Forum: Blender

Subject: Making a face morph for genesis

millighost opened this issue on Aug 29, 2011 · 104 posts

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 5:51 PM

Here is how you can create a simple face morph for DAZ's Genesis figure using only blender, in 12 easy steps.

Install the import plugin

First you need to load the Genesis mesh into blender. You could use either wavefront obj files, or you could use the included plugin (see link). I describe the latter way, since it is easier. Download the plugin and rename it to

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 5:51 PM

Installing the plugin

Open your user preferences from blender's file menu. You can usually install the plugin by clicking the "Install Add-On" button on the bottom of the page.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 5:52 PM

Install the plugin

Point the file browser to the downloaded plugin, and then click the "Install Add-On" button

However in the current version blender has problems with installing plugins from network drives (which is the case for me). In this case you can install the plugin manually by copying it into blender's addon folder. On my computer the addon folder is V:/blender/2.59/scripts/addons. Simply copy the into that folder.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 5:53 PM

Load the Genesis figure

From the file menu's import submenu select "dsf-geom (.dsf)" (if you prefer the space menu, the operator is called 'import dsf-geom').

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 5:56 PM

Activate the plugin

I almost forgot, sorry: After the plugin is installed you need to enable it: In the user preference window, select the Import-Export plugins. The import plugin will appear in the list as "Import-Export: import dsf-geom". Enable the check-box for it. You can select "Save as Default" now, so blender will enable the plugin on the next restart.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 5:59 PM

Loading the Genesis figure

After you select the import from the menu, you will be presented a file dialog in which you can choose the Genesis.dsf file. The Genesis.dsf file is located within your DAZ-Studio installation's data folder. On my system this is V:/dsdata4/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf. Note that there might be another Genesis.dsf within the People directory, this is not what you need.
The other options of the plugin (materials, groups, uv-map) are not effective, because this is a reduced version (i wanted everything one one not-too-big file).

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:00 PM

Prepare the morph

After you have successfully loaded the Genesis loaded you can scale it down a bit, since it is very huge (around 100 blender units). Scale it down in object mode, not in edit mode, so the actual mesh will not be distorted. You can also rotate it in object mode if you want, because it is lying flat (DAZ-Studio uses Y-axis as up).
In the mesh tab create a new shape key for the Genesis mesh. Press the Plus-sign twice to create one base shape key and another shape key for the morph. The first shape key is the Base shape-key and not to be modified. The second one created is the one that holds the morph, which is currently empty.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:01 PM

Prepare the morph

In order to use the shape key later for creating a morph, assign a name to it right now. Currently it is named "Key 1", the default name given by blender.The shape key's name is later used by the exporter to assign a group and a name to the created morph. To tell the exporter the name and the group, assign a name to the shape key where the components are separated by slashes ('/') starting with a slash. I set the shape key's name to /Millighost/LongNose, so it will appear in DAZ-Studio in the modifiers list under "Millighost" and have a name "LongNose".

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:03 PM

Create the morph

Make it the created shape key the active shape key (it must have a blue background) and enter edit mode. Here you can move vertices in whatever way you like for your morph. In the illustration i made the nose longer by selecting a view vertices at the tip of the nose, and drag them out with the proportional editing tool. Do not delete or add vertices in any way, or the morph will not work.

After you are done, go back to object mode. The newly created shape will disappear, you can check what it looks like by playing with the Value parameter of the shape key.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:04 PM

Install the exporter

To write the created shape key as a morph, you need another plugin that writes the shape key as a dsf file. Download the attached file and rename it to Install it into blenders plugins in the same way you did in step 1 for the import plugin.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:05 PM

Activate the exporter

Like the importer before, this exporter has to be activated, too. In the list of Add-Ons of the user preferences select the Import-Export section.The plugin is named 'Import-Export: export dsf-morph'. Enable the checkbox for it.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:06 PM

Now call the exporter by choosing it from blender's Export menu, where it is called "dsf-morph (.dsf)" (in the space menu, it is "export dsf-morph"). You get a file dialog where you can choose a file name under which to export the shape-key/morph (i use a name "longnose.dsf"). The file should end with ".dsf", otherwise the name is not particularly important.

millighost posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 6:12 PM

If all worked so far, you can stop blender now. The exported file "longnose.dsf" needs to be copied to your DAZ-Studio contents directory. Usually the morphs are within the ".../data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs" directory within DAZ-Studio's installation data directory. DAZ-Studio seems to look in there for files by default. You can create a subdirectory within the Morphs directory for your own morphs. I copied it to V:/dsdata4/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/Millighost/longnose.dsf. After that you can start DAZ-Studio. With Genesis loaded, in the parameters tab, select the Actor group. Based on the name you have given the shape key, the morph should be listed in there. Dialing the slider should dial in the morph/shape-key.

That was it. Hope this works, i only tested this once with windows, since i use linux most of the time, so let me know if there is something not working :-)

Good night & good luck.

DoomsdayRenderer posted Mon, 29 August 2011 at 11:10 PM

Wow, millighost! Impressive. I must try it when I have time. Looks very promising!

_Venkman_ posted Sat, 17 September 2011 at 12:13 AM

Neat script. DS4 can save as a variety of different kinds of DSF files, and so I was wondering if your script could handle a user created Character or Figure DSF? Or is the Genesis.DSF you use in your tutorial the only one it can handle?

What I would like to do is dial up an approximation of a Genesis character in Daz Studio, save it as a Character or Figure DSF, and then bring it over to Blender via your script for scupting, etc.

millighost posted Sat, 17 September 2011 at 10:12 AM

Quote - Neat script. DS4 can save as a variety of different kinds of DSF files, and so I was wondering if your script could handle a user created Character or Figure DSF? Or is the Genesis.DSF you use in your tutorial the only one it can handle?

