A friend was wondering if there was any real benefit to getting a camera with more than 5 megapixels. Well, that depends on a lot of factors, but unless you are shooting with a DSLR, you are probably not going to gain that much by adding 5MP, except noise perhaps. ;'] Of course, if you plan on cropping your images and want to squeeze out as much detail as possible, then more pixels aren't necessarily a bad thing. In this comparison I photographed at both the 5MP and full 10MP settings of my FZ50. I then cropped out a same sized section from each full image. While you can see that there is more detail in the 10MP version, it is not really a whole lot more. The noise and noise reduction effects are also more visible at 10MP. I hope this helps you out fitzy. *(be sure to click to view full size)*
Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations