   After 5000 or so ppl the statement becomes meaningless and random ppl start to wonder if the man has lost his mind and is absent mindedly mumbling.

I appreciate the compliments where the people actually looked.  But there are 3 to my knowledge who I am SURE aren't even glancing.

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

Tashar59 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 6:05 PM

I think the word your looking for is troll. Everyone gets one sooner or later. Just have a laught at them. Quite often they don't have a gallery to look at. They just want to feel superior than someone else at the moment.

The bright side of it is, quite often it works to your benefit.

kalon posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 6:29 PM

Perhaps you're thinking non-english speaker? One congratulatory line translated in babelfish per day. Er, of course, I have seen individuals that seem to be english speakers do it as well....

stormchaser posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 6:34 PM

jjroland - Very cool post, excellent work, bravo, hugs!!!!!
Yeah, we see alot of this on here. People just post a comment without really looking so you'll go & give them a comment on one of theirs. Don't worry about it. At the end of the day all that matters is that you are happy with your work & take any critique which helps us to improve.

Tashar59 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 6:37 PM

"very cool image"  - um, not really...

That is a troll remark. I don't think even Babelfish could translate that wrong.

kalon posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 7:03 PM

Okay... Not my favorite culprits. I doubt it's trolling, people just need to have something to say.  The image was pretty ... um, interesting, but it also made me giggle. And raised all sorts of questions...

Did he strip her clothes off first in retalliation? Did she disrobe to appease him? Have you downloaded Apollo's clothes?

Sivana posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 7:24 PM

I´m afraid this is the result of the art-charts. So many users have begun to post stock-comments with copy and paste to each image that is showen as new in the gallery. When I have begun here, they where happy with 20 comments, but now they are in the need for 100 that they are showen in the top of "most commented images", and they are in the need for many new favorites to climb in the top of art-charts. 
So they are post about 200 comments dayly with the hope to get 50 back. 

For me, I don´t like to write the 85th comment under an image as I know, nobody will read it really.

If you want to read some real comments and critiques to your works, join the critique group!! ;-)

drifterlee posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 7:57 PM

Maybe someone really liked your work even though you hated it. When I was a Poser beginner, everyon'e stuff looked fabulous to me because I couldn't do it. I hated Andy Warhol, yet he was famous and a millionaire.

Zarat posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 9:06 PM

Quote - I compliment - even if it is for any of these reasons is always appreciated.  This is different and I must be expressing myself poorly.  

To describe - it is as if a man walks up to a red headed woman and says GEE I LOVE your blonde hair.  Then proceeds to walk up to every other man woman and say GEE I LOVE your blonde hair.   After 5000 or so ppl the statement becomes meaningless and random ppl start to wonder if the man has lost his mind and is absent mindedly mumbling.

I appreciate the compliments where the people actually looked.  But there are 3 to my knowledge who I am SURE aren't even glancing.

@jjroland: GEE I LOVE your blonde hair! :lol:

Ok, actually I kinda hate blonde hair, but sometimes I leave some sort of praise without criticism on some images.
Sometimes I do it simply to let the artist know I looked at the image. That's btw, always a good looking, not a quick glance.Sometimes I don't feel like looking up the right english words to express my critic about an image.
And sometimes it even happens that an image is really good and I like it on an technical and emotional level. That happens maybe once a year but there won't be much negative criticism about this work then.
Since the fixes, if I know how to do them are often pretty long text and or illustrations, I do that via PM. If the artist states exactly what he want's to improve it is easy to write about this specific issue. If the artists says "all kind of comments are welcome" then I'm often to lazy to write about everything that I can see in a picture.

jjroland posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 9:36 PM

Kalon:  LOL, yes I just got his clothes installed today, I must not have installed them before.  Now he is happily wearing a pair of jeans and may very well help her back up ; )

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

pjz99 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 9:45 PM

Excellent thread SUPER

My Freebies

jjroland posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 9:48 PM

:p pjz

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

Conniekat8 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 10:05 PM

Quote - Why do they do it anyway?  Someone enlighten me so that I can understand this strange purpose and not get so annoyed by it.  Are they just renderosity bots implemented to make me think I don't suck?


