Normally, I wouldn't really post anything like this. But here's the thing. My ex wife (yes, we are friends, but it took a few years and I'm still in love with her, so go figure) asked me to fix a photo of her as a teen, because her mom is making a family album and she wanted to send it to her for mother's day. Well, as you can see from the original, it was old, faded and damaged. Rather badly damaged. I put quite a few hours in on doing the retouching, and I'm pretty proud of the results. So what the heck, thought I'd post it here. It was a harder retouch than I normally tackle, made harder by the revenants from old 70s textured photopaper. I'd really like to shoot whoever thought textured paper was a good idea for photos.
Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.