OK, on my PC we have 2 users, Neva & daddy.
I sign onto Neva of course, then I also have an external HD J: hooked up.
My external runtime path is J:NEVARuntime which is showing up in poser ok, prob is..I'm missing files. so I went -a-looking....inside my Runtime, there is another runtime folder, and another Runtime folder.
Do I A: copy the extra odd runtimes into the main Runtime folder, or
B: Scratch it all and just reset up my external runtime?
Also, hubby moved my original Ext. Runtime from J: into a folder on J:NEVA
So now in Poser I have a Runtime lib. under NEVA which seems to work ok, expect for the 2 extra runtime folder that have fallen within it somehow...
![Love]( Pixie
"People will forget what you said. People will forget what you
did. But they will never forget how you made them feel."
i would say just merge the extra runtimes into the one that poser reconises, that should sort it out.
And ban your husband from the computer for failing at moving a folder !!!! ;)
As long as there are no python scripts nested into those extra runtimes, it should be okay to merge them into one.