Sometimes people like to let you know that they looked at your image, even if they are at loss for more profound words at the moment, or maybe don't have the time or the inclination to comment or analyze in more depth. Perhaps they thought it may make you feel good for a minute to know they liked what you did, even if your work wasn't much more 'profound' then perhaps their comment.  
So someone thought your omage was worth giving you a little pat on the back , it's not such a bad thing. It is just one or two or three comments from fellow artists of very varying graphic and verbal abilities and knowledge, not a "great job" here's an oscar for a work that didn't deserve it.

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
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Conniekat8 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 10:15 PM

[ducking and running]--------------------------------------------------->

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

winter200 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 11:28 PM

Some people may just take the time to leave a comment on pics that others have looked at and ignored hoping to encourage the poster to keep on trying and showing improvement. Try not to let a tiny comment annoy you so much.

pjz99 posted Sat, 12 May 2007 at 11:30 PM

---- @--^-----  ------
What a beautiful thread!
----- ......'......@  -------

My Freebies

stormchaser posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 3:25 AM

Really cool comments everyone, fantastic!!
Now let's get this thread to the top of the 'thread of the week charts'!!
I think I may have at some point made a comment on a picture which may have sounded like I didn't really pay attention but I assure you that I only leave comments when I think the artist has portrayed something to me, whether it be overall good imagery or some cool render, lighting effects etc. It's not always the best artists which produce the best pictures. Also, what stands out as a good piece to one person might be garbage to someone else. I still look at the art charts because there is some outstanding work there, but It has been ridiculous when you see a piece of work up there with so many nonsense comments just because of the 'friends' situation. OK, there are more important things in the world to be annoyed about but it does ruin the charts becasue I'm sure there are lots of  really good work out there which just doesn't get the appreciation it deserves, because they're not in the friends club.
Sorry, my Sunday rant is over, LOL!!

SAMS3D posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 4:48 AM

jjroland, I actually really think your work is very good.  I would have posted great composition, which I still might.  Sharen

Plotinus posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 5:49 AM

But if you think your image is terrible, why post it...?

pjz99 posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 6:07 AM

Probably like me, like many of us, to get independent, objective feedback on how to improve.  A little ego fluffing is nice, sure, but I'd really rather get good constructive criticism and suggestions on how to improve my work.

My Freebies

Lucifer_The_Dark posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 8:13 AM

I don't very often venture into the galleries & almost never post a comment, it's not worth the emails & pms full of insults that it'll generate if I'm honest in my comment.

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

bantha posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 1:32 PM

The overall praise of everything was the reason I never loaded anything up here. I started uploading pictures when I joined the critique group, because the comments there are helpfull. But the overall tone in the gallery is strange. Everything is "great" "marvelous" etc. I already feel impolite if I do not say "great work" or something like that - but seriously, I would never have said that to your testing image.

But the people do it here that way. Post a picture here, and get praised. On other 3d-communities the standards are much higher. But I think the most people here like it this way.  I only comment pictures from the critique group, because I do not want be a spoiler. "Great picture" here just means "I was here, come to me too".

A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for.
Sail out to sea and do new things.
-"Amazing Grace" Hopper

Avatar image of me done by Chidori

jjroland posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 2:00 PM

""But if you think your image is terrible, why post it...?""

Hehe I still think a few people are missing my point - ah well.

I posted the terrible image because it was comical.  It made me giggle a bit, and I figured there were others who had the same trouble as I did that night so they would understand the humor in it.  It was just very far from a "spectacular piece of artwork".

Again Im not referring to 90% of people who come by and say "hey that's pretty good".  I am referring to the THREE people who post the exact same comment on every single image posted on renderosity EVERY SINGLE day.  If when you comment your wording varies than I was not referring to you.  If you do not comment on every single image that has EVER been uploaded to renderosity or even 90% of them, then I was not referring to you.

