RorrKonn opened this issue on May 06, 2015 · 62 posts
RorrKonn posted Wed, 06 May 2015 at 4:40 PM
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
pumeco posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 5:58 AM
Just so you know, they're blocking it outside the US, which is kinda pointelss if they're trying to sell some music :-D
Sure I could use a proxy but I'm not going to bother. Makes me wonder when it's going to dawn upon these companies that all they need to do to avoid this locale-based licencing bullshit, is make it part of their terms of service that all uploads will be available worldwide. It's easy to get around this manipulative bullshit, but it still makes my blood boil that musicians support distributors with such pointless, sales-damaging locale based service agreements in place.
AmbientShade posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 9:24 AM
Yeah that's buggin me too. Got stuck on watchin clips of this british series thanks to youtube and was tryin to find links for where I could watch full episodes but keep runnin into roadblocks cause it's not available in the states. Maybe it's on netflix but i doubt it. Was mainly just interested in the two characters cause it was a pretty sad storyline, but now I'm hooked on the whole damned show. lol.
pumeco posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 2:22 PM
Shane, Brit's who are abroad have that same problem when they're in the US etc, and still want to watch BBC stuff but discover it gets blocked outside the UK (they like to watch BBC iPlayer etc). Using a UK proxy should sort it for you, and while even some proxies get blocked, others don't.
RorrKonn posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 5:54 PM
does hinder's when the smoke clears play for ya on youtube ?
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
pumeco posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 7:06 PM
I just found a couple of songs from the album on YouTube, sounds a bit swingy for that sort of music (if that's the right word). I like the sound, but I don't like the style for that sound because it sounds too happy to belong to those tones. Bear in mind I don't even know enough about this music to know the exact genre of those tracks.
Out of curiosity, what genre (or subgenre) is it?
I noticed there's quite a few when it comes to Metal.
DeathMetalDesk posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 7:17 PM
DeathMetalDesk posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 7:25 PM
the proper label for the genre of music that RorrKonn posted is corporate rock, not to be mistaken as Metal.
Sorry RorrKonn.
pumeco posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 7:54 PM
It does sound commercial, quite polished.
BTW, liked the Gojira track, doesn't sound too weedy like a lot of that stuff does, and at least whoever mastered it had the sense to scoop the mids. You should try listening to some of this stuff on monitoring headphones, bloody awful some of it, but that Gojira track was pretty full sounding.
DeathMetalDesk posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 8:15 PM
Mmmm, I have a fondness for good production in that I listen to a vast scope of musical styles. The production needs to serve the intent of the art, for instance many types of extreme music utilize a calculatedly terrible sounding production deliberately; Black Metal, Grindcore, Crusty Punk, Sludge, Drone, and Japanese Noisecore come to mind. It was something that was unintentional in classics of the genres, but as time went on it became adopted as a kind of deliberate aural color palette.
pumeco posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 9:03 PM
I know, but I hate to hear Metal when it's thin and weedy sounding or too polished, sounds better thick and solid. A lot of those Metal bands sound ok on general listening headphones, but put them though monitoring headphones and it can turn unbearably nasty. The Gojira track sounds surprisingly good even on the monitors which is pretty rare with Metal music such as that (that's a compliment).
To me, Pop music generally sounds better polished, but Metal should have lead balls and be held together with grit, and the last thing you want for "lead balls" is excessive mids washing over it. Classical and Orchestral is a measured mixture of the two and sounds like shit if it's not approached in elements (IE: a bass needs it's bass, but triangles and tambourines need air). Rock falls somewhere between Pop and Metal when it sounds good.
DeathMetalDesk posted Thu, 07 May 2015 at 9:14 PM
My playlist has been a mix of bluegrass, alt folk, dark ambient and ambient, and stoner rock/metal lately...
Really liking the new Angel Olsen record, Burn Your Fire for no Witness (it's on YouTube).
RorrKonn posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 1:45 AM
it's a Gibson flying V
I have a hard time finding 2015's music like music I listen to back in the day but
hinder's when the smoke clears full cd
is close.
I really like hinders songs
you all can call it what ever ya want we didn't have 10 million genres
it was country,top 40,rock ,hard rock ,Ozzy was what we called metal back then.
