Forum: Community Center

Subject: Changing colours for forum layout?

Tiny opened this issue on Jan 13, 2014 · 8 posts

Tiny posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 4:22 AM

I thought this would be easy info to find but for some reason I can't. I have dark background and blue-ish text and I can't read it.

Advice please.

TinaK posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 9:02 AM

Hi Tiny,

Let me see if I can help.  Can you tell me which browser you are using?

Also which area are you seeing these colors?  I use Chrome and in the forums I do have a dark background but I have white lettering.

Tina Kaylor

Community Manager

Tiny posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 9:07 AM

Thanks for helping out.

I said wrong, I meant the colours when I do a search. Sorry about that. I have problems reading the results of the search. Anyway I can change those colours?

TinaK posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 9:29 AM

I assume it is search in the Marketplace or sitewide?

Also which browser are you using?

Here is a screenshot of how I am seeing Marketplace search.


Tina Kaylor

Community Manager

Tiny posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 10:18 AM

It's when I do a search on the forums. I'd like to change the blue you see at the top of every result, IFYSWI This is what it looks like for me. 

TinaK posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 10:29 AM

Thanks for the informaiton and it does help.  At this time search in the forums has not received our Bootstrap as have other areas of our site.  It's coming I promise.  So until then there is nothing that can be changed on your end to improve it.


Wish I had better news.


Tina Kaylor

Community Manager

Tiny posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 11:36 AM

Ok, no problem. At least I can stop looking for a solution. :)

Thanks for you patience.
Have a lovely evening, or day depending on where you are.


TinaK posted Mon, 13 January 2014 at 11:46 AM

Thanks Tiny.


You have a wonderful day/night as well.

Tina Kaylor

Community Manager