Forum: Photography

Subject: OT - Which Browser Do You Use?

TwoPynts opened this issue on Apr 09, 2008 · 18 posts

TwoPynts posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 11:14 AM

Attached Link: Web Browser Comparison Page

I saw that there was a new release of the Opera browser available today, so I though I'd ask out of sheer curiosity, what browsers are you all using to surf the web? I mainly use Safari. It has it's quirks, but it is integrated well into the Mac OS and does a decent job. I note that the new version on my Mac at home is much more stable and VERY fast, and doesn't have the quirks my version at work has, running under an older OS. Since I do web design, I actually use several browsers for testing purposes. My other main browser is Firefox. Fast, stable and full-featured. I also have Camino, a "lite" browser that is still quite nice. Sometimes I use the AOL browser, though I mainly use it just for email. It is too outdated to really be useful. I've used Opera in the past, but not lately. I'll have to see how the latest version runs. I have Netscape and Explorer as well, but rarely open them except to test things. I am trying to get down to using just one, but am not sure which is the best. I guess that is the other reason I started this thread, to get feedback. Of course, being on a Mac, my needs may be different from 90% of you.

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

aegipan posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 12:17 PM


To be short, here my list of browsers in order of preference on my PC :

  1. Firefox (with so many plug-ins and tools ... for web design purpose and my daily browsing experience).
  2. Opera (one of the fastest IMHO).
  3. Internet Explorer (testing purpose).
  4. Lynx (don't laugh its very useful to check your "content").
  5. Safari (Just starting, installed a few weeks ago I'm on a Windows based system).

and on my mobile phone Opera Mini 4.0 is installed.


David "AEGIPAN" H. aka Aegy

AEGIPAN OFFICIAL WEBSITE - Glamour Photography At Its Best

TwoPynts posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 12:48 PM

LOL Aegy, looks like you are as "versitile" as I am. I just wish picking up foreign languages was so easy... I'll have to check out Lynx. What do you think of the speed of the new Safari?

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

NightGallery posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 1:06 PM

I use Firefox 99% of the time. I only use IE when a site won't work right with FF. Never tried any of the others. But I really tend to only surf to the same 20-30 sites anymore. And for that FF works great for me.

Tanchelyn posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 1:08 PM

Mainly Firefox and sometimes Opera (in-built torrent client).

IE6 for testing css but never for going online.

I love Opera (used it for years) but support Firefox because it's the only one that can really hurt Microsoft and force them to finally code a decent browser. It's only when you handcode websites that you realise what a piece of crap Internet Explorer really is.

One question, as I don't have a mac: does Safari now also support small caps?

There are no Borg. All resistance is fertile.

TwoPynts posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 1:18 PM

I'm not sure...the one here at work is running the older version. How do I check that?

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

Tanchelyn posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 2:26 PM

Simply by adding a css rule  font-variant: small-caps; and see whether you see them.

Or go to
If you can see them with safari, then it's ok.

I know that in older versions of Safari it didn't work, which was disappointing as it's not an esoteric property.

There are no Borg. All resistance is fertile.

MGD posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 3:02 PM

I see that TwoPynts let his curiosity get the best of him,

what browsers are you all using to surf the web?

I use Netscape 7.2 for both web access and eMail ... I have been using
netscape since I began using the internet in 1994. 

I may stop using it "when you pry my cold dead fingers off the keyboard" ... [grin]

I have used Lookout Distress ... oooooppssss, I meant, Outlook to synchronize
my contacts list in my Palm IIIx --- but that's not currently working since I rebuilt
my desktop PC. 

I reluctantly use Internet Exploiter as needed ... e.g., on this site, I must use IE,
because the recent change to the FCK editor is broken in Netscape ... and the
moderators in the community forum seem to think that's just too bad.  In addition,
since upgrading to Windoze XP Pro (i.e. "since I rebuilt my desktop PC") whenever
I am entering message text and I must switch windows to get and then insert
another link or tidbit of information (anyone who has seen my messages will
recognize my style WRT hyperlinks), the IE window won't allow the switch unless
I choose the other window 3 times ... or I can minimize the IE window.  Such a
pain in the @ss not being able to use Netscape on this site ... grumble, grumble. 

For the moment, I need to continue using Netscape because I have 10 years of
archived eMail accessable from the Netscape 7.2 eMail client. 

I also noted that Tanchelyn wrote,

It's only when you handcode websites that you realise what a piece
of crap Internet Explorer really is.

I'll mention that to my pastor ... maybe we can sing that some Sunday morning. 


L8RDAZE posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 3:38 PM

Primarily FIREFOX...but IE when it acts funky on certain sites.

I think Opera is used for the Nintendo Wii kiddo uses it to  surf the web on the 40  inch LCD TV.  

TwoPynts posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 4:16 PM

"Wheeeeeeeeee!" ;'D Martin, I used to use Netscape ... it worked fine for me for many years.

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

Radlafx posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 5:08 PM

Safari and Firefox.

Question the question. Answer the question. Question the answer...

I wish I knew what I was gonna say :oP

Fred255 posted Wed, 09 April 2008 at 6:10 PM

Firefox 3 Beta 5

 ecurb - The Devil

astro66 posted Thu, 10 April 2008 at 12:38 AM

Firefox for me too, beats IE anytime :)

"Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.  ~Ansel Adams"

TwoPynts posted Thu, 10 April 2008 at 4:05 PM

Since the last update, I've had to force quite Firefox twice. For no apparent reason it just hangs up there, spinning beachball time.

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

astro66 posted Fri, 11 April 2008 at 1:01 AM

I can't think what it could be  - way too early in the morning, lol - but I had the same problem with IE after an update it really used to annoy me (to put it mildly!) that's why I changed to Firefox and I've never had any problems, or used IE since.  Hope you can get it sorted Kort :)


"Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.  ~Ansel Adams"

TomDart posted Fri, 11 April 2008 at 7:40 AM

Right now I use IE and Firefox about equally.  I used to use Firefox more then got a new version of IE.  Still, Firefox give me less trouble overall and since only recently going back to it am using it more and more.

TwoPynts posted Fri, 11 April 2008 at 8:51 AM

I'd love to just use one browser. Firefox has the features edge, but the latest Safari is catching up and is very fast. Decisions, decisions....

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

Fred255 posted Fri, 11 April 2008 at 9:12 AM

At work I use IE7 company standard.  At home I mainly use Firefox. Sometimes swap back to IE7 because some of the MP3 sites I use don't seem to be compatible with Firefox

 ecurb - The Devil