I just call hinder rock.
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
Razor42 posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 3:23 AM
I thought this one would be more you guys style. ;_
Or a bit softer more old school kind of sound.
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 6:30 AM
Didn't see that full album upload, I'll listen to ya album later then. So what is it that causes people to think of Rock as Metal or get confused? And before you say 'not knowing the genres', I know that (which I don't), and I hardly take notice of genres anyway, but to be fair there's so many now it's just ... lol. Rock didn't even enter my head when I heard a couple of their tracks, so there's either something Metal about them or maybe they're doing something not usually done in Rock music.
I can't remember exacty what video it was in, but you're no doubt aware of Infidelamsterdam on YouTube, and there's a video where he talks about subgenres. Sounds like he has the same opinion as you (and me) - there's too many subgenres now.
I like Ambient and Industrial, but not folk - but I don't dislike Folk - I just don't listen to it. The real wrist-cutter for me is Gospel music, I absolutely cannot stand Gospel music, I f*cking hate it with a vengeance! It's like everyone has been given a happy-pill and, on command, they all start moving around frantically like someone let a scorpian loose in their pants - and the bit inbetween the first and last note is some kind of hell - a very different hell to a likeable hell. I actually sat and thought once (yeah I know), I wondered to myself, other than physical pain, what could be worse than being shoved into a room and forced to listen to Gospel with some headphones strapped to your head so that they can't be removed no matter how hard you try.
Scary stuff.
Steel Panther - Seemed like the same sort of style RorrKonn posted.
Behemoth - That's more like it, that's a lot more like the chords and tones I expect when I think "Metal" - and the video was fantastic!
Trivium - Sounds a bit teenish, like a version of Steel Panther but for a younger audience (maybe the vocal though, I dunno).
Liking your carefully modified avatar!
RorrKonn posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 9:18 AM
I like
religion music is the only ones that follow the 5th with the 4th is why it sounds like it does
I don't care what genres it is if I like it I like it.
stay off religion or they lock the thread
ya done got 5 or more of my threads lock it gets old.
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 10:03 AM
They're not going to lock your thread just because I said I don't like Gospel, it's a musical non-preference nothing to do with religion :-D
Couldn't give a crap that Gospel is connected to religion (wouldn't make me like it any more or any less). I think Gospel is erratic, irritating shit cause that's exactly what it sounds like to me. Anyway, I told you about that last time, going on about me getting your threads locked. I don't get your threads locked, people with thin-skins lock them!
RorrKonn posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 12:49 PM
I think we wondered off the page.
back on page :)
I'd stay till the end ;)
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 1:33 PM
Yeah, well you needed to post something after that little rant, you grumpy old fart ;-)
But yup, pretty sure I'd stay till the end as well.
It's not Metal, but here's a little something to thank you for the babes - it's got hot 'Retro Babes' in it (one of my fave subjects). It's been known to turn Metal Heads into Disco Dancers. Click to view it on YouTube though, it's much more bouncy in Full Screen mode :-P
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 2:12 PM
Just for completeness, here's the live version, I think it's ridiculous this guy was a "One-Hit Wonder" - cause that's a very catchy track by any standard:
DeathMetalDesk posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 4:04 PM
Lol. Awesome.
Here's a suggestion pumeco, search_
Cephalic Carnage Ohrwurm
can't link to it because It's a heavy violation. NSFW.
To others, do not search my above suggestion.
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 4:29 PM
I'm not sure I should after reading the way your worded that, sounds a bit dodgy - lol
Alright ... hang on then ...
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 4:56 PM
Well, I searched it on YouTube and the thumbnail looked interesting, but it's age restricted. Apparently logging in to YouTube proves to them you're an adult even though it does nothing of the sort (it's just datamining). So, me being me (and not being dumb enought to sign up to anything Google operates), I just searched on Vimeo instead and found it there, unrestricted, using their better quality player and they didn't pretend to need to know my age (thankyou Vimeo). Anyway, I liked the first half for obvious reasons, but you can keep the second half!
BTW, those links you posted earlier, you added an image to it, is that the new art you were working on?
