Forum: The MarketPlace Wishing Well

Subject: What king of man do you want?

Unicornst opened this issue on Nov 11, 2007 · 39 posts

Unicornst posted Sun, 11 November 2007 at 12:54 PM

**Hi All,

I've seen posts asking for more male characters. Nothing specific, just more males.

My question for you is.....anyone in particular? You have a favorite male you'd like to see turned into a M3 or Hiro character? Images would help loads.


infinity10 posted Mon, 12 November 2007 at 7:37 PM

Realistic:  Older males of East Asian and Polynesian ethnicities.

Fantasy:  look like the dudes you see in the newer games.

Eternal Hobbyist


Unicornst posted Mon, 12 November 2007 at 9:08 PM

Thanks so much for the reply.

**When you say older...can you give an age range? Any images from the video games you can point me to? It's been awhile since I played any.

I never noticed until I opened the ebot for this that my subject line what KING of man do you want.** :lol:

infinity10 posted Mon, 12 November 2007 at 9:29 PM

I figured it was not a kingly man you were asking about hahaha !!

OK.  Realistic older guy of East Asian and Polynesian ethnicity, age range:  60-70 years.

Fantasy game-type males
(of course not exact copy, but in the style of these):

Eternal Hobbyist


Unicornst posted Mon, 12 November 2007 at 10:27 PM

**Ahhhh...Final Fantasy. My favorite games of all to play. Any of them. grin

Thanks so much for the suggestions. I'll start work to see what I can do about filling both orders and post previews to keep getting suggestions from you, if that's okay.


infinity10 posted Mon, 12 November 2007 at 11:40 PM

yesh, no probs.

Eternal Hobbyist


Unicornst posted Tue, 13 November 2007 at 1:45 AM

Oh cool! Updates soon as I have something. grin

Liladieni posted Wed, 14 November 2007 at 3:12 AM

A rich one.

Oh, poser men...hehehe.
Hmm,  I don't do many male renders, but then I don't have a lot of male characters. What I like in a poser guy is one who is fit but not overly muscled, maybe a bit on the husky side.  Facial hair neat and not overly long, well groomed. Not a lot of body hair.

Johnny Depp the way he was in Edward Scissorhands...his eyes were beautiful.

Can't really think of anything else, hehehe.

Unicornst posted Wed, 14 November 2007 at 9:44 AM

Attached Link: Devin

**Johnny Depps eyes are beautiful in any movie. *grin*


Less muscled and body hair than Devin? Link above.**

Liladieni posted Wed, 14 November 2007 at 11:00 AM

Devin  looks just right, hehehe....yet another item on my wishlist.

Unicornst posted Wed, 14 November 2007 at 12:32 PM

**Thanks. grin

I'm like you. Not overly muscled and definitely neat facial hair. Now if I can just get eyes to look like Johnny Depp's. lol**

SophiD posted Mon, 26 November 2007 at 4:49 PM

I'd agree with more asian male characters with photorealistic textures - i don't think there are many around.

Preferred figure is David, but any male figure would do really!

also someone that looks like Jude Law or Wentworth Miller (Prison Break) or any of the Prison Break characters really!!

thank you for asking our opinion Unicornst!! Very much appreciated!

Unicornst posted Mon, 26 November 2007 at 10:11 PM

**I think I would prefer David as well, but alas...I have to make do with Michael or Hiro. grin

Working on the skin for the Asian one. Previews soon if it all goes well. I'm having a bit of a problem with the eyebrows.

Jude and Wentworth are good suggestions. Thanks!**

Unicornst posted Thu, 29 November 2007 at 5:05 PM

Still having problems with eyebrows for the Asian man, but decided to take a break and tweak on the RPG type one. Still have to work on his mouth texture. Looks like he's wearing lipstick, but I think the morphs are looking good. Your opinions, please?

Unicornst posted Thu, 29 November 2007 at 5:07 PM

**Darn it...wouldn't let me post it. I'll try again. Had to make it smaller. Hope it can be seen okay.**

RubyT posted Thu, 29 November 2007 at 6:15 PM

He's cute Janet. But as you know, my fave is Tahlfar!!

Unicornst posted Thu, 29 November 2007 at 9:11 PM

Yup...I know. LOL Thanks for saying this one is cute. grin

Faery_Light posted Mon, 03 December 2007 at 7:06 PM

Is that "Link" from FF? He is cute. :)

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

Unicornst posted Mon, 03 December 2007 at 9:23 PM

**Link is from Legend of Zelda. That one up there is inspired by Tidus of FinalFantasyX.

Thanks. smiles**

Faery_Light posted Mon, 03 December 2007 at 10:17 PM

Ooops, (slaps herself upside the head) I got my games confused.

But it has a been a few years since I sat and played games on my Nintendo....sigh.

My son was still a youngster and I was not too far along the middle years yet. :)

We had three of the Zelda games, 2 Final Fantasy and a Dracula that were our favs,.but we had many others too.

I take it this one is from the newer games?

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

Unicornst posted Tue, 04 December 2007 at 12:16 PM

Yep....Final FantasyX came out just a short time back. Then they followed it up with a sequel (first time for them) called FFX-2 that continued the story of Tidus and Yuna with a twist. They've since come out with 2 more as they're up to 12 now and man does that look cool! The graphics are amazing in it. I thought X was something with the graphics, but 12 is really astounding. One thing I do **love about X is the fact that the characters talk in the game as well as you being able to read what is said. I haven't played 12 (just saw a few minutes of it) but I think they carried that talking in it as well.

