Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Hall of Fame- who would you add?

masha opened this issue on May 25, 2007 · 157 posts

masha posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 6:55 PM

I want to start a new thread from the below as it's evolved from it's original subject matter - it's a shame that bagginsbill's amazing
wood shader discussion is also buried in that thread, not to be seen by many not interested in the subject title itself.

I think we should have a Poser Hall of Fame where people who have or are contributing to the amazing evolution of Poser aside from the original programmers -  who have turned it upside down and inside out to make it do uncharted things and shared their work with the rest of us and who help the community unstintingly and should be acknowledged and remembered.

Who are the people you would want in  the Poser Hall of Fame?

Quotes copied from this thread:
Posted Wed, May 23, 2007 5:18 pm
    Quote masha:
    "Think we'll have to erect a  statue for you in the Poser Hall of Fame Bagginsbill !

    Why don't we have a Poser Hall of Fame?  These exceptional people  who over the years make Poser extend itself way beyond the neato little program it would otherwise remain.

    A gigantic Hurrah for yu all !!"

    Quote Xenophenz: "Yes......let's erect statues!  All of them standing in the T-position, and with blank stares on their faces!  It would be a badge of honor!
    (bald heads, too......)"

    Quote masha: "hat would be too cruel    :)
    How about  Bagginsbill standing on a wooden pedestal with drapes of fabrics done in his mats and say one of  Ockham  playing py buttons like a mad pianist.  Ajax whipping tentacles or whatever around  and Dr Geep with his foot victoriously atop of NaySay guy.  DPHoadley could be poking his head out of a web of flattened mesh, Trekiegrrl sitting amidst a jumble of everyday bits - on-and-on.  I can think of a few funnies and quite a number of people in the Poser community who'd be fun to immortalize along with a list of their accomplishments and contributions.   SnowSultan a Z toon figure with a color code running down his sides...

    So who would you add in the Poser Hall of Fame?

    "Quote bagginsbill: 
    I would add face_off. Not just because his skin shaders are the best, but because he has been so helpful in the forums. Since he became a dad, he hasn't got time to participate (hasn't posted since December 17 last year) but his body of contributions in 815 posts is outstanding.

    This is my 919th post - I'm planning a mindbending posting for my 1000th.
Heh, I was only kidding about 'statues' for them (though it could be fun), but lets hear it for all the others - I have only mentioned a few -  who should be acknowleged and remembered in the Poser Hall of Fame.

Khai posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 7:31 PM

for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in alot of the content for Poser 7.

ghelmer posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 7:46 PM

Well for product innovation I'd add Stonemason, PhilC, face_off, ockham (though he doesn't charge for his python genius!) ...  for sharing their wealth of knowledge and just plain helpfulness I'd have to say the good Dr Geep, Acadia, bagginsbill, again ockham, maxxxmodels, opera guy, pjz99 (though newish poster a very helpful member) hmmm...  I know there's so many more... I often look for the above posters when scanning the topics and more often than not find a fount of useful Poser information...



You are pure, you are snow
We are the useless sluts that they mould
Rock n roll is our epiphany
Culture, alienation, boredom and despair

Victoria_Lee posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 7:46 PM

Anton - for giving away his AMAZING Apollo Maximus figure (especially after all the fiasco earlier!)

Hugz from Phoenix, USA


Remember, sometimes the dragon wins. Correction: MOST times.

masha posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 7:48 PM

Then there is Anton Kiesel who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been exceptional too.

Acadia posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 7:54 PM

We all contribute to the success of Poser in one way or another.


The person who came up with the concept
The ideas and programmer people
The modellers who contribute content
The Beta Testers for the program
The buyers of the program

The modellers who make 3D content to use be it for free or for sale
The people who create textures for such content be it for free or for sale
The people who program scripts to be used within or in inconjunction with Poser
The various Poser fan sites
The members of various communities
The staff who help keep those communities running

That said, there are a few names that stand out in my mind for their exceptional contributions.  In alphabetical order:

Dr. Geep

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

masha posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 7:54 PM

OOps, you beat me Vctoria_Lee :)

Then there are those on other boards like RDNA etc.

ghelmer posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:03 PM

I totally forgot Anton!!  Was not intentional!!!!  Also stewer, Sams3D, Kozaburo, Wyrmmaster...

the list goes on!!!


You are pure, you are snow
We are the useless sluts that they mould
Rock n roll is our epiphany
Culture, alienation, boredom and despair

slinger posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:21 PM

I'd elect myself to the Hall of Fame.  That would make everyone else look even better.:b_funny:

The liver is evil - It must be punished.

madmaxh posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:25 PM

I have to echo my vote for all the immortals mentioned above, and I'd like to add Nerd and Wyrmmaster.

pjz99 posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:33 PM

It will give him a big head, but I'd add David Hoadley for remapping Posette to take V3 textures.

My Freebies

svdl posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:56 PM

I'd like to nominate Ajax (EasyPose), tromnek (Poser RPC scripts), and Poseworks (pzrXml). 

The pen is mightier than the sword. But if you literally want to have some impact, use a typewriter

My gallery   My freestuff

pokeydots posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:58 PM

I'd Say add Capsces in there for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

bnetta posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 8:58 PM

don't forget
snowsultun for his great template maps of the figures!!
and andi3d for all his great bones!

Shadowbear posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 9:17 PM

John Malis for his Armor textures

svdl posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 9:52 PM

Forgot some

kirwyn. His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
In the same breath: AdoranaDE, for dynamic hair.

And: B.L. Render (Bloodsong). t "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.

VK. I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.

lesbentley and nruddock, for their Poser tech contributions.

The pen is mightier than the sword. But if you literally want to have some impact, use a typewriter

My gallery   My freestuff

Victoria_Lee posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 10:36 PM

If we're going that far in - DeeCey for her "Practical Poser" books.  I love mine!

Hugz from Phoenix, USA


Remember, sometimes the dragon wins. Correction: MOST times.

svdl posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 10:47 PM

My personal Poser Hall of Fame consists of the people who bring innovation to Poser and/or spread knowledge about the workings of Poser. Anton, bagginsbill, face_off and many others are innovators, while Dr. Geep and B.L. Render are prime examples of knowledge disseminators.

A great modeling or texture artist (and there are many of those) brings great content to Poser users, but does not innovate Poser, nor does he/she spread knowledge.

That's just my personal opinion. Not really surprising, considering the fact that my scientific background is far more extensive than my artistic one (which is almost nonexistent).

The pen is mightier than the sword. But if you literally want to have some impact, use a typewriter

My gallery   My freestuff

darth_poserus posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 11:10 PM

I'd add every user of poser. In the end its those who use poser for various different things who drive the innovations.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Free the freebies!

bagginsbill posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 11:42 PM

"In the end its those who use poser for various different things who drive the innovations."

That may be true for other people, but not for me. If there was not a single one of you Poser users, I'd still be interested in doing shaders. 

Puzzling out how to make a certain shader is like a Sudoku puzzle. When I solve a good Sudoku, the sense of accomplishment is in no way diminished by the fact that not another soul is going to admire, find use for, or even comment on my solution. To me, if you find my shader solutions useful, that's kind of amusing. It's like you're digging through my trash and pulling out my finished Sudokus and framing them or something. :biggrin:

I also compose, arrange, perform, and record music that nobody - not a single person besides me - has ever heard. I suppose somebody might find the music useful or pleasant to listen to but that's not why I do it.

Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)

R_Hatch posted Fri, 25 May 2007 at 11:49 PM

What about that feller what come up with MAT poses ;p

masha posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 12:07 AM

    I'd add every user of poser. In the end its those who use poser for various different things who drive the innovations.

Not necessarily  darth_poserus.  I think people do it for themselves because they want to achieve certain things or because they are challenged and have the capabilties and talent  But - and this is a big BUT-  they don't keep it to themselves like jealously guarded secrets but share it with the rest of us,  and they put up with being bombarded by follow-up questions and further pleas for help. 
Credit where credit is due :)

@ svdl I pretty well concur with your personal categories  but I'd add the most  prolific sharers  of  their labour of love as freebies,
and the ones who shared great add-ons that make the creative process that much easier and faster for us all  (Ie P3dO the Poser Browser by Yarp, given away for free all these years of its evolution - the creator of UVMapper etc.)

I don't know where we'd need to draw the line

masha posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 12:50 AM

The honour roll be categorized as below - or however we decide.  The descriptions are hasty quickies right now and in some cases missing still.  It would be good if the people who nominated them would elaborate on their valuable contributions in a short paragraph for the edification of everyone.  

Then we can have to talk the  PTB  at significant sites to dedicate a page to them on their site.  What say you moderators here at Rendo?

And let's not forget anyone, if possible.  They need to be acknowledged and honoured.

The great technical Poser Innovators:

The master disseminators of Poser knowledge

The contributors of  invaluable free Poser add-ons

The  most generous of freebie sharers  ever

Acadia -  for always sharing her  their wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness
AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.
Ajax - (EasyPose)
andi3d -  for all his great bones
Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been exceptional too.
Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels
lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful
B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.
Capsces - for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!
DeeCey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.
Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve
face_off - Not just because his skin shaders are the best, but because he has been so helpful in the forums.
David Hoadley  - for remapping Posette to take V3 textures.
kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
Kozaburo - transmapped hair freebies which are still widely used and some of  the best hairs around.
John Malis - for his Armor textures
Mapps - so generous with his great freebies
maxxxmodels - great helpfulness
Ockham - great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions all for free
opera guy - enlightening discussions
PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc
pjz99 - great assistance
nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.
tromnek - (Poser RPC scripts)
Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies
Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.
stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers
Stonemason - superb product innovation
Trekiegrrl - freebies galore
tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)
VK. I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.

mertext posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 9:19 AM

First ones that come to mind would be PhilC (for either allready having a tut, or for answering my questions so many years ago, as well as his work that inspired me to create) and Nerd (for his work as well, in the early days of Poser)

There are many others, but these 2 stick out at the forefront of my mind

aka MCDLabs
also known as Daniel Merrill a grumpy old disabled Jarhead.
checkout my freebies at

SnowSultan posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 11:55 AM

" snowsultan for his great template maps of the figures!!"

Thank you Bnetta, I appreciate the mention.  :)


my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

Larry F posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 11:59 AM

Did we forget Steve Shanks?

darth_poserus posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 1:55 PM

So let me get this straight. Some want too create a poser hall of fame, too "celebrate all the great innovators of Poser". 

Yet don't want to include those who are directly responsible for there being a Poser to innovate to begin with.

Poser unlike this fairytale myth that some just won't let go of, is not about the art, it's about the money. All one has to do, is just look down in our very own copyright forum and you'll see that.

So that said.

Without the end user to buy Poser, there wouldn't be a Poser to begin with. 

No Poser to begin with, and no innovations for Poser, or addons for Poser, or items for use in poser. LOL

I mean for example, surely no one here seriously thinks that Zygote, Curious labs, or DAZ would have created anything for Poser if there never was a market for Poser to begin with do they?