At the time, I thought it was one of the covers of the albums you were linking to, never entered my head it might be your new piece. Anyway, it looks like a fight, and someone trying to get out of the way - definitely looks original :-)
DeathMetalDesk posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 5:12 PM
Otto Dix...
pumeco posted Fri, 08 May 2015 at 6:10 PM
Ah right, well at least I probably got the fight bit right then :-D
FrankT posted Sat, 09 May 2015 at 2:10 PM
@deathmetaldesk That was a pretty decent track actually. I rather liked it.
@pumeco - ever come across Meshuggah? You might like them if you like Behemoth
I love me some metal - been listening to thrash metal for about 30 years now :) I remember when Tom Araya of Slayer actually looked young!
DeathMetalDesk posted Sat, 09 May 2015 at 2:39 PM
long time Meshuggah fan here... seen them live many times. Linked 'New Millennium Cyanide Christ' earlier in the thread (along with Gojira and Pig Destroyer), also like early Slayer a lot. Also saw them numerous times, although the Last time was in the 90's... undisputed attitude tour.
pumeco posted Sat, 09 May 2015 at 3:47 PM
Yup, I've heard a few of theirs, there's even one posted in this thread (or was it the other thread) - either RorrKonn or DMD posted one.
Have to say I prefer Behemoth, both the sound and the style, I'm not sure what it's technically called, but I like Doom Metal crossed with Death Metal, and the more melodic it is, the better, just as long as the chords stay dramatic and doomy sounding - happy sounding Metal just doesn't work for me - don't like it. I don't know what you four would make of this album (Psalms for The Dead) but I quite like it, almost all the songs on it are either good or decent (and the audio aspect is good as well). The only thing that's not ideal is the vocal, it's ok, but I'd love to hear an album like this but with a more growly vocal - that would be awesome - a vocal somewhere between Death Metal and, well, I dunno, standard Metal if there is such a thing (like I said, I'm clueless regards all that genre stuff):
But I'm pretty new to all this Metal stuff, I really only started getting into it a few years ago, and to be honest, I was never really a fan of it at all before then. I don't know what happened exactly, but I think it was a combination of a conversation I had with someone I enjoyed discussing with on DAZ, combined with a video I saw that got me into it. I used to see Metal as an excuse for not being able to play (lol), and I think that might be what subconsciously kept me away from it. Of course, I then came across a video about Death Metal (I think it was Death Metal), and gained a lot of respect for what they do after that. I couldn't have been more wrong if I tired, those Metal artists are insanely talented, the speed they play, the riffs etc - bloody hell. So I started listening to more and more of it, and then stumbled upon one of Infidelamsterdam's videos and have been interested in Metal ever since. I look forward to his videos every week, month, or whatever, seeing his Metal reviews, especially those new Vinyl Release specials he does, and not forgetting "Baldrick" of course (lol).
Anyway, crap, I'm rabbiting-on again.
DeathMetalDesk posted Sat, 09 May 2015 at 4:54 PM
Fantomas cover of the Omen score Ave Satani. Fantomas are a project band of Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr.Bungle), Buzz Osbourne (the Melvins), and Dave Lombardo (Slayer). They're an experimental metal/punk band. The track is from the album the Director's Cut, which is brilliant IMO...
Pumeco, you might like early Opeth... They're a progressive Death Metal band that frequently uses clean and gutteral vocals, nice production, and varied composition styles and instrumentation. Here's a more recent video that utilizes this style
I tried to find a link for one of their earlier records, BlackWater Park, but no luck...If you come across it you should give it a listen.
pumeco posted Sat, 09 May 2015 at 7:51 PM
Cheers, DMD, will hear them tomorrow, logging off now.
Latexluv posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 3:30 AM
I hesitate to join this coversation, but I am an '80's Metal Child (oh, yeah, they call it Hair Metal now, right?) I haven't found much that I like these last ten years, I kind of stick to the bands that I knew back then (Although I like one song by Sirenia called The Other Side). So I thought I'd drop you a couple of youtube links.
And one of my all time favorites....
