Crispycraft opened this issue on Dec 31, 2008 · 8 posts
Crispycraft posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 12:00 PM
I just purchaced a program called Morphing Clothes so I could import morphs to some of the clothing that I have purchaced but, when I try to import my figure it gives me an error. I noticed that this program will only import .cr2 and .crz files so I see that this is the reason for my error :lol:
I am able to import the base V4.2 figure but no morphs are listed.
How do I get it to list the morphs that I want to use?
Do I need to import these morphs?
And most importantly...can I turn my .car into a .cr2 or .crz with Carrara 7 Pro?
Sueposer posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 12:37 PM
You need to load all the morphs++ onto V4, then save her as a new character (poser) or object (C7).
Sueposer posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 12:43 PM
I checked and as far as I can tell, you can't get away without using poser to get your .cr2.
You can export a .obj file from carrara, which you can open in poser and convert to .cr2 there.
Crispycraft posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 12:48 PM
Cool, guys! Thanks for the tips. I was told that I can get Poser6 today for $30!!!!
GKDantas posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 1:01 PM
Carrara cant create CR2 or CRz files, you will need other softwares to do that. Now Daz Studio have a nice plugin to create CR2 files, so you can import you CAR file as OBJ and save as CR2... but isnt so simple like import and export again.
Follow me at euQfiz Digital
Crispycraft posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 1:48 PM
Why is it not so simple?
GKDantas posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 2:35 PM
Here are the steps:
Groups creation using Poser specifications
Rig using Poser specifications
Adjust joints and rotations
Save as CR2
Follow me at euQfiz Digital
Crispycraft posted Wed, 31 December 2008 at 3:19 PM
Oh Holy Hell!
That's with Poser?
You know, maybe I'm doing something wrong; and I'm sure I am but, when I import my figure into P6 all I see is a dial bar (not soap) to the right of the screen but no figure. And if I do see the figure, it seems to be just a texture.
In my defence, I've only been using Poser for about 10 minutes. LOL!