Forum: Carrara

Subject: Problems with the spline modeler grid...

Techyman opened this issue on Aug 02, 2010 · 9 posts

Techyman posted Mon, 02 August 2010 at 9:11 PM

I've just started using C8Pro and I'm having trouble using the grid in the spline modeler.  I need to draw a large model - 15ft long - but with accuracy down to the inch.  I tried adjusting the grid down to one inch increments, but when I zoom in to work on the details, the grid sets to a different measurement.  How do I zoom in, but retain the new grid measurements?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advanced.

sparrownightmare posted Mon, 02 August 2010 at 9:25 PM

I set my modeling box to 20 feet, then I set the grid to spacing 1 every .13  That's about as accurate as you can get it.  I just wish the stupid thing wouldn't keep resetting.

benney posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 7:45 AM

It is for reasons like this that I eirther use the vertex modeller or turn to my external modeller  "Hexagon"

sparrownightmare posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 8:26 AM

Nah.  I stink with the vertex modeler.  I never could quite get the hang of it.  With a little creativity you can do almost anything in spline models that you could do in the vertex room.  I really need to figure it out though.

benney posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 8:32 AM

Well if you get stuck and you need an extra pair of hands for a project just ask. Otherwise, just keep practising and you will get there.

sparrownightmare posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 8:34 AM

Half my issue is that the manual for Carrara is not very useful.  It only described things in a very general way and there is not much actually useful specific info.  I taught myself the rest of the program, but the vertex room just confuses me too easy lol.

benney posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 8:46 AM

I got myself up to date with carrara by using the "Carrara 5 pro handbook" by "Mike De La Flor". Though it was written for version 5 it can still be applied to the latest versions and actually helps to clear up some everlasting questions and reveals a few hidden secrets too. Once I had read the manual and completed the tutorials it was just a case of expanding what I had learned using the carrara help file, though I have to agree with you and say that it is lacking in true structure for the beginner etc.

MarkBremmer posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 8:50 AM

 Carrara's spline modeler is not designed for precision. When I need absolute accuracy, I'll create the shapes in illustrator and then import them into the Spline Modeler instead. This a great way to leverage the many drawing capabilities of Illustrator to make some complex shapes that would be near impossible to do well in Carrara alone. 

sparrownightmare posted Tue, 03 August 2010 at 9:21 AM

I wish I had Illustrator.  I spent my yearly 3D budget on C8 Pro this year LOL.  When I run into a complex shape, I generally break it down into manageable components, and model each element separately.  But you are definitely right about precision.  It requires a lot of tweaks and fussing to get parts to fit in with each other properly.  I really need to learn the vertex room.  And I definitely need to learn proper UV Mapping...  I really stink at that as well.  I'm pretty much self taught since Ray Dream, so I am probably quite a bit behind the curve on some elements.