Billy Thorpe Children of the Sun
"A lonely climber walks a tightrope to where dreams are born and never die!" - Billy Thorpe, song: Edge of Madness, album: East of Eden's Gate
Weapons of choice:
Poser Pro 2012, SR2, Paintshop Pro 8
DeathMetalDesk posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 9:29 AM
Latexluv, W.A.S.P was an OK party metal band back in the day... used to have 'Fuck Like a Beast' when I was a teenager. I was more into bands like old Metallica, Megadeth, Celtic Frost, Slayer, Venom, etc. I was kind of an oddity to my friends, used to hang out with the druggies and local club band crowd, as I also listened to a lot of Punk, Post Punk, Art Rock, No Wave, etc. I was the guy who always got wrangled into creating gig fliers.
Yeah, No Wave (not to be confused with new wave). As an aside to RorrKonn, just because you weren't aware of all the many genres, doesn't mean they didn't exist back then. ;)
DeathMetalDesk posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 9:40 AM
Further reading;
DeathMetalDesk posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 9:50 AM
Don't even get me started on all of the jazz, club/electronica, hip hop subgenres... When I hear you guys say there's too many genres in metal it makes me think that you don't have very eclectic tastes. Remember TV back in the day before cable?
DeathMetalDesk posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 10:08 AM
OK, bad analogy with the TV thing... I'm one of those pretentious weirdos who doesn't watch it, other than "films". Truly ironic considering that the couple I share a house with have every single channel there is linked to every room in the house and I have a giant flat screen Samsung in my room.
seriously though, you should see the two I live with (known them since high-school, bout 30 years)... you walk into the living room and they have the TV on, two IPads on, 2 smart phones on, and a desktop going. All of which they are multi tasking with simultaneously, Lol, bizarre. This is every night.
Anyway, rambling, got to love caffeine... back to my overelaborate Poser scene.
pumeco posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 11:06 AM
OK, grab a coffee time again (long post warning) :-P
Just listened to every link posted apart from that full album, which I couldn't listen to for reasons I'll try to explain. The last bunch of stuff that was posted sounded very "Rock" to me. One thing I know for sure regards my preferences when it comes to Metal (and this applies to the way I see pretty much anything really), is that I've never been fond of what I call the 'middle ground'. What I mean by "middle ground" is that 9 out of 10 times I'm drawn to either extreme, and Rock, although it generally sounds great, just has that aspect to it where it's neither nasty enough or happy enough, and nasty and happy don't work together. I'm one of those who really is not very fond of Rock in general, and when it creeps into Metal, it can get annoying to the point where I start to get fed-up or bored with it (almost always as soon as the song starts).
When it comes to Metal, I like it for the nastiness in an audible, lyrical, and visual sense - so anything that misses the mark there is generally a fail for me. I see it as an extreme genre, a genre at the dark end of the spectrum, so that's how I expect it to be, I don't expect to hear a whiney Rock-style vocal in Death Metal or any other similar subgenre.
My ideal Metal is as follows:
That last one is actually very important to me with this stuff, cause shocking as it might sound, I like to think of true Death or Black Metal artists as real deviants in one way or another, and it feels like I'm being mocked if I listen to some band, like what they did, then watch an interview with them only to find out they're actually a bunch of pussies when you hear about their real take on things. I mean I realise this stuff for the most part is entertainment, but for me, the really interesting ones are the ones that are real deviants in one way or another, and their music and image reflects the sort of deviant they are. There is an endless amount of music made by normal people, I want to hear something produced by a genuine deviant for a change. So it's good (and I'm glad) that I started to listen to Metal, but at the same time it's fucking irritating that a genre with they typical sound that Metal has, is populated by so many posers, pussies, whatever you want to call them - just seems such a waste of a suitable-sounding gerne.
I hate feeling like I got shafted by 'posers' when I happen to like something they did, only to discover they're really just another bunch of pussies who are just playing on the 'image' of being deviant - pathetic twats. I hate them because during my research into this stuff, I've stumbled across people who I'm convinced are real deviants, and deviants fascinate me in the same way documentaries about serial killers etc fascinate me. The way I see it is there's Disco if you wanna dance (and I like Disco). Then there's that Gospel shit if you fancy cutting your wrist, and there's true Deviant Metal created by true deviants if you want something genuine.
I hereby pen the term "Deviant Metal", and as the dude that penned the term, I get to decide what is and isn't worthy of it.
Point out the true deviants to me, those that deserve to fall under the Genre "Deviant Metal" - strictly no posers or pussies allowed.