As the obvious answer to that question is NO. It is the end user who deserves to be given some credit for driving innovation.

Lastly if there is going to be a "hall of fame" and I don't think there should for many reasons, then those who truly deserve the credit are the original creators of poser in the first place, and oddly enough to date I dont see any of their names listed on the above list.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Free the freebies!

Miss Nancy posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 2:56 PM

nitrane, hokusai, kozaburo, sharkey, happyworldland, don tatro, legume, anton, sixus, sams3d, batlabs, jack k., willow, stewer, colin g., kupa, a. hernandez, larry w., et al.

kirwyn posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 4:13 PM

First off, I gotta say how deeply honored I feel about my inclusion on such a list.  Thank you svdl.  But as Darth Poserus says, the list of those that have contributed to Poser's popularity is very all-encompassing.  In my mind, the list would probably stretch halfway 'round the world.  It is really nice, ain't no doubt about it, to be recognized in some way.  But in some sense, it would be a tragedy to leave out just one person who is equally deserving of such recognition.  And so I say, "Thumbs-up and a hearty smile to all you Poserites!"  Lets have some fun.

mrsparky posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 4:20 PM

I agree with Darth Poserus why have a cult of celebrity ?

Wasn't the original point of Poser to be an artists tool. 

It's a tool that makes art more democratic and liberating, so Darth is right it's the 1000's of everyday users who make programme what it is, and yes that includes all those names shown, all the freestuffers, the merchants, those that run the poser stores etc etc, not just a select few. 

Also remember celebrity is a fleeting thing :)

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

bagginsbill posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 4:59 PM

I already have my cult - the Node Cult at RDNA. 

I don't really care what happens here, but Darth I think you've convinced me that I've been behaving very stupidly. It should be about the money and I haven't been thinking about that.

I think I'll write a book, and when I see someone having trouble with Poser, I'll tell them that the answer to their question is on page XX in my book - go buy it.

And I think I"ll start charging for shaders. I could use the money. Several people have already suggested that I really should be charging and it is very strange that I don't. And then people started talking about how cool that is and it deserves some sort of recognition. And now I know the perfect form - you shall pay me after all. 


Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)

Acadia posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 5:07 PM

:b_tonguewink:   :b_funny:

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

LostinSpaceman posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 5:37 PM

I would include everyone who ever made or hosted freebies for the community. Without that kind of generousity, we wouldn't be nearly as rich with content as we are today.

kalon posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:04 PM

A lot of great names on the list, I may have missed them, but I'd also nominate Tim Laubauch, Sydd, Traveler, Maveris, Dodger and As Shanim/Siliphiel.

Dave-So posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:10 PM

you better add Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors. He has been around since the beginning

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

Dave-So posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:15 PM

another person is Chris Derochie
He started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

JHoagland posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:25 PM

The problem with a "Hall of Fame" is that you will always leave some one out.
Do you include the person who you, personally, think makes one cool item? Or do you include the person who's made tons of items, both for free and for sale for years?
Or do you only include the "popular" people whose names always seem to come up?
Do you include merchants who make best-selling items but never participate in the forums?
Do you include the person who first came up with an idea (the "inventor") or do you include the person who took that idea to the next level (the "innovator")?
For example, do you include the person who first came up with the idea for ERC controls or do you include the person who applies this idea to complex moving parts such as tank treads or Python-script controlled, realistic breathing?
What about the developers of Poser? Would we even be here today if someone decided that Poser should remain an "artists' aide" and simply produce images using the mannequin or the P1 figures?
What about the original programmers of Poser who made all of the Poser files "open source" to the point where we can edit figures, poses, props, and other files using a simple text editor? They could have just as easily made the files in a "binary" format, which would make them a lot harder to edit.

VanishingPoint... Advanced 3D Modeling Solutions

Angelouscuitry posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:36 PM

This thread cam up once beore, as far as I can remember.

Old to new:


masha posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:39 PM

@ kirwin   "But in some sense, it would be a tragedy to leave out just one person who is equally deserving of such recognition."

With this I quite agree  - and for this same reason perhaps trying to create a formalized Hall of Fame would be a mistake.  There's always the chance of slighting someone very well deserving - for instance the people who discovered and disseminated all the work-arounds in the early days that allowed Poser to perform beyond certain limitations and also raised the bar for future releases of the program itself.. Some of the names are no longer familiar or oft mentioned.

I also agree that the list would be so long that it would take up pages.

However to the objection that the makers of the program aren't  mentioned, I would say they get credit when the program itself is opened or else in the About Poser dropdown. 

The arguement that users themselves should get credit simply for using is just silly  though the very questions they ask might inspire the innovators towards finding  solutions. Their exceptional results might get  honoured but that's another story.

Merchants get their acknowledgements when their product is bought and get praised in forums.

Some freebie providers become eventual merchants and get their appreciation when their efforts are financially rewarded.

And some keep on sharing anyway and divulge their methods and innovations freely, take face-off or PhilC or svdl etc as an example.  You can duplicate their methods if you don't care to pay for ease of use - because they share it with the rest of us.  

So these people who have extended Poser  and the ones who never charge for some of their efforts, some of them absolutely brilliant, are the ones I think should be honoured  by  special mention.  And I don't think it's anything to do with any kind of "celebrity cult"

So if it goes no further than this thread at least we get a chance here to demonstrate our appreciation and let them know the esteem they're held in.  So keep on adding. :)

krimpr posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 6:52 PM


masha posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 7:28 PM

Too late bagginsbill :)  We have already benefited from your tremendeous work with shaders and your  sharing it with us.  If you make money with your further endevours all the luck to you!  May you profit as much as we have profited by your genrosity.


mrsparky posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 7:51 PM

Can I nominate my cats :)

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

darth_poserus posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 8:08 PM


"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Free the freebies!

jaybutton posted Sat, 26 May 2007 at 11:24 PM

I see a lot of greats here that deserve recognition, but I did not notice Steve Cooper's or Dan Farr's name mentioned in my quick perusal of this thread.  I am very grateful for the work that the two of them have put into Poser to make it the art that we enjoy today.

Jay Button

Niles posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 2:00 AM

 Agree, Little Dragon is a must. He can make a "Box" talk.
and all the above.

dphoadley posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 10:36 AM

Shalom Aleichem;
If I may, I'd like to nominate both of the following:
Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.
Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie.

Aleichem Ha-Shalom,
David P. Hoadley


Miss Nancy posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 2:29 PM

jay, I mentioned kupa, but I inadvertently omitted dan, tim and an host of others, whose names are legion.

dlfurman posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 4:29 PM

Quote - The problem with a "Hall of Fame" is that you will always leave some one out.

Yep. Yamato and the woman with the very unusual name (sorry!) with the Poser 3/4 Long Conforming Curls.

So many. But we can built the Hall of Fame in Virtual Space. Always room to add more!

"Few are agreeable in conversation, because each thinks more of what he intends to say than that of what others are saying, and listens no more when he himself has a chance to speak." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld

Intel Core i7 920, 24GB RAM, GeForce GTX 1050 4GB video, 6TB HDD space
Poser 12: Inches (Poser(PC) user since 1 and the floppies/manual to prove it!)

masha posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 5:21 PM

So here we are so far:

In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.

Acadia -  for always sharing her  their wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness
AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.
Ajax - (EasyPose)
andi3d -  for all his great bones
Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been exceptional too.
As Shanim/Siliphiel -
Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels
lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful
B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.
Capsces - for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!
DeeCey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.
Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve
colin g
face_off - Not just because his skin shaders are the best, but because he has been so helpful in the forums.
DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette to take V3 textures.
kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
Kozaburo - transmapped hair freebies which are still widely used and some of  the best hairs around.
 jack k
Tim Laubauch
John Malis - for his Armor textures
Mapps - so generous with his great freebies
maxxxmodels - great helpfulness
Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free
opera guy - enlightening discussions
PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc
Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.
pjz99 - great assistance
nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.
tromnek - (Poser RPC scripts)
Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes
Steve Shanks
Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.
Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.
snowsultan - for his great template maps of the figures!!
Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie
stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers
Stonemason - superb product innovation
don tatro
Trekiegrrl - freebies galore
tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)
VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.
larry w
yamamoto - Batlabs
Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.

And by special request the cats that own mrsparky :)

It would be great if you all could add the contributions these people should be remembered for in a short sentence or 2.  And yes always room to add more.

NaySayGuy posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 5:24 PM

Attached Link: Hear are da histoire of da Poser in pikturs ... ifn yuse want ta see dem.

Da absoloot top a da list are da:

Larry Weinberg

... da kreateor of da Poser tipe thingie !

Wifout him dere wooden be nun a dis stuff.

Das jus ma upinion ... ah kud be rong.
(butt Ah ain't, ha, ha)

HAY !!! ... Yuse guys fergitted ta add mois!

Spiritbro77 posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 5:36 PM

Jaager.......enough said.

masha posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 5:39 PM

@ MissNancy

quote  "jay, I mentioned kupa, but I inadvertently omitted dan, tim and an host of others,
whose names are legion."

Dan and Tim- who? and their memorable  contributions please?   There are a lot of new users who have never heard of these names which is another reason it's good to remember them. :)

masha posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 5:47 PM

@spiritbro could you elaborate on Jaager's contributions please?

jaybutton posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 6:01 PM

Ah, I see that you did Miss Nancy.  It was just a "quick perusal" of the thread and didn't notice his name.


Miss Nancy posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 6:35 PM

dan farr, formerly of zygote. tim bought this site from jack k., who bought it from willow.

masha posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 7:16 PM

@ Miss Nancy 
Zygote created the original Poser figures, right?  and Dan Farr is president of DAZ? 

So  Jack k and willow are basically the founders of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity now owned by Tim?

Morgano posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 7:19 PM

Colm should be in the list.

DCArt posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 8:15 PM

Though she hasn't been around since losing everything in a fire, Catharina Przezak/Harders was a very strong presence in the Poser community for a long time. Her textures were phenomenal, and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.

She's the only one I thought of that wasn't already there on the list. 8-)

And ... (blush) ... thanks for the inclusion. 8-)

coldrake posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 10:22 PM

"So Jack k and willow are basically the founders of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity now owned by Tim?" Actually Jack K came a couple of years after Willow. Jack didn't become involved until this place became Renderosity. Willow started the original Poser Forum in 1998, or possibly 1997. Coldrake

Miss Nancy posted Sun, 27 May 2007 at 11:37 PM

yeah, mash. jaager was the one who did alotta morphs-n-stuff back in the old days. daz split off from zygote. many of us joined in 98 when willow started it, but AFAIK the membership and galleries were wiped when jack bought it, hence the earliest member still on record is roy (dec. 98) who was jack's coder IIRC.

