Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Problems with Assmble Room

C-Monster opened this issue on Sep 23, 2008 · 8 posts

C-Monster posted Tue, 23 September 2008 at 10:19 PM

I bought off of Renderosity program called “Assemble Room” and if you have ever seen the pictures is beautiful with clean white walls and the shiny floors what I got after loading it into DAZ 2.3 the wall were a lackluster white with very load wallpaper that not part of the package. I was hoping someone with DAZ can help me out on the one



RHaseltine posted Wed, 24 September 2008 at 9:24 AM

Sounds as if the material settings need adjusting - do you have a link to the product page?

C-Monster posted Wed, 24 September 2008 at 8:22 PM

I am a little new at this and I not quite sure what the product page in Rendreosity, but its worth looking it up.

Thank for the informantion.


RHaseltine posted Thu, 25 September 2008 at 8:50 AM

I tried searching and didn't find it, which is why I asked for a link.

C-Monster posted Thu, 25 September 2008 at 4:35 PM

I am sorry I  miss read the message

The easy way to do it is to go to Market Place-Select Vindor and scroll down to harry-cn and that will thak you to his page and look up "Assembel Room" no number with it. I just test it and it should work for you.

By the way thanks for taking an interest in this problem.


jestmart posted Thu, 25 September 2008 at 9:46 PM

The product description says it is for Poser 6 and up.  It probably is using advance Material Room setting that do not transfer to Studio.  Either ask for a refund or figure out how to duplicate the material look using Studio compatible shaders.

RHaseltine posted Fri, 26 September 2008 at 2:06 PM

Well, there's obviously some real reflection on the floor - you can add that in DS. The simplest way is to open the Surfaces palette (View>Tabs>Surfaces), switch to the Surface selection tool (from the Tools menu) and click on one section of floor (which will highlight) - it looks as if the floor is modular, so you may need to add the other sections by holding down the cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Windows) key and clicking on those. Go to the Surfaces palette, switch to the Advanced tab, scroll down and set the reflection strength to a middling value (you don't want 100%, ir isn't a perfect mirror) and a light colour; scroll right down and set the Lighting model to Glossy(Plastic). Try rendering that - it may work, or you may need to adjust the Specular settings (it looks as if it should have a fairly high glossiness and a moderate to high Specular strength).

If the walls are looking murky, you may need more lights or you may want to select those surfaces and turn up the ambient strength or lighten the Ambient colour.

C-Monster posted Sat, 27 September 2008 at 6:34 PM


jestmart And  RHaseltine

I want to thank you for both your help at this time. I am going to try your idea and see what happen be for I give up. I do like the room.