Here's a fascinating artist, ildjarn, first track I heard of his was this one (and it's still my favourite)
Listen carefully even if you don't like it, don't be tempted to stop it (trust me):
Hear it? ... Check out the chords used over time, and the timing of them changing, that atmosphere, that is one of the most original Metal tracks I heard ever since I started listening to the stuff - I absolutely love that one - doesn't even have a vocal -doesnlt need one, the chords speak for themselves. I was literally just trawling through YouTube at the time, hoping I'd find something that had "something". You'll either get what I'm talking about regards the chords and the atmosphere it creates, or you won't, but I've yet to come across another artist who does that sort of thing in the way ildjarn does. I'm not even going to try explaining it, because I can't other than I like the way an intense wall of sound and atmosphere is built, while still being concious of the changes just enough for it to not become static - it's very odd. Theres some very sublte changes going on even when the main chords aren't changing. No doubt a lot of people would play his stuff and think 'what a fucking noise'. To those people, they should listen again and ask themselves if they hear anything other than anger - cause I can't - and there's not a whif of commercialism in there - it has a real sense of sincerity about it - a dark sincerity.
So I thought, yup, nice, and started listening to more of his stuff, and that led to me looking for an interview. I still have it on a disc somewhere, an interview with him that was downloadable as a PDF, and guess what, lol, the guy is clearly a deviant, not some pussy being a poser. If his music doesn't factinate you, I'm sure his interview will, I'll try to find it and post it later - it's better than the interviews posted on the net.
But that track right there, that has manace and atmosphere - I love that track. Didn't really want to bring this side of Metal into the discussion because for one, my idea of the ideal Metal band kinda sounds dodgy, and to be perfectly honest with you, I find the vast majority of Metal out there to be a piss-take, and that puts me in a prime position for pissing those off who like Rock etc - and that's almost all of you . Almost everything that has been posted (including that Candelmess track I posted) have a hint of Rock to them. Ildjarn is the exact opposite, I like ildjarn, I don't feel like the music is part-passion, part-mockery when I listen to ildjarn, I feel like I heard something genuine - it's all passion, no mockery.
Don't like Rock creeping into Metal any more than I like Dub-Step creeping into Disco. Anyway, sorry for babbling-on again (but I did advise a coffee), but as you've all been good enough to offer suggestions, it seems only fair to be up-front about what I was after. I want to hear the work of real deviants who make music and know how to translate themselves into a musical form. That can really only work if there's no mockery in what they're doing, pretending to be and to write about what they really have no real notion about.
I have a strict like for Metal - "Deviant Metal".
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 12:19 PM
You like that?
Listen to this... it's a 21 minute long track though.
Meshuggah, I.
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 12:23 PM
You would probably like this record, Swedish Grindcore; Nasum.
Very crusty and pummeling.
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 12:35 PM
My homegirl, Diamanda Galas...
Not metal but extreme and deviant; the Litanies of Satan. A true classic, great for putting conformists on edge.
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 12:39 PM
Another frightening deviant classic, Suicide; Frankie Teardrop
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 12:45 PM
... and finally, Merzbow's uncomfortable classic, Venereology
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 12:47 PM
Pumeco, in comparison your linked track is elevator Muzak. Just sayin'
FrankT posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 1:45 PM
Interestingly - once I got into metal, the first album I got was by Deep Purple and then I went straight to Slayer and Thrash/Black metal.
You might want to listen to Otep and see if she fits your bill :)
This has been a most enlightening thread - I have lots of new stuff to listen to! I also have to go find some Venom tracks on YouTube :)
pumeco posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 2:58 PM
Well, I've just sat through the first one, Meshuggah, and while there's some serious talent going on, you either didn't take my previous post seriously, or you didn't understand the emphasis I put on the music being the output of a true deviant. I'm about to listen to the others you posted and maybe I'll find something I like, but while I do that, do me a favour and try this (I mean actually try this):
Open two extra tabs on your browser and go to Google Images (not Google Web, I said Google Images).
See the difference?
