Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT: Married poser users. Does your spouse enjoy your art...?

josterD opened this issue on Oct 27, 2009 · 44 posts

josterD posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:09 AM

Or think it's a boring childish hobby?

I've been thinking about this cause not all women are nerdy stay at home girls. So, i wonder.  

Propschick posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:14 AM

Well, my 'hobby' generates more income than my 'hubby' does, so if he thought it was boring or childish, then i would have to say he has a screw loose =)

Just being honest !

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?


JenX posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:17 AM

It depends on the piece.  If he loves it, he'll tell the world, lol.  Otherwise, he's very indifferent.  All he knows or cares is that between prints and licensing, I'm able to pay a couple bills, LOL. 

Sitemail | Freestuff | Craftythings | Youtube|

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

aeilkema posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:20 AM

She enjoys most of it. Once in a while I do make an image especially for her and she loves that. I'm not into all the scarcely clothed women clothes most Poser users seem to enjoy and I'm sure my wife would not enjoy that at all and she would classify it as a boring childish hobby if I would use Poser for that.

Quote - I've been thinking about this cause not all women are nerdy stay at home girls. So, i wonder.

Well, neither am I. Not all Poser users are. Life has way to much to offer to spent behind a screen all the time.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

Propschick posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:25 AM

You know I'm thinking if any husband thought I was boring or childish, he wouldn't be my husband much longer lmao

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?


LaurieA posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:35 AM

My husband has always exhibited a total lack of interest (in the whole 10 years I've been playing with Poser)


SSAfam1 posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 10:56 AM

He's not interested in it and thinks the amount of money I spend is crazy. It's MY thing though. I'm a mother/wife who doesn't drink, smoke, party etc. I do THIS.

Lucifer_The_Dark posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 1:01 PM

My missus hasn't the vaguest idea what I do with Poser or how I do it & isn't interested in finding out either.

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

RodS posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 1:38 PM

My wife is pretty tolerant of most of my nutty hobbies. As far as my art, she enjoys pretty much all of it, although she's not above needling me a bit about some of my female figures that feature - ummm - large chests, shall we say.

Sometimes she just shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and goes back to her Soap Opera channel (like the time I had the blue mannequin/robot guy doing a sexy runway walk. It didn't help that the BeeGees' 'Stayin' Alive' was playing in the background...)

Hopefully, if I can learn enough about this Poser stuff to make a buck now and then, she'll like it even more. So will I :-D

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

drewradley posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 2:03 PM

I mainly animate so I ask my partner to do voices. She loves to do silly accents. Other than that, she only wonders when I'm going to make us rich by selling one of my animations to Hollywood.

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thefixer posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 2:18 PM

No, she pretty much things it's crap, and she's right!

Injustice will be avenged.
Cofiwch Dryweryn.

FlyByNight posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 2:21 PM

When my husband was alive he loved the stuff I did with Poser. He was pretty much my biggest fan. Then again he always supported my creative side, whether it brought in a few bucks or not. Even after six years I still miss him and his loving support.


Rainfeather posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 3:06 PM

Much like FlyByNight, my hubby is my biggest fan and is useless whenever I ask him if a render looks okay when done - he always loves it. He always dives in and supports me all the way through and at times would play around whatever software I am obsessed with. He's a great writer and we feed off each other creatively.

SamTherapy posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 3:18 PM

For the most part, yes.  Claire is a good critic and able to spot things I missed and suggest ideas for improvement.  She doesn't object to the nudes if there's a genuine reason, rather than gratuitous T&A.

Claire is also a member here and has posted some of her own work, plus a collaboration we both worked on, posted in both our galleries.

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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Keith posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 3:25 PM

My wife likes some of the images.  She's been bugging me so much to try that I set up Poser 7  (since I've moved up to 8) on her laptop so she could play.

Within a day she was bugging me on specing out a new computer for her that could run it better.  I do believe I've created a monster.

3eighty posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 4:45 PM

I traded her for the new Poser....

DarkEdge posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 6:40 PM

My wife see the gamut from me (poor soul). It's 50/50 mostly. Though she does surprise me as to what she does like sometimes.

Comitted to excellence through art.

RedPhantom posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:04 PM Site Admin

My husband mostly thinks it's a waste of time and I spend way too much time on it. But he does appreatiate some of my images. And he tries to help sometimes make suggestions. usually "hun, what do you think of this pose, ignore the textures i haven't started that." "Well the pose looks good but why is the guy white?" And he sits across the room and asks about all the little things that you see in the un rendered image that won't show in the render. He tries though.

