Forum: Photography

Subject: DITI(do it to it) for the week September 19, 2011

BIPOLARTWO opened this issue on Sep 20, 2011 · 37 posts

BIPOLARTWO posted Tue, 20 September 2011 at 5:26 PM

No one posted a new image this week-I believe that it should have been auntietk who posted as she was first to post on last week's image.

So if no one objects i will post an image to keep things going until something is sorted out.

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

MrsLubner posted Tue, 20 September 2011 at 6:07 PM

Wonderful. Thank you for the post. :-)  If those were hollow and you could fill them with cream, can you imagine the amount of butter you'd have after a day's work???

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

myrrhluz posted Tue, 20 September 2011 at 9:54 PM

Great image to play with! Thanks!

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 12:26 AM

I decided to find out what the DITI is all about and it's such a great idea!!! I figure I might just join in the fun :-)

mariogiannecchini posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 1:25 AM

Molto bene, Pete ! Continuiamo a divertirci !

Very good, Pete! We continue to have fun!

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 1:49 AM

I tried attaching my file but having difficulty - will try again :-)

BIPOLARTWO posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 1:50 AM

Make sure that you get the file size right or it won't upload

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 1:53 AM

Yup! I thought it was small but it wasn't!!!  

Trying again :-)

BIPOLARTWO posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:02 AM

AH' you have done this before-Very nice start.

Hope you realise that the onus is now on you to post the starting image next monday.....

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:22 AM

I've done it with my own stuff often :-)  And yes, I do realize - my brain's already ticking!!!  Just remind me if I happen to forget :-D

mariogiannecchini posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:35 AM

Important is to start! Good start, Eutopia!

Importante è cominciare ! Buon inizio , Eutopia !


mariogiannecchini posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:38 AM

My 1

Seen through a frosted glass

BIPOLARTWO posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:42 AM

A dark frosted glass?---It's not here.

Kazam---Just like magic it appeared out of nowhere---Terrific effect,remind's me of the good old pub day's

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

BIPOLARTWO posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:43 AM

Ouch' Hot

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

mariogiannecchini posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:45 AM

Excellent work , Pete ! Splendid colors !

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:54 AM

Very cool!

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:55 AM

Or should I say hot - haha

BIPOLARTWO posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 2:59 AM

It's cool to be hot and hot to be cool so my kid's often tell me

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

Eutopia posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 3:01 AM


dashboard_jehovah posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 9:40 AM

Interesting image to work with.

Used Flaming Pear Superblade Pro to give it a rusted and weathered finish.

Dried out grass with color selection adjustments.

BIPOLARTWO posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 9:53 AM

Really nice effects-Look's really like it should have been lying outside

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

MrsLubner posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 10:10 AM

These are wonderful ideas you guys have come up with!

Flannel Knight's Photos
Forum Moderator
"It please me to take amateur photographs of my garden,
and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look
                                          Robert Brault

Feliciti posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 10:54 AM

thanks for the photo again , will try it in the next days the moment i must work so much

...very beautiful variations and ideas done  for now !!

TomDart posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 1:14 PM

I will put a photo variation up fairly soon.  This is an extremely busy week!



This might be a good idea,


Diti starts with a photo. Others download the large version(click) and do it to it.

The idea is to have fun by manipulating the original or following postings, either fun stuff or serious photo improvement, whatever.  800px max width.

The next Diti begins ideally the start of the next week, Monday preferred.

The person to do the next Diti is the first person to respond to the previous Diti. If you are that person cannot do it, please advise the next in line to take over starting new one.

3 images limit posted per person 

There are no winners or losers.

SUGGESTION To avoid confusion, it might be best for the original poster to *wait until after someone else has posted * to upload his or her manipulations.


If someone messes up, forgets or posts an extra image, they will be soundly pummeled with soggy califlower or the vegetable of choice from your home area. With several countries represented, you might become an exotic salad for a day.  Otherwise, we recognize human fragility and no blame will be assigned. WE BE HERE TO HAVE A JOLLY GOOD TIME. 

If I have messed up here, PJ will let me know and I will be assigned to gardening in her yard for three days.

TomDart posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 1:58 PM

Here 'tis...

emmecielle posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 3:20 PM

Beautiful images posted! I don't know if I'll be able to do something... from tomorrow until Saturday I'll be home of my son to look after the grandchildren! :-)


emmecielle posted Wed, 21 September 2011 at 5:02 PM

** Dreaming...**

I made ​​the initial image darker and then I put the effect of radial blur zoom method. I added the background of Blue Eyes by 7Roses1BbrokenHeart of DeviantArt.  At the end, I completed everything with DreamySuite DreamyPhoto, blue dream effect.  :-)







BIPOLARTWO posted Fri, 23 September 2011 at 5:00 AM

Really nice work and some terrific end results

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

mariogiannecchini posted Fri, 23 September 2011 at 5:48 AM

Un sogno ad occhi aperti !!! Ottima realizzazione !!!

Beautiful work . Tom !

mariogiannecchini posted Fri, 23 September 2011 at 6:07 AM

N° 2

Feliciti posted Fri, 23 September 2011 at 6:09 PM

all really cool and creative ideas/work with this great photo!!

now one try from me...with autumn color themes, my brushes in gold on the rusty thing, dreamy effect from the free virtual photographer plugin and frame with mosaic plugin all in photoshop

wish a nice weekend too !!

BIPOLARTWO posted Fri, 23 September 2011 at 6:37 PM

Very nice images people.

Dear Feliciti this thing is a grass roller which is in this instance used on a golf course green to keep it flat and smooth

Equal right's for photographer's because i will be one - one day...................

Feliciti posted Sat, 24 September 2011 at 6:41 AM

awww ok i know this but a bit smaller :)

mariogiannecchini posted Sat, 24 September 2011 at 12:15 PM

N° 3

blinkings posted Sat, 24 September 2011 at 6:58 PM

Great work everyone. And now, at least we know why Flat Stanley was always soooo flat!

dashboard_jehovah posted Sat, 24 September 2011 at 8:49 PM

LOL...good to see you back!

myrrhluz posted Sun, 25 September 2011 at 11:55 PM

I'm slipping in just under the wire.  It's been a busy week, but I wanted to get one image in.  Wonderful image and great variations from all here!