Now this is the first one of many I hope to come. It is really hard to tell what is what so I drew lines around the different parts to help you all out, for those who don't know the inside a woman's body...LOL This is the 6 weeks ultra sound photo. There is never much to see at this point. But if you look you can see the uterus, the sac and there is a tiny line looking thing, that is the baby. There is also a yoke, but we didn't get a photo of that. It doen't look much different, except it looks more like a egg with the yoke there. The doctor gave us the thumbs up! He says it looks very healthy for this stage and he even thinks he saw the heartbeat which is really good since it normally isn't really noticable til the 8th week or so. I hope you enjoy and hope to get more in time. Next one will be May 1. If you would like to see it without the lines, just let me know I will post that one as well. I have another one too, but you can not see the line (aka baby) but I think they are all fascinating. Thanks for letting me share. Leigh