The import script given above handles all dsf files that contain figures, or so it should at least. However at the time i wrote it, there were no other figure files than genesis available, so i only tested it with the genesis.dsf, so i am not really sure if it would really work with different figures. Probably your best bet is to just try it out on a different figure. If it does not work, and the project is not top secret you could send the file to me and i can try to guess what is going on...

Quote - What I would like to do is dial up an approximation of a Genesis character in Daz Studio, save it as a Character or Figure DSF, and then bring it over to Blender via your script for scupting, etc.

I am not exactly sure what you are doing in DS; can you describe it more detailed, like exactly which menu items you use to export the character dsf? (I am relatively new to DS, i still did not find out which buttons to press to export the dsf files that i want it to).

However the script above does not import morph files, if that is what you need. If you do - i guess i can post one i have made (but still needs some smoothing). 

_Venkman_ posted Sat, 17 September 2011 at 12:41 PM

No top secret project, I was thinking it might be nice to have something other than the default male shape when you bring Genesis into Blender, like the Basic Female shape. However, I've since realized that if I was going to redistribute my morphs later, this wouldn't work out unless I could zero out the influence of the non-default morphs I didn't make myself. Still, for going back and modifying one's own work, being able to import a morph file could be handy.

I use DS4 Standard (, and I have options for saving Character File, Shaping File, and Pose File DSFs. Pro or the CCT has more options, like Figure File, and I'm going to guess that Figure File should have everything like the base Genesis DSF. I'm still new to DSFs, so I can't really say what the difference between some of these are.

Here is how to export your own DSF: Load Genesis and apply any morphs you would like. Then, with just Genesis selected, go to File>Save As> and you should then see some DSF options. Unfotunately, I don't think the 'Smart' Content tab can find these, or I haven't figured out where it puts them because they weren't in Unassigned last I checked, while a DSF pose I made was.

SilverDolphin posted Sat, 17 September 2011 at 8:58 PM

This is great millighost!

Thank you for the Blender Daz import scripts!

This is very generous of you!:biggrin:

ElenaHD posted Wed, 05 October 2011 at 1:39 AM

Fantastic! Thanks millighost!

I was able to make my first own morphs for DS4 :)


But, after tweaking my DS4 installation and upgrading to Advanced plus CCT now I have the problem to import dsf Files.  Maybe it has to do something with absolute paths. I wonder how your importscript can find Genesis.dsf, since my dsf Files only seem to have relative paths, beginning with /data?

For example: 

"url" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf#geometry"

SickleYield posted Wed, 14 December 2011 at 7:49 PM

It works!

Quick proof-of-concept earless morph I just did:


Thank you thank you thank you!! 

XaatXuun posted Thu, 22 December 2011 at 6:28 PM

I don't know why, but let's just say I've never done it, but how do I rename the script from txt ?

I have retyped the name, many times now, but it still saves in Txt, what am I doing wrong ? or forgetting something

SickleYield posted Thu, 22 December 2011 at 6:31 PM

Do you have your operating system set to show file extensions? If not it may be renaming to .py.txt instead of just .py.

XaatXuun posted Thu, 22 December 2011 at 8:19 PM

Quote - Do you have your operating system set to show file extensions? If not it may be renaming to .py.txt instead of just .py.

hmm thought it may be that, I just took a look and the extention is not shown , so now I need to recall how to add it , I'll search for a refresher for me to remember


ETA: yup, just needed a refresher, of how to do it,   got it  now.

now to play with blender, thank you

bruce32466 posted Tue, 07 February 2012 at 4:59 PM

Is it posible to add multiple morphs in this maner? Would it be a matter of adding more shape keys? What I'd like to do is creat a morph to pull the nose out as you did and then use a second morph to widen the nose. If it's just a matter of creating another shape key, I could use a little help. I can create additional keys but when I go to eddit mode, the figure goes back to it's original state so the keys are not progressions of the previous key. Yep, a noob. Anyway, thanks

SickleYield posted Tue, 07 February 2012 at 5:12 PM

It's absolutely possible to do multiples. I've done a whole product pack of elf ears with this method.

Do you mean when you go to object mode?  You have to have created your width morph in edit mode for it to exist at all.

Either way, when in object mode, notice the "value" bar below the Shape Keys dialogue.  You can type a value in this or click and drag to increase value of a shape key in object mode.

I don't think you can create a shape key additive to another one (that is, with a previous one applied and visible in edit mode), but I'm willing to be corrected on that point.

bruce32466 posted Tue, 07 February 2012 at 9:35 PM

Hi SickleYield, Thanks for the response. I think I asked the question incorectly. I fallowed the directions above and all went well. My question is: how should I go about including another morph to furthe modify the first morph. When I create a third shape key, the figure in the third key starts out like the base figure (no modifications). I did try with the value set to 1 as well as 0 and made no differance. the figure would always revert back to base shape.  With the value set to 1 on shape key 2 in object mode, I could see the changes made to the mesh. but as soon as I try to go to edit mode for shape key 3 the figure reverts back to its base shape.

SickleYield posted Tue, 07 February 2012 at 9:55 PM

In that case I would have to work around it by duplicating the figure (shift d), moving it to another layer in Blender (M key plus click layer) and directly modifying the second key.

bruce32466 posted Tue, 07 February 2012 at 11:21 PM

Hi SickleYield, Thanks again. I would have got back to sooner but I had to do a little digging aroud to figure out what you were telling me here.

So, If I understand correctly, I will create bsasis and 2nd key, modify 2nd key, press shift + d to copy it, select the copy i just made and push the m key , move copy of 2nd key to a new layer, modify it further, create 3rd shape key and move the modified copy back to original layer and export.