Available on Amazon for the Kindle E-Reader Monster of the North and The Shimmering Mage

Today I break my own personal record for the number of days for being alive.
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I use Poser 13 and win 10

pakled posted Tue, 27 October 2009 at 9:32 PM

My wife isn't much impressed, but if she's really bored, she'll watch me at work. Now the granddaugthers...they love it, but it's probably like dolls to them. Though they're still at the 'pretzel-people stage'...;)

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

LadyElf posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 12:01 AM

My husband loves my art, doesn't understand it (he says) and is sometimes more then happy to add constructive criticism which I must say since he's a traditional art lover I always listen.  Don't always apply it but I definately listen :)

dphoadley posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 2:41 AM

No, my wife and children call me a pervert!  Too bad!


Greebo posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 4:52 AM

Himself isn't into the whole pretty picture/art thing at all. However, he's very supportive and always wants to see a pic once it's finished. It can be a tad disheartening mind, as his appreciation is often quite underwhelming lol

incantrix posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 6:30 AM

Mine took a keen interest in it not long after we met.
Does her own stuff now, we have worked together on a couple of images.
And I always get her impressions and opinions on what I do.

SamTherapy posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 8:30 AM

Quote - No, my wife and children call me a pervert!  Too bad!

Gee, really?  😉

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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dphoadley posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 8:41 AM

Yes! I even end up having to get up in the middle of the night in order to work and make my porn, so as not to have to suffer irritating comments wafting over my shoulder, and obscene raspberries aimed in my direction.
Even my remapping has to be done in private at times, because of the fact that when I test how a textures fits on a figure, around the breasts and thighs, is often misconstrued as porn.
Poor me, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo misunderstood!


SamTherapy posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 8:53 AM

Quote - Yes! I even end up having to get up in the middle of the night in order to work and make my porn, so as not to have to suffer irritating comments wafting over my shoulder, and obscene raspberries aimed in my direction.
Even my remapping has to be done in private at times, because of the fact that when I test how a textures fits on a figure, around the breasts and thighs, is often misconstrued as porn.
Poor me, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo misunderstood!


Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

My Store

My Gallery

dphoadley posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 9:48 AM

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum!



basicwiz posted Wed, 28 October 2009 at 8:21 PM

 Mine never takes a look, never even asks about it. To her, it's just something I waste much too much time with.

RobynsVeil posted Thu, 29 October 2009 at 7:15 AM

Mine simply says when I hint at possible income from this: "Show me the MONEY!" Not much to show at this point, but hope springs eternal... :rolleyes:

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks

RobbyBobby posted Thu, 29 October 2009 at 7:22 AM

If I make the effort to show John a particular piece, he'll give it a half-hearted "nice"...otherwise, he only comments on how much money I spend on this hobby (which serves to justify how much money he spends on furniture and other household goods that we don't need). LOL

EnglishBob posted Thu, 29 October 2009 at 9:43 AM

Most of the time, all I get from Mrs. Bob is "oh, playing with your ideal woman again?" - in fact I heard that once when I had casual James on screen, so I won't be asking her for constructive critcism any time soon. :rolleyes: Mind you, she handles a camera much better than I do, so I know her eyes work; but I think there's just a blind spot where Poser is concerned.

On the other hand, she liked Missing and Radioactive Cats (see my gallery), and she recently said "you haven't done one of your pictures recently, have you?" so I dunno. We have plenty of other things that we can do together, after all.

DCArt posted Thu, 29 October 2009 at 3:05 PM

When I get busy into content creation, most of the time I'm looking at the figures in the default pose ... and time gets away from me.

This has resulted in my hubby standing in a T-pose whenever he needs to ask me something, which rapidly breaks my concentration and causes me to crack up.

JenX posted Thu, 29 October 2009 at 4:18 PM

 :lol:  That's hilarious!  

Sitemail | Freestuff | Craftythings | Youtube|

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

DCArt posted Thu, 29 October 2009 at 4:26 PM

Yeah he's a trip LOL

AnAardvark posted Fri, 30 October 2009 at 10:41 AM

As long as I keep up with the monthly bishonengram, my wife is pretty cool with it.

RCT posted Fri, 30 October 2009 at 7:36 PM

 In the main, my wife likes my art. But she does somehow regard it as "cheating", and says she would prefer me to get back into physical painting/drawing again. But I like the effects I can get in digital art, the lighting etc, that would take me months of trying to achieve in paint. Plus, there's no drying time, and also if I don't like a pose I can just repose it and render again, in a matter of minutes, something that would take hours if I was drawing it.

It's funny, cos I originally got Poser for the very reason it was invented in the first place: to act as a virtual 'life-model" for artists.

profotograf posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 6:56 AM

Well, I've been involved in Poser & DazStudio now going on 10 years.  As I am openly gay, and also married to my partner of 16 years, we see the whole 3D thing thru different eyes.  He thinks its an utter waste of time, and I run 3 brokerages, am a Daz Published Artist, sell at Rendo and other places.  I run Poserpedia, PoserAddicts, DigitalMales, Maleposerotica and soon a new female themed store.