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 12:57 AM

We need to hand out rewards at an annual ceremony to be held in Nashville, TN in the Grand Ole Opry building.  Preferably in the middle of July -- just to be certain that it's sufficiently hot & uncomfortable for everyone.

The prize statuettes will be like Oscars -- only the Poser Awards will be handed out in order to officially recognize "The biggest Posers of the World".  I can just see the flashing announcement for the upcoming Worldwide POSER Awards mounted up high on the Opry's marquee now.............

The "Golden Dork" -- as the Poser Award statuette will be known -- needs to be a molded-plastic representation of the P4 Nude Male (in his neutered form).  The statuette will be spray-painted with gold acylic paint purchased directly from Ace Hardware.  The Dork statuette will, of course, be posed in the default T-position: as kindly mentioned (and properly accredited) earlier.

The Poser Awards show will include a talent contest -- in which all of the Dork award recipients will compete against one another by seeing who can remain standing in the T-position on stage the longest without collapsing.  The winner of the talent section will be provided with a year's supply of freestuff from Rendo's free section.

A press conference & personal autograph session (open to the general public) will be held in the parking lot of a nearby Burger King afterwards.  Sorry -- no nursery facilities will be provided.  But we'll all finally get to find out what our intrepid heros really look like.  And they'll only charge standard Poser Marketplace rates for autographs......say, $10-to-$20 per signing.

I'll be sure to put in an incognito personal appearance.  I'll be the guy wearing a metallic-purple "I Love V4" baseball cap & Groucho Marx glasses (with fake moustache) so that no one will ever be able to recognize me among the teeming throngs who will be attending the spectacular event.

Who knows?  We might even get a mention on page E-13 of the local newspaper.

Now to get back to reading the copyright threads...........

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

dphoadley posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:06 AM

Will the Golden Dork be a statue of the Standard P4 Nude Male, or my remapped M3 version?


XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:15 AM

I'd say that the Golden Dork would need to be based upon the default P4 Nude Male version.  That's certainly no slam on your re-mapped model -- but the re-mapped model might cost too much to get some 3rd-rate (i.e. - as cheap as possible) manufacturer to reproduce it in recycled plastic for us.  The supplier might demand extra cash for the re-map change.  And we can't have that.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

dphoadley posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:26 AM

Why recycled plastic?  I should think that papaer-mache' would work just as well.


dphoadley posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:34 AM

And maybe we should invite Ron Knights to make the award presentations?


pjz99 posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:37 AM

I'm in there?  :blushing:

My Freebies

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:40 AM

Yes, but it's hard to find a paper-maché manufacturer.  Besides, we should be able to save money by providing the statuette supplier with our own empty plastic Coke bottles & empty milk jugs, retrieved from ditches & dumpsters.  We'll need to ask for volunteers to do the collecting.  The locals in Nashville will consider the activity to be a community service.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:42 AM

Quote - And maybe we should invite Ron Knights to make the award presentations?


That's the next vital decision.  Up until now, the discussion has been all about the winners.  Now we will need to decide who will serve in the coveted position as the Master of Ceremonies.

No doubt: everyone will have their own ideas about that.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

dphoadley posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 1:53 AM

I aslmost forgot, Panko should be included for his weapons and skin textures.


pjz99 posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 4:07 AM

As flattering as it might be for me to be on a list like this - I am really just some random fumbling person, I don't rate anything like that.  I haven't done anything truly noteworthy.  I shouldn't be in there :blushing:

My Freebies

masha posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 5:30 PM

Quote Xenophonz:
    "I'll be sure to put in an incognito personal appearance.  I'll be the guy wearing a metallic-purple "I Love V4" baseball cap & Groucho Marx glasses (with fake moustache) so that no one will ever be able to recognize me among the teeming throngs who will be attending the spectacular event."

If you go as your avatar Xeno, the big X, everyone will be able to recognize you moustache or no.

 Quick, somebody think up a one or 2 line description for Xeno's contributions so we can plop him in the list. :)  I like a witty contributor myself.

In the spirit of said humour, dphoadley posted a hillarious thread a day or so ago about a Washington Post contest in which one letter of a word could be changed or added with a  new definition for it.  My all-time favourite has to be: Ignoranus = (n): A person who's both stupid and an asshole. I really cracked up at that one. :)

masha posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 5:32 PM

Revised list.

In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.

Acadia -  for always sharing her  their wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness
AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.
Ajax - (EasyPose)
andi3d -  for all his great bones
Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been exceptional too.
As Shanim/Siliphiel -
Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels
lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful
B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.
Capsces - for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!
DeeCey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.
Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
Steve Cooper
Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve
colin g
face_off - Not just because his skin shaders are the best, but because he has been so helpful in the forums.
Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote
Catharina Przezak/Harders - phenomenal textures  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.
DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette to take V3 textures.
kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
Kozaburo - transmapped hair freebies which are still widely used and some of  the best hairs around.
 jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity
Tim Laubauch
John Malis - for his Armor textures
Mapps - so generous with his great freebies
maxxxmodels - great helpfulness
maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies
Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free
opera guy - enlightening discussions
PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc
Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.
nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.
tromnek - (Poser RPC scripts)
Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes
Steve Shanks
Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.
Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.
snowsultan - for his great template maps of the figures!!
Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie
stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers
Stonemason - superb product innovation
svdl - quality free creations and always helpful
Don Tatro
Trekiegrrl - freebies galore
tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)
VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.
Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ deigner of Poser
willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity
yamato -  Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities such as PAE
Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.

dphoadley posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 5:39 PM

Torino!  We forgot Torino!  He's the one who invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the Collar groups.  Torino MUST be included.


bopperthijs posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 5:48 PM

Wouldn't it be better to have a golden Woody instead of Dork? I think that's the most neutral Poser-model.

My 2P.



-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?

dphoadley posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 6:42 PM

Quote - Wouldn't it be better to have a golden Woody instead of Dork? I think that's the most neutral Poser-model.

My 2P.



Dut Dork's got more SEX appeal!


Morgano posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 7:13 PM

Well, that may have been Bopper's point, although, for a Poser figure entirely devoid of sex appeal, the Mk. 1 Jessi would take some beating.  

(Also, Bopper, it should be 2D, not 2P.   That phrase dates back to when twopence could buy you a country estate in Hertfordshire and a townhouse in Cavendish Square and still leave you enough for a couple of Canalettos.    "P" only replaced "D" in 1971 and heralded a period of serious inflation.

You made a good point, which was definitely worthy of  "2D")

Niles posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 8:52 PM

"That's the next vital decision.  Up until now, the discussion has been all about the winners.  Now we will need to decide who will serve in the coveted position as the Master of Ceremonies"

... there is only one choice, it would have to Alan Alda.

byAnton posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 9:42 PM

Hey thankie for the mentions.

I will add...

Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) , both of whom where once Symphony, for thier introduction of coplex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.

Wyrmmaster for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.

SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.

Judith Ward for what she has with bontanicals over all these many years.

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

masha posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 10:06 PM

I could use some helpful input here guys.  I know most of the names mentioned in the list - but I hesitate to insert my sometimes only partial knowledge of them. 

I know for instance that Don Taltro is famous for his clown character which had a cult following and much admired for  his perspective renders from unusual angles.  The clown had a name didn't it?  And is that what he is most known for?

 Legume - I think - founded the Poser usergroup on usenet and is famous for something to do with a Pink Pony :)  But do these
 properly encompass his most valuable contributions?
 Dodger amongst other things has constructed some highly morphable characters,  afik commercial, are they innovative and his most appreciated contributions?
 Etc etc.  Where there are no descriptions  next to the names, I would much appreciate people describing them.  For instance Acadia you mentioned  Dimension 3D, that I can't seem to find any info on.  Care to elaborate?
 Kupa, a.Hernandez, Steve Cooper were visible in the curious Lab days.  Were they employees or did they provide help with the (at the time) much troubled Poser5 beyond the call of duty?
 Even if your knowledge is only partial it could add to mine or replace it even.
 I have put whoever was mentioned or nominated on the list,  and there will no doubt be more to come which I will update  accordingly.  I have removed  pzj99 as he seemed uncomfortable with his nomination :)
 Finally what is the best way to search for public information on people (not websites), which might provide links to their various net participations?

masha posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 10:08 PM

Revision 28th May 07

In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.

Acadia -  for always sharing her  wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness
AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.
Ajax - (EasyPose)
andi3d -  for all his great bones
Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been exceptional too.
As Shanim/Siliphiel -
Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels
lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful
B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.
Capsces - for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!
Steve Cox - creator of UV Mapper
DeeCey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.
Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
Steve Cooper
Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve
colin g
face_off - Not just because his skin shaders are the best, but because he has been so helpful in the forums.
Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote
Catharina Przezak/Harders - phenomenal textures  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.
DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette to take V3 textures.
kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
Kozaburo - transmapped hair freebies which are still widely used and some of  the best hairs around.
 jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity
 jaager - prolific morph'n stuff contributor
Tim Laubauch
John Malis - for his Armor textures
Mapps - so generous with his great freebies
maxxxmodels - great helpfulness
maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies
Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free
opera guy - enlightening discussions
Panko -  for weapons and skin textures
PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc
Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.
nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.
tromnek - (Poser RPC scripts)
Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes
SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.
Steve Shanks- generous contributor of quality freebies
Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.
Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.
snowsultan - for his great template maps of the figures!!
Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie
stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers
Stonemason - superb product innovation
svdl - quality free creations and always helpful
Symphony- Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) for thier introduction of coplex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.
Don Tatro
Torino - Invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the Collar groups.
Traveler - great contributor of quality freebies
Trekiegrrl - freebies galore
tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)
VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.
Judith Ward for what she has with bontanicals over all these many years.
Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ deigner of Poser
willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity
Wyrmmaster - for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.
yamato -  Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities such as PAE
Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.

R_Hatch posted Mon, 28 May 2007 at 10:49 PM

Y'know, it's not that I like tooting my own horn, but if I were greedy and/or clever enough to charge royalties for MAT poses, I would be both very rich and very well known. Note that this was also one of the first instances of CR2 hacking. Note 2 that this was in the days of Poser 3. Note 3 that you didn't include one other person who should definitely be mentioned in association with early CR2 hacking: Robert Whisenant (now with DAZ). Like I said, I don't like tooting my own horn, but to be left off of such a list, where there seems to be room for a couple of "OMG, yuo maek teh bestest Vikci tetxures!!!1" is an insult to both myself, Robert Whisenant, and the other people whose names are on the list for the right reasons. Might as well nominate our little freestuff spammer.

For my own part, I nominate Kim99 for his brilliant CR2Builder program, which is not only the best damn Poser file editor around, it's absolutely free.

masha posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 2:46 AM

Please do not feel insulted R-Hatch. The list is nowhere near complete and might never be.  It is not official either but user nominated, and they'll probably keep on drifting in especially of the older Poser version contributors - because none of us can remember it all or even close to it. 