I hope that has cleared it up some ; )

OT - anyone else ever feel like renderosity is translating thier posts to chinese after they hit "Post Reply"?  ...

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

Lucifer_The_Dark posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 2:19 PM

I'm beginning to think there's a secret setting in the comments box that translates complex criticisms like "using the standard lighting is a very bad idea" into a standard "great work" comment. It's only when something truly hideous pops into the gallery that this practice becomes noticable to the less observant viewers ;)

Your latest pic is funny, horrible but funny ;)

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

nruddock posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 2:22 PM

Quote - OT - anyone else ever feel like renderosity is translating thier posts to chinese after they hit "Post Reply"?


aeilkema posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 3:30 PM

*"What's with the "excellent work!" in the galleries?"
*It's because at Renderosity everything works the other way around. Crappy images get lot's of views, good ones don't. Crappy images get the excellent remarks, good images get no remarks or this sucks one.....

If you try to against the flow and upset this system, Renderosity will cease to exsist.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

Conniekat8 posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 4:31 PM

I have an idea!
... we should get the attention of the people whom make numreous and mindless gallery remarks and direct them to those whom on occasion complain about getting no remarks...
Rhe rendolibrium will be restore and complaints will stop!

ouch    :blink:
Don't bug me, I was was having an awesome dream.... :blink: :blink:

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

Tashar59 posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 4:39 PM

OK, Ithoght you were complaining because someone said, Not really. That was your comment. Sounds like you should join that critique group and you may be happy with thier comments.

Maybe the person the said excellent, thought it was funny too.

ThrommArcadia posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 5:40 PM

jjroland, I get what you're saying!

I too wondered for a long time if there was some Renderosity ebot that handed out some praise to artists to make them feel like someone had stopped by.

I especially was starting to wonder this when I saw the exact same comments on a number of images I was looking at.

The first time I ran into this, I figured, I would go and chekc out this busy art lover's gallery and see what they had to show.

And, voila, no gallery!!

Yep, it does seem mighty suspicious.  Somoone with no gallery leaving gazilions of nice remarks (well, the same one or two copy and pasted) all over.

This does really disprove the whole "trying to get popular" theory and does support the "automatic flatter" hypothosis.

But, as of late, these individuals haven't been stopping by my gallery with their nice comments.  So I now feel left out.

If someone wonders around complimenting everyone on their "nice blonde hair", but walks past you without saying anything, what does that say!? lol.

kalon posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 5:52 PM


That you've arrived!

They've now wondered on to discover the next big hai.. I mean talent...

Can I get your autograph?


jjroland posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 8:27 PM

"OK, Ithoght you were complaining because someone said, Not really. That was your comment. Sounds like you should join that critique group and you may be happy with thier comments.

Maybe the person the said excellent, thought it was funny too.""

I doubt it beryld - I'm quite confident that the person I'm referring to didn't even see my image.  I did join the critique group - = ).  Attempting to explain this has become - slightly redundant imo so Im going to give up now , those who were going to understand my point already have, those who weren't never will so - I wont go into another blonde hair definition again lol.

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

Tashar59 posted Sun, 13 May 2007 at 11:46 PM

That was supose to be a sarcastic comment that you  missed. No blonde definition needed as you so put it.

Zarat posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 12:00 AM

That "blonde hair definition" was actually funny. :D

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 12:08 AM

I tend to look at things this way: people can say whatever they want to say -- much, little, or in-between.  If I open up an image for comments, then so long as those comments don't violate the TOS -- the commentators have total freedom of gallery speech.

If someone wishes to indicate that they find an image -- ANY image -- to be 'excellent'.........then that's their business.  They are free to say what they think.

Whether or not the image actually is 'excellent' is another matter.  But they can still say that it is, if they like.

BTW - this is another one of those perennial forum subjects.  It's almost as common of a forum topic as "Excellent!" comments are in the gallery.  I wonder why people are always posting stuff like that? 😉

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

pjz99 posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 12:16 AM

excellent thread, well done

My Freebies

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 12:18 AM

Oh, yeah......I should add that if someone wants to take the time to post a long-winded, in-depth critque of the image, then that's their business, too.

