Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 11 3:50 am)
Thank you for the reply. Am hoping to buy the Blu-ray when it comes out and see it then, as it's so much cheaper that way than buying tickets (drinks and popcorn too) for the entire family. :) He's really good on the Blacklist. And in Boston Legal.
The dust settled, thinking "what a fine home, at least for now" not realizing that doom would soon be coming in the form of a vacuum cleaner.
 Yeah, I agree. Movie theaters don't make any money from ticket sales. It's all in the concessions. The prices of them are going up and the sizes are going down. I have a small family, just a wife and two kids. One is under 12. I can't even get in the door of a theater anymore for less than $50, and I can use a military discount where it's offered. Lucky most base theaters are free. You just have to wait for the movie to finish it's initial run most of the time.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Yep. Plus sometimes (even though I like the idea of seeing them in the theater) you miss dialog, or a scene. It's nice to pause and rewind, especially with big action scenes :)
The dust settled, thinking "what a fine home, at least for now" not realizing that doom would soon be coming in the form of a vacuum cleaner.
Well you can set up a fix morph as a JCM (joint controlled morph) but it means either messing with the Dependent Parameter Editor or going into the cr2 and adding some code to the morph channels. The code will pretty much say 'when this bodypart rotation channel is at this value, this fix morph should be at that value'. Thats JCM's in a nutshell.. Roxie has some in her already, as well as joint deformer magnets, weightmaps, bulge maps and things to make for clean bends and natural folds.
Or you can name the fixes things like 'R Thigh Up' and 'Loosen Hips' and let the user sort themselves out.
I prefer to leave a lot of things manual since morphs + bends can cause figures to do odd things, and too many coded limitations in the clothing make it difficult to adjust for unexpected bulges. But thats me. Some people prefer to hide all the moving parts from the end users.
Looking pretty good. Did you get the stripes actually emitting light? oh and you have a little pop on the back of the ankles in that last image, over the tendon.
 I saw that pop out. I am going to have to fix that or it will pop out of the boots when they are on her.
But this pose is really extreme, and I don't imagine too many people will be putting her into that position. I am really new to JCM's and such. I may not mess with them at all, and let the end user add the morphs into the suit.
And yeah, thanks to seachnasaigh and his magic, the stripes actually emit light. Â
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
I reread this thread and now I am interested in her again. I think I am going to remodel a lot of it, especially the gun belt. I am going to go for the military style double holster thing she was wearing in Iron Man, and model two 9mm pistols for it. They will be smart propped to the holsters, but easy enough to translate to her hands,
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Work on the Black Widow for Roxie begins tonight. I am going to work from the ground up. Once I get the initial modeling and rigging done, I'll send it to you for the emitters and whatever magic you are going to put on there. I will UV map the parts. I am thinking of modeling the jump suit and boots as a single mesh and use displacement for the boots. I am going to make a new gun belt and pistols as I stated earlier. Should be done in a few days unless I get distracted again.
The boots will have the same heel as the costume worn in the latest Avengers movie.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Oh, good; integrated suit & boots would be preferable to me (simplifies the hierarchy panel). Please model the boots -and all other items- such that they can get by if need be with only bump applied (no displacement used).
I'm running tests with your earlier Black Widow outfit right now. :D
Poser 12, in feet. Â
OSes:Â Win7Prox64, Win7Ultx64
Silo Pro 2.5.6 64bit, Vue Infinite 2014.7, Genetica 4.0 Studio, UV Mapper Pro, UV Layout Pro, PhotoImpact X3, GIF Animator 5
Yeah, bumps are actually preferable for me too. The new suit has a lot more piping on it, and right now all the pieces are separately modeled and not combined. So if you take it in a modeler and separate the pieces they can be worked on individually. The boots will be added onto the suit once I get them modeled too. I am redoing them so that they have that high heel that Scarlett wore in the Avengers Age of Ultron movie. They will probably be done tonight when I get off work. I may just see if I can add the heel to what I already modeled so there isn't too much work to do. The new suit is just the old one with more glowing things added and I changed a couple of the materials around. You'll have to look the entire thing over because everything that is light blue will glow. Give me two more days and it will be in your email.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Email sent. Take your time. I am in absolutely no rush. I really need to decompress after doing so many projects like that. I am just going to mess with aspects of Poser I haven't really touched yet, like the face room, bullet physics, and everything else.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Ok, in light of the struggles I had posing that gun, I decided she is going to have 2 of them. Glock 1 will be parented to the gun belt, so it will be a smart prop. Glock 2 will be parented to her right hand. So you would load whichever one you want to use based on the scene. The one I modeled holstered doesn't like to rotate around to fit in her hand so I made a second one that will load onto the scene with the barrel pointing at the camera (main camera) and positioned up near her right hand. This one is easier to put into a proper gun pose.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
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 There are a few issues to iron out. I am tickled with the setup room in Poser 10. Much easier to deal with that previous versions.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.