Absolutely  you have to have an honourable mention along with  other pioneers you mention and I keep on posting revisions as they come in.  But sadly memories are short and there are probably nowhere near the amount of old-timers here presently as newer users who might never have had Poser3 or even 4 -  and who have happily used the innovative features some clever individual discovered and shared without knowing from whence it came.

I just found this thread from Nov4 2006  though, where Ajax paid this homage:
Quote Ajax: "So that was you that came up with MAT poses, R_Hatch?  I've often wondered who that was.  I can't think of a single Poser discovery that has had such a far-reaching effect as that one."

I'm trying to discover some means of searching out  info on even the names listed here. Just found English Bob's Morphography Links site which is a terrific resource and actually  mentions names (Thanks EB :) with products, but as to the originators of certain concepts and methods...It might not happen overnight, but hopefully, it will happen :)

Also I do not feel compelled or enough of an authority to either sort or veto any type of nomination as to its worthiness or otherwise - I trust to the members' good sense to nominate according to the loose criteria mentioned early in the thread.  If some site should chose to host  this user-based honour list then it's up to them to veto or otherwise, according to their own sorting criteria.

And finally,  (phew!)  please keep adding these memorable names as it comes to you, or like R_Hatch put a handsup for goodness' sake, as the last thing anyone here wants to do is neglect or slight a single one of you.

NW316 posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 3:10 AM

How about MrX, almost without a doubt the most widely viewed Poser artist of all time.  :)

R_Hatch posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 3:17 AM

Robert Whisenant was the one who really went in and made sense of all the ERC/JCM/etc.

Torino of course came up with the so-called "millenium"-style rigging of characters.

We have Moebius to blame for the high-poly figure revolution :p He created a high-poly version of Posette way back when, since Poser had no polygon smoothing, and closeups suffered as a result.

I think I should probably be flattered that nobody knows me from MAT poses, since they have become so ubiquitous that it just seems like a part of Poser (and since Poser 6, it virtually is, thanks to Material Collections).

As far as texture artists go, I think it was Syyd (and later SteffyZZ) who showed what could be accomplished with photo references for creating hyper-realist textures.

Obviously not an exhaustive list, but it should help fill in some of the blanks.

To repeat what Masha said: if you or someone you know should be on this list, but isn't, please speak up :)

dphoadley posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 5:35 AM

Hellborn: was the first to make an anatomically correct genital hip for a female figure.  His WWG (Woman With Genitals) was the P3 Posette with his specialized hip hard welded int o the mesh.  Jaager and Arduino have since followed suit by making similar contributions to the Millenium and Unimesh figures.  (As you can see, my raunchy mind is working overtime here).


masha posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 9:02 AM

Revision 29th May 07
In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.

Acadia -  for always sharing her  wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness
AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.
Ajax - (EasyPose)
andi3d -  for all his great bones
Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been/is exceptional too.
Arduino - highly appreciated for providing the genital bits for the chaste Millenium and Unimesh figures
As Shanim/Siliphiel -
Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels
lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful
B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.
Capsces - for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!
Steve Cox - creator of UV Mapper
DeeCey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.
Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
Steve Cooper
Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve
colin g
face_off - Not just because his skin shaders are the best, but because he has been so helpful in the forums.
Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote
Catharina Przezak/Harders - phenomenal textures  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.
Hellborn - was the first to make an anatomically correct genital hip for a female figure.  His WWG (Woman With Genitals) was the P3 Posette with his specialized hip hard welded into the mesh.
DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette and Dork to take V3 textures.
kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
Kozaburo - transmapped hair freebies which are still widely used and some of  the best hairs around.
 jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity
 jaager - prolific morph'n stuff contributor- among which are anatomically correct  hip/genital
 Kim99 for his brilliant CR2Builder program, which is not only the best damn Poser file editor around, it's absolutely free.
Tim Laubauch
John Malis - for his Armor textures
Mapps - so generous with his great freebies
maxxxmodels - great helpfulness
maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies
Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free
opera guy - enlightening discussions
Panko -  for weapons and skin textures
PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc
Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.
nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.
Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes
SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.
Steve Shanks- generous contributor of quality freebies
Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.
Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.
snowsultan - for his great template maps of the figures!!
Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie
SteffyZ - pioneer in hyper-realistic textures
stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers
Stonemason - superb product innovation
svdl - quality free creations and always helpful
Sydd - who showed what could be accomplished with photo references for creating hyper-realist textures.
Symphony- Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) for their introduction of coplex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.
Don Tatro
Torino - Invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the
Collar groups- came up with the so-called "millenium"-style rigging of characters
Traveler - great contributor of quality freebies
Trekkiegrrrl - freebies galore
tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)
VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.
Judith Ward for what she has done with bontanicals over all these many years.
Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ designer of Poser
Robert Whisenant was the one who really went in and made sense of all the ERC/JCM/etc.
willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity
Wyrmmaster - for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.
yamato -  Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities such as PAE
Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.

dphoadley posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 9:28 AM

Quote - It will give him a big head, but I'd add David Hoadley for remapping Posette to take V3 textures.

I don't know abaout a bigger head, but remapping Posette definitely gave me a balder one. ;=D
Thank you pjz99 for the honorable mention.
David P. Hoadley


Ian Porter posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:08 AM

if you are going to compile a list I would hope that Maz would appear on it for his objaction mover program if nothing else. This encryption/decription program was a breakthrough in allowing figure modifications to be distributed without infringing copyright.

Also I would think Bushi would be on the list as he did a lot of great development work and was always very helpful in these forums.

DCArt posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:13 AM

Good ones, R_Hatch and Ian ... yes, those names should DEFINITELY be included.

A good number of us are totally unaware of some of the names behind the innovations we now take for granted. Those who are in the know should speak up and mention them!

DCArt posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:36 AM

Actually, in re-reading the intent of this list, while I am humbled to be considered for inclusion in it, I have to disagree that I have contributed to "the continuing evolution" of Poser. I have only tried to show people how to use it.

So, in that respect, I appreciate that people feel I deserved a mention, but perhaps I shouldn't be included amongst those listed.

Ian Porter posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:42 AM

Also Paul Hafeli was well known for outstanding realistic renders back in the early days of the Poserforum online .  Those were really inspirational works.

If I remember correctly at that time , Ian Grey was co-admin of the Poserforum with Willow DaNaan. This was back when Poserforum was the first and only forum available for poser users.

Don Tatro's character was called Creepy the Clown

yungturk39 posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 11:13 AM

If great freebies can put you in the Hall of Fameş don't forget the Japanese freebie masters!

Lab 108

If helpful attitudes and overall infectious enthusiasm for Poser and sharing is key to a nomination:

Dr. Geep

Really...there are too many people to list.  I guess rather than vote for my favorite Poser cyber celebrity I'll just settle for offering an all encompassing THANK YOU to pretty much everyone.  Thıs has been a fun hobby, and it's a great community.

shedofjoy posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 5:42 PM

no one mentions that old name Baron Vlad Harkonnen (BVH) who sadly has left here but still is about

Getting old and still making "art" without soiling myself, now that's success.

ratscloset posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 6:56 PM

Quote - Actually, in re-reading the intent of this list, while I am humbled to be considered for inclusion in it, I have to disagree that I have contributed to "the continuing evolution" of Poser. I have only tried to show people how to use it.

So, in that respect, I appreciate that people feel I deserved a mention, but perhaps I shouldn't be included amongst those listed.


Ahh, but that has added to the evolution of Poser. You would be amazed at the number of people who claim your little old books got them using Poser after getting ready to give up... who is to say that one or more of them will not be on this list in years to come!

I think all the names are worthy of being included. I also think many will be forgotten or omitted. I noticed one notable right off the bat... Serge Marck.

I also notice another omission, Patrick Martin..of the Papa Sage Fame!

aka John

byAnton posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:24 PM

Formatting problem. brb

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

byAnton posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:28 PM

Here are some additions to the list for historical oreference.

3dsk - Acclaimed photo reference store design catering to 3d artists. Most widely used photo reference site used in Poserdom.

Anthony Hernandez - 2002: employee of Curious Labs, gathered, compliled and released the CR2 guide from interal and community information.

Capsces - Poser3: Among the earliest pioneers in transforming animals through what later would become Full Body morphs.

Catharina Przezak/Harders (digital woman)- Pre 2000: One of the first and earliest photo realistic figure texturists upon which other later artists based their work. Predates most texturists.

face_off - Poser5/6: Pioneered advancements in node based photorealistic Poser skin rendering.

JeffH - Poser4: Solved the Poser code syntax that allows for Changing Geometry Dials to be applied to any part of a figure.

Kozaburo & Yamato - introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights.

JKeller - pre 1999 Created Jacketman. Earliest example of cr2 embedded clothing. Pre dates conforming clothes

legume - 2002: Starting the Magic Pink Pony & Mr. Fluffers anto-Poser hot 20 pardody.

Michael Lane - Poser4: Innovated first Global Illumination to Poser using Poser4 lights in a dome effect.

Snowsultan - Standardized the design approach for color coded UV mapping templates based on color blocking seam-line polygons.

Steve Cooper and Kupa are the same person. Formerly of MetaCreations; CEO of Curious Labs from inception to end.

Steve Cox - pre 1999 creator of UV Mapper, the most widely used UV maaping app for Poser content allowing for advanced UV mapping prior to tools like Deep UV.

Tim Laubauch (tlaubach) - Pre 2000: Site Happy World Land was a huge resource for Posette photo based textures

Virus - Admin for The Prop's Guild, one of Posers frst mega content sites. All content was free.


Some names that I can't remember enough about are


George Deep


Past Poser History Threads:


Daz emerges:

Daz Buys PoserPros

PoserForumOnline/Edgenet/ etc splist:

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

DCArt posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 10:32 PM

Nice additions Anton! Well done.

masha posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 11:10 PM

Terrific!  Thanks Anton, you've put a lot of effort into this.   Thanks also  to all who added names and details and I urge those who nominated to please provide description of most appreciated or
comprehensive achievements of those they named.
  It would be a shame  if   people would remain ignorant of the
contributions these people are most appreciated for.  It will take me awhile to get to the bottom of it by myself :)

HandspanStudios posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 11:17 PM

I don't think it's necessary but for fun I'd vote for:

Levius (photo source for most textures here)

"Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair."

Annie Dillard

masha posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 11:20 PM

I invite anyone on this list who feel the description of their Poser accomplishments as so far written is incomplete  and would like to add to, alter or more adequately describe them to either post to this thread  or  pm me  here.  I'd be happy to add them.


HandspanStudios posted Tue, 29 May 2007 at 11:36 PM

...I should say the reasons for my post

Thorne (most often seen  and imitated faces, oldendays calendar faerie freebies, inspiration)
Levius (photo source for most textures here)
Anton (as stated both technical and artistic contributions)
Kozaburo (early transmapped single layer hair, before that it mostly looked plastic because transmapping didn't work well on 3d model hair)
Traveler (contributed tons of free stuff and tutorials for using the morph magnets etc)

"Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair."

