Forum: Photography

Subject: Locally Exotic challenge

bclaytonphoto opened this issue on Aug 13, 2008 · 102 posts

bclaytonphoto posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 6:50 PM

This is a bit of an experiment...

This challenge stems from a discussion in the forum, which can be seen HERE

In the course of the discussion, we debated if  photo's from "exotic: locations got more views than images of  "normal" locations..

Let's face it..not everyone lives in the Grand Canyon...or other breathtaking locations around the world..

So, the challenge is, show us, just how exotic it can be WHERE YOU LIVE !!!!!

I'm not going to lay down a bunch of strict rules....

It should be NEAR where you live...Not 100 miles away....close to home..

You can either post your image here in this thread....

or post the image in your gallery , and  post a  link to it in this thread...

This is meant to be informal...let's have some fun and maybe learn a little about where every one lives !!!

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

VelvetMoxie posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 7:24 PM

Here's one...Sodus Point, NY

More to come.

bclaytonphoto posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 7:27 PM

Great ...That's not too far from me either !!!

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

bclaytonphoto posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 7:28 PM

Here's one from me...

I shot this over 4th of July weekend..

It was the "digital photo of the day"  today on one local TV station !!

Sylvan Sunset
by pushinfaders
in Photography & Sea/Undersea
Wed, August 13, 2008 7:21 pm

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

MrsRatbag posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 8:26 PM

Well, I'd say 90% of my uploads are from around my home, I haven't had a go-away vacation since about 2004, I think.  But here's one about 12 miles from home...the ferry in Elliott Bay, with the Olympic Mountains showing behind, a very, very common sight around here!

bclaytonphoto posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 9:17 PM

The mountains are just beautiful...

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

bentchick posted Wed, 13 August 2008 at 9:42 PM

Attached Link: http://

I'm so glad you decided to do this! I don't have a ticket to anywhere real exotic yet, but I'm waiting for Tom to come through!!! LOL ;p

Where are we going Tom???? Iceland..... Bora Bora????  ....... Cleveland????? LOL :P

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



VelvetMoxie posted Thu, 14 August 2008 at 3:50 AM

Beautifully captured!  You need to drop one of the "http//"'s tho.

camera posted Thu, 14 August 2008 at 9:37 AM

Attached Link:

Here's one from Cleveland

GhostBear1890 posted Thu, 14 August 2008 at 1:52 PM

From Huntsville, AL......Huntsville Botanical Gardens....looking through the walkway at the water garden back at the formal garden.

VelvetMoxie posted Thu, 14 August 2008 at 7:13 PM

Beautifully done, GhostBear!  My husband was born in Huntsville.

GhostBear1890 posted Thu, 14 August 2008 at 7:42 PM

Quote - Beautifully done, GhostBear!  My husband was born in Huntsville.

I wasn't.....we moved here from Alaska in 1988.  There's some pretty cool places around here to photograph.

Digitaleagle posted Fri, 15 August 2008 at 12:16 AM

My submission isn't an exotic place but an exotic animal, or at least I think of the buffalo as exotic. This shot was taken last Saturday about 5 miles from my home in the Chickasaw national Recreational Area on a nature walk with my two grandsons. I was inspired to post this guy because one of the things busi2ness said in his thread he wanted to see was the bison, hope you enjoy him.


babuci posted Fri, 15 August 2008 at 3:21 AM

Very fascinating tread and find many capture quet nice here sofar. My local excotic place is15 minutes drive ( in a 50 speed zone) from where I live. Called Tuggerah Lake.  I have many shot taken here I find it interesting and very good location for sunsets and moonsets.

seeyus Tunde

TomDart posted Sat, 16 August 2008 at 7:31 PM

Attached Link:

I join Digataleagle in posting an animal.  Sure, this did not seem exotic to me but last year I would not have had opportunity for this raptor image..and most will not get the chance.  So, this might fit the thread.

