Forum: MarketPlace Customers

Subject: Banner hidden

Tipol opened this issue on Sep 28, 2013 · 5 posts

Tipol posted Sat, 28 September 2013 at 9:11 AM

I can not see the banners that I added to my banner manager, I do not know if they are visible to others when they are online, but I do not see them on my dashboard.

Thank you for help.

TinaK posted Sat, 28 September 2013 at 9:31 AM


Check them again and let me know if you still can not see them.  Admin has to approve them and I did see there was one that was unapproved so I went ahead and took care of it.


If you are still not seeing them can you tell me what date you created them?

Tina Kaylor

Community Manager

Tipol posted Sat, 28 September 2013 at 9:48 AM

No its the same, the banners are approved  but I can't see the banners (see the link)

StaceyG posted Sat, 28 September 2013 at 10:55 AM

It's got to be somethign on your end with your browswer settings or something as I see them just fine. See attached screenshot.  What browser and version are you using and I would suggest looking at your settings there since we can see them logged in as you in your VCR it would have to be something on your end causing you to have them "hidden"

Tipol posted Sat, 28 September 2013 at 11:15 AM

I looked at the page with IE and indeed all appear, but with Fire Fox they do not appear. Yet Renderosity is always exceptions to the popup windows do not block them. I have not changed anything, I do not know if Firefox has a new update, but can if that's the case I'm not being the only one in this case. Unless the problem comes from your side and a change prevents users from fire fox to see the banners.