Meshuggah (to me) are a talented band but they're doing what almost all of them do, very commercial, acting the hard-nut but I'm guessing, just looking at them that it's the typical 'front' the majority of those bands put-on to look tough. With the ildjarn results it takes about a second to realise that there's none of that going on - absolutely none of it. You'll see someone who puts out his music and doesn't try to add anything to it, cause he doesn't need to, he's a deviant, no mockery required, and couldn't care less how many albums he sells casue he's not in it for the money.
YouTube "ildjarn" and you'll find forests, hills, nature - not 'tough-guy' commercialism.
Now YouTube Meshuggah, see what I'm getting at?
So yup, my opinion so far is that Meshuggah are talented (obviously), but they don't appear to be true deviants. These things are important to me with this type of music, and like I said, I don't get the feeling of being mocked when I listen to ildjarn, his music isn't a 'front' to try and look tough, he doesn't need to do that, he's one who is clearly a deviant, his music is therefore the work of a deviant - and that's what I want to hear, something that came from the mind of a true deviant.
Ildjarn is clearly a non-conformist, I know one when I see one.
Click here for a tame interview by ildjarn standards, and let's compare it to even the heaviest you can find from Meshuggah.
Well take it from there who's actually producing "elevator" music, just sayin' ;-)
PS: Something tells you didn't play the ildjarn track right though.
PPS: This was supposed to be a short post, I cannot help myself, sorry.
pumeco posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 2:59 PM
Sorry, crossposted, will reply after I've seen the rest of primorge's stuff :-)
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 3:51 PM
Ha! Pumeco, I was familiar with the whole norwegian black metal thing when you were in diapers... novelty to you does not mean it has lasting artistic value, something you will discover as time goes on. You are sorely out of your depth if you choose to debate this with me. Bottom line; ildjarn, mayhem, burzum, nidhog, gorgoroth and their ilk in general are mediocre musicians at best from a creative and playing standpoint. from an intellectual standpoint there was nothing in that interview or any others that revealed anything that I didn't already know; Ildjarn and associated cronies are morons who've latched on to straw horse ideologies such as watered down satanic pseudo mysticism and confused national pride mixed with troglodytic neo-nazism.
They're not deviants, Pumeco, they're confused idiots with guitars trapped in some backwater looking for attention in all the wrong ways. Besides, finding soft brained deviants is easy to do... just look in any alley or all night porn theater. Doesn't mean I would want to listen to their nonsensical ramblings and fabricate some significant meaning just because I'm feeling misunderstood by the world.
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 4:13 PM
Oh, and BTW... I know what ildjarn looks like, a pussy. Here's me, I'm 6'2 and I've got a chainsaw... and if I were to ever run into that nazi moron punk I'd put a little steel toe boot action to em before I got down to business.
Just sayin' :[
Latexluv posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 4:23 PM
Ah, so we're talking the types of metal where you can't hear the lyrics at all because the vocalist ran sandpaper across his larynx a few times and then crushed his throat against the mic stand. Returning to lurk mode while I listen to something classic.
Rainbow Man on a Silver Mountain
"A lonely climber walks a tightrope to where dreams are born and never die!" - Billy Thorpe, song: Edge of Madness, album: East of Eden's Gate
Weapons of choice:
Poser Pro 2012, SR2, Paintshop Pro 8
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 4:31 PM
Yeah, Latexluv... Although I enjoy the classics, too. Variety and such, I still haven't managed to hit that brick wall in terms of art appreciation that stops me from understanding anything produced after 1990.
primorge posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 4:34 PM
Latexluv posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 4:47 PM
I'm a word person, because I was a novelist (haven't been able to write much since my parents died), so I have to be able to hear the lyrics and I especially like good turns of phrase or descriptic phrase. There's a good one in "The Heretic" by WASP. Blackie Lawless has unfortunately on more recent albums had, IMO, bad production where the music overwhelms the lyrics. And like you Primorge, I haven't heard much anything good since the mid- 1990's, especially with rap taking over just about everything. There are a few songs by 69 Eyes that I liked and have in my playlist and that one song by Sirenia (their lable seems to be "Goth Metal" or "Symphonic Metal"). I do like two albums by Metallica but their attitudes toward their fans leaves much to be desired.
