Here's a mini tut. I have 18 pictures to upload, so please hold off commenting until I'm done. Add Speech Ballons Using Photoshop Firstly, you'll need the ballon shapes. These are custom shapes (not brushes) for Photoshop and can be found by doing a Google search for them. The download or web page should have instructions for installing them. It's only a matter of dropping them in the correct folder, and being Poser users I'm sure you all have plenty of experience with that! The ones I use are here: Secondly, you'll see that I'm using an old version of Photoshop (version 6). However, I expect that the tools still perform these functions. So... after installing the custom shapes, let's make some speech ballons! : D 1. Load your image and under the menu Windows, select Show Layers.
Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty
things! ; )