Didn't work:( can't get to edit mode on new layer, m key doesn't seem to do anything in edit mode. I'm sure it's probably something simple I may be missing I hope. I've started playing around with this 3D about a couple months ago and is very cool stuf

SickleYield posted Wed, 08 February 2012 at 12:48 AM

The m key is just for moving to a new layer in object mode.  Once you're on the new layer, you will need to select your copy that you moved by right-clicking on it in order to switch to edit mode.

millighost posted Wed, 08 February 2012 at 1:43 PM

> Quote - ... I don't think you can create a shape key additive to another one (that is, with a previous one applied and visible in edit mode), but I'm willing to be corrected on that point.

You can enable shapekeys in edit mode by clicking on the small cube-lookalike button (see illustration). That enables the shapekeys in edit mode according to their current value. That includes the shapekey you are currently modifying, though. So to use it, you have to dial the shapekey to 1 before going into edit mode, otherwise you will not see what you are doing.

SickleYield posted Wed, 08 February 2012 at 1:46 PM

Excellent, thank you. :)

bruce32466 posted Fri, 10 February 2012 at 8:16 PM

OK, Finally got some time to play again and thanks for the help earlier. I was able to create the needed shape keys for additional morphs but exporting seems to be tricky(at least for me). If I export as .dsf to the morph directory, I have to select each shape key and export them separately in order to see the three of them.

In Daz Studio4 pro, I created a caracter and applied the first morph and saved the seen. Then after going back to Blender and creating the other two additional morphs and exporting those, I was able to see the all three morphs in a new seen. when I opened the saved seen, only the first morph was avalible in the menu.

Two questions:

1) When making more than one shape key, what is the proper methode to export them to daz? Please keep in mind I do need a little detail as iq is somewhat low:)

  1. Is there a way to refresh the menu in parameters instead of restarting Daz Studio.

btw, the tutorial here was very helpfull, so thanks.

amy_aimei posted Sat, 11 February 2012 at 6:55 AM

Quote - Prepare the morph

After you have successfully loaded the Genesis loaded you can scale it down a bit, since it is very huge (around 100 blender units). Scale it down in object mode, not in edit mode, so the actual mesh will not be distorted. You can also rotate it in object mode if you want, because it is lying flat (DAZ-Studio uses Y-axis as up).
In the mesh tab create a new shape key for the Genesis mesh. Press the Plus-sign twice to create one base shape key and another shape key for the morph. The first shape key is the Base shape-key and not to be modified. The second one created is the one that holds the morph, which is currently empty.

Thank you for the plugin.  As I know, DAZ Studio uses Metre or Centimetre as the unit of measure and as you pointed out it uses Y-axis as up.  Is it possible to perform the scaling and rotation within the code?

bruce32466 posted Sun, 12 February 2012 at 9:29 PM


Quote - OK, Finally got some time to play again and thanks for the help earlier. I was able to create the needed shape keys for additional morphs but exporting seems to be tricky(at least for me). If I export as .dsf to the morph directory, I have to select each shape key and export them separately in order to see the three of them.

In Daz Studio4 pro, I created a caracter and applied the first morph and saved the seen. Then after going back to Blender and creating the other two additional morphs and exporting those, I was able to see the all three morphs in a new seen. when I opened the saved seen, only the first morph was avalible in the menu.

Two questions:

1) When making more than one shape key, what is the proper methode to export them to daz? Please keep in mind I do need a little detail as iq is somewhat low:)

  1. Is there a way to refresh the menu in parameters instead of restarting Daz Studio.

btw, the tutorial here was very helpfull, so thanks.

SickleYield posted Sun, 12 February 2012 at 9:45 PM

11.) Set one key to 1 in object mode and follow the tutorial in Post 1 from there.  You will need to do this separately for each one.

2.) No, it's in the content tab.  Right click My Library or any tab under that and choose "refresh."

bruce32466 posted Mon, 13 February 2012 at 5:29 AM


razvanab posted Wed, 22 February 2012 at 7:19 PM

Hi millighost !


Is there any chance to update the script for the last version of blender 2.62 ?


Thank You

millighost posted Fri, 24 February 2012 at 5:58 AM

Quote - Hi millighost !**

Is there any chance to update the script for the last version of blender 2.62 ?


Sure, i could. But the old version still works (i tested with 2.62 from svn today). Do you have any specific problems?

razvanab posted Fri, 24 February 2012 at 8:09 AM

I tried with the last version 2.62 and i get this error




millighost posted Fri, 24 February 2012 at 8:19 AM

Quote - I tried with the last version 2.62 and i get this error

This error is raised by the script complaining it cannot find a "geometry_library" in the file it tries to load (i.e. the file does not have a mesh in it). Most likely you tried to load the wrong dsf file. After you installed Genesis using daz's installer, you will have two files called Genesis.dsf:

<install-directory>/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf and

You need to use the one in the data directory (first line), not the one in the People directory. Could this be your problem?

razvanab posted Fri, 24 February 2012 at 11:37 AM

Yes indeed i was trying to load the one from people...

Thank You ! 

MWMPHX posted Sun, 26 February 2012 at 4:03 PM

Superb work millighost. I was up all night playing : ) I registered an account here just to thank you.


You can work on related morphs by giving each one it's own key and hiding all but the one you want when you export. As millighost notes above, you can see the other morphs in edit mode so I am a very happy camper with this setup. Model me with a huge grin.

Filename becomes the hidden internal name (as opposed to the exposed label designated by the shape key name) for the morph. So, for instance, I save the .dsf with MWM as the first three letters in the filename so all my custom morphs can be isolated when doing an FBX export.

X mirror the mesh for symetric morphs. BTW, proportional editing (o) doesn't work in X mirror.

