Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: Atlantian Raven Class Battlesub

sparrownightmare opened this issue on Aug 01, 2008 ยท 1 posts

sparrownightmare posted Fri, 01 August 2008 at 8:45 AM

**Check out my newest offering.**

Atlantian Raven Class Battlesub

In days long past, two vast civilizations grew to control the entire world. The Atlantian Empire flourished and enjoyed a long period of peace. That is however; until they were suddenly and viciously attacked by the rulers of the dreaded Mu civilization. It was not long before a war which was to last over a thousand years ensued.

The Mu however; had made a grave mistake in their aggression towards Atlantis. For in doing so they had awakened a scientific and industrial juggernaut. And the greatest jewel in the crown of Altantian military might was the Raven Class Battlesub.

These behemoths of the sea spanned over 1000 yards in length, and sported some of the deadliest weaponry imaginable. They could attain speeds of over 200 knots on the surface and over 300 knots while submerged. With a crew of over 1500, they soon ruled the waves.

Unfortunately, only 12 were ever built.

The Mu were not about to go down without a fight however, and when they saw their campaign for world dominance fall apart, they departed this world. And as they left orbit, they fired several special missiles designed to induce seismic and tactonic pressures upon the continent of Atlantis. As the continent sank, many people were carried to safety by the Ravens.

It is unknown just what became of these mighty vessels, but some say that they may still secretly ply the seaways to this day; waiting for man to catch up to Atlantis and once more be trusted enough to control such power.

Now you can own a beautiful and detailed digital model of this advanced craft; ready to defend your digital world from all threats.

Highly detailed design
20 forward and 12 aft torpedo launchers
fore and aft, port and starboard missile silos.
3 primary and 60 secondary gun turrets.
The awesome Hydrostatic shock emitter, the ultimate undersea weapon.
Detailed ballast intakes.
Sleek detailing.

Grab your copy today.