PD154 posted Sat, 16 August 2008 at 8:30 PM

In the middle of South east London is my little haven, of woodland called Russia dock woodlands, when you consider the concrete jungle that is London, its a nice relaxing place to be, even without ones camera

It takes one tree to make a billion matchsticks, but one match to burn a billion trees

tizjezzme posted Wed, 20 August 2008 at 9:50 PM

Some lovely local exotic images here !  What a great thread!  I'll have to see what I can come up with here in Minnesota ... hooterville, that is, Minnesota.  lol 

"The only thing coming straight out of MY camera is the cable!"
P. Vermeulen

MrsRatbag posted Wed, 20 August 2008 at 10:20 PM

Hey, I was born in Little Falls, Minnesota, and moved to the Twin Cities when I was 30 and lived five years there, some of my happiest!  Minnesota is beautiful!

busi2ness posted Thu, 21 August 2008 at 1:00 PM

This is the full version of the [Vredefort dome]( [](

For those of you only interested in the bare facts: The Vredefort dome is the biggest visible crater on earth, about 90 miles across (some sources say 60 miles)  and was created by a meteorite of about 6 miles in diameter, hitting earth about 2,000 million years ago. The crater rim is about 90 miles from my home. Here is another satellite picture. The impact melted the gold and forced it to the surface and South Africa's gold mines are located around the crater.

Shari said "hooterville"! :ohmy: Denise, show us what you have, I bet she is too scared to upload any of her pics here.

Digitaleagle: Royce, thank you for that upload of the Bison. While being surrounded by animals you would regard as exotic, I long to see the world on your side, the things you take for granted.

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

rocserum posted Thu, 21 August 2008 at 4:08 PM

Attached Link: schermerhorn

I live where most of the country is lower as the sea, so in the old days they invented the watermills. And if everything goes as they predict, I've to buy a lifeboat to hang it on my balcony.

These mills are about 20 miles north and we have to pass them when whe're go for a visit to our daughter:

Cornelis, Heemskerk, the Netherlands

tizjezzme posted Thu, 21 August 2008 at 6:06 PM

good one piet ... reverse psychology never has worked on me.  :-P    lol  here's one taken just 5 miles from me.. less than.  Hope it fits in with this challenge... and a fun one it is!  There are some excellent entries here so far!!  :-)

I'm heading for North Dakota now ...... see you sometime Saturday or sunday.

HAVE FUN ...   ((hugz)) Shari  tah tah  ;-)

"The only thing coming straight out of MY camera is the cable!"
P. Vermeulen

auntietk posted Thu, 21 August 2008 at 8:55 PM

Thanks for the link, Piet ... I'll start looking around for exotic images of Seattle and the surrounding area!  :)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

auntietk posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 12:29 AM

Okay - I've gone digging around, and have come up with three images from exotic South Snohomish County in Washington State, USA.

First off, here is the exotic Mukilteo-Clinton ferry running in a beautiful December sunset.

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

auntietk posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 12:31 AM

Next we have the exotic Olympic Mountains, as seen from the cliff down at Picnic Point just south of Mukilteo, Washington. 

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

auntietk posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 12:38 AM

And now, for something completely different ...

This is the exotic boat lift at the Edmonds harbor.  I think this scene is just as common as can be, but that's what I thought when I posted a picture of the dry storage lot at the marina, too!  (They stack boats three high in huge metal shelving frames.)   This photo shows the mechanism they use to launch boats.  You can back your boat trailer up to the sling, and they slide those straps under the boat.  Then they turn on the motor on the lift, and set your boat down in the water.  Snazzy, huh?  You should see the one they use to put the really big boats in and out of the water!  It handles power boats up to 60 feet long.  It's sort of like this, only ... well ... different.  :) 

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

micturn posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 12:59 AM

I'm pretty sure Galahs are native to Australia, so that's exotic to all you foreigners :)

micturn posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 1:00 AM

I'm pretty sure Galahs are native to Australia, so that's exotic to all you foreigners :)

beachzz posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 1:28 AM

Here are my exotic entries---this is the Eel River, about half a mile from my house.  I walk here almost every day; this was at sunset.

beachzz posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 1:29 AM

Here we are in my yard---this IS home!!

beachzz posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 1:31 AM

Last, but surely not least----a redwood grove north of me about 20 miles.  This is where I live!!

auntietk posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 8:31 AM

I'd love to see the galahs, Micturn!  Try again! 