Annie Dillard

aeilkema posted Wed, 30 May 2007 at 1:32 AM

Cyllan for sure, her landscape products (Terraformers series, Horizons, Weird Weather, Geoforge) are very innovative and changed the way I used poser a lot. I always depended on outside apps line Bryce and Vue to do my landscaping, but with Cyllan's prducts we can do it right within Poser now.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

masha posted Wed, 30 May 2007 at 4:22 PM

Revision 29th May 07
In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.

Acadia -  for always sharing her  wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness
AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.
Ajax - (EasyPose)
andi3d -  for all his great bones
Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been/is exceptional too.
Arduino - highly appreciated for providing the genital bits for the chaste Millenium and Unimesh figures
As Shanim/Siliphiel -
Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels
lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful
B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.
JeffH - Poser4: Solved the Poser code syntax that allows for Changing Geometry Dials to be applied to any part of a figure.
Baron Vlad Harkonnen (BVH)
Jim Burton - for lots of (especially low poly) freebies for many years now
Bushi - he did a lot of great development work and was always very helpful in these forums.
Capsces - Poser3: Among the earliest pioneers in transforming animals through what later would become Full Body morphs and for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!
Steve Cox -  pre 1999 creator of UV Mapper, the most widely used UV mapping app for Poser content allowing for advanced UV mapping prior to tools like Deep UV.
DeeCey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.
Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
Steve Cooper -(Kupa)
Cyllan - her landscape products (Terraformers series, Horizons, Weird Weather, Geoforge) are very innovative - always dependant on outside apps line Bryce and Vue to do landscaping, but with Cyllan's prducts we can do it right within Poser now.
Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve
colin g
Ian Grey was co-admin of the Poserforum with Willow DaNaan. This was back when Poserforum was the first and only forum available for poser users.
face_off - Poser5/6: Pioneered advancements in node based photorealistic Poser skin rendering and he has been so helpful in the forums.
Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote
Catharina Przezak/Harders -( digital woman)- Pre 2000: One of the first and earliest photo realistic figure texturists upon which other later artists based their work. Predates most texturists  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.
Hellborn - was the first to make an anatomically correct genital hip for a female figure.  His WWG (Woman With Genitals) was the P3 Posette with his specialized hip hard welded into the mesh.
 Anthony Hernandez - 2002: employee of Curious Labs, gathered, compliled and released the CR2 guide from interal and community information.
DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette and Dork to take V3 textures.
JKeller - pre 1999 Created Jacketman. Earliest example of cr2 embedded clothing. Pre dates conforming clothes
kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.
Kozaburo - (with Yamato) introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights, a lot of which are still available for free
 jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity
 jaager - prolific morph'n stuff contributor- among which are anatomically correct  hip/genital
 Kim99 for his brilliant CR2Builder program, which is not only the best damn Poser file editor around, it's absolutely free.
 Lab 108
 Michael Lane - Poser4: Innovated first Global Illumination to Poser using Poser4 lights in a dome effect.
 Tim Laubauch - Pre 2000: Site Happy World Land was a huge resource for Posette photo based textures
 legume- originated the Poser forum on usenet and 2002: Starting the Magic Pink Pony & Mr. Fluffers anto-Poser hot 20 pardody.
 Levius - photo source for a lot of textures
John Malis - for his Armor textures
Mapps - so generous with his great freebies, models and textures
Patrick Martin - of the Papa Sage Fame
Masa - innovative utilities such as PAE
maxxxmodels - great helpfulness
maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies
maz -  for his objaction mover program  This encryption/decription program was a breakthrough in allowing figure modifications to be distributed without infringing copyright.
Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free
opera guy - enlightening discussions
Panko -  for weapons and skin textures
PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc
Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.
nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.
Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes
SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.
Steve Shanks- generous contributor of quality freebies
Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.
Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.
snowsultan - Standardized the design approach for color coded UV mapping templates based on color blocking seam-line polygons.
Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie
SteffyZ - pioneer in hyper-realistic textures
stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers
Stonemason - superb product innovation
svdl - quality free creations and always helpful
Sydd - who showed what could be accomplished with photo references for creating hyper-realist textures.
Symphony- Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) for their introduction of coplex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.
Don Tatro - created and shared the iconic Creepy the Clown
3dsk - Acclaimed photo reference store design catering to 3d artists. Most widely used photo reference site used in Poserdom.
Thorne - oldendays calendar faerie freebies, inspiration, beautiful faces and figures
Torino - Invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the
Collar groups- came up with the so-called "millenium"-style rigging of characters
Traveler - great contributor of quality freebies  and tutorials for using the morph magnets etc
Trekkiegrrrl - freebies galore
tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)
Virus - Admin for The Prop's Guild, one of Posers frst mega content sites. All content was free.
VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.
Judith Ward for what she has done with bontanicals over all these many years.
Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ designer of Poser
Robert Whisenant was the one who really went in and made sense of all the ERC/JCM/etc.
willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity
Wyrmmaster - for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.
yamato -(with Kozaburo)  introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights. Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities,
Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.

byAnton posted Wed, 30 May 2007 at 11:48 PM

Hey thanks.

DeeCey is actually just spelled : Deecey.  Her name is Denise Tyler. Though there have been many books over the years, Bloodsong's book being the best and most accurate technical book, this one by deecey was the first really comprehensive book suitable as an alternative Poser manual.

Lyne's Creations of Vista Internet Products: For pinoeering extensive long term development of Poser animal figures.

I made a typo on legume. Should say...
legume- originated the Poser forum on usenet and 2002: Starting the Magic Pink Pony & Mr. Fluffers anti-Poser hot 20 parody.**
Olivier-**innovating a comprehensive node based material system for illustration style rendering.

Together Merrilyn Ellison(D'Mentia) and myself created Subdividing Material Poses,(though I am not sure people use them or even know what they are anymore).

**Kimilche(Cindy)-**Innovating universal pose conversion for humans and animals orogially with Puppetmaster.

face_off (Keith)- Adding gravity capabilities in Poser by creating PoserPhysics

There is a lot to remember. So many people over the years. And the mind is a fragile thing. As I remember, find stuff I'll post back.

And there are fun little commercial facts like 3DCommune having the first html newsletter (which inspired Daz's ebing I was there when they said "why don't we have that?") we all get and expect from all sites today. And that BBay had the first "view other products"/"associated products" options. Just interesting store trivia which is it's own category of history.

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

cyberscape posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 12:51 AM

A couple more:

Gerald Dey - for good quality freebies
x2000 - for really cool space freebies
Morris, Vali and Gwendelyn - for stunning textures and characters
Pretty3D - for making V3 ultrasexy! also, great clothing!

@Masha, for those you've already listed:

As Shanim - at least for his(?) cool Gothic Dungeons and the MyShirts
Nerd3d - for the V3 walk designer addons
BVH - for some killer outfits and his tutorials on putting poser characters into MSAgent


AMD FX-9590 4.7ghz 8-core, 32gb of RAM, Win7 64bit, nVidia GeForce GTX 760

PoserPro2012, Photoshop CS4 and Magix Music Maker


...and when the day is dawning...I have to say goodbye...a last look back into...your broken eyes.

masha posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 2:05 AM

Thanks a bunch  guys!!!    A  wealth of history Anton :)    Revision  upcoming soon.


Ironbear posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 5:38 AM

If you guys are serious about wanting to do this... why not someone 1) register a domain name for the "Poser Hall of Fame" and start a site designed to hold the list (and the nominees) and 2) put together a group [prefferably of people not on the nominees list] to vote on new additions and 3) set up a form where people can send in nominations anonymously? There's lots of talented web designers in the community, lots of people with hosting space, and lots of people who'd be good at sorting out nominees. Do it right, not just a thread in a forum that'll be buried 40 pages deep in a few weeks and forgotten. ;]

"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 6:07 AM

Wonder if eFrontier would put a section on their site?

Dave-So posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 6:19 AM

nerd3D ... also the first to introduce a Poser backdrop tool..the forerunner of quite a few more by DAZ, and RDNA.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 6:48 AM

I thought it might help to start arranging these in groups. I had a hard time trying to classify some of these (especially in deciding between content and innovations ....) so if someone feels that it's more appropriate to put some folks in the Innovators category speak up.

Anyway, this list includes the people that are listed in the May 29 version a few posts back, and doesn't include the additional ones added in posts after that.

Revision 29th May 07:  Categorized

In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.

Program and Original Content Developers:

Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ designer of Poser
Steve Cooper -(Kupa)
Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote


Ian Grey was co-admin of the Poserforum with Willow DaNaan. This was back when Poserforum was the first and only forum available for poser users.

jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity

legume- originated the Poser forum on usenet and 2002: Starting the Magic Pink Pony & Mr. Fluffers anto-Poser hot 20 parody.

Virus - Admin for The Prop's Guild, one of Posers first mega content sites. All content was free.
willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity


Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been/is exceptional too. (Anton can actually fall in several different categories … I think he’s best defined as an innovator)

Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels

lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful

JeffH - Poser4: Solved the Poser code syntax that allows for Changing Geometry Dials to be applied to any part of a figure.

Bushi - he did a lot of great development work and was always very helpful in these forums.

Capsces - Poser3: Among the earliest pioneers in transforming animals through what later would become Full Body morphs and for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!

Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
face_off - Poser5/6: Pioneered advancements in node based photorealistic Poser skin rendering and he has been so helpful in the forums.

Catharina Przezak/Harders -( digital woman)- Pre 2000: One of the first and earliest photo realistic figure texturists upon which other later artists based their work. Predates most texturists  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.

Hellborn - was the first to make an anatomically correct genital hip for a female figure.  His WWG (Woman With Genitals) was the P3 Posette with his specialized hip hard welded into the mesh.

JKeller - pre 1999 Created Jacketman. Earliest example of cr2 embedded clothing. Pre dates conforming clothes

Kozaburo - (with Yamato) introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights, a lot of which are still available for free

Michael Lane - Poser4: Innovated first Global Illumination to Poser using Poser4 lights in a dome effect.

SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.

Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.

snowsultan - Standardized the design approach for color coded UV mapping templates based on color blocking seam-line polygons.

Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie

SteffyZ - pioneer in hyper-realistic textures

Stonemason - superb product innovation

Syyd (two y’s, not two d’s) - who showed what could be accomplished with photo references for creating hyper-realist textures.

Symphony- Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) for their introduction of complex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.

Torino - Invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the Collar groups- came up with the so-called "millenium"-style rigging of characters

VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.

Robert Whisenant was the one who really went in and made sense of all the ERC/JCM/etc.

Wyrmmaster - for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.

yamato -(with Kozaburo)  introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights. Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities,

Tools and Utilities:

Steve Cox -  pre 1999 creator of UV Mapper, the most widely used UV mapping app for Poser content allowing for advanced UV mapping prior to tools like Deep UV.


