Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Magnifying Glass - How to strengthen or invert the effect?

monkeycloud opened this issue on Jan 21, 2013 ยท 66 posts

monkeycloud posted Mon, 21 January 2013 at 2:38 AM

Done some searching and trawling, but I've not found anything that quite explains this adequately for my poor Monday brain...

This is probably quite basic stuff, and I know I should experiment more... sorry... but I am hoping someone might already know the answer and give me some guidance :)

I'm trying to make the effect of looking through the reverse side of a magnifying glass.

I'm using the Refract Node at present... is this correct, for starters?

What settings do I need to increase / decrease / invert to get the effect I'm after?

Many thanks for any advice or guidance you can give here...

p.s. I am trying to combine this with reflection ultimately, to get a reasonable glass like appearance, with real reflections. But let's start with the basic refraction effect I guess? I clearly need to understand this some more, relative to Poser's Refract node etc...