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

MrsLubner posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 10:41 AM

Bruce, so, I am assuming no limit to the number of posts to this?

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

rocserum posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 11:52 AM

On 5 mile distance, ( we live in the western coastal area of the Netherlands) we have a   national park “Noord Hollands Duinreservaat”. Our water source. Only attainable on foot or with a bicycle.  This shot was taken from a special birdwatchers shed, no bird at this moment, but its very quiet. Cornelis

busi2ness posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 2:10 PM

Attached Link:

About 20 miles from my home is a private reserve, home to these white rhinos. See [Bona Bona]( It is not common to see 5 rhinos in the same capture of which two are pregnant cows. In this reserve they have 1 cow and her calf quite used to human presence in the distance. Weddings photos are then captured with this cow and her calf about 50 yards away, just for that exotic touch.

The link supplied is also a hat trick on these rhinos.

I stand amazed at the collection of photographs being uploaded here.

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

beachzz posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 2:35 PM

Having these awesome creatures so close, being able to see them, now THAT'S amazing!!

Laelia posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 3:30 PM

Wish You find here something exotic... I first upload I have to explain ( as I am the only french here

It's in tne south east of France in French Riviera
An area (few kilometers) spread between country and sea
I show you there a natural terrace upon the sea
The natural tree in  French Riviera is the "Pin maritime" often laid down by the strong wind
This wind, surfers love there !!! lol

There's 2 districts ( called départements in France ) in French Riviera :
the Alpes Maritimes where I live, Wendy ( aka Redchilicat here) visited in may 2008
The Var where lives our friend Nathalie ( here aka Nathalie06)

I shot this pic middle frontier of Var and Alpes Maritimes
 Hope i was'nt too long in my explanations as to show you South East of France

Tara ( Auntiekt) I wish you think France is still exotic in your meaning of Exotic

Amitiés à tous

Laelia posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 5:09 PM

For Shari Medley erotic / exotic

This statue is placed near the entrance door of a "chic" hotel
in Eze Old Village ( French Riviera, Alpes Maritimes)

auntietk posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 8:01 PM

Oh Magali, I DO still think France is exotic!  :)  The French Riviera is a place we here in Seattle only dream of.  Thank you!

@ PJ, I was assuming three posts per person, like other threads, but I didn't ask.  Although the running threads are unlimited, like "The Picture Below Me" and "Instant Recall," so who knows?  Good question. 

And Piet!  Rhinos, no matter how many there are, whether they're pregnant or not, and whether they pose for wedding shots or not, are ALWAYS exotic!  LOL!  Wow.  Way cool image!

I love seeing any photos of The Netherlands, because I have a good friend who is from there.  :)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

TomDart posted Fri, 22 August 2008 at 8:16 PM

I must agree with auntie...

tennesseecowgirl posted Sat, 23 August 2008 at 9:15 AM

Shes   back...............

Hey all...         I got a message or a challenge form Piet to join in the fun.. so not sure how exotic this is but its very current I took it yesterday while out on a drive..          you can see the water level here is quite low..        this is Norris Lake in Norris Tennessee.. about a 30 minute drive from my home.. 

TomDart posted Sat, 23 August 2008 at 9:22 AM

This is such a fine part of the country, from the lakes to the Smoky Mtns..I have to get a shot here!   This is the lake where the Osprey pictured in my gallery was released recently.

busi2ness posted Sat, 23 August 2008 at 10:24 AM

The dictionary says "exotic" is "strikingly different" or "from elsewhere". What I see here is definitely strikingly different. I am suffering from wanderlust.

This is the picture I would show anyone if I have to explain what it looks like where I live. The biome is classed as flat, Savannah grass land. Can you see the grain (corn) silos in the distance? That is where I live. Some people are so blasé that they hardly see the animals when they travel through every day.

Some sources say this is the only area where Zebra and Gemsbuck occurred. To the east no Gemsbuck and  to the west hardly a Zebra.

Oh btw: Thank you for joining the thread Lynell. ;)

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

L8RDAZE posted Sat, 23 August 2008 at 11:05 AM

Enjoy seeing everyones li'l slice of the world!