Kim99 for his brilliant CR2Builder program, which is not only the best damn Poser file editor around, it's absolutely free.

Masa - innovative utilities such as PAE

maz -  for his objaction mover program  This encryption/decription program was a breakthrough in allowing figure modifications to be distributed without infringing copyright.

Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free

PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc (yet another one that can be put into so many different categories)

tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)

Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.

Teaching and Assisting Others:

Acadia -  for always sharing her  wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness

B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.

Deecey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.

Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve

Anthony Hernandez - 2002: employee of Curious Labs, gathered, compliled and released the CR2 guide from interal and community information.

maxxxmodels - great helpfulness

opera guy - enlightening discussions

nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.

Stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers

Notable Content/Freebie Creators:

3dsk, aka Levius - Acclaimed photo reference store design catering to 3d artists. Most widely used photo reference site used in Poserdom.

AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.

Ajax - (EasyPose)

andi3d -  for all his great bones

Arduino - highly appreciated for providing the genital bits for the chaste Millenium and Unimesh figures

As Shanim/Siliphiel -

Baron Vlad Harkonnen (BVH)

Jim Burton - for lots of (especially low poly) freebies for many years now

Cyllan - her landscape products (Terraformers series, Horizons, Weird Weather, Geoforge) are very innovative - always dependant on outside apps line Bryce and Vue to do landscaping, but with Cyllan's prducts we can do it right within Poser now.

DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette and Dork to take V3 textures.

kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.

jaager - prolific morph'n stuff contributor- among which are anatomically correct  hip/genital

Tim Laubauch - Pre 2000: Site Happy World Land was a huge resource for Posette photo based textures

John Malis - for his Armor textures

Mapps - so generous with his great freebies, models and textures

Patrick Martin - of the Papa Sage Fame

maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies

Panko -  for weapons and skin textures

Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.

Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes

Steve Shanks- generous contributor of quality freebies

svdl - quality free creations and always helpful

Don Tatro - created and shared the iconic Creepy the Clown

Thorne - oldendays calendar faerie freebies, inspiration, beautiful faces and figures

Traveler - great contributor of quality freebies  and tutorials for using the morph magnets etc

Trekkiegrrrl - freebies galore

Judith Ward for what she has done with bontanicals over all these many years.

Uncategorized as of yet (and many of these can fall in different areas):

Colm (can fall into several different areas)

Dodger (can fall into several different areas)

colin g



Lab 108







DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 7:08 AM

I thought it might help to start arranging these in groups. I had a hard time trying to classify some of these (especially in deciding between content and innovations ....) so if someone feels that it's more appropriate to put some folks in the Innovators category speak up.

Anyway, this list includes the people that are listed in the May 29 version a few posts back, and doesn't include the additional ones added in posts after that.

Revision 29th May 07:  Categorized

In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.


Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ designer of Poser

Steve Cooper -(Kupa)

Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote


Ian Grey was co-admin of the Poserforum with Willow DaNaan. This was back when Poserforum was the first and only forum available for poser users.

jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity

legume- originated the Poser forum on usenet and 2002: Starting the Magic Pink Pony & Mr. Fluffers anto-Poser hot 20 parody.

Virus - Admin for The Prop's Guild, one of Posers first mega content sites. All content was free.

willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity



Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been/is exceptional too. (Anton can actually fall in several different categories … I think he’s best defined as an innovator)

Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders    to new levels

lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful

JeffH - Poser4: Solved the Poser code syntax that allows for Changing Geometry Dials to be applied to any part of a figure.

Bushi - he did a lot of great development work and was always very helpful in these forums.

Capsces - Poser3: Among the earliest pioneers in transforming animals through what later would become Full Body morphs and for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!

Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.
face_off - Poser5/6: Pioneered advancements in node based photorealistic Poser skin rendering and he has been so helpful in the forums.

Catharina Przezak/Harders -( digital woman)- Pre 2000: One of the first and earliest photo realistic figure texturists upon which other later artists based their work. Predates most texturists  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.

Hellborn - was the first to make an anatomically correct genital hip for a female figure.  His WWG (Woman With Genitals) was the P3 Posette with his specialized hip hard welded into the mesh.

JKeller - pre 1999 Created Jacketman. Earliest example of cr2 embedded clothing. Pre dates conforming clothes

Kozaburo - (with Yamato) introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights, a lot of which are still available for free

Michael Lane - Poser4: Innovated first Global Illumination to Poser using Poser4 lights in a dome effect.

SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.

Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.

snowsultan - Standardized the design approach for color coded UV mapping templates based on color blocking seam-line polygons.

Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie

SteffyZ - pioneer in hyper-realistic textures

Stonemason - superb product innovation

Syyd (two y’s, not two d’s) - who showed what could be accomplished with photo references for creating hyper-realist textures.

Symphony- Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) for their introduction of complex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.

Torino - Invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the Collar groups- came up with the so-called "millenium"-style rigging of characters

VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.

Robert Whisenant was the one who really went in and made sense of all the ERC/JCM/etc.

Wyrmmaster - for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.

yamato -(with Kozaburo)  introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights. Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities,


Steve Cox -  pre 1999 creator of UV Mapper, the most widely used UV mapping app for Poser content allowing for advanced UV mapping prior to tools like Deep UV.


Kim99 for his brilliant CR2Builder program, which is not only the best damn Poser file editor around, it's absolutely free.

Masa - innovative utilities such as PAE

maz -  for his objaction mover program  This encryption/decription program was a breakthrough in allowing figure modifications to be distributed without infringing copyright.

Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free

PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc (yet another one that can be put into so many different categories)

tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)

Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.


Acadia -  for always sharing her  wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness

B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.

Deecey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.

Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve

Anthony Hernandez - 2002: employee of Curious Labs, gathered, compliled and released the CR2 guide from interal and community information.

maxxxmodels - great helpfulness

opera guy - enlightening discussions

nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.

Stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers


3dsk, aka Levius - Acclaimed photo reference store design catering to 3d artists. Most widely used photo reference site used in Poserdom.

AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.

Ajax - (EasyPose)

andi3d -  for all his great bones

Arduino - highly appreciated for providing the genital bits for the chaste Millenium and Unimesh figures

As Shanim/Siliphiel -

Baron Vlad Harkonnen (BVH)

Jim Burton - for lots of (especially low poly) freebies for many years now

Cyllan - her landscape products (Terraformers series, Horizons, Weird Weather, Geoforge) are very innovative - always dependant on outside apps line Bryce and Vue to do landscaping, but with Cyllan's prducts we can do it right within Poser now.

DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette and Dork to take V3 textures.

kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.

jaager - prolific morph'n stuff contributor- among which are anatomically correct  hip/genital

Tim Laubauch - Pre 2000: Site Happy World Land was a huge resource for Posette photo based textures

John Malis - for his Armor textures

Mapps - so generous with his great freebies, models and textures

Patrick Martin - of the Papa Sage Fame

maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies

Panko -  for weapons and skin textures

Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.

Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes

Steve Shanks- generous contributor of quality freebies

svdl - quality free creations and always helpful

Don Tatro - created and shared the iconic Creepy the Clown

Thorne - oldendays calendar faerie freebies, inspiration, beautiful faces and figures

Traveler - great contributor of quality freebies  and tutorials for using the morph magnets etc

Trekkiegrrrl - freebies galore

Judith Ward for what she has done with bontanicals over all these many years.

UNCATEGORIZED AS OF YET (and many of these can fall in different areas):



colin g



Lab 108







masha posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 9:07 AM

Good work Deecey.:) I also thought it should be sorted into categories once the list was near complete and definitions of these valuable contributors' main body of work  had been distilled. I have added the latest nominations to today's revision of the list but won't post it now as it's better placed into the categorized one.  May I leave any further additions in your  capable hands now with my offer of assistance should it be needed? 

I also think Ironbear's suggestions should be discussed,  to preserve this list and permanently honour these contributors who have benefitted us so much and ultimately  added value to the Poser we now have.

I am so glad so many people  chose to remember and decided to nominate to this show of appreciation. And I'd say to those people who could be inadvertantly missed and  feel they have made notable contributions which they have shared but who are too modest to come forward publicly that they should pm the list keeper for inclusion.

It's late here in Oz so I'm off to bed, but look forward to tomorrows additions. :)

Cheers to you all,

(Edited by Masha for late night boo-boos)

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 9:19 AM

LOL Feel free to continue, Masha ... I didn't mean to overstep my bounds there and that wasn't my intention. As I was going through the list on my own to see if I could think of any others, or to add to the list, I thought it might help refresh my memory to start thinking of people in terms of different skills or categories. Then I thought it might help others remember people if they saw the list in the same way.

One thing I did learn in the process is how little I actually remember about the history of Poser, and how little I knew about where and when things originated! Anton's additions have been invaluable, as have those of other "old timers" that have popped into the thread.

We can take turns with the updates if it's help you're looking for. 8-)

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 9:30 AM

I actually thought of another category that might fit, though I don't know how popular it would be ... LMAO

OK. When battles and wars are raging in the forum, things can get pretty heated and ugly. During these discussions a lot of things surface that are usually based on rumors or whatnot.

There are a handful of people that show up in these threads that are brave enough to call BS! when things get hot and heavy.  Whether you love 'em or you hate 'em, whether you agree or disagree with them, their presence in a thread is usually a good indication that things are getting out of hand and out of control ... and to that end they serve a purpose in this community as well.

So, under the "Reality Check" category, I nominate Spiritbro, Ironbear, and Penguinisto.


Spiritbro77 posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 12:42 PM

Quote - If you guys are serious about wanting to do this... why not someone 1) register a domain name for the "Poser Hall of Fame" and start a site designed to hold the list (and the nominees) and 2) put together a group [prefferably of people not on the nominees list] to vote on new additions and 3) set up a form where people can send in nominations anonymously? There's lots of talented web designers in the community, lots of people with hosting space, and lots of people who'd be good at sorting out nominees. Do it right, not just a thread in a forum that'll be buried 40 pages deep in a few weeks and forgotten. ;]


I agree, take a group of community members that have been around long enough to know whats up and have them look over nominations, narrow it down then vote in a certain number each year. Maybe 5 or 6 each year make it in. I like that.

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 12:50 PM

Aw come on Spiritbro, you just heard your ears ringing from the last post ... ;-)

I think it's a cool idea as well. Being that the Poser community was in full swing by the time I got here there's a lot of REALLY early stuff I don't know at all, and I suspect the majority of us aren't aware of a lot of the history behind Poser and content development. Something like this would be a great resource!

Spiritbro77 posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 1:03 PM

Quote - Aw come on Spiritbro, you just heard your ears ringing from the last post ... ;-)

I think it's a cool idea as well. Being that the Poser community was in full swing by the time I got here there's a lot of REALLY early stuff I don't know at all, and I suspect the majority of us aren't aware of a lot of the history behind Poser and content development. Something like this would be a great resource!