It's all a matter of personal liberty.  I can't say other people's words for them.  They control their own keyboards.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

jjroland posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 12:36 AM

Of course they do = )  

And they are welcome to post whatever they would like.  I was just curious as to why it might be - because it is baffling to me.  Many things in the world that are perfectly acceptable are subjects of curiousity and even sometimes annoying. 

/bows for Pjz - 

I was there !!!!!  It was history in the making!

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 12:45 AM

If you are really interested in the reasons as to why a poster made a certain comment -- then send that poster a site mail and ask 'em.  I seriously doubt that anyone else except for that particular individual can solve the mystery of their motives for saying what they said.  😉

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 1:01 AM

.........just to hazard a guess........and please understand that this is nothing more than pure speculation on my part..........I'd tend to think that the commentators were trying to be nice.

But who knows?  Maybe they even liked the image.  And perhaps they also believe in following the old saw (as has been said): Brevity is the sould of wit.  So they chose to keep things short, succinct, and to the point.

Or perhaps they didn't have the time to say anything more.  Sort of like smiling and saying "Hi!  How ya doin' ?!" to your passing friend as you quickly rush off to some other urgent appointment.  You don't have the time to stop and listen for 30 minutes to how your friend is really doin'.

But this is all pure supposition.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

pakled posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 7:36 AM

I've got some people who keep me honest..;) I don't mind...tell me I suck, but you're obligated to tell me why...;)

If I can see a problem, and I have a solution for it, I'll put a 'critique' in, but try to keep it positive. Truth is, after looking at @#$% near every picture since December '01, I've run out of original things to say (which is why I'm 'Pakled the Great (pic)'..;) Sometimes I just take a misspelling, or ironic title, and have fun with it, but that's as 'mean' as I get..;)

Some people have thin skins, or no skins at all...last time I cheesed off someone, I was put in a comfy chair and poked with soft cushions..;)

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

jwiest posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 9:37 PM

Excellent Work! I know what you mean/meant, but I can't help myself (as others couldn't either I see. LOL)

Actually I've noticed that with a few people and even have pointed it out to a few others as well.  I don't think it's a language thing, at least the ones I've seen, but it could be.  It's somewhat annoying, but at the same time sort of nice to know that they liked my stuff enough to bother in the first place.  I know it's not all about the number of comments or favorites or whatever, but it's nice to get them none the less.

So if you'll all go favorite something of mine...preferably the SAME thing so I can get on the charts again it'd be appreciated. :D 


(kidding obviously)

Actually I've noticed I tend to offer more positive than negative feedback.  Somewhat 'cause I'm a casual poser addict who mostly just renders for my own amusement, so I don't put tons of effort into most of my work and don't expect others to either I guess.


Tashar59 posted Mon, 14 May 2007 at 11:26 PM

Just join the critique club and you will be back on the charts again.

PerfectN posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 11:57 AM

Jjroland, Acadia and stormchaser have hit the nail on the head. I was actually bitching along these lines with a similiar thread I started yesterday re the art charts. But that thread was reduced to some juvenile comments about chocolate.
At the very least it seems that what people are doing has become apparant and common knowledge - in fact gillbrooks enlitened me to things that were going on that I had no idea of.
Well said people.

KarenJ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 12:16 PM

But that thread was reduced to some juvenile comments about chocolate.

After I'd answered your question, yes.

Sorry, I should have remembered you don't like humour. My bad.

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

PerfectN posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 12:39 PM

I like humor....
When its funny.
And I wasn't referring to your answer.

KarenJ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 12:54 PM

Well we all have different senses of humour.

Which explains why "Cheaper by the Dozen 2" got a theatrical release.

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:09 PM

Good thing that Karen's humor is funny.