Here's one from my neck of the woods...this is one of the watertowers on the grounds of the abandoned Roebling Steel Mill.



TomDart posted Sat, 23 August 2008 at 6:40 PM

Piet, it is difficult to think folks would take the daily routine and miss the animals...the animals we without those in the back yard find so exotic and valuable.  Then aqain, take a drive from the Seattle of Washington state in the USA to Vancouver, Canada  and take the side roads..the ocean is wonderful..the mountains you can see are totally wonderful.  Flying in we went over Mt. Hood, Oregon on the way to Seattle and were amazed.  So...we become accustomed to the face?

Joe, thanks for the photos and the  wonderful sky shot at the old steel mill...I am still looking and know where it is now..been here all along but a few more miles away than I could make this weekend.

ralph49 posted Sat, 23 August 2008 at 11:01 PM

It's great to have a look around everyone neighbourhood. So here is an "Exotic Bonsai Style Mangrove" captured at my fav place just to the south of Point Vernon,  Hervey Bay, Australia.

MrsLubner posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 1:38 AM

These shots are so ... what's the word... STELLAR...that I am at a total loss. Everything here looks so plain. And really, my biggest weekness in photos is landscapes. I can't seem to find anything at all that looks exotic and even worse, the few things I have seen that MIGHT work - didn't.

Fudge Buckets!!! What to do?

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

ralph49 posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 3:52 AM

Oh dear,  did you mean Exotic??    ..  Well does a lion dance look exotic?? Photo taken last Chinese New Year down at one of the local restaurants opposite the beach Hervey Bay, Australia

Laelia posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 8:20 AM

Carnival was exotic in february, this year in Nice...

tennesseecowgirl posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 8:45 AM

PJ  my sister lives in the area you do,  the town of Rescue, and I have to disagree with you I believe it is a beautiful area,  how about a picture of the Capital building or the historic Gold Country,  that shows the area and the history and beauty of where you call home,   I know I for one would love to see it....

 Love the Carnival and Chinese New Year additions..

 have a great day all...

awjay posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 9:26 AM

about 20 miles from here.....


auntietk posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 10:36 AM

@ PJ -

Just take pictures of what you see!    The landscape we see every day doesn't look exotic to us.  Just shoot what's there, and let us look!  To Piet, rhinos who pose for wedding pictures are just an interesting curiosity.  (!)  It's all perspective.  I would LOVE to see pictures of your area!  I haven't been through there since about 1980 or so, and all I remember are the tomato trucks. 


"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

tizjezzme posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 11:03 AM

****Magali --- LOL @ You!  Thanks for thinking of me .. blushing!!

There are some fantastic uploads in this thread.. some lovely close-to-home-exotic scenes.  I'll have to find another one to upload :)


"The only thing coming straight out of MY camera is the cable!"
P. Vermeulen

Eutopia posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 2:03 PM

So, I sat for a while trying to figure out what on EARTH I was going to offer to this forum, as this little town of Welkom in South Africa is hardly classified as "exotic"!!
Then I realised that, in a sense, it is because the whole town is peppered with gold mines all over the place.  It has to be the weirdest town to live in, I have to admit.
I've been here for 6 months now and I'm still getting used to it!!
So, here is a picture of a gold mine. 
We actually climbed up an old mine dump yesterday and I took quite a few photos. 
When my "spider" series is done, I'll be uploading some in my gallery :-)

Hope this is "exotic" enough!!

Eutopia posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 2:07 PM

Ah, misjudged the size, sorry... here it is.

mermaid posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 3:21 PM

hmmm this is very interesting... was also pondering baout what to post...and got some shots a few days ago..which made me think, that the ordenary swiss landscape hereabout can sometimes really look like some special kind of wellcome to the swiss jungle..grin

BobKemper posted Sun, 24 August 2008 at 3:34 PM

One of the exotic things about Germany is the number of festivities that include folk costumes and two or three piece bands playing traditional dance music. I present for your consideration a photo of just such an exotic local festival held each year to honor the christening of the village church. From earlier this evening in a village less than a mile away, the Schlicht Kirwa. Bring on the beer and bratwurst!

