Horsepower0171 opened this issue on Jul 13, 2010 · 15 posts
Horsepower0171 posted Tue, 13 July 2010 at 7:07 AM
It seems that the polygonal normals of the terrain terraces are inverted and Vue display the internal faces of the mountains, at the flat terraces level.
It appears that the flat terraces have a hole.
What is the problem of this "Strata2" procedural terrain file?
What settings and/or parameters I should tweak?
Anyone have already encountered this strange effect?
Please see the attached rendering!
Please help me!
Many thanks in advance!
perilous7 posted Tue, 13 July 2010 at 7:55 AM
have you enabled clipping on the terrain editor screen?
A cleaved head no longer plots.
Horsepower0171 posted Tue, 13 July 2010 at 8:00 AM
I tried some settings: it appears that the problem is relative to the "Force Extension" value in the main panel of terrain editor of the procedural terrain.
I am not sure...but this is a issue that appears with all the terrains with Force extension applied!
Horsepower0171 posted Tue, 13 July 2010 at 8:06 AM
Quote - have you enabled clipping on the terrain editor screen?
With the clipping at Max value=86.12 instead of 100 the issue disappear!
But with clipping OFF, at Max=100, the force extension value generate the problem.
ShawnDriscoll posted Tue, 13 July 2010 at 9:07 PM
I tried all kinds of displacement/normal/clipping/forced extension settings with Strata 4 (which looks like your rendered terrain. My Strata 2 is more sawtooth blade-shaped). But I could not get the hole on top. I'm using VueInf 8.0 and not 8.4. Is your render from Vue or from another program?
Horsepower0171 posted Wed, 14 July 2010 at 3:49 AM
Quote - I tried all kinds of displacement/normal/clipping/forced extension settings with Strata 4 (which looks like your rendered terrain. My Strata 2 is more sawtooth blade-shaped). But I could not get the hole on top. I'm using VueInf 8.0 and not 8.4. Is your render from Vue or from another program?
My render isi nternal from Vue not from 3DSMax+xStream.
I installed Vue 8.4 Update xStream because it is a lot of updates that prevent crashes.
Horsepower0171 posted Wed, 14 July 2010 at 3:58 AM
I "Cancelled Last Update" command, removed 8.4 Update and leaved just Vue 8.10-04 Build 49622.
But the problem persists!
ShawnDriscoll posted Wed, 14 July 2010 at 4:45 AM
I'm using 8.0 build 47776 and was not able to get Force Extension to do what happens to you. Maybe you bought 8.1 and can't download any 8.0 builds.
Horsepower0171 posted Wed, 14 July 2010 at 4:52 AM
I rendered with Vue 8.4 Update xStream in 3DSMax 2010+SP1, with ForceExtension turned ON and Clipping Max turned OFF.
The hole artifacts are also visible!
Only with Clipping Max turned ON the hole disappear.
This is a BUG?
ShawnDriscoll posted Sun, 18 July 2010 at 4:15 AM
Ok. I goofed.
I was in the Material Editor, playing with Force Extension. So of course I was getting different results. In the Terrain Editor, if I turn on Force Extension and drag the value down, I get holes in my mountain tops regardless of the clipping used. This is still with Strata 4, I'm using.
Ok. My question is: What value is your Force Extension set to and what are you hoping to achieve with Force Extension enabled?
Horsepower0171 posted Sun, 25 July 2010 at 2:58 AM
Quote -
Ok. My question is: What value is your Force Extension set to and what are you hoping to achieve with Force Extension enabled?
Strata4: my value of ForceExtension in TerrainEditor is 1.0.
I hope to achieve a good "cut" result of the strata mountains, similar to terraces or plateaus. This because I want also export my terrain as mesh in 3dsMax, by baking polygons in Vue, and use this mesh to create a car simulation in Max with CraftDirectorStudio plugin.
I need to drive the car over the top of the flat mountains terraces, without holes.
If I make the baking of polygons and use the clipping-Max method instead of ForceExtension, in TerrainEditor, I can't achieve the "cut" of the mountains, because the mountains extend to all the height after exporting them.
I should also change something in the MaterialEditor?
ShawnDriscoll posted Sun, 25 July 2010 at 3:09 AM
Check page 402 of the manual. It goes into detail about strata fractal settings there.
Horsepower0171 posted Sun, 25 July 2010 at 1:14 PM
Quote - Check page 402 of the manual. It goes into detail about strata fractal settings there.
I checked page 402 trough 405, about Strata Node, but I haven't understood at all what parameter should I tweak!
I tried to change all the settings, but I have successfully changed other stratification properties, without achieve the result of filling the plateau holes!
The holes don't disappear at all!
ShawnDriscoll posted Sun, 25 July 2010 at 10:44 PM
The manual does not recommend using force extension. So what does the terrain look like in 3DS Max after baking? Maybe the strata cutting can be added using that program?
ShawnDriscoll posted Sun, 25 July 2010 at 11:11 PM
Have you played with these settings yet? Pretty cool.