Here's a suggested list of rules for commenting in the galleries:

1.  You aren't allowed to comment on the images of anyone that you know.
2.  You aren't allowed to comment on the images of anyone with whom you've exchanged private messages in the last six months.
3.  You aren't allowed to comment on the images of anyone who's commented on your images.
4.  You aren't allowed to leave comments which are short & praiseful -- because that's not what you are supposed to do.
5.  You aren't allowed to leave short negative comments -- because that's trolling.
6.  The only types of comments which are allowed must be no less than 200 words in length, and the comments must be thoughtful, well-written, in-depth, cogent, and witty.  Always keep in mind that the Secret Comment Police are watching you -- so if you don't say what they say that you should say -- in the way that they say that you should say it -- then you'll be in Big Trouble!!!
7.  Anyone who includes the word "excellent", or the phrase "well done" in their comment will be permanently banned from the site.

Others rules can be added to the list, of course.  The rules set will be entitled as The Politcally Correct Speech Code For Gallery Comments, and it'll be printed up in a little red book.  Everyone must memorize the book, and must recite the red book's contents out loud at least five times a day.

Oh, and BTW -- you'll have to trade in all of your clothes for those workman's leisure-suit looking things, too.  Guaranteed equality is the goal here.

Thus it has been written - and thus you must obey.

PS - if you are expected to have an opinion, then we'll give it to you.

This isn't about frivolous things like having fun, folks.  This is Serious Business.

So don't you dare say anything funny. 😠

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:20 PM

Oh, yeah......I almost forgot: you'll have to shave your head, too.  We can't have some people being blonde, and some people being brunette.  Because things like that just aren't fair.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

archdruid posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:23 PM

:lol: ...... Hmmmm..... "if it isn't specifically prohibited, then it's required"> HMMMM.... then..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... Lou.

"..... and that was when things got interestiing."

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:35 PM

I'd put it a little differently: 

If it isn't specifically prohibted, then it isn't specifically prohibited.

Beyond that -- what you do, or don't do -- is up to you.

To coin a phrase:  Excellent.  Well done.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Conniekat8 posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:38 PM

What, mo more fun???  :blink:
You big Killjoy McMeanie you!  :tt2: 
And here I thought you were a nice guy! Oh, how wrong was I!  :crying:

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:44 PM


Something To Do At 3:00AM 

KarenJ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:53 PM

Damn, I'll see you guys around, I have to go ban myself. I definitely used "excellent" in at least one comment this week :lol:

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:55 PM


Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Lucifer_The_Dark posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 1:55 PM

Quick answers to Xeno's list ;)

  1. I don't know anyone on here so you're all fair game to me ;)
  2. I don't get many private messages
  3. I haven't posted any images as Lucifer so I'm safe on this one too
  4. Wonderful ;)
  5. Utter tosh mate :p
  6. Well I think snip (edited for comedic value)
  7. exce........ wel..........lovely weather we're having today...

I'm off before Xeno hits me with his handbag ;)

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

jjroland posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:12 PM

Was going to leave this one alone because - it had become apparent that the entire thread was not read and I was getting drug into a debate about it.  -  BUT one more time just for giggles _ I was NOT referring to 90% of the people who comment.  I comprehend that someone might not be able to think of something else to say, and might just say "nice job". they might just want to say something nice and not criticise - that was NOT what I made this post about in the first place.

This thread has gotten a tad twisted around to where it would appear that I am actually not appreciative of sincere comments - that is miles from the truth.  I would not implement any gallery comment rules.  I simply wanted to know if there was some concievable purpose to making comments that were not sincere - to better understand it.

I have now said this in every single way that the english language provides me to explain it.  I have probably repeated myself more often than not.  If you have a bee in your bonnet because I was curious, I am sorry, but feel free to make a thread asking why.  Short of learning another language I just can't express myself any more clearly on this one - and for the record at LEAST one person is still greatly misunderstanding me.

Thankfully there have been a couple who did understand and I didn't come across as a total witch = ) to everyone!