Schlicht Germany, 2008 Kirwa, 24 August 2008

Art_Ramos posted Mon, 25 August 2008 at 12:27 PM

I'm back and I'm posting this entry! Enjoy!

awjay posted Mon, 25 August 2008 at 2:28 PM

welcome back

MrsLubner posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 11:06 AM

Nag! Nag! Nag! Tara!!! LOL  Ok, I am making my attempt to show exotic but it's not easy since temperatures have climbed back to the 100 degree F mark and I'm always cranky in the heat...

This first entry is...well...its a mix of the "typical" image of palm trees that most people think of when you say "California."  We haul them in from places (like Southern California) where they really like to be, stick them in the ground here and force them to grow in our stifling, dry summer heat and in our hurrican-force wind storms during the winter. 

Most people see this incredibly deep blue sky (not altered, by the way...) and think "how beautiful!"  This sky goes on for weeks and weeks and weeks with not a distinguishing mark other than a passing plane. I find it incredibly depressing after a month of this - blue, blue, blue!

Still, putting the two together (the sky and the plams) and then adding them to downtown office buildings, there does seem to be something exotic in the mix.

I have 2 more entries I'm thinking about...

So, Piet, Shari, Bruce, TARA!  LOL I'm in!

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

Kendra posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 11:45 AM

Here's mine.  A popular climbing spot in my area.  This is a bad picture of it unfortunately, while I see it often enough I never seem to have the free time to really photograph it in the best light.   (always working)

PJ, I would consider architecture to qualify as exotic.  I've always liked the Ziggurat building at night.  :)  

...... Kendra

MrsLubner posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 1:43 PM

Ah, yes, the old Money Store. :-) I watched it being built and it does look pretty cool all lit up.  Always thought they ought to have golden camel statues out front to complete the look.

Love your mountain pass. It's not easy to get a good sky on command up there but this has that heavy ominous feel as if you are being challenged. A very commanding shot.

And now for my second post to Exotics...

I've tried for over a year and a half to get a good shot of this place. It's difficult because it has so many components that can be highlighted. Putting them all in one shot doesn't work for the angle of things.

The club is located between 2 buildings. The "basement" of the building to the right is the inside dining area.  It is reached by walking down the stairs on the pedestrian mall to the patio. The plants and fountains on the patio are charming and they always seem to have some some live entertainment going on in the evening.

I don't know why I keep going back to photograph this place.  It's just that the whole concept fascinates me. There are a few similar eateries in Old Sacramento, but they are more for the tourists (and charge big prices for average fare with more "standard" entertainment on weekends only).

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

awjay posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 1:48 PM

bournemouth pier

one of my towns two piers

MrsLubner posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 2:00 PM

That's so awesome. BIG pier! Looks like a lot goes on there too!

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

Laelia posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 6:44 PM

Quote - Nag! Nag! Nag! Tara!!! LOL  Ok, I am making my attempt to show exotic but it's not easy since temperatures have climbed back to the 100 degree F mark and I'm always cranky in the heat...

This first entry is...well...its a mix of the "typical" image of palm trees that most people think of when you say "California." 
I have 2 more entries I'm thinking about...

So, Piet, Shari, Bruce, TARA!  LOL I'm in!

Hé hé PJ !  Sure U hav pics to show us
Please going on ...!


MrsLubner posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 7:05 PM

Awwwwwwwwww, Magali you have talked me into it... I have one left. Not the best but one I think could fit in... I don't know...

This is fun though, looking for something that might be of interest after over 25 years of looking at them day in and day out...I just wish I had something as great as all these others being posted.  What a wonderful display of culture and scenery!

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

auntietk posted Tue, 26 August 2008 at 9:03 PM

Moi???  NAG???    * looks innocent *    Hummpff.  I prefer to think of it as encouragement.  Support!  Challenging my friends to be the very best they can be ... to stretch their limits!   LOL!  :)  

I love your exotic shots, PJ, and am looking forward to the third one you mentioned.  I would have been oh, so happy with just the two, but you DID let it slip that you had another one, and ... well ... I would hate to ruin my reputation at this late date! 


"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

MrsLubner posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 12:44 AM

I really can't decide... what shall it be, Tara? Long shot or close in? I have two to choose from.