"A lonely climber walks a tightrope to where dreams are born and never die!" - Billy Thorpe, song: Edge of Madness, album: East of Eden's Gate
Weapons of choice:
Poser Pro 2012, SR2, Paintshop Pro 8
DeathMetalDesk posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 5:10 PM
Latex, I think primorge meant that he appreciates metal produced after 1990. Especially the shredded vocal cord type stuff. To each their own, paraphrasing "variety and such".
Also I think that there is some pretty good underground hip hop... It's the conformist commercial stuff that I don't like. It's ironic that an art form born out of oppression and improvisation has become the standard for conformist ideals in it's most visible incarnation.
Latexluv posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 5:19 PM
Yes, pardon, I realize I misread his wording in his post. Haven't had coffee yet. :)
"A lonely climber walks a tightrope to where dreams are born and never die!" - Billy Thorpe, song: Edge of Madness, album: East of Eden's Gate
Weapons of choice:
Poser Pro 2012, SR2, Paintshop Pro 8
pumeco posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 6:00 PM
Hey Primorge, nice no meet you, so that's what the Devil Porn Theatre artist looks like ;-)
Don't think your rant is going to go unchallenged just cause you're holding a chainsaw, though. I can tell you that so far, ildjarn is the only Metal artist I plan to spend money on (actually, I should really say ildjarn and nidhogg in this case, cause nidhogg was involved with that track and album). And right now, ildjarn remains the only Metal artist I would bother with, cause I still haven't come across another I'd bother with.
Doesn't matter how old you are, primorge, or even how much experience you have with Metal. Your experience with it has subjected you to a heck of a lot more of it than I've seen, but what matters is whether the individual likes what they're listening to, and like I said, most of that Metal stuff is just far too commercial for me to like it. I like nicely polished commercial music in other genres, but not in Metal. If I wanted that, there's other genres I listen to on a regular basis that give me that in neverending amounts.
As for you calling ildjarn a nazi-moron-pussy, well, whatever. I'd say he's quite the opposite, I can totally understand what ticks him off and why he hates what he hates. I don't agree with everything the guy says, but I can relate to a lot of it, especially his take on life, that he mingles merely because he has to, just to get the money together so that he can eventually disappear and leave the "human" animals to fight amongst themselves - he's spot on - that's what I'll be doing as well, just as I pointed out in that thread that time.
At first I was surprised to see your reaction to him, but at the end of the day, you're another part of the ratrace, you're there among "civilisation" (if you can call it that) - but that civilisation is costing you and at the same time, is very likely to deprive you of a stress-free life (and highly likely to end it prematurely). Some people just have to get away from all that, from being constantly hounded and ordered around by corrupt authorities, they have to escape because they're not the sort of pussy that does what everyone else does and will not take orders when they know they're being shafted (I recall talking about that myself somewhere). He's about as non-pussy as a man can get, I mean, what is it that pisses you off so much about his take on things?
If anything, you strike me as the sort of person who would generally relate to him. BTW, you misunderstood, when I asked you to look at the images that pup-up for ildjarn, I was refering to the images that surround the search of ildjarn, not pictures of ildjarn himself. I tell you what though, primorge, as that interview filled you with such a retaliatory response, I think it's just as well I couldn't find the PDF-based interview, cause I reckon you'd have been literally frothing at the mouth over that one!
I think you'd have a showed up with a lot bigger chainsaw, put it that way ;-)
Just listened to the first of Otep that showed-up in the search, not overly bad but it's got a "Vevo" tag so it's automatically too commercial. To be fair though, I'm not even sure whether you were posting that for me or as a recomendation for our friend, Mr Chainsaw ;-)
BTW, I forgot to say to primorge, don't forget to post an interview with Meshuggah so that we can compare and see who's really producing elevator music. I'm not convinced by the tough-guy graphics and strange faces I saw from them on Google images - I'm convinced by a persons real views. I think that's probably why you dug into ildjarn, maybe a Meshuggah interview might make them look a lot less than thier image suggests when compared to that of ildjarn.
Anyway, sorry about the post length again, seriously - WTF!
I think when this thread goes quiet I'll have to ask admin to temporarily disable my account and ask them to refuse to enable it for at least a year. I have to do something cause I spend way too much time here and I've got stuff to do (ildjarn's not the only one preparing to get away from the ratrace).
pumeco posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 6:56 PM
BTW, in all fairness I think people really should stop using "Elevator Music" as a derogatory, cause to be perfecly honest, I like music that people often refer to as "elevator music" - it's usually Jazz-based, and that's something else I'm getting quite fond of lately. Now that would be an interesting project, a Jazz-based Metal recording with an industrial atmosphere.
