Horsepower0171 opened this issue on Jun 22, 2010 · 12 posts
Horsepower0171 posted Tue, 22 June 2010 at 7:14 AM
How to add randomness to the Breeze?
In Vue 8.4 updated xStream, I have made a new scene with ecosystem plants and added a wind property with ventilator.
But unsuccessfully the wind and the ventilators aren't good for my situation because the wind is very strong:
It doesn't allow the intensity below the value of 1, and the plants affected by ventilator are bent bottom very much to the ground.
I tried to set the fallof of the ventilator in the manner that the force applied by the wind is not too high, but the result is not acceptable.
It is more indicated for a helicopter that bends the plants below it.
Thus I tried to disable the wind and enable just the Breeze in the AtmosphereEditor.
But the main problem is that:
The "YellowMapleTree" Ecosystem Plants follow the proper family Frequency of breeze, thus the effect is not realistically correct.
Also the "RuralMapleTree" and the "PlumTree" family, follow our separate family frequency of breeze.
I want that, globally, the ecosystem plants follow a randomness frequency of breeze, instead of following the proper typical frequency.
How can I do to achieve this random effect, without using a separate per-plant object creation, (instead of ecosystem plants) and without adjusting the per-plant basis wind?
Thanks for a response!
bruno021 posted Tue, 22 June 2010 at 9:58 AM
Did you play with Uniformity and Turbulence?
Horsepower0171 posted Tue, 22 June 2010 at 11:16 AM
Quote - Did you play with Uniformity and Turbulence?
I have set:
I tried this, to increase the breeze randomness. But the plants continue to have the proper grouped frequency by plant family type!
Daniel1705 posted Tue, 22 June 2010 at 12:45 PM
I suggest you load a single plant as an object to your scene and open it in the plant editor. The fifth button to the left is a button that defines the "respond to wind" property. Use different numbers in the two input fields and then save your plant out as a new *.veg species (not as a *.vob file!). Repeat this process and enter different numbers each time and save them out as new *.veg species. Five or six different *.veg species should do it. Then repopulate your ecosystem with your newly created *.veg plants. This way you still have the same tree or grass five or six times in your ecosystem, but each one has different wind reactions. And you don't have to mess with a per-plant wind, you can keep your ecosystem :-)
bigbraader posted Sat, 26 June 2010 at 3:49 AM
Lars "bigbraader"
Horsepower0171 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 3:48 AM
I followed your suggestions.
For the Breeze I got decent result.
But I have another Color problem!
I created three custom "YellowMapleTree" plants with the same yellow color for leaves and with the same color for "OverallColor" property in the PlantEditor (this because I have 3 plants species with 3 different responses to the wind).
But when I rendering them, a few of them, appear as red colored, not yellow colored, and a few of them appear correctly yellow colored as in the attached image.
bruno021 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 5:34 AM
Not sure I undetstand, you chaged overall colour of some species so all species have the same colour? If so, there is no way you can get the same colour for all leaves, what you are doing is mixing 2 different colours (red+yellow, greeb+yellow, for example), and it isn't possible to get the same orange by mixing these colours. It may work using a colour blend node, but you also need to remember that Vue plants have an embedded colour change, so an orange will never be the smlae from one plant to another.
Horsepower0171 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 6:53 AM
But these 3 plants on attached image, are my custom start plants: they are green-yellow coloured not red coloured! (I have just used a green OverallColor)
bruno021 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 8:50 AM
I think it's because you are not using a colour blend, but changing the overall colour.
Horsepower0171 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 9:25 AM
Now I used "color blend" feature by blend at 98%, with ColorMask checked, in the LeafMaterialEditor of the Plant.
As I can see in the Vue Help:
"The Color blend group lets you blend the colors of the picture with a solid color. To activate this feature, check the corresponding checkbox.The color is applied in product mode, and the slider lets you adjust the amount of blending. The higher the value, the more the solid color modifies the picture.
Click Color mask to apply the color in replacement of the bitmap as the setting increases. When set to 0%, the color is applied as a mask. When set at 100% the color completely replaces the bitmap..."
I attached another picture: the top most right tree, is with ColorBlend; but nothing changed in the Ecosystem!
bruno021 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 10:20 AM
Well, Vue is rendering right now, so I can't check myself. You use the yellow maple tree, right? What if yoy load a few yellow maples in a scene and see if the colour change is as big? I suspect the embedded colour shift in this plant might be the reason of these changes, if not due to your actions. If this is the case, then there is nothing you can do about it. It's a downside of Vue's procedural way of creating unique plants.
bruno021 posted Thu, 08 July 2010 at 2:48 PM
I checked the Yellow maple, and indeed, it has a lot of embedded colour variation. From yellow to orange and red. I was able to change this and get variations of green by using a RGB 47, 94 ,18 colour mask, with 54% masking.