Now we need to share our morphs : D. I'm working on a face modeling set. Here's one y'all will surely want. Just delete the .txt extension and stick it in the morph folder or a subfolder of that folder

MWMPHX posted Sun, 26 February 2012 at 4:09 PM

Additional note:

Whatever value range you assign the shape key in Blender becomes the default range in Studio.

MWMPHX posted Tue, 28 February 2012 at 2:23 AM

You can open up a .dsf in a text editor. Notepad ++ works better than regular notepad for this—it can read all the code and give it a clean nested look. The format looks like .json and it's not too hard to figure out the structure.

This means you can make a symetric morph of, say, a smile wrinkle, make two copies of it, and delete the negative vertices in one and the positive in the other so you have one for each side too.

Now I need an easy way to calculate bone push values to go with some of the more radical morphs. : )

P.S. Don't forget to halve the "count" value when modifying the .dsf. (Not the "vertex_count"!)

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:23 PM

Here is a little update to the morph exporter script; i have made some changes and a few additions:

  1) i added a script to load morphs as shapekeys, so you can create morphs that are based on other morphs (like Victoria 5 for example).
  2) i added a script to load uv coordinates for the imported figures. It does not load textures, you have to do that manually, but the UVs are there, so you could use blender's projection painting on Genesis.
  3) i packaged the scripts into a single directory (with lots of files in it), which makes maintenance easier.
  Here is a step by step how to handle these:

  Only if you have the old version installed:

  If you have the two scripts '' and '' (old version of this stuff) installed, best is to remove them first; disable them in the user preferences by unchecking the checkmark (illustration), then remove the scripts from your blender addons directory.

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:26 PM

After that, unpack the attached zip-file into your contents into your blender addons directory (it is named with a .txt extension because this forum does not seem to allow attachment of .zip files). On my system that would be


  If you are running linux, you can unpack it into your personal blender directory:


  The zip contains a subdirectory 'dsf', so after unpacking you should end up with a directory like v:/blender262/2.62/scripts/addons/dsf. The exact path, of course, can be different for your system.

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:27 PM

In blender's user preferences (in the addons tab in the Import-Export category) you should have one entry named dsf-utils. Enable it by clicking the checkmark. There is only one common checkmark for all the different import/export options.

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:28 PM

Now you have all the features enabled. The usage of the operators for importing a dsf geometry file (import dsf-geom) and exporting a shapekey (export dsf-morph) have not changed from the previous version (see the start of the thread), so i concentrate on the new functions:

To import a morph into blender, first you select the genesis mesh in the viewport, then you select the 'dsf-morph (.dsf)' entry from the menu (illustration) (the operator is called 'import dsf-morph'), which will open a file dialog, which you need to point to a DAZ-Studio file containing a morph.

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:32 PM

The morph files for Genesis are somewhere in the data-directory of your DAZ content installation, usually in a subdirectory named 'Morphs', sometimes they are not that easy to find, because they are scattered all over the place, and they have no definitive name (all dsf files end with '.dsf' but apart from that one cannot tell what some file contains without actually looking into it, so you might have to guess now and then. But files starting with PHM (partial head morph) or FBM (full body morph) are likely to contain morphs. In the screenshot i used the Aiko4 morph, which is located in "data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Aiko 4/FBMAiko4.dsf" within the daz studio data installation directory. Click the 'import dsf-morph' button in the upper right to load the morph.

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:33 PM

The morph gets loaded as a shapekey (visible in the mesh-properties panel), and will be based on the base shapekey of the mesh. If no base shapekey is defined, the script will create one. If you select the Aiko 4 shapekey and dial the value to 1, you will see the morph applied. Note, that this script only loads the morph, and no poses; some Genesis characters not only contain the morph, but addionally an automatic pose (usually to make Genesis or parts of it smaller), but this script does not handle this.

MWMPHX posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:43 PM

You da man.

Now to go play.

millighost posted Tue, 06 March 2012 at 6:48 PM

The process to load a uvset is very similar to loading a morph, so i explain it only shortly: In the File-Import menu, you select the entry 'dsf-uvset (.dsf)' and point the file browser to a dsf-file containing a UV-set. UV-sets are somewhere within the data-directory of your DAZStudio installation within a directory named "UV Sets" (illustration top). For example the standard Genesis UVs are in the file

  "data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/UV Sets/DAZ 3D/Base/Genesis.dsf"

After you load it, it will show up in blender under "UV Maps" within the mesh property panel (see illustration, bottom), with a name that was taken from contents of the dsf-file. Blender (like DAZStudio) supports multiple UV maps, so you can load more than one and switch between them.

A final note for these scripts in general and the uv-set import in particular: Because the blender developers are currently working on incorporating the bmesh into blender, the uv-map import currently does not work with any blender newer than 2.62 (it does work with the official 2.62 release). Also, i think there is a high chance, that if you use the bleeding edge version of blender these scripts will just stop working after some blender update. At time of this writing they still work with the svn-version, but from previous experiences i know that this can change any second, you have been warned. Have fun.

DaremoK3 posted Sat, 10 March 2012 at 2:18 PM

Thank you millighost for the new update, and all your hard work.

MagicWeaver posted Sun, 22 April 2012 at 6:14 AM

thank you, it's April and they still work just fine.


manfrommars posted Mon, 30 April 2012 at 7:24 AM

i get errors with the 2.63 release.

Vaskania posted Sat, 05 May 2012 at 12:02 AM

Quote - i get errors with the 2.63 release.

Same here.