And never get to old for Final Fantasy. lol Start playing again. Warning: It will severly slow down Poser creation time. Or inspire the hell out of you. grin

Faery_Light posted Tue, 04 December 2007 at 1:51 PM

I'd love to satrt playing again but when they came out with the Nintendo 67 version I found trouble. :(

The graphics were fantastic in it comepared to the older version but in the scene where he climbs to the top of the tower, that was a level I could not play.

Watching the clouds roll by so fast triggered seizures and extreme dizziness.

I had to let my son work that level for me.

And he bought me a newer FF for my B.D. a couple of years back, let me use his player.

I couldn't do it...sigh.

I hope you do some characters like that one above.

It looks great.

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

Unicornst posted Tue, 04 December 2007 at 9:21 PM

**I'm really sorry to hear that. Wish there were a way you could enjoy the games still.

I do plan on completing the one above. Haven't felt too well myself the last couple of days, but plan on trying to get him finished and submitted by the weekend.**

Unicornst posted Fri, 14 December 2007 at 10:59 PM

Attached Link: Everyone Needs A Hiro

**I didn't make the weekend deadline, but I haven't stopped either. I just posted a new image of him in my gallery. I've been tweaking the lips, skin and morphs.

I would like to hear opinions if you don't mind clicking on the link.**

Faery_Light posted Sat, 15 December 2007 at 1:03 AM

I like his skin, eys and lips.
His pointy face gives him a young look.

all in all i think he is a great character. :)

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

Unicornst posted Sat, 15 December 2007 at 2:56 AM

**Thanks, Sweetie. Those lips took me forever it felt like. lol

I added a couple of skins with small tattoos on him. Once I check them out and make sure they are lined up right, I'll post a small preview for you.**

Belladzines posted Sat, 15 December 2007 at 3:27 AM

i play world of warcraft - and blood elf males are hot...... not sure if you've ever seen one but wow.... lol... we need some of those....

Unicornst posted Sat, 15 December 2007 at 4:14 AM

**I haven't seen one, Sharyn.

Do male elfs do that well? Female ones sure don't seem to. But I can make an extra morph for him to add elf ears if people want that.**

-BrandyE- posted Thu, 20 December 2007 at 11:11 AM

MANLY men...chiseled faces, burly bodies, with nothing remotely feminine about them.  Men with CHARACTER.  Men who would be perfect for warriors, romantic images, etc.  My biggest beef with poser is the men.  they always look wimpy or effeminate.  we can make stunning women, but men...they just never do real mean justice. 

Men like: 

Gerard Butler
David Boreanaz
Liam Neeson
Colin Farrel
Russel Crowe

:)  I can dream cant i, lol?


Unicornst posted Thu, 20 December 2007 at 11:50 AM

Attached Link: Seth


More burly than Seth (link above) or MarkoftheDragon-Rathkin(also in store)?**

-BrandyE- posted Thu, 20 December 2007 at 1:30 PM

Attached Link: Thomas for M3

Yeah, manlier than Seth.  Rathkin is closer to what i mean.  What I am really picky about is faces and their legs....I rarely ever see a face on M3 that looks both masculine and attractive.  Thomas (in my store is the sort of M3 i like best - see the nude promos) 

i like this guy

I like Mariny's Men (minus the eyeliner, lol)

HE has a nice masculine look

in a word...WOW


Unicornst posted Thu, 20 December 2007 at 1:38 PM

**Ahhh...I see what you're saying now. And Dean and Jose have been 2 of my favs for a long time. Your guy, Thomas, looks awesome as well. The camos are fantastic looking. I tried doing a second skin once for M3. Came out looking awful. lol

Gotta agree with you on the legs. Poor M3 has such chicken legs if you don't build them up somehow.**

Conniekat8 posted Wed, 23 January 2008 at 6:00 PM

More Apollo textures too please! PLEASE   PRETTY PLEASE!

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

Unicornst posted Wed, 23 January 2008 at 6:24 PM


I don't have Apollo. I would love to, but I have a small storage drive and his files are way huge.**

Conniekat8 posted Wed, 23 January 2008 at 9:20 PM

Maybe someone else will take a peek in here and make some ;) 

Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!"  Whaz yurs?
BadKittehCo Store  BadKittehCo Freebies and product support

Unicornst posted Wed, 23 January 2008 at 10:59 PM

I hope so for your sake. He's a nice model.

Unicornst posted Sun, 03 February 2008 at 12:18 AM

Just to let those interested know.....Dogan has been released.

FutureFantasyDesign posted Thu, 28 February 2008 at 8:50 AM

I would love to see a man that looks like a Vin Deisel or Patrick Stewart, without being a characiture of either. I like "Mean Looking" good guys...
Yea, I know but what can I say.

Is there water in your future or is it being shipped away to be resold to you?
Water, the ultimate weapon...

Unicornst posted Thu, 28 February 2008 at 10:16 AM

The one for Hiro that you saw in my gallery is released in the MP. "Mean looking yet good", huh? Check out Seth or the 2 character pack -Light N Dark. They might suit. Better yet...Rathkin. He's a bit older and imo, has "character".