Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: Order# 112387469 Has Broken Product Zips

Byrdie opened this issue on Sep 06, 2013 · 4 posts

Byrdie posted Fri, 06 September 2013 at 12:09 PM

Bought the Leather N Lace outfit by Dreamer Z_Loft during the recent clearance sale -- which was a lovely idea,btw -- but when I went to install it the zips contained only the readme and texture files, all of the other folders were empty. Thinking maybe my download got borked I tried it again. I downloaded both zips but once more everything but the textures was missing. I am using the latest Chrome browser, no download manager, and unzipped with WinRar as usual. This sort of thing has never happened before. Could you please check and see what went wrong? Thanks.