Here's my python console:

Quote - found bundled python: E:Program FilesBlender642.63python
INFO:mesh_import_dsf:execute (path = F:Daz Studio!!My LibrarydataDAZ 3DGene
sisBaseGenesis.dsf, kwargs = {'uvs': True, 'use_material': True, 'materials':
True, 'groups': True})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 276, in execute
    import_dsf_file (, import_props)
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 231, in import_dsf_file
    dsf_geom_define.define_model (geom, use_mat = 'use_mat' in props)
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 175, in define_model
    mesh_obj = self.define_geom ('Mesh', geom)
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 101, in define_geom
    mesh_dat.faces.add (len (f) // 4)
AttributeError: 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'faces'



Daz, Blender, Affinity, Substance, Unity, Python, C#

engetudo1 posted Sat, 05 May 2012 at 11:23 PM

Quote - found bundled python: E:Program FilesBlender642.63python
INFO:mesh_import_dsf:execute (path = F:Daz Studio!!My LibrarydataDAZ 3DGene
sisBaseGenesis.dsf, kwargs = {'uvs': True, 'use_material': True, 'materials':
True, 'groups': True})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 276, in execute
    import_dsf_file (, import_props)
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 231, in import_dsf_file
    dsf_geom_define.define_model (geom, use_mat = 'use_mat' in props)
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 175, in define_model
    mesh_obj = self.define_geom ('Mesh', geom)
  File "C:UsersVAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddon", line 101, in define_geom
    mesh_dat.faces.add (len (f) // 4)
AttributeError: 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'faces'



I got same error message. 2.63

I opened .pl  by text edittor once. 

I installed daz contents onother volume.



engetudo1 posted Sat, 05 May 2012 at 11:49 PM

I import "//mylibrary/data/daz 3D/genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf

and I used dsf-utils.


engetudo1 posted Sun, 06 May 2012 at 1:16 AM

consolewindow log.


found bundled python: C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63python INFO:mesh_import_dsf:execute (path = I:myfiledazstudio4MylibrarydataDAZ 3D GenesisBaseGenesis.dsf, kwargs = {'uvs': True, 'use_material': True, 'material s': True, 'groups': True}) Traceback (most recent call last):   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 100, in execute     import_dsf_file (, import_props)   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 54, in import_dsf_file     obj = dsf_geom_define.define_model (geom, use_mat = 'use_mat' in props)   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 120, in define_model     mesh_obj = self.define_geom ('Mesh', geom)   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 45, in define_geom     mesh_dat.faces.add (len (f) // 4) AttributeError: 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'faces'




blender cant tell correct path?



millighost posted Sun, 06 May 2012 at 8:02 PM

You are right, thanks for letting me know. The errors stem from blender currently implementing the bmesh model, which requires some changes in the scripts. The attached zip contains an update, containing some bugfixes for the bmesh. If you use blender 2.63 it should work. It uses and relies on bmesh, so it will not work for older blenders. I hope it will work for future blenders, too, but the bmesh stuff still seems to be a bit volatile, so it might break again.

The capability to import UV coordinates should work again; i did not check every polygon, but overall it looks right. It uses some functions from the blender api, which are less well documented, so there might be some things not right. If you notice something like that, please let me know.

Have fun - millighost

manfrommars posted Sun, 06 May 2012 at 9:36 PM

Thank you for doing this. I have always hope for pose content in Blender and now to be able to genesis in awesome.

I have a question if you don't mind.

Do you plan on implementing bone / weight map import? I would just die for blenders animation abilities. I mean Daz, Poser, and  Carrara are inferior to blender in many ways but it is especially noticeable when you want to do CA.  It does not looks like they will ever get a good timeline/dope sheet combo. I don't seeing them getting an advanced rig UI either. If you are not planning to that is ok I was just dreaming of what could be. Thank you for what you have done so far, it is much appreciated.



engetudo1 posted Sun, 06 May 2012 at 10:20 PM

thank you for your tool, and continuing improvement.

your tool is great for me and people who use daz sutido.

but  It seems something still make error.

I used your tool for 2.63 just now.

(I delete old dsf folda and pastte your new dsf folda on blender add-on folda.)

location::-1 INFO:mesh_import_dsf:execute (path = I:myfiledazstudio4MylibrarydataDAZ 3D GenesisBaseGenesis.dsf, kwargs = {'uvs': True, 'use_material': True, 'material s': True, 'groups': True}) Traceback (most recent call last):   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 100, in execute     import_dsf_file (, import_props)   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 54, in import_dsf_file     obj = dsf_geom_define.define_model (geom, use_mat = 'use_mat' in props)   File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 120, in define_model

  File "C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender2.63scriptsaddonsdsfdsf_", line 45, in define_geom     face_vis = f[4face_idx:4face_idx+4] AttributeError: 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'faces'




I wish you good luck, and look forward to use this great tool!

engetudo1 posted Sun, 06 May 2012 at 10:43 PM

I try again,Now It goes well!   ( I read .ini file and check version, try again)

Was old cash data called from blender?

at any rate now, I can call figure on 2.63.

thanks you millighost!

Vaskania posted Thu, 10 May 2012 at 10:28 AM

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or not. =/ I am using the 64bit version of Blender 2.63. Does this matter?


Quote - INFO:mesh_import_dsf:execute (path = F:3D ModelsGenesis.dsf, kwargs = {'uvs':
True, 'use_material': True, 'materials': True, 'groups': True})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:Program",
line 100, in execute
    import_dsf_file (, import_props)
  File "E:Program",
line 52, in import_dsf_file
    geom = dsf_geom_load.load_file (filename)
  File "E:Program", li
ne 48, in load_file
    geom_data = self.load_geometry (filename)
  File "E:Program", li
ne 41, in load_geometry
KeyError: 'geometry_library'



Daz, Blender, Affinity, Substance, Unity, Python, C#

millighost posted Thu, 10 May 2012 at 12:22 PM

Quote - I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or not. =/ I am using the 64bit version of Blender 2.63. Does this matter?

