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New EEF has arrived:
Vue 10.5 Infinite - Build 10501849 - EEFThe following is a list of bug fixes and improvements included in this update:
Publishing Date: EEF 08/23/2012
- Fixed OpenGL crashes on Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
- Fixed a potential crash when rendering animations.
- Fixed bad rendering of mixed materials using normal mapping with a normal amplitude inferior to 1.
- Fixed potential crash in TurboSmooth subdivision algorithm (Loop), depending on mesh involved.
- Fixed a crash when using response slider with camera track and link.
- Fixed several issues in macros
- EcoSystems: - Fixed a potential crash when handling Spline EcoSystem effects in dynamic population mode, with a geometry effect on the same spline.
- Fixed fade out color in EcoSystems (especially visible with refractive instances).
- Fixed a crash during the spherical conversion of a scene containing a spline EcoSystem effect.
- Fixed spline population with stacking and regular alignment enabled.
- Fixed wrong EcoSystem instances positions when an old rock (before Vue 10) saved as .vob is loaded in an EcoSystem.
- Fixed a crash when closing material editor opened for the global ecosystem material from the eco-painter.
- Fixed Eco-painting in non-airbrush mode.
- Fixed the number of stacked instances with force regular alignment, on a spline effect (half of the expected value).
- Fixed a crash when populating a previously stored EcoSystem material in a snapshot.
- Fixed a crash when deleting an animated cloud layer in the atmosphere editor.
- Fixed a crash when loading a cloud layer proxy saved as a .vob object (which is now forbidden).
- Fixed a crash in atmosphere editor, in cloud material preview, at the end of a render in a view.
- Fixed a problem when cliking the "new" button in the atmosphere editor (orphan cloud layers were left in the viewports).
- Fixed the loading of old scenes (in which cloud layer materials have an offset).
- Changes in sun position were not undoable.
- Fixed shadows during opengl rendering (sketch) with shader engine
- Fixed the display of the grid in filter editors.
- Fixed potential texturing issue in Metablob rendering (texture in the back showing up on front blob).
- Fixed blocked zoom in the render display (small wheel movements could be ignored with some mouses).
- Fixed a display bug (orphan icon in the render stack after manually stacking the last render).
- Fixed unvoluntary camera movements when rendering (when zooming in the render display after having minimized and maximized Vue).
- Fixed some issues with main view based aspect.
- Improved interface responsiveness.
- Fixed the impossibility to resize the timeline area when an OpenGL view was maximized.
- Fixed a potential crash with opengl and metaclouds and Purge Memory.
- RenderNode / Standalone Renderer: - Fixed wrong output format options used for animations, when option -frame or -range is present in the command line.
- Fixed different Anti-aliasing results in RenderNode compared to Vue, when rendering an animation with "automatic" Anti-aliasing strategy.
- Fixed a crash when rendering a scene with a Pre-Animated Mesh using Turbo Smooth.
- Mazak
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