The long one is not so long and the close in is ... close.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I hate making decisions! LOL

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

busi2ness posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 1:12 AM

James that's not a pier, that's a business complex!

PJ you and Kendra make my "bucket list" so long with places in the States I would like to visit, that it would take me three years to tour the place. LOL

Oh yes, Kendra, you changed your avatar before I could inquire about that huge cognac glass???

Tara keep going with the challenges or nags, whatever they call it but it works!
Let me see if I still have something I can upload here. My part of the world is flat, so when i upload one pic without bushes, you have seen a 100 miles in one direction. lol

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

Kendra posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 3:35 AM

Does this count for "locally exotic"?  It is an annual event.  :)

Piet, speaking of bucket lists, I'd love to see your neck of the woods.  :)  That glass by the way, that was a Warp Core Breach.  In Las Vegas, the Hilton has the Star Trek Experience and when we were there for a trade show a few weeks ago we found out they were closing it down.  Well I had to have one last Warp Core Breach at Quarks.  :)    It was the small one too.  5 ounces of rum and whatever else they put in including dry ice to create the fog.  (the large has 10 ounces of rum)

Drank the whole thing.  :) 

...... Kendra

awjay posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 5:34 AM

looks good to me Kendra......

auntietk posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 9:15 AM

Well, let's see ... if I get to pick between seeing all of something and seeing part of something, you just KNOW I'm gonna pick the artsy shot every time!   So ... I'd like to see the close in shot, please, PJ.  :)

Dang.  I want a warp core breach at Quarks!  I'm sorry I missed the avatar.  And I love those horses!  Very exotic.  We don't see stuff like that in Seattle.

Piet, if I look in any direction I see huge fir trees, mountains, and water.  Oh.  And clouds and rain.  We don't have horizons here, so I'd love to see one of yours! 

I'm just glad to know James HAS a leash, no matter how long.  (Oops!  Sorry ... wrong thread.)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

MrsLubner posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 9:59 AM

I like the horses and wagon myself. I hear we are having God Rush Days in Old Sacramento this weekend. I went last year and got a few shots but the temperatures were over 100 degrees F and, frankly, I didn't care much about dashing about for photos. It was a race to see which would melt or my camera. It's only going to be in the mid-90s this weekend but I don't know that I will brave it for more shots. They have wagons carrying people all over down there on the brick streets and about 40% of the population turns out in period garb.

Enough of that... Ok, Tara. :-) I already knew the answer to my question... I'll post up the partial here in a bit. Never let it be said that PJ isn't cooperative.

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

MrsLubner posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 6:55 PM

For my finale in this challenging thread, and for those of you with a foot fetish...


Sacramento has artwork displayed in every corner - statues, murals, fountains, tilework, arches and more ... Everything is in some way a reflection of our state's heritage or history. Previously, in my gallery, I posted a portion of the Sisters of Mercy memorial statue in which one of the sisters is kneeling beside a baby wrapped in a blanket. One of the comments on that shot was that the baby could not be made out in the deep shadow, which was my intention, BTW, since it was not my chosen subject at the time.

I went back to that statue every morning last week trying to find the right light to catch a shot of this rock-child, but the sun just wasn't cooperating, however, I was able to capture this one moment when a ray of sun broke through the branches of the redwood trees around it and illuminated the one foot of the baby.

So, there you go. My exotic is a stone-cold foot. End of story.  :tt2:

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

auntietk posted Wed, 27 August 2008 at 7:28 PM

Oooooooohh.  Thank you, PJ!  You are MOST cooperative!  :)  What a great shot.  The light is awesome ... totally worth the trouble you went to!  The statues in the town I live in are wonderful, but they're mostly metal abstracts, so it's great to see this.  Thanks again!  :)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

busi2ness posted Thu, 28 August 2008 at 2:38 AM

Awesome light PJ, it has that Tutankhamun tomb like feel about it.

Kendra exotic definitely. I live on the route of the old transport/mail route crossing Africa and I would love to to a re-enactment of a (mail) coach like this one. About that elixir, you said Warped Core Bridge, huh and 10 ounces of rum... and you drank the whole thing. :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: Good grief, I bet that stuff straightens your hair and knocks the socks of a tick on ones horse.