Its been a VERY VERY difficult road, especially supporting male figures since Victoria/Aiko/Girl have the main focus in Poser artwork.  But I stuck by it, and I tried MANY times to get my husband interested in it.  But no real luck.  He hates computers, is a master hairstylist with a ton of creativity and NO hobbies that I know of.  

What really was odd was, 5 years ago I forced him to get his German Masters in Hairstyling (required to own a salon here & train new stylists), and because I believed in him -- I financed it.  It cost round about 10K (Euros) which I financed via .... poser.

When he got his "Meisterfriseur" certification, he opened his own shop, and told me that his "shop" was a "real job" and what I did was merely "playing".

That somewhat pissed me off,  considering he never thought about where the 10K (Euro) came from.  So I let him continue thinking his physical salon was "real" and my poser stuff was "playing".

3 years later after financially bailing him out of some serious financial issues, I gave up, and told him to close his shop.  Due to the financial economy and his management of it, it was closed shortly before its 3rd anniversary.  Now I am a very "nice" person, and do not throw his "real job" in his face....

Now he is at home, and is not allowed to work due to his filing bankruptcy, and I am still "playing" with poser and my shops.

I recently completely restructured PoserAddicts into a new store, and will integrate DigitalMales into it so I can eliminate one store, to make way for my new Female-Themed one to compete with MPE.  Still he views it all as a "game".

What really annoys me the most is not that I won't see any of the investment in the salon that went belly up, but that he keeps on badgering me to buy a new kitchen... from my "play-money".

And I refuse.... cause as he calls it... "play money" won't buy any real stuff...

Oh, and asking him to look at any of my 3D artwork or projects? I cannot get him to even look at it without a dumb comment, so I gave up long ago.

So I live in my own "play world" paying the electric bills, filling our fridge and freezer, gasoline, auto-insurance, inspections, with my play money.

Greetz from Germany

Greetings from Germany

My PoserAddicts

DCArt posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 7:06 AM

Hmmm ... if my hubby was that unsupportive he wouldn't be my hubby any more. 8-)

RobbyBobby posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 10:28 AM

Antonio, that was one hell of a commentary.  I can just imagine what you didn't say here in this forum.  I only wish that my "hobby" was half as productive as yours...especially since I'm currently unemployed after the multi-billion dollar global consulting company that I worked at for five years went belly up.

A_Sunbeam posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 11:05 AM

My wife doesn't take much interest in what I produce using Poser. She occasionally makes a comment if she's passing the room; she thinks the fairies are too "grown up" (she prefers the ones in the "Flower Fairy" books) but the robots are acceptable. I pointed out that if I made the fairies like the ones in the books then I'd be posting pictures of children - and that is rather dangerous ground nowadays.

She does, however, recognise the fact that it "keeps me out of mischief", though Lord knows what mischief I could get up to nowadays, aged 70!

Playing with dolls, eh? Well, I blame my sister; she used to get me to help her cut out the paper dolls and their dresses from the newspapers (just after the war).

Morana posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 11:27 AM

My hubby is extremely supportive of my hobby (as long as he gets enough attention and dinner), and he's always open to giving me constructive criticism or ideas.  He's helped me make some huge improvements with just a simple "why not do this instead".  And he's even given me a sub gallery on his photography website, bugging me regularly for my newest pieces, and registered a website for me to eventually build me a website.  Now if only I had the talent to go with all of the support.

He's talked a few times about giving it a try himself, especially after seeing some of the really great dragon models available.  Would be nice to be able to bounce technical details and ideas off him, that's for sure.

RobynsVeil posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 2:42 PM

I agree with Deecey, Antonio. I think hubby needs a dose of reality. Perhaps his sense of contributing to the household as breadwinner (alpha-male position) has been undermined through a series of failures, but instead of conceding his inadequacy, he makes you the repository of the problem, where actually you've been his main support.
I admire (and yet wonder about) your willingness to stay with him... he must have some really good qualities, hun.
All the best with it... I'd be elated to be making a tenth of what you do. Maybe if I pulled the finger out and actually got Jamie for V4 up into your store... lol

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks

LaurieA posted Wed, 04 November 2009 at 6:07 PM

Antonio, maybe he thinks your fridge is filled with "fake" food? lol.

He sounds even worse than my husband ;o). I feel for At least mine never said anything one way or the other.


3Dave posted Fri, 06 November 2009 at 9:05 AM

I doubt my wife even knows I use Poser, been married for 32 years, happily separated for the last 30 :)