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

Conniekat8 posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:13 PM

This is most exc... you guys are too funny, oh, oops, no fun either... ***brav, no, not that... 
:blink: :blink: 😕 :blink: :blink:

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:14 PM

We've already got a candidate for banning.  In fact, we'll need to ban about 80% or so of the people who comment in the galleries, too.........because as everyone knows, they're all a bunch of.......(snip).......

My handbag is kinda heavy, BTW.  You're allowed to carry in my state. :biggrin:

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:29 PM

Quote - and for the record at LEAST one person is still greatly misunderstanding me.

Thankfully there have been a couple who did understand and I didn't come across as a total witch = ) to everyone!


jj -- I'm not picking on you -- really, I'm not.  But there are others about who'd stand up and salute a set of rules like those which I've so mildly suggested -- that is to say: they'd stand up and salute so long as THEY were the ones running the show.  And so long as THEIR rules were the ones that thre rest of us would have to obey.

Frankly, my issue with this type of thread revolves around the fact that people should simply be allowed to say what they want to say -- as they want to say it.  Not as I (or anyone else) want them to say it.

As others have complained about elsewhere -- so there are gallery cliques which form and shut others out -- so what?  The only way to prevent such behavior would be to institute a set of choking rules which most of us would never willingly agree to live under. deal with the reality of the situation as you find it.  The only other thing that anyone can do is to endlessly complain about it -- because people aren't going to stop doing what they do.  No matter how annoying it might be.

I believe that you are a nice person.  And I'd never dream of picking on you.  Nor did I read it that you are among those who'd like to see such a set of rules as those that I've suggested imposed on the rest of us.  Let me make that clear.

But there are people who do want to.  And my posts are intended for / aimed at them.  😉

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

jjroland posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:32 PM

""Frankly, my issue with this type of thread revolves around the fact that people should simply be allowed to say what they want to say -- as they want to say it.  Not as I (or anyone else) want them to say it.""

Do you see the contradiction there?  Or am I the only one?

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:34 PM

Quote - ""Frankly, my issue with this type of thread revolves around the fact that people should simply be allowed to say what they want to say -- as they want to say it.  Not as I (or anyone else) want them to say it.""

Do you see the contradiction there?  Or am I the only one?


No, there is no contradiction here.

I've never suggested that you -- or anyone else -- shouldn't be allowed to say what they've said.  I've merely disagreed.  There's a difference.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

SoCalRoberta posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:36 PM

OK, I read Xeno's rules and would like a bit of clarification please.

 1. Define "know". How can anyone really "know" anyone else?
2.  Big Brother is always watching. No message is truely private.
3.  Does that include telepathically?
4.  I'm dead 👎
5.  See response to #4. 👎
6.  Does copy and pasting The Gettysburg Address qualify? This rule doesn't say  
7.  Are those words in the Gettysburg Address?

(Sorry, some things just can not be resisted. :tt2: )

Conniekat8 posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:42 PM

Quote - I simply wanted to know if there was some concievable purpose to making comments that were not sincere - to better understand it.


This reminds me of how I used to get myself in trouble/and or misunderstood at times... I would ask a serious question, and vent a little at the same time.

What I found out that people end up focusing on the emotion of the question, and try to calm me down (mostly by sayying, don't feel this way, which is most unhelpful way of trying to calm someone down, by the way, but people do it all the time)

After I had calmed down (which often happened right after I hit "POST"), I was a lot more interested in "Why", and had forgotten the vent.

To my dismay, I would notice that for days, or as long as the thread was alive, people still kept telling me what to do to calm down, and my real question never really got answered. Usually, the more I tried to get the question answered, the more people thought I was still riled up (even if I no longer posted in a vert-like manner)

It seems to turn into a catch 22 or some sort of a group butterfly effect, one you vent, then everyon else's feelings get riled up a tad, and most of logical discussion seems to go out the window, and most participating individual pursues their emotional angle of the discussion - usually somewhat different to the initial post, but closer to something that has riled them up in the past, and the initial post reminded them of it.

It's not that people aren't understanding you, it's that by now, they're talking about something slightly different, and neglect to consider that you're reading it, and may be thinking, uh-oh, I didn't really mean it like that (not realizing they're no longer talking about you)...

