Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I have been trying to create a sort of soft global illumination effect. What I have done is as follows
- create a hi-res ball from the primitive props
- export the ball as an obj file
- re-import it wwith thenormals reversed.
- increase the size to 600% to create a large dome
- remove all other lights and add a point source about half way between the ground and the top of the ball
- bring in james.
- switch on raytracing and increase no of bounces to 4
- render.
- dissapointing single overhead light effect.
- change ambient light to 1 and set colour to white.
- render - no change
- keeping the point light source in the same position, move dome.
12 . render - no change
- add reflectance node to dome
- render - no change
- Grrr. What's happening ? why isn't it working ? Where are the subtle light effects I was anticpating ?