Most of you are seasoned pros so you know everything, but i keep discovering things and i would like to share with people that don't know. It's fun you can create crowds if you have a video program like final cut. I do it this way. I can make a couple of files with say 4 or 5 poser characters that walk following a walk path. Then make a few files like this but change the characters and change the way they walk and the speed. Render with white bground, or whatever your video program will read as transparent. for final cut making it white in poser makes it transparent. then in your video program, just add the videos. layer them as you wish. and create DEPTH by shrinking some layers a bit. there you have it. you can make crowds quickly. in final cut express you can have 99 video tracks but you just need to use 3 or 4 or something to create a a good crowd: ) Here is an example i made today. i used the same characters but this was just cause i was doing it quickly. i also didn't quite layer them good but yu get the point