Actually, I didnt even see that lol. And while I thank you, there are PLENTY of others more deserving than I in that catagory and have been around a lot longer too. :) IB, Legume,PJF back in the day was good at it. Hell if I made a list it would be longer than the HOF list lol.

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 1:08 PM

Ya know, I think something like this would go a long way in helping to restore some of the "community" feeling that we have long since lost.

Spiritbro77 posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 1:17 PM

Quote - Ya know, I think something like this would go a long way in helping to restore some of the "community" feeling that we have long since lost.


That would be nice, but I don't know. Things have changed so much over the years I 'm not sure that feeling can ever be restored. It's all about money now. Not fun, Not learning the different programs. Oh sure, some out there are still about that, but to a very large extent the Poserverse is based on the marketplace now. I do think it would be nice to remember those that DID put effort into furthering the community, So many have done so much out of those feelings of community back in the day.

ratscloset posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 3:26 PM

I will gladly host it at a Domain... I will even get the Domain Name and Register it... (I would also accept Volunteers to help set up the Site.) I have some Sites available to me that are currently unused.

I suggest two fold approach.. Digital Art Hall of Fame and something like Nviatwas as the name for an Annual Award! We could have a Competition for designing the Statue each year.... Make them require a Gold Texture! LOL

I am good canidate for this, since I am not likely to be nominated for anything anytime in my Life!

aka John

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 3:29 PM


I am good canidate for this, since I am not likely to be nominated for anything anytime in my Life!

Say what? How about the cutest icon in the world award?

ratscloset posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 3:41 PM

Quote - AWESOME!!! 

I am good canidate for this, since I am not likely to be nominated for anything anytime in my Life!

Say what? How about the cutest icon in the world award?


We are talking about real contributions.... lol!

I thought of a name, but have not checked the Domain availablity... should be a .org... regardless

aka John

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 3:43 PM  That way there wouldn't be anyone coming to the site thinking that it's something like the "Darwin Awards" or the "Biggest Dufus in the Universe" award. LMAO

And, don't worry ... we see how much you help folks around these parts. ;-)

masha posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 7:07 PM

@ Deecey
In no way are you overstepping any lines, indeed I asked for help so this could evolve into more than just a haphazard and  buried thread.

    Quote: " We can take turns with the updates if it's help you're looking for. 8-)"
I feel that less mistakes would be made if one person was in charge of additions, with input from others who might notice an omission.  And I nominate you Deecey, if you are  happy to do it.  You are a well-respected and trusted member here and a wordsmith whereas I,  with my sometimes British (where I learnt English) sometimes American (where I worked for a number of years) with a sprinkling of good old Aussie (which has become home) expressions,  might confuse more.

    As to Qote snippets: " I actually thought of another category that might fit..."  "So, under the "Reality Check" category, I nominate Spiritbro, Ironbear, and Penguinisto."
I have a feeling it might be a contentious issue whether such nominations do not serve an agenda of sorts, whether the nominees
(not necessarily the above ones :) might not be considered the provocateurs of such hot and heavy debates rather than the voice of reason at times.  Just my thoughts :)

At any rate, should you chose to accept this mission (heh), I'll update this new categorized list to this point, then gladly place it in your hands, ok?


masha posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 7:19 PM

@ ratscloset

Fantastic offer which is gladly accepted and could go ahead I'm sure.  As to the name it's of course up to discussion, but I'm in favour of the full  "Poser Hall of Fame" myself, so it would be clear to new and old what exactly it's about.  Acronyms tend to boggle my mind :)

What say you all?

Also once the site is up, other Poser sites could be enticed to provide links to it  for the edification of their members.


DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 7:21 PM

Names are trickling in more slowly now, but ratscloset is now investigating the possibility of creating a separate site where people can submit nominations in real time (and won't that be a cool thing!). I wonder if it might be best just to let names continue to trickle in here, update not quite as often, and then turn it over to whatever committee is chosen for the official Poser Hall of Fame web site. I can probably handle that much, at least. 8-)

I think we should have a "design the award certificate", "design the virtual award statue" and a "design the Golden NVIATWAS" award contest too! LMAO

byAnton posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 7:30 PM

A fun idea for sure, but perhaps too complicated and prone to pagentry. Once you add voting, nominating and such it becomes political, which never has done well in the community.

Finding impartial people, without store, site, software, or product affliliation/interest is going to be next to impossible.

I would rather see something purely historical, which is less  vulnerable to politics or special interest/popularity games. A accurate  poser history site really needs to happen before too much is lost or forgotten. And history free of censorship.

Just a thought.

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

masha posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 8:16 PM

Wonderful Deecey and Ratscloset.  We're on our way then.

So what would be the best way to elect a committee? Suggestions?  (Isn't committee a necessary evil really :p Especially nowdays.)

Perhaps a statue of sorts should head the site as a symbol rather than being awarded to singular individuals. It would be taken for granted that each contributor named is the recepient of one.  A contest for its design and especially the Golden NVIATWAS would be fun. :)  I can already see some outrageous submissions frankly :)

It occurs to me that seeing as it would have its own site we might also add a category for Outstanding Poser Artistry with links to the Gallery or render  mentioned.  How to avoid the usual pitfalls here is the big question. 

Ian Porter already mentioned:
    "Also Paul Hafeli was well known for outstanding realistic renders back in the early days of the Poserforum online .  Those were really inspirational works."
And from: NW316
    "How about MrX, almost without a doubt the most widely viewed Poser artist of all time.  :)"

Neither of which I knew what to do with yet.

We could easily nominate: fygomatic for his exceptional look-alikes for instance, etc etc.

Dave-So posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 8:27 PM

the "statue" should be Dork ... he's the first Poser guy that really hit it bigtime. Poser 1 man is a bit too undefined.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

ClawShrimp posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 8:35 PM

I'm with Anton on this one.

I'd much rather see an accurate and detailed timeline than an arbitrary top fifty :).

I haven't been a part of this community for all that long and am always amazed at just how 'colourful' a histroy it has had.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards...checkmate!

Dave-So posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 8:48 PM

Yes, it is the history that is important, not a popularity contest...and that is what it will become..its already starting to feel that way a bit.

Dr. Geep has some history on his site...
Also, wikipedia

and of course, Larry  Weinberg's history

Anorther idea is to interview Dan Farr...I'm sure he has a lot to say about the history of Poser.

Anthony Hernandez had quite a bit of knowledge about the past Poser community. He may be a big help.

Hall of fame entries should also go to the different groups...and stores
Runtime DNA ... just tons of early great stuff going on here
The ORIGINAL POSER EMAIL list..which is still active at Yahoo..this was before PFO .  this has lost most of its zing. This list was originally huge, with all the Poser gurus in attendance.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

Dave-So posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 8:58 PM

Another group that gets little publicity is Poser 101 at Yahoo

its been around since 2000, and has helped a tremendous amount of Poser users get started, including a lot of folks that are vendors and respected artists in the community now. I can't remember who the creator of the list was, but i was the moderator of that list myself for quite awhile and helped rekindle it after it was headed for oblivion because the owner wasn't active ...

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 9:31 PM

I'd much rather see an accurate and detailed timeline than an arbitrary top fifty :).

Yes, good point. On that end I can't help a lot on the early stuff so I'm wondering if it might be best to elect someone who is more aware of the important developments as they occurred ... the list that Masha has compiled is a great start, but I have to confess that I won't be able to dig in and do a lot of research right now to add dates and more detailed info.

With that said, if someone else with first-hand knowledge can organize and date the info it might be better and more accurate that way.

ratscloset posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 9:31 PM

How about

It is sort of fitting!

aka John

byAnton posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 10:54 PM

What about the Pink Pony Award. lol SOunds like the Tony Award. Or "The "Woody". That woodend manikin thing in the library. :)  "Got Wood?"

In the end history and acknlowledgement can both be done if people were willing. And they compliment each other and give reference. And would provide backstory.

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 10:59 PM

Or "The "Woody". That woodend manikin thing in the library. :)  "Got Wood?"

LMAO!!!!!  I like that one (snicker)

byAnton posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 11:10 PM

Since perspectives on history can change like all history over time, comparing feedback from multiple people with reference if possible, would help. Past moderators, now spread across multiple sites, tend to remember a lot because they read so much.

Store histories are important to have too since they are integral


The search engines within the site forums are really handy. And I must say it it really fun to re-read the early years, though Rendo is missing the first 5 months or so of it's own posts. Not sure why. Only goes back to March of 1999. Should be earlier than that.

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 11:25 PM

**all available:


****Also available (but OMG what traffic it would draw! .com was taken, wonder what kind of site it is. LOL):**


sturkwurk posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 11:41 PM

What about the folks from the comic book side of poserdom?
Phil Hokusai (the great Cara Loft file that everybody used for years?)
RIchard Kane (the muscular dork enhancements that set new standards)

Anton Mentioned George Deep - sheesh that guy made the 3d Comic Collective - one of the most hit poser sites in the old days!

Gerry - who made the great poser hero gloves and boots, among others used by thousands of artist?
Daniel Scott Murray - Talk about pusing poser past the envelope in art!
Brian Haberlin also has been doing things with poser that's just unheard of in comics.

These guys were cutting edge back in the late 90's - they showed the rest of Poserdom that YES you can make your own comic books with Poser!

sorry - it's probaby too niched though huh?

I came, I rendered, I'm still broke.

DCArt posted Thu, 31 May 2007 at 11:46 PM

Not at all, it's a VERY valid part of the Poser community and history and should definitely be mentioned!

byAnton posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 12:05 AM

oh wow. Fasttraxx. I forgot. Yeah he had that great site.  Memories come back highschool spanish. :)

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

ratscloset posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 12:31 AM

I like the Woody better... kind of pokes fun at the misconception about Poser and Porn connection in a tongue in cheek sort of way!

For Domains...

PoserArtLegends... or Pals for short!

aka John

masha posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 12:45 AM

Come on then folks lets give ratscloset a name for the site so he can go ahead and provide a repositry for all the info.
So far we have; and

We can then go ahead and plunk  all researched info on the History of the Poser Community there.  Then there needs to be a co-ordinator of said research perhaps -  so several people don't waste their time in doubling up on the same sources.  There needs to be volunteers to do said research and finally the thoroughly knowledgable individuals to compile same accurately and  with a discerning eye.  It would seem important not  to allow any bias creep into plain facts.

Anton and Dave-So  seems to be a funt of knowledge on history and the way to go about gathering the info.  Wonder if one or both of you would care to co-ordinate and compile this aspect?

As to the symbolic award statuette, The Woodie  wins my vote ;)

masha posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 12:51 AM

Ooops , add ratsclosets latest: PoserArtLegends or for domain names.

More suggestions or handsup please?

masha posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 1:06 AM

Aand: **
and   **

masha posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 1:10 AM

Categorized revision 31May 07
Without the latest names submitted for  the comic book side of poserdom?  Over to you Deecey? Hugs :)

In appreciation - honourable mentions of some great  user-contributors to Poser's  continuing evolution into a terrific program.