Tara, let me see if I can find a pic showing the vastness of the flat lie of the land. I made a pano once but I make no promises... Whether wide open space qualifies as exotic remains to be seen.

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

awjay posted Thu, 28 August 2008 at 8:35 AM

St.Andrews chuch,Kinson..... the village that i live in......


auntietk posted Thu, 28 August 2008 at 8:58 AM

There's nothing that says "England" like a really old church with a graveyard.  Did you know we don't have graveyards alongside churches here?  Not to mention old buildings.  None of those, either. 

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

MrsLubner posted Thu, 28 August 2008 at 9:09 AM

We don't have graves near our churches either. It seems to creep the congragations out...:-) The best we can do, I think, is to put a tiny chapel at the center or back of the cemetery - next to the gift shop or the archieves, depending on the age of the cemetery...Yup, our old cemetery has a place to buy t-shirts and history books on local sights. But then, it all fits because they give guided tours both day and night through the sections, telling stories about those buried there and serving wine and cheese after the tour is over. :-) And THAT doesn't creep people out? Go figure...

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

Kendra posted Thu, 28 August 2008 at 9:07 PM

Love the Church!!!   One of these days I want to take my camera to Europe.  Churches, the Highlands, standing stones, Castles.... one day.    I am doing Alaska next year if I have to go broke to do it.  Maybe Europe in a few years.  :)  

For those that missed the avatar, here is a Warp Core Breach: 

And this is the mini.  The regular size, fit for 2, is twice that with 10 ounces of rum.  Believe it or not, one trip I went with a friend and we each consumed 2 of those.  We spaced them out so it wasn't too bad and we maintained the common sense not to go out on the Vegas strip after but we did do the Star Trek Experience after one and were asked what room we were in by some guy at dinner.  :)   Viva Las Vegas!

...... Kendra

auntietk posted Thu, 28 August 2008 at 11:33 PM

Oh my!  Thanks for sharing that.  I'd missed it earlier, and DS9 was my favorite.  Thanks!  :)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

Kendra posted Fri, 29 August 2008 at 12:18 PM

Sadly they're closing the Star Trek Experience.  When we arrived there for the trade show there were Trekies everywhere.  We had taken our daughter this trip and while they were at the valet waiting for the car the first night and I was running back to the room for my camera, they met Robert Picardo.  I missed seeing him by a couple of minutes and while we aren't big Star Trek fans we do watch Stargate Atlantis and he's on it.  My husband didn't put it together that he was Woolsey on SG, he just remembered him as the hologram doctor on Voyager (and from the Star Trek Experience ride).  :) 

...... Kendra

julesrose posted Sat, 30 August 2008 at 8:37 PM

this is a picture of a bromeliad it look like a exotic plamt thats in my back yard.northern n.s.w. australia.

BobKemper posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 6:34 AM

Attached Link: Foggy Morning

What I think I'm seeing is that many of the things we take for granted where we live are exotic to people who've never been there. That being the case, here's something for your viewing pleasure that I see very, very often on cool fall mornings --- especially when I'm heading for work.

"Foggy Morning"

auntietk posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 9:26 AM

I live in a place where there's fog, but no really old buildings.  To me, it's the architecture in this shot that's exotic.

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

redchilicat posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 4:21 PM

 Here is one for you.  Taken a while back at Payne Creek State park which is maybe 30 miles from my house.  Momma gator and a few babies.

auntietk posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 4:49 PM

Wow - cool shot!  I hope you were using zoom!  :)

Hey James - when was St. Andrews built?  I looked on line, but couldn't figure it out.

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

redchilicat posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 5:01 PM

Quote - Wow - cool shot!  I hope you were using zoom!  :)

Hey James - when was St. Andrews built?  I looked on line, but couldn't figure it out.

Yes definitely using the zoom!  Wouldn't want to get close to old mom there.  They were across the river from us.

Art_Ramos posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 9:41 PM

Quote - There's nothing that says "England" like a really old church with a graveyard.  Did you know we don't have graveyards alongside churches here?  Not to mention old buildings.  None of those, either. 