I hope it all makes some sense, I have to run out so I'm not rereading and editing at the moment ;)

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:43 PM

Quote - OK, I read Xeno's rules and would like a bit of clarification please.

 1. Define "know". How can anyone really "know" anyone else?
2.  Big Brother is always watching. No message is truely private.
3.  Does that include telepathically?
4.  I'm dead 👎
5.  See response to #4. 👎
6.  Does copy and pasting The Gettysburg Address qualify? This rule doesn't say  
7.  Are those words in the Gettysburg Address?

(Sorry, some things just can not be resisted. :tt2: )


In response to your #6 above -- as I indicated in my post, the rules can always be added to.  In fact, I fully expect that the list of rules would do nothing except get longer and more complicated with time.  So.....a rule about comments having to be 'applicable' could be added as needed.

As for your #7 -- I dunno.  I'd have to look it up.  Let me go google that................:biggrin:

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

jjroland posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 2:55 PM

It makes perfect sense Connie - a little clarity atm is helpful = )

I like forums - nice to talk to different people 
Sometimes though, I just get the feeling that no matter what you say someone will misconstrue it.  

I had always thought that I had a firm grasp on the language and an excellent ability to express myself - but in the world of internet forums I begin to think I'm  the weak link in that aspect...

p.s. connie Im working on an image in your honor - inspired by the art charts thread as we speak!

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:01 PM

Connie did an excellent job of explaining things.  Well done, Connie.  😉

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Conniekat8 posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:02 PM

*I had always thought that I had a firm grasp on the language and an excellent ability to express myself - but in the world of internet forums I begin to think I'm  the weak link in that aspect...*It's not the language, it's the whole dynamic and people's feelings and interests, it overshadows the language. Selective hearing and understanding is much more common then people tend to admit, and most of the time it's not consciously done. Who would have thunk communicating could be so complex!

p.s. connie Im working on an image in your honor - inspired by the art charts thread as we speak!

[UH OH....  kitty runs to hide under the bed....]
I'm still waiting for the fallout from the last post I made there. I have a feeling I'll need a really dark corner to hide in for a while!

Xeno, You're welcome... Heh, I speak out of, dare I admit, experience... been on both sides of that interaction more times then I care to admit, and still not immune to it. But when I see it happening elsewhere, gosh, it seems so clear....

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:06 PM

Sounds like I'm needed over in the Art Charts thread.........

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

KarenJ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:07 PM

I had always thought that I had a firm grasp on the language and an excellent ability to express myself - but in the world of internet forums I begin to think I'm  the weak link in that aspect...
Don't forget that many people here don't have English as a first language - so no matter how good your English, that may not help them!

I think one other factor here is that these threads do tend to pop up on many many different ocassions, each time with a slightly different twist to the question/comment/suggestion. So some people are kind of rehashing or restating their positions from last time the debate took place.

Of course last time we had one of those, the Critique Group was formed, so it's not all bad 😄

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

svdl posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:16 PM

Xeno, I almost wet my pants reading your posts in this thread. Brilliant humor.

Drat, now I have to be banned for the use of "brilliant'...

The pen is mightier than the sword. But if you literally want to have some impact, use a typewriter

My gallery   My freestuff

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:20 PM

Oh no!

whew.....actually, you're OK -- "brilliant" hasn't made it onto the list of Banned Words yet.  But of might be made retro-active.........

Better run & hide!

😉 :biggrin:

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Conniekat8 posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 3:55 PM

Quote - Sounds like I'm needed over in the Art Charts thread.........


LOL, yea, I may need bailing out!  Although, whew, noone has touched that thread since my last post.  I can just see the mods go, oh, no she's pushing the envelope again... is that her third or fouth offense... 
[man, I'm hyper today...]

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

jjroland posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 4:15 PM

Here ya go Connie!  Can't put it in my gallery because apparently one is the limit per day for non-members.  Pooey.

