I want to upload this capture in my Renderosity Portfolio,but i do not know if I am allowed as my daughter took this capture with my camera. I had the settings ready on my camera. Aperture F8,Iso 400 and the camera setted the Shutter speed Automatically. No cropping on this capture. I resized this capture to be uploaded on this forum thread.Only editing that I have done was setting the Kelvin to 7300K,Sharpnes to 50% and the contrast to 30%. Then I also used neat image to remove noise. I also woked on the shadows using PSP X 2 using a setting of 30% on the shadows and this is the end result. There is also Aloe flowers near the entrance of the offices where my wife work. My younges daughter Tany stalked this male White Bellied Sunbird and she was so close to him she could meet him eye to eye. I must say I am very impress with this picture that she have captured that I felt like shaaring this colorful capture with everyone. Do click on the capture to enjoy the colors in this beauty. God Bless.