Gee, I thought it was the Fish& Chips, Macs, Fog, and Crazy Royal Family ;-)

busi2ness posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 11:31 PM

So many new entires I am amazed. Bob we get fog here once a year for a day maybe two at most and then the farmers count 100 days for the first frost to occur. Excellent photograph.

To the late comer Floridean with the Gator pic, awesome! I am sure there are more exotic places near you? Shall we hold our breaths?

Jules we know so little about Aus, enlighten us!

Kendra, I am so happy you held the bowl low, else we would not have spotted you. 10 ounces, 2 of those? I am making calculations here and they look terrifying. :-| This is the part where I am tempted to load the "Don't try this at home" banner...

I also agree with others on the church James, something exotic about England's old churches.

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

Laelia posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 1:43 PM

Owhhh Wendy, it's the little cute family you showed me in july........ brrrr
when I showed my sister's shot, she's afraid by a gecko & she wrote in her mail :
" I met an aligator when opening my kitchen window at 7AM"

cause I may not show the photo of my sister ( it's not mine), I show you there what kind
of "aligator" gecko we meet in Provence ( South of France)

Here it's a baby on my terrace, near a green"twiggy" to compare sizes

Surely  it will grow enormous  ...  :b_uncertain:

Laelia posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 2:09 PM

Oh I try to upload again my pic but that doesn't work

Maybe my quota in this thread  is complete ( only 3 uploads ...?)

So to see the geckos ( mine and the one it scarred my :scared: sister ),

Peek a view there:

Amitiés Magali

redchilicat posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 3:14 PM


Your geckos are cute!    I think they sell those in pet shops here.  

By the way I use photobucket to host my photos and then I copy the direct link into the photo attachment window and it works.


MrsRatbag posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 8:08 PM

Here's a Seattle spot - The Salmon Cooker, on the waterfront downtown.  Some nice woodcarving serves as the sign for this place (I love the dog with a fish in his mouth!).

On a side note, I didn't realize until I was looking back through here that they were going to close down the Star Trek exhibit in Las Vegas.  So sad, that's one of my very favorite places, I've been there twice and yes, I photographic evidence of me as a Borg....

MrsRatbag posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 8:10 PM

The classic city view looking east from West Seattle; I intentionally didn't get the part with the Space Needle(north of this view), since that's the part EVERYONE gets!  I wanted to catch the Cascade Mountains in the background.

auntietk posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 8:45 PM

Magali - your image has to be smaller than 200kb, and less than 800x800 in order to upload to the thread. 

Denise - a Borg?  I want to see that! 

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

MrsRatbag posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 9:38 PM

Oh, yes; a Borg, and then in the Captain's chair on the command deck, and I also have one of me as a showgirl, and as the wife of Conan the Barbarian....all pretty darn funny!  Not sure I could put my hands on all of them, though; since my parents have moved in I'm all in disarray...

auntietk posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 9:49 PM

I'll wait . . .

( hums "Jeopardy" theme song )

LOL!    :)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

MrsRatbag posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 9:53 PM

You MIGHT want to have a seat and maybe drink a cup of tea or something...because I'm not going out to dig them up tonight!  Silly wabbit!

auntietk posted Mon, 01 September 2008 at 11:59 PM

LOL!  Okay.  I'll be patient.  :)

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

mickuk50 posted Fri, 05 September 2008 at 9:21 AM

Nothing exotic or erotic in this part of the world :o)..Taken from Victoria Bridge over the River Tees looking into Stockton ,northeast England .


MrsLubner posted Fri, 05 September 2008 at 1:01 PM

Mick, I think that tall ship on the dock is pretty exotic and the lean on that metal tower is very... well..., I keep waiting for a gust of wind to pair up with a sudden tidal surge to take the whole thing down. :-)

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

Kendra posted Sun, 07 September 2008 at 11:43 PM

Love the gators.  :)  I learned today that it's not a bad idea to always carry my camera with me as I spotted two bucks who, as I stopped and pulled out the point and shoot that's always in my purse, just stood there watching me.  Had I had my camera and zoom lens I'd have a great image to post.  :) 

...... Kendra