I am:  aka Velocity3d 

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 4:37 PM

Quote - > Quote - Sounds like I'm needed over in the Art Charts thread.........


LOL, yea, I may need bailing out!  Although, whew, noone has touched that thread since my last post.  I can just see the mods go, oh, no she's pushing the envelope again... is that her third or fouth offense... 
[man, I'm hyper today...]


Actually, I've been reading the 3DBuzz thread instead.  It's an interesting one, too.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Conniekat8 posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 4:43 PM

@JJ diet coke spew     LOL, that's just too funny!

@xeno  I'm afraid to go there, I might raise a ruckuss because I wouldn't be afraid of getting kicked off. Here, I have to be on good behavior.

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

PerfectN posted Tue, 15 May 2007 at 4:56 PM

"Which explains why "Cheaper by the Dozen 2" got a theatrical release."... THAT was funny.

KarenJ posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 5:03 AM

Cheaper By The Dozen 2: This Time It's Even Worse (or something)

I consider it an insult to my backside that I made it sit through 94 minutes of that tripe. 😠

I didn't let my little boy pick the weekend film for 6 weeks after that little excursion. I spent most of the film trying to restrain myself from shouting at the screen, "Hey buddy, ever hear of BIRTH CONTROL??"

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

Khai posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 6:53 AM

there was worse.

try john travolta's 'lucky numbers' - yes. he made a movie worse than battlefield earth..........

PerfectN posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 9:49 AM

NOTHING was worse than Battlefield Earth. My nose bleeds at the thought of that train wreck...
But to enlighten you Karen...they are in production for Cheaper by the dozen 3!
A sign of the acopolypse to be sure....

KarenJ posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 11:16 AM

What's the tagline...

"Cheaper by the Dozen 3: Because we're too cheap for a vasectomy"?

God... the brain boggles, it really does.

It's not that I don't like kids' films. I took littl'un to see Shrek, the ScoobyDoo movie, Happy Feet, Flushed Away, the Spongebob Squarepants movie, Ice Age, Open Season, Little Man, Mr Bean's Holiday, Holes, Click, The Pacifier, and god knows how many more. Most of them, I loved. Nothing approached CBTD2 for suckiness (although Little Man was bad. But it was still 10 times better than CBTD2.)

I can't believe I'm still ranting about how crap it was 18 months later, LOL.

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

archdruid posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 11:21 AM

.... OH!, yeah, the FIFTH horseman.... the one that the writers had edited out.  the one that goes something like, "... and they shall all become mindless formula imitators, for they shall have no original ideas." That one?  :laugh:  Lou.

"..... and that was when things got interestiing."

Khai posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 11:52 AM


Travolta has said he wants to make..........................


stormchaser posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 12:09 PM

karen1573 - Oh, I'm totally with you on this one. A few months ago I was ill so I had to spend the weekend in. I had seen all the latest movies  so I asked my young sister if she would lend me a DVD as I was really bored. Guess what the flim was? I generally like Steve Martin films but this was a pile of poo!  But the worst thing is that I actually watched it through to the end, it was embarrassing. My, I must have been ill, LOL!

PerfectN posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 1:58 PM

I don't think you were ill Stormchaser - you were in a coma
That said I LOVED happy feet

Rodma_Hu posted Wed, 16 May 2007 at 4:51 PM

"wow wow;)"

"passes for beautiful day, much deserving of stars"

"Excellent image!!!!

And others...

I have to admit that I thought up this technique all on my own shortly after becoming an active gallery member, but then I discovered that I was just finding out about it. Now I call the practice "trolling for fans." You know who they are...Master trolls can hit the entire gallery in under 15 minutes - 90 to 95% of all posts, except the gay images.

Guess what? It works. You see them almost everyday on the favs.

The only problem is there are no troll filters currently available to determine authentic response. Thus, your own stats may become gamed as a result.

I have other rants, like miscategorized images (Poser vs. Mixed Media). Same phenomenon - a need to be loved. No time for it now.

I must learn to become more tolerant of the human condition.