No, it should not matter. But the error message looks like you tried to load the wrong file. There are two files within your installation called 'Genesis.dsf'; one in .../data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf and one in .../People/Genesis/Genesis.dsf. You need to load the one from the 'Base' directory, not the one from the 'People' directory, might that be the source of the error? Hm, i see that the version you tried to load is in "3d models/Genesis.dsf" that seems to be a copy of one of those files, perhaps you copied the wrong file there?

Quote - INFO:mesh_import_dsf:execute (path = F:3D ModelsGenesis.dsf, kwargs = {'uvs':
True, 'use_material': True, 'materials': True, 'groups': True})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:Program",
line 100, in execute
    import_dsf_file (, import_props)
  File "E:Program",
line 52, in import_dsf_file
    geom = dsf_geom_load.load_file (filename)
  File "E:Program", li
ne 48, in load_file
    geom_data = self.load_geometry (filename)
  File "E:Program", li
ne 41, in load_geometry
KeyError: 'geometry_library'



Vaskania posted Mon, 14 May 2012 at 5:51 PM

Quote - There are two files within your installation called 'Genesis.dsf'; one in .../data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf and one in .../People/Genesis/Genesis.dsf. You need to load the one from the 'Base' directory, not the one from the 'People' directory, might that be the source of the error?

That was exactly the problem. Thank you.

Daz, Blender, Affinity, Substance, Unity, Python, C#

Oom posted Thu, 17 May 2012 at 8:46 AM

Thank you millighost for a great tool!

I have just got my first successful morph into DS4. It works well but I would like it to appear under "Face" rather then "Actor". I suspect it is a fairly easy job with a text editor if you know what to add where, but I don't. Can anyone enlight me on this?

Cheers! Oom

millighost posted Thu, 17 May 2012 at 11:15 AM

Quote - Thank you millighost for a great tool!

I have just got my first successful morph into DS4. It works well but I would like it to appear under "Face" rather then "Actor". I suspect it is a fairly easy job with a text editor if you know what to add where, but I don't. Can anyone enlight me on this?

Cheers! Oom

With a text editor it is easy: Look in the generated dsf-file for a line that reads

"region": "Actor",

and change it to

"region": "Face",

Then your morph will be listed in the Face section of the Parameters tab. Of course, this works for the other regions, too. If you misspell it (e.g. "region": "thingwithnoseinit"), it will be shown in no particular region, but below the regions in the parameter tab.

Oom posted Thu, 17 May 2012 at 3:08 PM

Worked like a charm :)


Oom posted Mon, 21 May 2012 at 10:46 PM

Just wanted to say that I am surprised how easy it is to make morphs in blender. And with the Cycles engine you have live rendering while you work 👍

Thanks again (better spelling this time) Oom

unnyFies posted Wed, 27 June 2012 at 4:03 PM

I know it's a late reply to this thread (the last one is more than a month ago), but I had to say "thank you".

This tool is easy to use, works smoothly and is astoundingly powerful.

This tool is great.

You are great, millighost.


Thank you again,  very, very much.

Oom posted Mon, 09 July 2012 at 12:52 AM

I agree with unnyFies, Thank You millighost!

I would like to use this tool for other figures then Genesis. I guess you would have to tweak the generated dsf some. Any one with any idea on what needs to be looked at?

Cheers! Oom

millighost posted Mon, 09 July 2012 at 7:20 PM

> Quote - I agree with unnyFies, Thank You millighost! > > I would like to use this tool for other figures then Genesis. I guess you would have to tweak the generated dsf some. Any one with any idea on what needs to be looked at? > > Cheers! Oom

Normally this should work for other figures as well. Two things might get into the way, though.
  1: Other figures might contain other polygons next to quadliterals. This is an oversight by me in the importer script, because i was thinking all dsf models had only quads. I have attached an updated version of the scripts, that fixes this bug.
  2: To make DS find your morphs after you exported them, you have to copy the exported dsf into the right place. What "the right place" is exactly i am not sure, but it seems always to be a directory named "Morphs" relative to the directory where the item data is located in; for example, i have those boots by dx30 called Workboots for genesis. There are two boots, WorkBootsL and WorkBootR. The data files for the WorkBootL is in:

     (dsdata4 is the name of my DS content directory)

  Now i create a morph for that boot by loading this file into blender, create a shapekey, and export is into the file bootmorph.dsf.
  I have to copy the bootmorph.dsf somewhere into the directory


to let DS4 find it and make it usable, i.e. it has to be in the Morphs directory next to the data file. It does not seem to matter if there are additional directory components after the name. For example copying it into one of these will both work:


You might still want to tweek one thing within the exported dsf file; in the generated file there is this section called "modifier_library" containing a "group", it looks like this:

  "modifier_library": [
      "formulas": [],
      "group": "/Universal",
      "parent": "/data/dx30/WorkBoots/WorkBootL/WorkBootL.dsf#WorkBootL",
The line '"group": "/Universal"' specifies where you can find the morph in DS4's Parameters tab. By default it is "/Universal" which makes it appear in the Universal section of the Parameters tab, but you can enter any name there. All that i do to make it appear in another section is, for example, change it to:

      "group": "/Millighost",

Other than that, everything should work out of the box. Let me know if there are any problems.

Oom posted Fri, 13 July 2012 at 2:03 AM

Thank you for you answerand the update!  
I will try this in the weekend.

Cheers! Oom

heinz0r posted Sun, 28 October 2012 at 8:19 AM

Seems like the new format changes etc pretty much screwed the importer over, am I right? At least when I try to import the genesis.dsf from Studio 4.5 it gives tons of errors.

FigureSculptor posted Fri, 02 November 2012 at 7:15 PM

Quote - Seems like the new format changes etc pretty much screwed the importer over, am I right? At least when I try to import the genesis.dsf from Studio 4.5 it gives tons of errors.


