My hard drive crashed the other day in a storm that rolled in rather quickly. I had to replace the hard drive and had to reload Poser 7. I'm trying to remember how I had some things set before the crash. Maybe someone out there has had the same problems I've have and can remember what they did.
- Poser locks up on me when it finally loads. It just flat out locks up and I have to do a re-boot on the PC to get out of it. After some trial and error, I found I can turn the hardware acceleration on my graphics card (ATI Radeon X600XT) down considerably and I'm okay. Once I'm in Poser, I can even turn it back up to full and not have a problem. I know there is a lot of settings you can modify on the cards, is there one to get around this? I'm pretty sure I have the latest of everything installed (drivers, Poser SR, etc.).
- In a possibly related issue, when I do previews in Poser, I see some strange poke thru (teeth thru the mouth, skin thru clothing) that are not there after I render. I don't remember having this issue before, but I can't some to find a fix for this. Any thoughts?
Thanks as always