Just might try that and release it on cassette.
DeathMetalDesk posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 7:10 PM
Ildjarn condones murdering priests and burning down churches in interviews? Not that I have any love (or hate for that matter) for Christianity, but when somebody publicly supports murder (and I don't mean in an artistic license sense) because of a difference in philosophy... that individual is a fascist kook.
You look up to this guy?
About the only things that I can agree with him about are his misanthropic views, certain identifications with aspects of Satanism ; non cruelty to animals, truth to self, individualism whenever possible, disdain for public self loathing.
pumeco posted Sun, 10 May 2015 at 8:46 PM
No, I don't "look up" to him, and like I said, I don't agree with everything the guy says, but I do understand why he hates what he hates, and why he wants out.
I think you jumped the gun a bit, I jump the gun alot myself, it's easy done.
And that stuff you do agree with him on, yes indeed.
The reason I brought up ildjarn is because I get sick of seeing mockery in everything, and Metal is the one genre of music I thought I'd finally be able to escape all the commercialism and political correctness bullshit. The fact that you refer to him as a "fascist kook" is contradictory to what you said earlier when you said he's not a deviant. Like I said, it's pretty clear to me that ildjarn is a deviant, and that's one of the things that fascinates me about him. For the genre of Metal, I decided I want to hear what a real deviant produces, and that's what I get from ildjarn. Unlike most of those bands, he's not a pussy posing as a hard nut, he's not even attempting to come off as a hard nut as far as I'm concerned. This is why I asked you to compare the images surrounding him to those surrounding Meshuggah. I asked for real deviants and you gave me Meshuggah, give me a break. It took just one second on Google images to smell the commercialism - deviant my arse :-D
Posing as a hard nut is what you saw when you Googled Meshuggah, not when you Googled ildjarn - give the guy credit where it's due.
I'm not dismissing Meshuggah, I'm just saying they're not really what I'd call deviant.
So yes, the guy is a deviant, and I'm pleased to have come across his work, cause not only do I like his work, it's kinda cool to be able to relate to a lot of the stuff the artist talks about - it just adds to it somehow. No, I don't care for everything the guy says, and if he ever met me he'd probably hate my guts as well, we'd probably tear each other to shreds, but it's rare to almost impossible to be able to listen to something that comes from the mind of a deviant (a real one) - but that's what I want from Metal - and that's what I get from ildjarn.
No dangerous axes at all in this one :
pumeco posted Mon, 11 May 2015 at 4:06 AM
Finally got around to listening to the Merzbow Venereology album you posted, I quite like that!
Albums and musical forms such as that are interesting cause again, it seems highly unlikely that a person would listen to it, but if something is happening that captures your attention, even the strangest stuff can keep you listening. It's not a million miles from that pummeling track of ildjarn's in that respect, there's something interersting hidden in the static. With the ildjarn track it's a strange atmosphere where you never really know if somethings going to happen, and with the Merzbow album it's like something already has happened, and you're subjected to the aftermath.
pumeco posted Mon, 11 May 2015 at 4:18 AM
... and thanks to all for the recommendations, music is a picky subject, and to be honest I'm surprised I came away from it finding even one recommendation I like, so it was worth me asking after all. I've not seen a single thing posted that didn't feature talented musicians, and that says something about the genre. in other genres, it's very easy to be confronted with a bunch of talentless idiots.
I'll have to pull out now cause I've got things to do, but I hope the rest of you keep it up, I'll still be watching.
FrankT posted Mon, 11 May 2015 at 1:41 PM
@pumeco - Otep was an open invite to anyone reading :) She's an interesting gal, author as well.
pumeco posted Mon, 11 May 2015 at 3:32 PM
Was just listening to her "Blood Pigs" song, the style is not my thing but she has a surprising vocal.
FrankT posted Mon, 11 May 2015 at 3:43 PM
Was just listening to her "Blood Pigs" song, the style is not my thing but she has a surprising vocal.
Took me a while to realise she does both sets of vocals - impressive set of growls