The problem you're experiencing (I think) is that 4.5 supports two different .dsf versions, one that's the old fashioned JSON text file, and a new compressed file format. Fortunately, the new format is actually nothing more than a file in the old format that's been gzipped. That's easy enough to account for in the scripts. In the four files, you can add an import at the top:

import gzip

 and then in the load_file method, change the code to un-gzip the data before parsing if the parse operation gives an error, like so:

<span style="font-family:'courier new', courier;"> @classmethod def load_file (self, filename, opts = None): try: jdata = json.load (open (filename, 'r')) except ValueError: f =, 'rb') file_content = decoder = json.JSONDecoder() jdata = decoder.decode(file_content.decode("utf-8")) si_arm = self.get_armature_from_jdata (jdata) return si_arm </span>

You'll have to make the change in four different files (dsf_arm_load, dsf_geom_load, dsf_morph_load, dsf_uvset_load). I've fixed a few other issues with 2.64 and/or DS 4.5, so if Millighost gives the okay, I'll share my revised scripts.

Another change I've made that some people might be interested in is supporting the import of multiple morph targets or uvsets at once. I'm also about 90% done an addition that imports the armature and pose data out of a .duf file (might also work with .dsf - haven't checked). Again, if Millighost gives teh okay, I'll share the revised scripts.

meipe posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 3:30 AM

Sorry, FigureSculptor, could you post that code with identation?

Thanks! :)

meipe posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 8:49 AM

Forget it, I figured it out, the important thing is to handle exception, so replace:

jdata = json.load (open (filename, 'r'))


        jdata = json.load (open (filename, 'r'))
    except ValueError:
        f =, 'rb')
        file_content =
        decoder = json.JSONDecoder()
        jdata = decoder.decode(file_content.decode("utf-8"))

Anyway, I was mondering... Is there any way of handling symmetry while morphing in editmode in Blender? I mean, without creating new mesh (add modifier->mirror or mesh option-> x symmetry). It is possible in sculpt mode...


FigureSculptor posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 1:45 PM



Sorry about that, I'm not sure what happened with that code. It looked correct when I typed it in using the



I've done a fair bit of development on the dsf scripts. I'm gonna hope that Millighost is okay with this, but I'm posting my versions of his dsf tools. I've made a bunch of changes. I didn't really keep track of what I did, but offhand, I can think of the following:

You can find the scripts here: - if this is not okay with you, say the word, and I'll yank the files down. 

I'll gladly take suggestions and bug reports as long as Millighost is okay with it.


millighost posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 7:14 PM

> Quote - Millghost - if this is not okay with you, say the word, and I'll yank the files down. > > I'll gladly take suggestions and bug reports as long as Millighost is okay with it. > > FS

i am fine with that. (the official way should have been first ask, then

redistribute, so do not let the copyright police know ... :-) Read on...

First, here is an updated version of my scripts.


a newly created armature object. Give it the Genesis.dsf in the data directory to load.

It loads the bones in the same orientation as they are in the DS-file, so it might look

a bit strange, but it is not meant to be a rig, only the mesh deforming armature.

dsf-file into vertex groups (the geometry file has to be the active object for this). It

can import the different weight maps separately or combined (by averaging them), it

does not bind the geometry to the armature, however, mainly because i have to still

figure out, how (blender's interpolation is different than DS's interpolation). If you

have any ideas, let me know...

Because we are obviously working on very similar things, it might be beneficial to

combine (or split) our works. PM me if interested.

EDIT: for some reason the layout is messed up (too wide), inserted linebreaks, apologies.

FigureSculptor posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 7:44 PM

Very cool!

I'm looking forward to looking at your code. I tried to follow your conventions and style as
much as I could. While I'm an experienced coder, I am NOT an experienced Python coder,
and often make things unpythonic (and also harder than necessary) :)

I did PM you when I started working on this, but I'll drop you another one. I'm more than
happy to pitch in on whatever you're not focusing on. I did the armature and pose stuff for
a practical reason - I needed it for a project I'm working on. I won't at all be upset if I can
throw it all out now. :)

It boggles my mind that there's still no good way to transfer poses from DAZ to Blender (if
you know of one, please share - BVH is the best I've found, but it screws up some of the

I'm especially interested in looking at your bone orientation code. I found that trying
change the bone roll caused problems with constraints and setting bone transformations
from pose data. Been trying to figure out if this is a coordinate system problem, object vs.
pose vs. world space issue or what. I ended up leaving all bones at 0° roll.

MWMPHX posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 8:02 PM

Quote - You can find the scripts here:

I'd love to check out your scripts but there's no way

I'm going to install some site's 'download' manager.

That's just asking for a world of trouble.

FigureSculptor posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 8:07 PM

Quote - I'd love to check out your scripts but there's no way I'm going to install some site's 'download' manager. That's just asking for a world of trouble.

If you're seeing the download manager, you're clicking on an ad, not on the Sendspace download link. The one you want looks like this:

Not like this:

MWMPHX posted Sun, 04 November 2012 at 11:22 PM

ah! gotcha. thanks.

"oh...thats very different... nevermind." :D

FigureSculptor posted Mon, 05 November 2012 at 6:11 AM

Quote - ah! gotcha. thanks.

"oh...thats very different... nevermind." :D

Yeah, it's gotten me more than once. Probably should've chosen a different file host, but
all the free ones offer ads, and most of the ones with ads seem to run variations on that. :(

SickleYield posted Fri, 25 January 2013 at 1:23 PM

Hallo again.  I know there's been some delay, but I wanted to remark on the earlier difficulties people had.

For some reason DS4.5 will indeed show an old format .dsf morph correctly - once, just after installation.  After that the morph dial will do nothing.  One can get around that by using this script in the original way to export the .dsf.  Then load DAZ and Genesis and turn the morph to its maximum. 

