Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Need Help With Rendering

Heztia opened this issue on Nov 09, 2007 · 10 posts

Heztia posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 9:44 PM

Ok I've never had this problem before.  I'm trying to render a image and normally the pop-up window says "creating shadow map for....... (what ever light I have the shadows on)" but with this image it says "optimizing images" but the percent bar won't move and it's been there doing that for hours with no results.  How can I change/fix or do something about this.  BTW I'm using 1.8

"KnowThyself And Be Ture, Let Karma Do The Rest"
Mystic Images Freebies

AnnieD posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 10:16 PM

This is going to sound crazy...but optamizing is the first thing it it hung up right away.
Sometimes mine will it just forgot what it was doing..or took a nap or something.  :D

So what I do is start some other a game of solitare or something like that..some little something that won't take a lot of resources or crash everything...and usually Daz will unhang..its like it needs to be woke up...lmao..
I told you it would sound crazy...but it works for me every time...and I don't question it if it works.


“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”

[Stuart Chase]

Heztia posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 10:24 PM

Well I'm pretty much doing that now as I have no choice but to wait till it feel's like rendering but I really hope it "wakes" up soon cause I'm about to scrap it I'm getting so fausrated with it. I don't wanna scrap it cause I'm worrking on a new character but omg 4 hours and nothing this is nuts! Damn Daz why do you torment me so??????????????lol

"KnowThyself And Be Ture, Let Karma Do The Rest"
Mystic Images Freebies

AnnieD posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 10:28 PM

You will probably have to cancel that and try it again...restart your render.
Mine has never gone that long without waking up. :)
I don't have that much patience.


“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”

[Stuart Chase]

Heztia posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 10:32 PM

You know I've canceled and tried rerendering aleast 3 times so this will be four.  If this doesn't work I'm gonna restart Daz and if no luck well I just don't know

"KnowThyself And Be Ture, Let Karma Do The Rest"
Mystic Images Freebies

AnnieD posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 11:09 PM

Good luck Heztia...I'm off to do some rendering myself...while everything is quiet and peaceful. :)


“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”

[Stuart Chase]

Heztia posted Fri, 09 November 2007 at 11:55 PM

Thanx but I don't think I was meant to render this image I restarted Daz and no luck, I restarted my PC and still no luck.  So either there's something in the render that Daz just doesn't like or there's something wrong with Daz.  So I'm gonna try rebuilding the scene from scracth and hope for the best.

"KnowThyself And Be Ture, Let Karma Do The Rest"
Mystic Images Freebies

Heztia posted Sat, 10 November 2007 at 1:26 AM

Annie OMG guess what! I found out what the problem was. It was Freakin DAZ!!!!!!!!!! something in Daz gave out. When tryed to reopen my scene and when it was loading it say that I think it was "make.exe" had failed to load.  So I clearded the scene and plopped V4 on there and hit render just to see if it was my scene or not, and well it did th same thing.  Suck on optimizing images so I say f**** it I'm just gonna reinstall, and when I reopened my scene after that it rendered.  I must say she rendered very beautifully to.  All the headache came in handy though cause serching the net for anwser lead me to free Daz scripts one of which is a inj/rem script! I'm so happy I can start putting my girls together now!

"KnowThyself And Be Ture, Let Karma Do The Rest"
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RHaseltine posted Sat, 10 November 2007 at 8:41 AM

tdlmake was the offender - it turns the images loaded as textures into the special format that 3Delight wants. I've no idea why it would suddenly stop working, assuming you hadn't made any chnages to the files in the installation folder.

Heztia posted Sat, 10 November 2007 at 12:29 PM

No I didn't just went to render and it wouldn't work. So reinstalled and it's fine now.

"KnowThyself And Be Ture, Let Karma Do The Rest"
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