Larry Weinberg - Inventor/ designer of Poser

Steve Cooper -(Kupa)

Dan Farr - formerly of Zygote


Ian Grey was co-admin of the Poserforum with Willow DaNaan. This was back when Poserforum was the first and only forum available for poser users.

jack k - Poser Forum owner before it became Renderosity

legume- originated the Poser forum on usenet and 2002: Starting the Magic Pink Pony & Mr. Fluffers antI-Poser hot 20 parody.

Virus - Admin for The Prop's Guild, one of Posers first mega content sites. All content was free.

willow - originator of the Poser Forum which became Renderosity


Anton - who has not only been an excellent content provider over the years but has designed and finally given away for free his brilliant Apollo figure and all contents.  His support has been/is exceptional too. With D'Mentia created Subdividing Material Poses

Bagginsbill - for sharing his Matmatic and taking shaders  to new levels

lesbentley- a great many  Poser tech contributions and ever helpful

JeffH - Poser4: Solved the Poser code syntax that allows for Changing Geometry Dials to be applied to any part of a figure.

Bushi - he did a lot of great development work and was always very helpful in these forums.

Capsces - Poser3: Among the earliest pioneers in transforming animals through what later would become Full Body morphs and for adding so much more to all the poser figures with her great morph sets!

Chris Derochie - started The Forge/PoseAmation back in the late 90s and has been instrumental in a lot of the early Poser animation and is still actively doing BVH work.

face_off - Poser5/6: Pioneered advancements in node based photorealistic Poser skin rendering and he has been so helpful in the forums.  Adding gravity capabilities in Poser by creating PoserPhysics

Catharina Przezak/Harders -( digital woman)- Pre 2000: One of the first and earliest photo realistic figure texturists upon which other later artists based their work. Predates most texturists  and she always tried to share her knowledge in the forums.

Hellborn - was the first to make an anatomically correct genital hip for a female figure.  His WWG (Woman With Genitals) was the P3 Posette with his specialized hip hard welded into the mesh.

Kamilche(Cindy)-Innovating universal pose conversion for humans and animals originally with Puppetmaster.

JKeller - pre 1999 Created Jacketman. Earliest example of cr2 embedded clothing. Pre dates conforming clothes

Kozaburo - (with Yamato) introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights, a lot of which are still available for free

Michael Lane - Poser4: Innovated first Global Illumination to Poser using Poser4 lights in a dome effect.

Lyne's Creations -  For pinoeering extensive long term development of Poser animal figures.

Olivier-innovating a comprehensive node based material system for illustration style rendering.

SanctumArt (Michael Rak) for being a true innovator and master for sci-fi, both in Poser and abroad in other mediums. And one of the best modellers around anywhere; ever.

Schlabber...he is the posing genius and has helped pretty much everyone in their posing endeavors.

Sixus1-  for getting 1 complete model out a week for 3 years for the CP freebie while doing other contract work and for having a hand in a lot of the content for Poser 7.

snowsultan - Standardized the design approach for color coded UV mapping templates based on color blocking seam-line polygons.

Stahlratte for GIRL 3, Wiktorija, and Valerie

SteffyZ - pioneer in hyper-realistic textures

Stonemason - superb product innovation

Syyd - who showed what could be accomplished with photo references for creating hyper-realist textures.

Symphony- Merilyn Ellison (D'Mentia) and Moyra (Ellusion) for their introduction of complex layered texture/transmapping effects to Poser that changed forever the way Poser clothes were textured.

Torino - Invented the first Eve.  He pioneered the Hip/Buttock/Thigh configuration, and the Inverted T chest with the breast in the Collar groups- came up with the so-called "millenium"-style rigging of characters

VK - I wouldn't be surprised if the Poser 7 dependent parameters are an evolution of his work with complex master/slave dial relationships.

Robert Whisenant was the one who really went in and made sense of all the ERC/JCM/etc.

Wyrmmaster - for fathering what magnets could be used for with figures and clothes.

yamato -(with Kozaburo)  introduced the concept to Poser of realistic transmapped hair, eyelashes, etc to the community. Earliest designers of hand painted realistic hair textures with baked-in highlights. Some fantastic figures and innovative utilities,


Steve Cox -  pre 1999 creator of UV Mapper, the most widely used UV mapping app for Poser content allowing for advanced UV mapping prior to tools like Deep UV.


Kim99 for his brilliant CR2Builder program, which is not only the best damn Poser file editor around, it's absolutely free.

Masa - innovative utilities such as PAE

maz -  for his objaction mover program  This encryption/decription program was a breakthrough in allowing figure modifications to be distributed without infringing copyright.

Nerd3d - for the V3 walk designer addons and many freebies over the years

Ockham - for great python scripts automating a great many Poser functions- all for free

PhilC - tutorials and great add-ons like Wardrobe Wizard etc (yet another one that can be put into so many different categories)

tromnek (Poser RPC scripts)

Yarp - for free 3PDO which makes Poser file navigation so much easier.


Acadia -  for always sharing her  wealth of Poser related links and her helpfulness

B.L. Render (Bloodsong).  "Secrets of figure creation for Poser"  is an indispensable asset for those who wish to create content for Poser.

Deecey  - for her "Practical Poser" books.

Dr. Geep - for his unique classroom style who has  newbies grinning  while climbing that painful learning curve

Anthony Hernandez - 2002: employee of Curious Labs, gathered, compliled and released the CR2 guide from interal and community information.

maxxxmodels - great helpfulness

opera guy - enlightening discussions

nruddock - for  invaluable Poser tech contributions.

Stewer - one of the most informative and enlightening helpers


3dsk, aka Levius - Acclaimed photo reference store design catering to 3d artists. Most widely used photo reference site used in Poserdom.

AdoranaDE - dynamic hair.

Ajax - (EasyPose)

andi3d -  for all his great bones

Arduino - highly appreciated for providing the genital bits for the chaste Millenium and Unimesh figures

As Shanim/Siliphiel -

Baron Vlad Harkonnen (BVH) - for  his tutorials on putting poser characters into MSAgent  and some killer outfits

Jim Burton - for lots of (especially low poly) freebies for many years now

Cyllan - her landscape products (Terraformers series, Horizons, Weird Weather, Geoforge) are very innovative - always dependant on outside apps line Bryce and Vue to do landscaping, but with Cyllan's prducts we can do it right within Poser now.

Gerald Day - for good quality freebies

DPHoadley  - for remapping Posette and Dork to take V3 textures.

ISOP - some wonderful freebies

kirwyn.- His/her dynamic hair solutions are innovative and a great asset to animators.

jaager - prolific morph'n stuff contributor- among which are anatomically correct  hip/genitals

Tim Laubauch - Pre 2000: Site Happy World Land was a huge resource for Posette photo based textures

John Malis - for his Armor textures

Mapps - so generous with his great freebies, models and textures

Patrick Martin - of the Papa Sage Fame

maya - creator of free Maya Doll and lots of freebies

Panko -  for weapons and skin textures

Pitklad for NEAena, Neja, and Domus.

Sams3D - generosity with superb freebies and tutes

Steve Shanks- generous contributor of quality freebies

svdl - quality free creations and always helpful

Don Tatro - created and shared the iconic Creepy the Clown

Thorne - oldendays calendar faerie freebies, inspiration, beautiful faces and figures

Traveler - great contributor of quality freebies  and tutorials for using the morph magnets etc

Trekkiegrrrl - freebies galore

Judith Ward for what she has done with bontanicals over all these many years.

x2000 - for really cool space freebies

UNCATEGORIZED AS OF YET (and many of these can fall in different areas):



colin g

Cyllan - her landscape products (Terraformers series, Horizons, Weird Weather, Geoforge) are very innovative - always dependant on outside apps like Bryce and Vue to do landscaping, but with Cyllan's products we can do it right within Poser now. 

[Masha's question:where should we put this? afaik  there have been other such products perhaps they all should be mentioned and which was the ground-breaking one?)


Lab 108






byAnton posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 1:32 AM

Either of Ratscloset's names is cool. I wonder if  "Poserdom" is taken. 

I'll help anyway needed. More people the better though.

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

Dave-So posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 6:28 AM

I'll help as well. I've always been interested in the history of Poser. A lot of the early stuff gets kind of hazy, however :)

There is a site that has old web pages...its called the way back machine , or some has some of the early Rendo pages...can't remember if it had PFO. I'll check there after work..or maybe someone has the link and can gather info there.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

sturkwurk posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 7:46 AM

I came, I rendered, I'm still broke.

Teyon posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 8:40 AM

Attached Link:

I got ya all beat, check this out:

byAnton posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 12:44 PM

Poser lego people. lol. One step forward, two steps back. :)

lol. this one is funny. Before all the gizmos
I forgot there was an Adult section. Some of the links still work. :)

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

ratscloset posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 1:01 PM

Quote - Either of Ratscloset's names is cool. I wonder if  "Poserdom" is taken. 

I'll help anyway needed. More people the better though.


I actually had Poserdom for a couple of years, but never did anything with it.. .not sure if it is still available... 

aka John

cyberscape posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 2:33 PM

Since this looks to be getting serious, I'd go for 'Poser Hall of Fame". Some of the other names are comical but, they're actually inside jokes here and at some other poser sites. Anyone stumbling across this new site would probably be scratching their head, wondering just what 'NVIATWAS' is supposed to mean. And if you told them, they probably STILL wouldn't get it.

Picture it this way, an artist type(not into cgi) could stumble across PHOF thinking it's a tribute to bands like MillieVanillie or something and instead, discover a whole new way of creating art!
Who knows? If the meta tags for this site get used properly, Poser could suddenly become a lot more popular!

As for the woodyaward, that one is a keeper!! LOL!


AMD FX-9590 4.7ghz 8-core, 32gb of RAM, Win7 64bit, nVidia GeForce GTX 760

PoserPro2012, Photoshop CS4 and Magix Music Maker


...and when the day is dawning...I have to say goodbye...a last look back into...your broken eyes.

Spiritbro77 posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 3:53 PM

If Im not mistaken The "woodie award" is taken. Over at the Commune they have an annual "Woodie awards" or at least they used to. People render different scenes using the woodman and awards are given for the best ones.

Richabri posted Fri, 01 June 2007 at 4:11 PM

I find it a bit surprising that in all of these lists of people nobody mentioned Martin (marforno) as being worthy of inclusion. He, along with Debbie, Danie and Abraham perfected a style of fantasy architecture that has had a huge impact on the landscape of Poser.

That's my opinion anyway :)

mapps posted Fri, 29 June 2007 at 11:03 AM

WOW masha that is quite a list, I'm honoured to be on it :-) i don't see nerd3d though, he was a great insperation to alot of us early modelers. I don't think I would have ever poseted a freebie if it had not been for his impressive list of goodies.

mapps posted Fri, 29 June 2007 at 11:06 AM

Oh and Acadia you are always so kind :-)