Forum: Bryce

Subject: Attention all challenge entrants. Please read.

orbital opened this issue on Jun 21, 2007 · 18 posts

orbital posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 7:57 AM

I refer to Ang25 post further down the page, regarding challenge voting. As it stands we have the positions as follows
1st Me
2nd 1971's
3rd well thats not clear as artlover 1 gave 1 point to Dan. If thats Dan Whiteside then he is third. If not then a tie with him Savant noir and Incognitas.
Now I want to know if we can all agree to close the competition or not. I don't want to tread on anyone's toes and if you would rather AS and Zhann did it officially then thats fine by me. It's just some people want to get on with the next challenge.

skiwillgee posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 10:34 AM

I think you are unquestionably the winner  no matter who does the counting or announcing.   You will be the one who selects the next challenge no matter.  I say go ahead and select a challenge subject so I can stumble through another one.

Maybe Bryster will be the unofficial "official"  The Cardinal will have comfy chair ready for any desenters.

Dash101 posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 10:35 AM

I'd say close the challenge its a done deal. (congrads by the way!)

On with the NEXT challenge please.

orbital posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 10:51 AM

Ok thanks, I'll just hang on one more day and hope that a few more drop in to agree just to be sure.

Incognitas posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 1:16 PM

Why not wait for the forum moderators?I'm sure one of them wil be by soon...

TheBryster posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 3:01 PM Forum Moderator

Funny, I thought AS said things were going to get better on the moderator front.

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orbital posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 3:40 PM

Cardinal Bryster, thou shall not judge thy holy Bryce god untillith he maketh reasonable explantioneth...eth....splutter....sorry bit of flem caught their with all that worship type talk.

Ang25 posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 3:59 PM

What I would like to know is why Cardinal Bryster doesn't have some official capacity here thrust upon him?
He's here 24/7 almost except for the occaissional rearending. (hugs cardinal)
I say lets unofficially end the voting and get on with the next challenge topic.

@incognitas - I don't mean any disrespect but there has been in the past some long overdue endings to the challenges along with some resentment. I wished that it was clearly stated what the start and end dates of the vote were to be, but alas that was left to interpretation. 

Maybe the next challenge should be for July & August. And we be given a full month between to vote in?
I hate to stir up trouble but I seem to be so good at it.
Well, I've got to run off to work, I'll pop in later to see how things are going.

electroglyph posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 4:38 PM

Voting started at a few minutes before noon on the 3rd. I really think 18 days is enough for even the most indecisive of us to do something. Still, in the interest of fairness, why don't we set the deadline at noon Renderosity time on the 23rd?

1 Twenty days is a nice round number.
2 It gives everyone time to read the notice.
3 It goes into the weekend to give people who might only be able to surf Saturdays a chance to read that its over, we really mean it this time, really.

Ang25 posted Thu, 21 June 2007 at 6:00 PM


airflamesred posted Fri, 22 June 2007 at 1:20 AM

Congratulations anyway Orbital - I do think it would be good manners, though, to wait for A.S.

FarawayPictures posted Fri, 22 June 2007 at 7:37 AM

I dont really mind missing out a month if it means waiting for AS. I think that is the proper way to go rather than us go it alone.


TheBryster posted Fri, 22 June 2007 at 7:47 AM Forum Moderator

Orbital: I made a comment not a judgement...........:tongue1:

Ang: Thanks for that..........:tongue2:

Available on Amazon for the Kindle E-Reader

All the Woes of a World by Jonathan Icknield aka The Bryster

And in my final hours - I would cling rather to the tattooed hand of kindness - than the unblemished hand of hate...

SavantNoir posted Fri, 22 June 2007 at 2:34 PM

Congrats to Orbital!  (you mean to tell me this thing is STILL going on?????)  wow!  I have just been checking in to see what was up next!  On another note, I wrote AS in regards that lots of people can not even find their way here TO vote, because the logical place to go would be the link called "Contests in Voting".....which contains basically nothing at people are at a loss.  Seems logical if people want to vote on a contest, THAT is where they would go!  I think that should be fixed.  I never got a reply, nor has it ever been fixed!  lol  (just throwing the thought out there!)

And since you are the clear winner....even though you need the Moderator (i beleive), to get the forum site for posting going....a head's up on what you have in mind woudl be cool....especially for me., cuz I only get a creative thought maybe once or twice per year!!  I need the headstart, and I hate to blow an opportunity if one should happen to come down upon me! lol

Ang25 posted Fri, 22 June 2007 at 10:26 PM

I speak for myself when I say that I get worried when Agentsmith disappears and I truly hope that he is well. There have been times in the past when he's had bad luck and I truly hope that this is not one of them. That maybe he's just unable to hook up to the computer realm due to technical stuff.
Maybe we should divert ourselves with some sort of thread where we make mini type challenges, things that won't take us long to do, but could help us hone some skills? Something to keep us out of trouble while the adults are away?
Ok don't ask me where this thought came from but how about to start we post our best render of a potato? then after a few days, someone else gives another idea. Stuff thats simple and won't take long and doesn't involve putting together a whole scene? Anyone up for it. Oh and no voting either, just a for fun thing.

Death_at_Midnight posted Sat, 23 June 2007 at 12:57 AM

I agree with electroglyph. Anyway I think the Bryce forum can benefit from a two moderator team. AS is a great moderator, and I think he does a fine job. Yet It does seem our little forum is pretty active. 2 or 3 months ago we talked about doing mini-challenges. I'm in agreement for those. Real life issues often creep into online life. Lots of things going on, or could go on, which I think two moderators would be appropriate.

I hope this makes some sense as I am extremely tired and my eyes are now playing the "let's see double" game inbetween moments of dozing off. It's been a hard week. ack!


SunsetHunter posted Wed, 27 June 2007 at 4:18 AM

Though having AS or Zhann officially bring this challenge to a close is preferable, I think that the spirit of the competition has been entered into so I'm happy to say lets close it off so we can all get on with the next one. Nobody else has voted for six days now, so I think we've all had plenty of time for sure. So, congrats to Orbital, 1971s and Dan Whiteside (is that correct?). Besides, I didn't get a single vote, so the sooner you put me out of my misery the better!! :-)

So, whats the next Challenge then Joe? Perhaps you could nominate a date for voting to close as well :-)

FemMuse posted Tue, 17 July 2007 at 12:25 PM

I wrote AS and Zhann a while back asking if the results were in for the Old Stuff challenge and if so where to find them??  As yet neither have read the mail that I sent them.
I agree about how the voting was set up.  I stumbled on it in error.  Under 'contests in voting' would not only make voting a lot easier but also encourage way more to actually vote!
Having said all of that, Congratulations! to Orbital, the clear winner, and to the runners up and all othr entrants.
 I enjoyed viewing all of your images and look forward to the next Contest.
WTG all!