Use file--save as--Support Asset--Morph Assets to save the morph.  The saved one will work properly and consistently afterward. 

This ONLY works if you do it on the FIRST loading of the morph, the one where it still dials in correctly.  I have no idea why DS4.5 can read the "unreadable" format just the one time, but I've proven it by experiment repeatedly (and you can too).

SilverDolphin posted Sun, 24 February 2013 at 5:54 AM

Ok my bad, I tried installing myself and it failed! I used the install fuction of Blender and it installed!

Do the happy dance it works!

TaishoBee posted Sun, 17 March 2013 at 10:35 PM

This is amazing. I wish it worked in Poser. I might try this with Daz Studio, since I have this to look at. I'm so new to Blender that I have installed it, opened it, got scared, and closed it. lol

Poser Pro 11 (always updated to current version available) . Laptop Specs: Intel Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz :: 16 GB Ram :: Windows 10 Pro

bmw850 posted Sat, 16 May 2015 at 4:26 PM

So im attempting to use this addon, but I get an error as as soon as I activate the addon.

Here is the error that I am getting :

Anyone have any ideas? I even tried older versions of blender going back to 2.68, getting errors in all of them. Not the same one everytime but errors none the less.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Lobo3433 posted Sat, 16 May 2015 at 10:16 PM Forum Moderator

Hello bmw850

I also saw your post on Blender Artist and just curious did you download the latest version of the script which would be  khalibloo_panel_update15_4  I downloaded it and installed then saved user setting restarted blender and the script is running just fine with no errors on loading. Even when I installed it toggled and checked the System Console window and I am not getting any errors. If you have not installed the newest version I would try removing the add on saving user settings and then re-installing it after you have restarted Blender. Sometimes a file may become corrupt and removing the old version and installing the new add on might solve the problem

Good Luck 


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bmw850 posted Mon, 18 May 2015 at 1:04 PM

I have tried that update, still having issues with it. But regardless, That doesent help me with the DSF files.

Lobo3433 posted Tue, 19 May 2015 at 8:49 AM Forum Moderator

Hello bmw850

Ok I reread this thread from the start the script you are having issue with is the dsf import script from millighost the dsf-utils add which is actually a different add on than the Khalibloo add on. Now I did try the one from millghost and for some reason yes that one gave me the same errors you showed in your screen shot. Looking at the one that is available seems it is a bit dated and perhaps has not been updated to deal with the obj issue mentioned by Khalibloo in the Blender Artist forum. I might suggest that you contact millighost directly since it is his scripts and perhaps he has a new update that resolves the issues you are having. You can always send him a site mail thru Renderosity by going to his contact page. 


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bruce32466 posted Fri, 11 September 2015 at 10:46 PM

Is this script still relevant for blender 2.75 and Daz 4.8? How and where do I install the script/s? which ones do I need to install? Ive been looking for something like this for a while.

Lobo3433 posted Sat, 12 September 2015 at 10:36 AM Forum Moderator

The Khalibloo script is still available thru the Blender Artist forum but if not mistaken you might have to create and account to download the scripts and he has been updating and maintaining the scripts to be current with Blender plus he has allot of useful information in his thread to help you with the scripts Khalibloo Panel I feel currently if you are going to attempt to make morphs for Genesis this is the best option


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bruce32466 posted Sat, 12 September 2015 at 10:49 AM

thank you for the reply. I have used khalibloo panel to bring genesis to blender but didn't realize I can import dsf files from daz as well. Must look into that.

Lobo3433 posted Wed, 16 September 2015 at 10:11 AM Forum Moderator

He is continuing development and keeping it up to date and does encourage users to post potential bugs or difficulties so he can improve the tool or offer help in troubleshooting if you get stuck


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jorge.dorlando posted Fri, 08 June 2018 at 2:48 PM

It´s no accepting set addon ... Solution?

Lobo3433 posted Sat, 09 June 2018 at 9:22 AM Forum Moderator

jorge.dorlando posted at 10:21AM Sat, 09 June 2018 - #4331386

It´s no accepting set addon ... Solution?

Are you getting and error message and are you using the latest download of the addon?


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jorge.dorlando posted Sat, 09 June 2018 at 11:40 AM

I downloaded it: Lobo3433 posted at 1:39PM Sat, 09 June 2018 - #4331435

jorge.dorlando posted at 10:21AM Sat, 09 June 2018 - #4331386

It´s no accepting set addon ... Solution?

Are you getting and error message and are you using the latest download of the addon?

jorge.dorlando posted Sat, 09 June 2018 at 11:43 AM

aadon err.jpg

Lobo3433 posted Sun, 10 June 2018 at 9:04 AM Forum Moderator

Hello jorge.dorlando

If you are using the script from the that is over 4 years old and has not been updated since the newer script that I posted a link to above is to Khalibloo Panel which can be downloaded from you may also want to read the thread at Blender Artist since this script is still under development and may still have a few issues the developer of the scripts is always willing to help but he has to be contact thru Blender Artist as that is where the script is being offered for download


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jorge.dorlando posted Mon, 11 June 2018 at 6:22 PM

Thank you very much! Now I can set at addon kalibloo and it´s acepting . I no see can the import genesis option not. But think wich i are realize how soon. I deleted smillegohst addon, that no accepted!

Lobo3433 posted Tue, 12 June 2018 at 8:57 AM Forum Moderator

I am glad was able to help there are some instructions in the thread of the developers post on Blender Artist there is allot of information there that you will find useful


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davesf posted Tue, 08 September 2020 at 9:34 AM

It seems this tool has seen more development as part of Khalibloo panel-

Source Code:


I also updated the base source code to work on Blender 2.79, though there is probably more work in the above project